Why is supermodel Miranda Kerr dating this incel?

I saw your previous comment, I can't work with that stuff, bro. I'm not trying to gaslight men, but that comment is honestly unhinged. Are you often in relationships with women? Do you keep casual conversation with women? I'm just wondering.

On the divorce rate, I acknowledge it is high, possibly higher by now, but that's a world of difference from suggesting all marriages will end up in divorce, which is not what you said, but what the other poster was suggesting. But on this topic in general, my perspective is that men are the cause of most divorces, like men that have grown up without proper father figures. These men just don't realize they wouldn't even date themselves, let alone marriage. I'm just don't really care to address this topic in depth right now because, while you guys are being more reasonable than I expected, the rhetoric still border on being unhinged.
Billionaires get divorced bro, it’s not really mens fault, the world is changing rapidly and everyone doesn’t understand what their role even is as they have been completely wrecked by medias etc. We are a lost generation and the chances of two healthy people getting to know each other and having a beautiful life lasting rltnship BEFORE they get fucked mentally by someone else are EXTREMELY low
No, I'm saying men were able to rely on that role historically, they won't in the future though, at least in America or similar countries. Men that still rely on that role will definitely end up in divorce. I get what you mean though, and you are right, it's more complex than that.
Being a provider and/or a good man is not enough apparently.
What should we focus on? The redpill stuff about power/looks/money etc is reductive as it is not working either.
I’m coming to the realisation it’s really just luck as the majority of men and women are mentally fucked by bad models and we are doomed
Billionaires get divorced bro, it’s not really mens fault, the world is changing rapidly and everyone doesn’t understand what their role even is as they have been completely wrecked by medias etc. We are a lost generation and the chances of two healthy people getting to know each other and having a beautiful life lasting rltnship BEFORE they get fucked mentally by someone else are EXTREMELY low
Not entirely mens fault, of course, but majorly is what I think. So >50% but not 100%. Regarding the rest of this post, yeah 100%, that's why I think men are going to be brutally blindsided in 20+ years from now when Gen-z and future women have equal or greater incomes.

But in America, living single will be expensive as fuck if we continue down our current path, so women will look for providers if they are desperate enough. I want men and women to be working with a huge pool to find compatibility, but I'm focusing on men because it's clear they are suffering from their trash tier fathers.

My philosophy is simple: "Improve the wellbeing of sentient life" That's all I work from.
Being a provider and/or a good man is not enough apparently.
What should we focus on? The redpill stuff about power/looks/money etc is reductive as it is not working either.
I’m coming to the realisation it’s really just luck as the majority of men and women are mentally fucked by bad models and we are doomed
I think a man still has to come off as a provider for his own mental sake and for attraction, to an extent. So for example, I can see me and my partner working, her just saving towards what will benefit the kids, (instruments, private schooling, extracurricular, language, etc.), and then her retiring early. I'm an empathetic person so I have no problem running my body do as a sacrifice to a woman a love and the children I have, so I plan to eventually be a full provider.

Where men are failing hard is on the social aspect. Put very simply, men treat women like bangmaids. Maybe they don't realize their mom was slaving away for most of her life, and I think porn is also significantly contributing to rotting of the male perspective of women. But I intend to guide men to become well-rounded. So men will need to have therapy, meditation, philosophy, hobbies, a sense of community through volunteering and doing good for their people. Much more of course, but giving you the general idea.
Also, men and women suffer differently. I would say men suffer profoundly and don't realize it. I see the men of Ukraine and Russia being forced to die for the rich, the rich will be just fine after that war comes to an end, but look at all those young bodies on the ground, it's sad as fuck, how dispensable we are.

Blackpill: Men can greatly benefit by acknowledging toxic masculinity and tackling it alongside women, because men are the most hurt by it. The idea that a man must take up arms and fight and receive nothing in return is fucking insane. all Ukrainian and Russian men should have protested until they could negotiate a made life following the war. These wars wouldn't be happening if it were the rich that had to fight it. War is one aspect of how toxic masculinity fucks us. I can delve into much more though but keeping it short. I just want my perspective clear to onlookers, I want it clear that I have put considerable thought into this. I take philosophy very seriously.
  • +1
I think a man still has to come off as a provider for his own mental sake and for attraction, to an extent. So for example, I can see me and my partner working, her just saving towards what will benefit the kids, (instruments, private schooling, extracurricular, language, etc.), and then her retiring early. I'm an empathetic person so I have no problem running my body do as a sacrifice to a woman a love and the children I have, so I plan to eventually be a full provider.

Where men are failing hard is on the social aspect. Put very simply, men treat women like bangmaids. Maybe they don't realize their mom was slaving away for most of her life, and I think porn is also significantly contributing to rotting of the male perspective of women. But I intend to guide men to become well-rounded. So men will need to have therapy, meditation, philosophy, hobbies, a sense of community through volunteering and doing good for their people. Much more of course, but giving you the general idea.
you’re basically implying we should be the provideds and they are not even going to cook and clean lmao
you’re basically implying we should be the provideds and they are not even going to cook and clean lmao

I'm saying society, in a toxic way, makes it such that men have to be providers, so for the mental health of men, they should act or feel like providers, it would be best if we could be removed from this nonsense though, at least in the future. Regarding cooking and cleaning, I'm glad you brought this up, it goes back to my "bangmaid" comment, a man should know how to cook and clean. I don't know how else to put it but a man is 100% a manchild if he can't take care of himself. Being a manchild is one of the most pathetic things you can be, especially in the eyes of a woman.

Cooking and cleaning should be 50/50 at the minimum in the household. But like I said, in my country, America, most couple will be 50/50 with income to get by, the goal is retiring early and having your kids set for success. I'm sure there are women that won't mind doing more cleaning and cooking, but they have to feel respected, they don't want to be taken advantage of, no one does.
I'm saying society, in a toxic way, makes it such that men have to be providers, so for the mental health of men, they should act or feel like providers, it would be best if we could be removed from this nonsense though, at least in the future. Regarding cooking and cleaning, I'm glad you brought this up, it goes back to my "bangmaid" comment, a man should know how to cook and clean. I don't know how else to put it but a man is 100% a manchild if he can't take care of himself. Being a manchild is one of the most pathetic things you can be, especially in the eyes of a woman.

Cooking and cleaning should be 50/50 at the minimum in the household. But like I said, in my country, America, most couple will be 50/50 with income to get by, the goal is retiring early and having your kids set for success. I'm sure there are women that won't mind doing more cleaning and cooking, but they have to feel respected, they don't want to be taken advantage of, no one does.
You’re theorizing complete gender equality just as woke sjw‘s do. You don’t realise we are biologically different and no matter how good of a man you are, or how good you can take care of her financially or how good can you split the house chores, she is still going to fuck you up if her hypergamy kicks in. I’m not going to break my back in order to feel ”masculine” and provide for a girl that is still going to break up and doesn’t even want to do the house chores.
My plan is to have a wife but to live in different houses, she takes the children and i’m going to visit every day or so.
This way you keep it clear she’s not getting anything different if she split up and you keep her hypergamy in check.
The money she would get as a “provided woman” are going to be given to a maid that is going to do her job better, faster and cheaper
  • +1
You’re theorizing complete gender equality just as woke sjw‘s do. You don’t realise we are biologically different and no matter how good of a man you are, or how good you can take care of her financially or how good can you split the house chores, she is still going to fuck you up if her hypergamy kicks in. I’m not going to break my back in order to feel ”masculine” and provide for a girl that is still going to break up and doesn’t even want to do the house chores.
My plan is to have a wife but to live in different houses, she takes the children and i’m going to visit every day or so.
This way you keep it clear she’s not getting anything different if she split up and you keep her hypergamy in check
Nah, i definitely realize we are biologically different, but we, as humans, have the intelligence to shape a society that benefits us all. I have no problem with masculinity, I just want it to be healthy, I'm tired of seeing dispensable men.

I see your perspective, and here is what I can say, I don't think you are entirely wrong, there is definitely truth to your position, but I think it jades your perspective and will negatively imapct your life down the road. I see two people, current you and the you that takes in what I'm saying, ideally, the latter should make it to his deathbed with his loved ones around, that person has passed on wisdom to his children, and has shaped people around him in a good way, that person can rest easy. The former, I honestly think that person goes into their 40s miserable, still complaining about women if they haven't already done a mass shooting or roped.

I'm always working with probabilities though, if that makes sense, I'm really as "blackpilled" as they coming, being a determinist, I just don't think redpill and blackpill stuff is really reaching the truth, I care about reaching truth, most are searching for their own truth. I don't care if the truth hurts me or isn't favorable, it is the truth, simple as that. So I'm always engaging in good faith, because reaching the truth requires cooperation, it's why I don't deny your current perspective, I just think you will be better off with a different outlook.

Also, as a determinist, I recognize biology greatly, I recognize influences greatly, I don't believe in free will at all. So I see it as being the case that we can molded into anything, we are tabula rasa barring any genetic deviations.
  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer
she's old and used up :feelshmm: she should be ecstatic a subhuman accepts her crusty barren womb :feelshmm:
Female models are so overrated. Like she's cute, but I see girls like that every day.
Male models are literally 1 in 10 000 000 and get paid less than women.
Yeah, I forgot everyone gets divorced. Truth is, two looksmatched people, who aren't toxic, have empathy for each other, are highly unlikely to get divorced. Women divorce men when they get treated like bangmaids. This escapes dumb men and men that have never interacted with women.

Black pill: Most men at the cause of divorce, not women. Men are actually the primary issue in relationships. Don't worry though, look at the numbers, Genz and millinas women are outpacing men in school and income, they are set to eclipse men. When women have resources and can do the choosing, they will either, stay single, pick the best of men, or go lesbian.
You're right about staying away from recessed bitter fucks, but this up here ain't it
Real shit, and you can listen to virgins or someone seemingly reasonable, STAY AWAY from any manosphere shit if you are average or slightly above average in looks.

It's just ugly scorned men profiting off of ugly scorned men, this perspective will keep you from getting a woman in your life. I really don't want to see decent looking men wasting away in their later years because they couldn't find a partner due their toxic thinking. I actually care for some of you guys due to the dumb level of empathy I have, I see the future of manosphere types, it's a fucking rope, or maybe some of you fucks will actually shoot a place up. LOL
I wish i never stepped a foot into this . I wish any greycel who sees this , deletes his account alltogether and leave all this shit completely. This shit will make u rope. People dont understand this shit . I wish i had
Female models are so overrated. Like she's cute, but I see girls like that every day.
Male models are literally 1 in 10 000 000 and get paid less than women.
Doutzen Kroes and Toni Garnn moggs
Images   2023 11 14T001913516 Images   2023 11 14T001928395 Images   2023 11 14T093111319
Big jaw and rich
Jaw is law.
He's a billionaire, decent height, and she's past her prime.
Truly one of the most braindead threads I have seen on this site. Yes Evan Spiegel, CEO of fuckin Snapchat, is an incel. Retard.
They are looksmatched.
hes one of those guys who looks good irl but arent photogenic. i can tell hes good looking

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