Why optimizing your looks won’t get you women



Top-notch Сasual Dating - Actual Girls
Jul 15, 2019
Why optimizing your looks won't get you more women

My problem with looksmaxers is that they put far too much emphasis on looks and don't account for the fact that congruent social skills must be possessed with better appearance, because there is an expectation placed on attractive men to behave a certain way when interacting with women. While they enhanced their appearance, they did not develop the game/social skills to go along with it, and this confuses women.

This is something many men who self improve can't predict until it occurs, and that's incongruence. The good well groomed, built, and attractive man behaving in a manner that is incongruent with who he presents. That is, he is not behaving or speaking like a man who attractive, built, and well groomed. Normally, many guys who optimize their looks (looksmaxers) don't realize that while they will get more attention from women after their hard work, that they must possess adequate and congruent social skills and an understanding of women and female nature to go along with that.

Imagine looking like Michael B. Jordan, approaching a woman and being timid, stuttering, and being boring and logical in conversation and not simulating her emotions. It wouldn't make sense, right?

So, when guys who become attractive after putting in work approach women and they behave in a way that is incongruent with who he presents (awkward, bad social skills, can't make her laugh) a massive red flag is raised because they immediately assume something is wrong with him because he is not who he presents himself to be. They are comparing you to less attractive guys who were more confident, had better social skills, were more funny despite being most likely considerably less attractive.

Being attractive allows you to put your foot in the door and hold it their for a little bit longer (women will give you more opportunities to build attraction with them) but ultimately if you don't possess the necessary understanding of women, game, or social skills that a guy should have who is attractive it's a wrap. Sometimes, if you are a woman's physical type, you will get dates, but her emotions still need to be stimulated in order for her to desire to stay with you.

You should absolutely work optimize every aspect of your life you can, but this alone will not get you very far. You may be able to sleep with women, but if the social skills (*game)* isn't there, you won't sustain women.

Edit: I literally mentioned this in the post but I guess not everyone read all of it: looks can get you women, and even get you laid, but looks alone are not enough to sustain women, and looks alone aren't enough to make a woman want to sleep with you

Furthermore, I literally wrote that all men should optimize their looks

You should absolutely optimize your looks.but that alone is not going to get you women or get you laid

Edit 2: this is coming from someone who is jacked and ripped.

I made this short, so read this for a more thorough understanding of why good looking men struggle with women: https://open.substack.com/pub/jacke...h?r=31tj3q&utm\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=web

TL;DR After increasing your looks or becoming attractive after not being attractive, you must have adequate social skills typically associated with someone with your looks.
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  • JFL
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I don't know ur low iq ass wrote this
Copy pasted
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Nigga learn to write in aphorisms like the rest of us high IQ posters

Aunt nobody reading that shit

Summarise it below in bulletpoints like this
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I don't know ur low iq ass wrote this
Copy pasted
Srry I should have noted this was from Reddit lol. I just wanted your guys thoughts on this
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Nigga learn to write in aphorisms like the rest of us high IQ posters

Aunt nobody reading that shit

Summarise it below in bulletpoints like this
Fkk I just copy pasted this off Reddit just read it nigguh
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Imagine looking like Michael B. Jordan
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sadly i do agree
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Why optimizing your looks won't get you more women

My problem with looksmaxers is that they put far too much emphasis on looks and don't account for the fact that congruent social skills must be possessed with better appearance, because there is an expectation placed on attractive men to behave a certain way when interacting with women. While they enhanced their appearance, they did not develop the game/social skills to go along with it, and this confuses women.

This is something many men who self improve can't predict until it occurs, and that's incongruence. The good well groomed, built, and attractive man behaving in a manner that is incongruent with who he presents. That is, he is not behaving or speaking like a man who attractive, built, and well groomed. Normally, many guys who optimize their looks (looksmaxers) don't realize that while they will get more attention from women after their hard work, that they must possess adequate and congruent social skills and an understanding of women and female nature to go along with that.

Imagine looking like Michael B. Jordan, approaching a woman and being timid, stuttering, and being boring and logical in conversation and not simulating her emotions. It wouldn't make sense, right?

So, when guys who become attractive after putting in work approach women and they behave in a way that is incongruent with who he presents (awkward, bad social skills, can't make her laugh) a massive red flag is raised because they immediately assume something is wrong with him because he is not who he presents himself to be. They are comparing you to less attractive guys who were more confident, had better social skills, were more funny despite being most likely considerably less attractive.

Being attractive allows you to put your foot in the door and hold it their for a little bit longer (women will give you more opportunities to build attraction with them) but ultimately if you don't possess the necessary understanding of women, game, or social skills that a guy should have who is attractive it's a wrap. Sometimes, if you are a woman's physical type, you will get dates, but her emotions still need to be stimulated in order for her to desire to stay with you.

You should absolutely work optimize every aspect of your life you can, but this alone will not get you very far. You may be able to sleep with women, but if the social skills (*game)* isn't there, you won't sustain women.

Edit: I literally mentioned this in the post but I guess not everyone read all of it: looks can get you women, and even get you laid, but looks alone are not enough to sustain women, and looks alone aren't enough to make a woman want to sleep with you

Furthermore, I literally wrote that all men should optimize their looks

You should absolutely optimize your looks.but that alone is not going to get you women or get you laid

Edit 2: this is coming from someone who is jacked and ripped.

I made this short, so read this for a more thorough understanding of why good looking men struggle with women: https://open.substack.com/pub/jacke...h?r=31tj3q&utm\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=web

TL;DR After increasing your looks or becoming attractive after not being attractive, you must have adequate social skills typically associated with someone with your looks.
dont need COPEsonality for ONS and slaying
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Someone who read it summarise (quote me)
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Game is cope
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looksmaxers is that they put far too much emphasis on looks and don't account for the fact that congruent social skills
unimpressed michael keaton GIF
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Fuark for reals why do? Elaborate?
Because looks is only a part of smv, women are turned off by socially uncalibrated men, thats one thing, the other is that being socially uncalibrated leads to having less social status and also less oportunities to meet women.

Also lets be honest, most people are not outliers. Even if you look at dudes that slay the most irl, its usually guys that are not good in just 1 dimension of life, but doing quite decent among many (looks, social status, charisma, good at sex etc)

You can always fraud that as better looking guy, but it will work only for hookups and when it comes to ltr, sure maybe some ugly or mid chick will go for autisitc good looking loser, but top tier chick will want guy that can do it all.
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Because looks is only a part of smv, women are turned off by socially uncalibrated men, thats one thing, the other is that being socially uncalibrated leads to having less social status and also less oportunities to meet women.

Also lets be honest, most people are not outliers. Even if you look at dudes that slay the most irl, its usually guys that are not good in just 1 dimension of life, but doing quite decent among many (looks, social status, charisma, good at sex etc)

You can always fraud that as better looking guy, but it will work only for hookups and when it comes to ltr, sure maybe some ugly or mid chick will go for autisitc good looking loser, but top tier chick will want guy that can do it all.
noted, I will become a socially calibrated gentleman
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Why optimizing your looks won't get you more women

My problem with looksmaxers is that they put far too much emphasis on looks and don't account for the fact that congruent social skills must be possessed with better appearance, because there is an expectation placed on attractive men to behave a certain way when interacting with women. While they enhanced their appearance, they did not develop the game/social skills to go along with it, and this confuses women.

This is something many men who self improve can't predict until it occurs, and that's incongruence. The good well groomed, built, and attractive man behaving in a manner that is incongruent with who he presents. That is, he is not behaving or speaking like a man who attractive, built, and well groomed. Normally, many guys who optimize their looks (looksmaxers) don't realize that while they will get more attention from women after their hard work, that they must possess adequate and congruent social skills and an understanding of women and female nature to go along with that.

Imagine looking like Michael B. Jordan, approaching a woman and being timid, stuttering, and being boring and logical in conversation and not simulating her emotions. It wouldn't make sense, right?

So, when guys who become attractive after putting in work approach women and they behave in a way that is incongruent with who he presents (awkward, bad social skills, can't make her laugh) a massive red flag is raised because they immediately assume something is wrong with him because he is not who he presents himself to be. They are comparing you to less attractive guys who were more confident, had better social skills, were more funny despite being most likely considerably less attractive.

Being attractive allows you to put your foot in the door and hold it their for a little bit longer (women will give you more opportunities to build attraction with them) but ultimately if you don't possess the necessary understanding of women, game, or social skills that a guy should have who is attractive it's a wrap. Sometimes, if you are a woman's physical type, you will get dates, but her emotions still need to be stimulated in order for her to desire to stay with you.

You should absolutely work optimize every aspect of your life you can, but this alone will not get you very far. You may be able to sleep with women, but if the social skills (*game)* isn't there, you won't sustain women.

Edit: I literally mentioned this in the post but I guess not everyone read all of it: looks can get you women, and even get you laid, but looks alone are not enough to sustain women, and looks alone aren't enough to make a woman want to sleep with you

Furthermore, I literally wrote that all men should optimize their looks

You should absolutely optimize your looks.but that alone is not going to get you women or get you laid

Edit 2: this is coming from someone who is jacked and ripped.

I made this short, so read this for a more thorough understanding of why good looking men struggle with women: https://open.substack.com/pub/jacke...h?r=31tj3q&utm\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=web

TL;DR After increasing your looks or becoming attractive after not being attractive, you must have adequate social skills typically associated with someone with your looks.
can they possibly think that you're a serial killer or something?

if you look good but act awkward af , and have a cold demeanor and also face has some psychopathic features
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can they possibly think that you're a serial killer or something?

if you look good but act awkward af , and have a cold demeanor and also face has some psychopathic features
Impossible, looksmaxxing has zero drawbacks EVER
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
Impossible, looksmaxxing has zero drawbacks EVER
no i mean like , acting awkward is regardless a drawback

but could your personality inhibit you to a level where only women around 5 / 6/10 would date you

and the actual stacies wouldnt want you cause they can get someone around your looks level who can also act normal and has status too i.e a better deal overall
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That’s true for most things tbh. 20% of the time spent efficiently usually gets you 80% of the results. The problem is that acting NT is always going to be an act. If you want a LTR a woman is eventually gonna realize that you aren’t NT and leave you.
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The problem is that acting NT is always going to be an act. If you want a LTR a woman is eventually gonna realize that you aren’t NT and leave you.

This, just lower just standards, being non-NT probably downgrades your smv by around 1 point so just go around one point below what your looks matched competition goes for, I can assure you that girl will treat you like a 👑
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After just two sentences I knew it wasn't you who wrote this
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can't make her laugh
This is a meme not some social skill you learn JFL
Girls laugh at anything you say with a non-hostile tone when they find you attractive
Nigga learn to write in aphorisms like the rest of us high IQ posters

Aunt nobody reading that shit

Summarise it below in bulletpoints like this
Also include subway surfer gameplay underneath
Nigga learn to write in aphorisms like the rest of us high IQ posters

Aunt nobody reading that shit

Summarise it below in bulletpoints like this
Tell em cuh
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women value more personality and kindness than appearance and money :love:
Depends on the pheno I think, I could imagine Chico being a bit socially awkward and shy and women perceiving that as cute and mysterious. But Sean O'Pry would creep them out, he has that look where he can't afford to be even slightly non-NT and the line between him being seen as a Chad or a creepy rapist by women is very thin.

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