Why Rishi Sunak is the ultimate dark triad Tera Chad low inhib mogger



10x speed of sound
Nov 5, 2022
1: he literally got billions from his wife, it's insane because not even giga chads got billions from their wives.
2: is proud to be a hindu, even refuses to take oath on Bible.
3: literally got an elected pm ( Boris ) removed, and forced truss into resignation ( worst humiliation in the history of UK ) within one month.
3: literally richer than the king / royal family, infact richer than all of parliament combined.
4: is very young, only came into politics 3 years ago because he was bored of living in a mansion.
5: doesn't even cares about normies, barely even knows about their existence.
6: forced all anglos to study math for 3 more years for fun.
  • JFL
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Yeah he's based
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Reactions: rand anon, pardocel, ascension and 4 others
Yeah he's based
He will most likely win again. Imagine being in politics for decades, just to get mogged by someone who came 3 years ago.
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he’s aghori larping as politician

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  • JFL
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He will most likely win again. Imagine being in politics for decades, just to get mogged by someone who came 3 years ago.
Don't think he will win, labour it's too easy now, but I do live his maths idea
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Deleted member 23017 and SecularIslamist
Don't think he will win, labour it's too easy now, but I do live his maths idea
Cope, imagine thinking starmer will win. He even himself doesn't believes in winning.
  • JFL
  • WTF
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Don't think he will win, labour it's too easy now, but I do live his maths idea
Conservatives only won in 2019 because of the 24/7 propaganda against Corbyn and also Labour's non-committal stance on Brexit - north continued to vote Tory. Corbyn was hard left though.
Conservatives only won in 2019 because of the 24/7 propaganda against Corbyn and also Labour's non-committal stance on Brexit - north continued to vote Tory. Corbyn was hard left though.
Starmer is a tory himself, also labour has no plans whatsoever. Sunak will win easily again.
Starmer is a tory himself, also labour has no plans whatsoever. Sunak will win easily again.
Nah that's not how NPCs think.

Basically NPCs think oh it's been bad times, let's just get change, without considering what the cause of bad times was, or if the alternative is any better.

Think brevity for example, they almost vote as protest, so labour will win, even though starter is a goofball.

They will pitch it as elitist, high iq, brown, chadpreetlite, Stanford, tech, ibanking, billionaire bilderberg hookup rishi sunak can't make decisions for u, u £8 an hour wage with pasty skin, 40 fags a day and 4 pints a day, ugly fat wife, retarded kids sfcel, so trust keir
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legit, he's so based
  • JFL
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No amount of power, money, influence, is worth it if you're a 5'6 manlet dark skin indian with the frame of a 9 year old girl. No women has ever sexually desired him, and never will.
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No amount of power, money, influence, is worth it if you're a 5'6 manlet dark skin indian with the frame of a 9 year old girl. No women has ever sexually desired him, and never will.
keep coping, he's literally known as dishy rishi because all the girls are thirsting over him. he won the sexiest MP award
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigNigga69 and EverythingMattersCel
1: he literally got billions from his wife, it's insane because not even giga chads got billions from their wives.
2: is proud to be a hindu, even refuses to take oath on Bible.
3: literally got an elected pm ( Boris ) removed, and forced truss into resignation ( worst humiliation in the history of UK ) within one month.
3: literally richer than the king / royal family, infact richer than all of parliament combined.
4: is very young, only came into politics 3 years ago because he was bored of living in a mansion.
5: doesn't even cares about normies, barely even knows about their existence.
6: forced all anglos to study math for 3 more years for fun.
calls himself conservative yet meets with Zelensky, and not a word about the UK spending 2 billion on Ukraine. He also claims to fight inflation, but participates in activities that worsen inflation
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Reactions: rand anon and PrinceLuenLeoncur
look at this crap for example

calls himself conservative yet meets with Zelensky, and not a word about the UK spending 2 billion on Ukraine. He also claims to fight inflation, but participates in activities that worsen inflation
He just came in like a month ago, in one year he will fix it all. UK is forced to support Ukraine by the pentagon.
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigNigga69, ascension and .*my*.
calls himself conservative yet meets with Zelensky, and not a word about the UK spending 2 billion on Ukraine. He also claims to fight inflation, but participates in activities that worsen inflation
Explain how fighting against a fascist nation is non-conservative?

You are literally the opposing the current thing npc
  • JFL
Reactions: .*my*.
He just came in like a month ago, in one year he will fix it all. UK is forced to support Ukraine by the pentagon.
He is not a conservative, he is a radical leftist just like the rest of them. If you are a conservative you are supposed to put your country first, fuck the pentagon. At least verbally say that it's wrong.
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Reactions: TsarTsar444, Deleted member 23017, foidaddict and 1 other person
Explain how fighting against a fascist nation is non-conservative?

You are literally the opposing the current thing npc
That's not the issue. The issue is that inflation in UK has been at 10% since the start of war in Ukraine, and sending them money makes inflation worse. He claims to fight inflation yet does everything to make it worse.
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Deleted member 23017 and Deleted member 17872
That's not the issue. The issue is that inflation in UK has been at 10% since the start of war in Ukraine, and sending them money makes inflation worse. He claims to fight inflation yet does everything to make it worse.
1. Controling inflation is the Bank of England's job, not his.

2. Ukraine cash flows contribute minimally to the overall budget

3. Geopolitical relations and stability are very important
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigNigga69 and .*my*.
1. Controling inflation is the Bank of England's job, not his.

2. Ukraine cash flows contribute minimally to the overall budget

3. Geopolitical relations and stability are very important
1. He claimed that he was going to do it so suck my cock

2. Not a dollar should be spent on foreign countries until most UK problems are fixed so take my cock and jerk me to cum all over your face

3. Putin taking over Ukraine will not impact the west in the slightest. Anything Putin's hands touch turns into a shithole so they have nothing to worry about. Swallow my cum
  • +1
Reactions: pardocel and PrinceLuenLeoncur
1. He claimed that he was going to do it so suck my cock

2. Not a dollar should be spent on foreign countries until most UK problems are fixed so take my cock and jerk me to cum all over your face

3. Putin taking over Ukraine will not impact the west in the slightest. Anything Putin's hands touch turns into a shithole so they have nothing to worry about. Swallow my cum
  • +1
Reactions: BigNigga69
No amount of power, money, influence, is worth it if you're a 5'6 manlet dark skin indian with the frame of a 9 year old girl. No women has ever sexually desired him, and never will.
Dude he's not dark-skinned, and he is well proportioned as hell.

During covid foids were creaming over him posting pics eating shake shack and crap, think he was called dish rishi or something
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigNigga69 and Deleted member 17872
calls himself conservative yet meets with Zelensky, and not a word about the UK spending 2 billion on Ukraine. He also claims to fight inflation, but participates in activities that worsen inflation
Spends 2bn on ukraine??? Wtf r u a retard??? He gives Ukraine 2bn and makes them give it straight back to buy shoddy defense tech from uk that is stockpiled and he can get livefire performance review of, so he can spend money replacing it and improving it, creating uk jobs to do so???
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Reactions: BigNigga69 and .*my*.
He is not a conservative, he is a radical leftist just like the rest of them. If you are a conservative you are supposed to put your country first, fuck the pentagon. At least verbally say that it's wrong.
He's a globalist just like the rest
  • +1
Reactions: .*my*.
He is not a conservative, he is a radical leftist just like the rest of them. If you are a conservative you are supposed to put your country first, fuck the pentagon. At least verbally say that it's wrong.
That's if you're a braindead conservative who lives in a fantasy world, bit how corbyn was a braindead leftist.

Any successful politician needs to be centrist in the real world, and certainly jn uk case post Suez.

Rishi I'd say is a 7 on a scale where Lenin is 1 and Hitler is 10.
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigNigga69, mogger123 and .*my*.
1. He claimed that he was going to do it so suck my cock

2. Not a dollar should be spent on foreign countries until most UK problems are fixed so take my cock and jerk me to cum all over your face

3. Putin taking over Ukraine will not impact the west in the slightest. Anything Putin's hands touch turns into a shithole so they have nothing to worry about. Swallow my cum
This might be the lowest iq shit I read this decade, or every decade maybe...
Spends 2bn on ukraine??? Wtf r u a retard??? He gives Ukraine 2bn and makes them give it straight back to buy shoddy defense tech from uk that is stockpiled and he can get livefire performance review of, so he can spend money replacing it and improving it, creating uk jobs to do so???
explain UK inflation if you're so fucking smart buddy
He's a globalist just like the rest
Except for Donald Trump. He is the only one. The only reason they are not going after Rishi is because he is a phony. How many investigations have been launched on Trump? His house raided and his children suffered. Rishi experienced none of that and never will because he's fake.
This might be the lowest iq shit I read this decade, or every decade maybe...
are you defending him because of his race? if yes then you are a real retard
Bruh, it's like he totally outsmarts everyone.
i bet inside he has a patrick bateman monologue on how he hates the homeless and thinks about killing him while maintaining a friendly front
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Reactions: Chinacurry
Yeah he's based
He’s ruined my country and most south Asians will agree. Rishi is a fucking cunt

Still better than lizz faggot trust though
@Chinacurry i have just found out this isn’t true. Basically we Brits alresdy had this system in place for decades, if you DONT PASS maths English or science in the UK you are forced to continue doing so until you pass with a C-A

Rishi is basically REPHRASING THIS CAPnso It’s not even is idea or a new one we already do this the retard. I just looked into it now and yes it’s already a thing on parliament for over 50 years
explain UK inflation if you're so fucking smart buddy
I mean sure, but people pay me £350 an hour to do this, but anyway I can try and tell u in the context of why everyone's prices have increased. And also why UK is worse off.

All prices
1) the Ukraine War, regardless of whether Britain support Russian sanctions, means the price of energy on global markets has increased massively

2) us rate rises, against an upcoming global slowdown creates a gear factor and flight to capital, ie everyone wants to hold usd and us treasuries, so value of USD increases. Most commodities and energy, especially oil, are in USD, so for everyone but America the price of everything rises more

Uk specific fuck ups (in order of impact)

1) brexit - you lose preferential trading status with 70% of your export partners and scare the entire world into thinking u will do more low IQ shit in the future

2) inelastic supply of energy cos Blair and Brown spent or sold off all the north sea gas at dirt cheap prices (so they could keep getting elected), now we don't have enough left to balance out supply cuts

3) inability to subsidize energy prices for uk homes because brown and Blair took all that oil and gas revenue, and spent it on letting Chad and Stacy go to uni Scott free to study business and sports management and just party and fuck all day, never pay that money back, and then get a job as a sales optimisation manager on a call centre that they could have done with 3 GCSEs

4) related to brexit but basically fundamentally fucked economy made worse by workshy and low productivity of native Anglo population. What this means is in uk someone earns 20k a year as a sales optimisation manager in a call centre, but only creates value worth 2-3k a year, this is terrible in uk and has been endemic in th3 culture for 70 years, but for a long time the hangover from the empire meant wr could get away with it (uk had large companies like BP or Unilever, etc that could get away with being unproductiv3 cos they had a global advantage from empire days). Anyway all this I explained because it leads to...

5) weak gbp, global markets have no faith in uk economy due to brexit and crap british productivity, so they tank the gbp. This means buying shit from overseas is even more expensive for brits (shit like oil for example, or coal to heat homes...)
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@Chinacurry i have just found out this isn’t true. Basically we Brits alresdy had this system in place for decades, if you DONT PASS maths English or science in the UK you are forced to continue doing so until you pass with a C-A

Rishi is basically REPHRASING THIS CAPnso It’s not even is idea or a new one we already do this the retard. I just looked into it now and yes it’s already a thing on parliament for over 50 years
No man, in my day maths was mandatory till GCSEs only. Even if u fail no issue.

Now iirc, the dumb fucks basically did colouring in even for gcses, but still
The state of UK
Governed by former colonies 🤣
The state of UK
Governed by former colonies 🤣
nothing wrong with putting a curry there if he can do the job, but you can't put a curry who is weak like this dude
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He is not a conservative, he is a radical leftist just like the rest of them. If you are a conservative you are supposed to put your country first, fuck the pentagon. At least verbally say that it's wrong.
Pentagon will take strict measures against UK, UK can never go against the US, do you not know even Boris did the same ?
  • JFL
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Pentagon will take strict measures against UK, UK can never go against the US, do you not know even Boris did the same ?
they don't have to support Ukraine to be friends with pentagon. they can say that we don't have money and must spend on our own country first
He’s ruined my country and most south Asians will agree. Rishi is a fucking cunt

Still better than lizz faggot trust though
He's a hindu, never identified as a south asian or even asian. He always identifies himself as a British hindu.
  • Hmm...
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He's a hindu, never identified as a south asian or even asian. He always identifies himself as a British hindu.
I can identify myself as a great wyrm and yet I’m only but a man. Sunak is a fucking paki and eveybody knows this and that’s what he’s called the only reason people aren’t rioting is cos he ain’t a MOOOSLEM
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17872
He is not a conservative, he is a radical leftist just like the rest of them. If you are a conservative you are supposed to put your country first, fuck the pentagon. At least verbally say that it's wrong.

Lmfao the UK can't say anything to the USA. The UK needs them as an ally, otherwise the UK has no global standing.
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