Why surgery can be honest and not being fake



Kess mah ess
Oct 18, 2020
I always thought that you were lying to people if you got surgery, because if you have children they would look like your ugly self, but is that the case?

Any person who has an IQ of over 40 and knows how to read is supposed to know that the face is not purely genetic. The ratio can be genetics to environment ratio 90/10 or 60/40 or even 30/70. Malnutrition, mouth breathing, bottle feeding, pacifier sucking, thumb sucking, illness, injuries etc. all can affect the face.

So let’s say you have a recessed mandible and you go fix it, are you being a fake fag if you do that? I don’t think so. Your genetics allow the mandible to develop fully, however your environment fucked it up. Proof is ancient skulls, and even the recent past, most people didn’t have malocclusion 200 years ago.

You’re a fake fag only if you get surgery for NCT correction, nose width correction, lip fillers, contacts, bleach etc. Anything that’s purely genetics.
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the only surgery i want is lasik tbh and that's not even for looks
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It’s not environnement it’s your genetics lmao stop coping

and all surgeon/ortho are jews
  • Ugh..
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  • WTF
Reactions: coping ethnic, Danish_Retard and Deleted member 6531
It’s not environnement it’s your genetics lmao stop coping

and all surgeon/ortho are jews
Said the little boy who’s read nothing on this topic
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i think average is around 4-6k it's not too expensive
2.5k€ in France tbh

You’re a fake fag only if you get surgery for NCT correction, nose width correction, lip fillers, contacts, bleach etc. Anything that’s purely genetics.
Though NCT can be caused by mouth breathing, same as low PFL/high PFH, since the skull develops in length instead of width. I already have good PFL, I would legit have god tier PFL without mouth breathing lmao
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Y'all really overrate the amount the environment has to play in your facial development. It has a miniscule effect compared to your overall genes
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To hell with surrendering to an arbitrary self-replicating molecule
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  • JFL
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Y'all really overrate the amount the environment has to play in your facial development. It has a miniscule effect compared to your overall genes
Both my parents have straight teeth. My two sisters teeth are crooked. Explanation?
Both my parents have straight teeth. My two sisters teeth are crooked. Explanation?

Could use a similar example my mum had crooked teeth my dad had straight teeth and I had crooked teeth that needed orthodontics

While my sister came out with perfectly straight teeth,

My dad owns a butcher so we have been having hard meat for proper facial development our whole life

My point is genetics are random, not saying ur sisters didn't fuck up their facial development by the environment but it's likely even with a good environment they would have had crooked teeth definitely to a lesser degree if they had a good environment
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Reactions: coping ethnic, Danish_Retard and .*my*.
These surgeries/osteonomies for fixing your environmental maldevelopment also boost your looks the most
Good functionality = good looks

Fillers/Implants or surgeries that only focus on one little aspect neglecting the bigger picture are the biggest cope and useless in the longterm. If you ever consider them you're not a real looksmaxxer
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  • Hmm...
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most people that mouthbreathed had breathing problems tho, but if you mouthbreathed because something else not genetic then you should be given free surgery to fix what you were meant to have
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the thing is there is no way to know the ratio, what would be your genetic potential without environmental failure, and whether u maximized your facial attractiveness out of your genetic limitations/potential

I hold the idea that you should be open about your past looks if u enter LTR/marriage, especially if you are gonna procreate
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the thing is there is no way to know the ratio, what would be your genetic potential without environmental failure, and whether u maximized your facial attractiveness out of your genetic limitations/potential

I hold the idea that you should be open about your past looks if u enter LTR/marriage, especially if you are gonna procreate
Bottle fed? Wasted potential. Mouthbreathed? Wasted potential. Thumb sucked? Wasted potential. Mother smoked or drank while pregnant? Wasted potential. No sports in puberty? Wasted potential. Sedentary lifestyle? Wasted potential. Bad hormonal profile in puberty? Wasted potential. So if you had any of these and your child didn’t, more often than not he would be more attractive than you.
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  • +1
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Bottle fed? Wasted potential. Mouthbreathed? Wasted potential. Thumb sucked? Wasted potential. Mother smoked or drank while pregnant? Wasted potential. No sports in puberty? Wasted potential. Sedentary lifestyle? Wasted potential. Bad hormonal profile in puberty? Wasted potential. So if you had any of these and your child didn’t, more often than not he would be more attractive than you.
I agree all of them
what I'm saying is different
btw my mother smoked while being pregnant to me, brutal. What I have lost from my potential do you think, also no sports during puberty
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard
I agree all of them
what I'm saying is different
btw my mother smoked while being pregnant to me, brutal. What I have lost from my potential do you think, also no sports during puberty
Smoking can’t not cause harm while pregnant. What do you look like?
I turned out to be average. My teeth are good, no occlusion or bad teeth
my chin is kinda lacking tho, my symmetry could be better, left and right side of my face is not equal enough but is not noticeable to an outsider
forward growth is average
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I turned out to be average. My teeth are good, no occlusion or bad teeth
my chin is kinda lacking tho, my symmetry could be better, left and right side of my face is not equal enough but is not noticeable to an outsider
forward growth is average
What were your habits as a kid and a teenager?
mostly sedentary did sport for brief periods
I was breastfed for a good amount of time tho, like 2 years, liked boobs too much
  • JFL
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