Why the fuck do SFcels and alt-right faggots love to live through moggers of their race?

Most humans are like this. We’re a tribal species and want to protect our own individual groups. Not even race tbh. I see religious people, politicals, nationalists doing it. We all want to feel bigger than ourselves and be connected
because most of us are.
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they can try but will get utterly mogged by GigaMogger Brazilian Boys

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  • JFL
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Dnr. White race is superior
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Bro my whole point is that none of this matter because all of this is a cause of capitalism if you look deeper down, you can't change the culture without economic changes, the reason why Algeria is like that and other countries like Eastern Europe where it's culturally same as Algeria it's because of economic problems, the politicians tell them it's cultural so they get scared, which is the opposite in First World Countries, although theses conturies start to get scared

Theses people feel like shit because of life quality money wise getting shit, so they get propaganda fed to them that it's the west degenerate culture and all the bullshit
can you rephrase because this just sounds like schizo incoherent ramblings
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can you rephrase because this just sounds like schizo incoherent ramblings
I just noticed that the woman in your pfp is just a giga fogger that i would killl every faggot in here and turn to a neo nazi for
  • JFL
Reactions: widdi
Most of us are tribal?
connected, individuals almost always belong to a group somehow, somewhere. Besides outcasts and even these humans belong to eachother and are connected through it. There are only a small amount of examples, none of which i know about.
  • Woah
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connected, individuals almost always belong to a group somehow, somewhere. Besides outcasts and even these humans belong to eachother and are connected through it. There are only a small amount of examples, none of which i know about.
Yea this was back then when there was no globalization of anything

Now everybody is connected, you can go to a world tour and meet all people and cultures in minutes

Ain't no more tribalism old man times have changed stop the cope
  • +1
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Yea this was back then when there was no globalization of anything

Now everybody is connected, you can go to a world tour and meet all people and cultures in minutes

Ain't no more tribalism old man times have changed stop the cope
For the worse yes. It’s not cope you’re just too dumb to understand. The world is better off divided then “united”.
For the worse yes. It’s not cope you’re just too dumb to understand. The world is better off divided then “united”.
yes the magical argument point of any retard
"negative iq"
"you're just too dumb"

ever since capitalism took in power and "jews" (as in hyper capitalists) took in power we're more united and divided by economics than anything now but i guess you're just too dumb and low iq to realize this (like u guys would say)
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yes the magical argument point of any retard
you make it yourself below so you're one aswell.
"negative iq"
"you're just too dumb"

ever since capitalism took in power and "jews" (as in hyper capitalists) took in power we're more united and divided by economics than anything now but i guess you're just too dumb and low iq to realize this (like u guys would say)
trust me i know plenty about that and those despicable jews.
Jew statement wtf
no it's quite the opposite, i'm saying globalism is bad. a united world is one without borders, norms, values, cultures will vanish and there will be one central 'government' as there already is now.
no it's quite the opposite, i'm saying globalism is bad. a united world is one without borders, norms, values, cultures will vanish and there will be one central 'government' as there already is now.
you make it yourself below so you're one aswell.

trust me i know plenty about that and those despicable jews.
do you even know what the fuck you're talking about? cause you clearly don't, you literally make the point i made and then say the opposite earlier
just chatting shit thinking you know what you're talking about why can't you niggas just get eductaed without having to be a know it all negroes type of mfs
do you even know what the fuck you're talking about? cause you clearly don't, you literally make the point i made and then say the opposite earlier
just chatting shit thinking you know what you're talking about why can't you niggas just get eductaed without having to be a know it all negroes type of mfs
i do know what i'm saying and i'll add to that that we just had a miscommunication.
connected, individuals almost always belong to a group somehow, somewhere. Besides outcasts and even these humans belong to eachother and are connected through it. There are only a small amount of examples, none of which i know about.
It’s not just race but race is definitely the most visible aspect of group identity. People are connected by food, football, music. Everyone has something in common with others even if it’s not directly related or even that important. A Nigerian and a Dutchman might be very different but if they both support Ajax then there’s a common connection.
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It’s not just race but race is definitely the most visible aspect of group identity. People are connected by food, football, music. Everyone has something in common with others even if it’s not directly related or even that important. A Nigerian and a Dutchman might be very different but if they both support Ajax then there’s a common connection.
Holy shit bro.
There is no way
No fucking way?
  • Woah
  • JFL
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Holy shit bro.
There is no way
No fucking way?
Race and religion are the most common forms of tribalism. I see lots of Muslims and Christian’s trying to claim credit for the crusades and the Muslim empires. @PrinceLuenLeoncur is a Nigerian Christian and thinks he’s personally a crusader 😂😂
  • JFL
Reactions: endlessrequiem and ThunderPenis4503003
Race and religion are the most common forms of tribalism. I see lots of Muslims and Christian’s trying to claim credit for the crusades and the Muslim empires. @PrinceLuenLeoncur is a Nigerian Christian and thinks he’s personally a crusader 😂😂
I'm just surprised you literally made the link between how identitarism is literally bullshit
A black man from Nigeria who supports Arsenal has more with a white british dude that supports Arsenal, than the white british dude has with a another British dude that isn't into football, or basic British cultural traditions they partake into
People have way way way more a lot in common than they think they do
  • +1
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I'm just surprised you literally made the link between how identitarism is literally bullshit
A black man from Nigeria who supports Arsenal has more with a white british dude that supports Arsenal, than the white british dude has with a another British dude that isn't into football, or basic British cultural traditions they partake into
People have way way way more a lot in common than they think they do
Im saying it’s just one aspect. Interestingly it’s fascinating how Israel is so successful and how Zionism has worked in uniting millions of Jews from different backgrounds. Besides religion what does a Jew from Algeria have in common with a Jew from Russia? Not much one could argue.

People are visual and so will always look at race first and foremost. It doesn’t mean it’s the most important.
  • +1
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Im saying it’s just one aspect. Interestingly it’s fascinating how Israel is so successful and how Zionism has worked in uniting millions of Jews from different backgrounds. Besides religion what does a Jew from Algeria have in common with a Jew from Russia? Not much one could argue.

People are visual and so will always look at race first and foremost. It doesn’t mean it’s the most important.
And tribalism and the dude up there arguments would work good enough if it's not for the fact the whole world run under capitalism today and that now with social media, technology and globalization of the world, we have more in common with each other than any other thing

But I think Zionism was successful because of how "oppressed" jews, no matter their backgrounds are in all countries of the world (give your thoughts)
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Every coping sub5 chinless white supremacist would much rather be one of the black Tyrone’s or Arab Muhammed’s he disses.

It’s one big cope racists use to feel superior but deep down they know they ain’t shit, and most normie whites despise them the same too.
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Ethnics and blacks do the same with Tyrones and their own Chad's lmao, it's hypocritical to say this and not admit it happens the other way around
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Tbf everyone does this when given the chance. One thing for certain though is you are malding about whites because you are threatened by them.
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it could be explained with just a pic
muh SF-cels this muh alt-right faggots that

as if you wouldn't act like them :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: you guys make fun of whites cuz they're 'cucks' for allowing your people to enter their countries but when some of them are against that you're also making fun of them :forcedsmile::forcedsmile: not to mention how your people (Algerians) would never let their country become like modern France for example

Tunisian president literally FORBADE Sub-Saharan migration to the country cuz it's a demographical threat for his people yet those guys always complain when whites spread nativism 🥹🥹

@Debetro @NORDEN SLAVORUM @cromagnon @vrilmaxxer
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the thing about gloryfing Chads of their race is what ethnics do as well

ethnics also brag about their history, especially Arabs and Turks... others also have racial identity which is way stronger than those of whites yet you don't notice that tho? 🤔🤔
  • +1
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also the thing about muh dick and muh stealing women is what ethnics (Arabs and blacks) do, it's not what whites do (and if they do they're minority)

stop faking scenarios, bhaijaan :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Sfcels are actual cucks. It’s because they’re life is sad and have no accomplishments of their own.
what accomplishments do the islamists who call for total kafir death have? :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

also, would you be fine if whites mass migrated to your country, signore?
  • +1
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it could be explained with just a pic
View attachment 3475428
you don't have to be proud or feel superior, it's just logical, natural and healthy to be tribalistic and territorialistic

it's what all other races do yet you guys call out only when whites TRY to do it? sounds like you wanna integrate but it doesn't work like that
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  • +1
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muh SF-cels this muh alt-right faggots that

as if you wouldn't act like them :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: you guys make fun of whites cuz they're 'cucks' for allowing your people to enter their countries but when some of them are against that you're also making fun of them :forcedsmile::forcedsmile: not to mention how your people (Algerians) would never let their country become like modern France for example

Tunisian president literally FORBADE Sub-Saharan migration to the country cuz it's a demographical threat for his people yet those guys always complain when whites spread nativism 🥹🥹

@Debetro @NORDEN SLAVORUM @cromagnon @vrilmaxxer
Im superior naturally from my race and genetics and looks and IQ

Only the mutts like griks and americans talk about the ""greats"" of their race with a hard on, they are imitating ethnics
  • JFL
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you don't have to be proud or feel superior, it's just logical, natural and healthy to be tribalistic and territorialistic

it's what all other races do yet you guys call out only when whites TRY to do? sounds like you wanna integrate but it doesn't work like that
I see where OP is coming from and it makes sense to a degree but then again as you said everyone does this, white, blacks, asians and whatever, its just when someone is proud of whites its being racist and out of place.

OP could also just be projecting his anger at not being white
  • +1
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Cope. All races and nations cope this way. Some even steal the accomplishment of other races.
  • +1
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Im superior naturally from my race and genetics and looks and IQ
yeah and that's pretty much what blackpill is rooted in (as long as we speak about race in biological and not ideological/political sense)

you can feel either superior, inferior or neutral about your DNA, it's not like it has something to do with muh accomplishments of your race
I see where OP is coming from and it makes sense to a degree but then again as you said everyone does this, white, blacks, asians and whatever, its just when someone is proud of whites its being racist and out of place.
whites are literally the most anti-racist anti-imperialist pacifist people nowdays

Turks for example still flex with their Ottoman imperial history, even their president talks positively about that era and tries to revive those ideas in certain sense... yet you will never see those guys calling out Turks for that, they only call out whites because they want whites to be cosmopolitans while they're all ethno-nationalists and racially conscious to the core
OP could also just be projecting his anger at not being white
maybe OP feels endangered, idk

but as we all know, no Chinese dude would ever need to post such thread, and that says a lot

if he actually thinks that whites hate his people for no reason then he should prove us wrong or in other case, to oppose his compatriots who are hated for a reason
  • +1
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you don't have to be proud or feel superior, it's just logical, natural and healthy to be tribalistic and territorialistic

it's what all other races do yet you guys call out only when whites TRY to do it? sounds like you wanna integrate but it doesn't work like that
its just a coincidance that this thread is about sfcels. the quote can be applied to any nationalist
This thread has been posted 10,000 times on here
"Bro our ancestors (you'd think he's talking about his grand father) were doing this and that"
Nigga they don't even fucking know you or you have to draw a fucking 10 page long family tree to even be related to them
THEY DID THAT, not you

"Bro actually the studies shows white people dick mog blacks and ethnics by a 1cm"
Bro YOUR DICK IS small, who cares if whites or blacks have bigger dicks, YOUR DICK IS SMALL nigga

"Bro actually the studies and history show that we made this and that"
Nigga who is we? You did not contribute to shit, you're just a fucking horny thought made by some retards that isn't doing shit

Fucking faggots JFL and they're serious about it "muh race mixing muh this" Bro even if you don't race mix your offspiring will be as retarded and accomplish nothing just like your shit life, it doesn't change anything

Niggas get mad bitches from their nation that they have no relation to expect sharing the same birthplace fucking men that aren't from their country/race it's just so funny JFL
you are literally disproving your own argument by implying correlation between singural individuals and a collective group of people because of genetics in one sentence and then not doing in the next. just say you are not capable of accomplishing nothing if you think your ancestors were retarded like you are basically saying.

btw on the topic of race mixing; i dont think anyone should care and if you spend a lot of time thinking and getting mad about it, you're probably a sad person. one thing i do note is that most of the time the dynamics of certain relationships do not appear spontaneous, like a white dude saying "i only want to date asians" and such, thats very weird
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muh SF-cels this muh alt-right faggots that

as if you wouldn't act like them :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: you guys make fun of whites cuz they're 'cucks' for allowing your people to enter their countries but when some of them are against that you're also making fun of them :forcedsmile::forcedsmile: not to mention how your people (Algerians) would never let their country become like modern France for example

Tunisian president literally FORBADE Sub-Saharan migration to the country cuz it's a demographical threat for his people yet those guys always complain when whites spread nativism 🥹🥹

@Debetro @NORDEN SLAVORUM @cromagnon @vrilmaxxer
lol the op is genuinely a bot i think because ive seen everyone of these old ass nignog talking points like 20 times over
  • +1
  • Ugh..
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its just a coincidance that this thread is about sfcels. the quote can be applied to any nationalist
yet somehow I don't see anyone of these super friendly ethnics calling out Turks or Arabs on their nationalism which is 10 times stronger than nationalism in Western nations combined, nor I see them calling out Russian imperialism which is current

they all call out whites for being ethno-nationalists, nativists and racially conscious yet they don't gaf when other races act like this (which is 10 times more common)
  • +1
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yet somehow I don't see anyone of these super friendly ethnics calling out Turks or Arabs on their nationalism which is 10 times stronger than nationalism in Western nations combined, nor I see them calling out Russian imperialism which is current

they all call out whites for being ethno-nationalists, nativists and racially conscious yet they don't gaf when other races act like this (which is 10 times more common)
idc about other people you will never see me being like that
  • Hmm...
Reactions: hopecel
Tbf everyone does this when given the chance. One thing for certain though is you are malding about whites because you are threatened by them.
its just a coincidance that this thread is about sfcels. the quote can be applied to any nationalist
Cope. All races and nations cope this way. Some even steal the accomplishment of other races.
the thing about gloryfing Chads of their race is what ethnics do as well

ethnics also brag about their history, especially Arabs and Turks... others also have racial identity which is way stronger than those of whites yet you don't notice that tho? 🤔🤔
Wait so the thread turned to "but everybody does it"

But do you guys know how retarded you sound since you missed the point of the THREAD OVERRALL and yapping about it?

This thread isn't about being mad at people being proud of their ancestors/history

This thread is about them using it as a justificative for authoritarian behavior "muh no race mix muh dont do dis muh our ancestors u do this we kill u", and ONLINE you have to have actual cognitive dissonance to say that theres more ethnics than white people that get mad when they see their women with another race/religion.

Show me just on this website a few ethnics that do so or get mad when women of their race get posted with others VS when white women get posted with other races
  • JFL
  • +1
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"Bro our ancestors (you'd think he's talking about his grand father) were doing this and that"
Nigga they don't even fucking know you or you have to draw a fucking 10 page long family tree to even be related to them
THEY DID THAT, not you

"Bro actually the studies shows white people dick mog blacks and ethnics by a 1cm"
Bro YOUR DICK IS small, who cares if whites or blacks have bigger dicks, YOUR DICK IS SMALL nigga

"Bro actually the studies and history show that we made this and that"
Nigga who is we? You did not contribute to shit, you're just a fucking horny thought made by some retards that isn't doing shit

Fucking faggots JFL and they're serious about it "muh race mixing muh this" Bro even if you don't race mix your offspiring will be as retarded and accomplish nothing just like your shit life, it doesn't change anything

Niggas get mad bitches from their nation that they have no relation to expect sharing the same birthplace fucking men that aren't from their country/race it's just so funny JFL
You're a stupid retard. Admiring good health and stength of character and then aspiring for it in yourself and your bloodline is perfectly rational.
  • +1
Reactions: hopecel
You're a stupid retard. Looking up and admiring giga chads and seeking that level of strength and character for you and your bloodline is logical and is realistic.
its funny how all the arguments are "its human nature you fucking retard" or "what about the ethnics that do it too then!"

just jfl
its funny how all the arguments are "its human nature you fucking retard" or "what about the ethnics that do it too then!"

just jfl
People who are the same race and ethnicity evolutionarily share a lot of the same genetic features and personality traits. It's only logical to look up to the best of one's ethnicity. But hey, you're an illogical subhuman afterall.
  • +1
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People who are the same race and ethnicity shared a lot of the genetic features and personality traits. It's only logical to look up to the best of the best. But hey, you're an illogical subhuman afterall.
so you're a cuck who look up to other men because you're a genetic failure and have to find someone who share the "same" traits to feel good about yourself??

self admitted cucks i guess JFL
so you're a cuck who look up to other men because you're a genetic failure and have to find someone who share the "same" traits to feel good about yourself??

self admitted cucks i guess JFL
I am not delusional like you and don't equate myself as being in the same caliber as men like this.

Lundgren Ivan Drago

People PREFER their own race. No one has to "find" or search out these figures because they naturally ascribe and look up to them because they're what constitutes by biological standards, the pinnacle of white male SMV.

You are delusional.
  • +1
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This thread is about them using it as a justificative for authoritarian behavior "muh no race mix muh dont do dis muh our ancestors u do this we kill u", and ONLINE you have to have actual cognitive dissonance to say that theres more ethnics than white people that get mad when they see their women with another race/religion.
is this a joke? all non-whites act like that, Asians, Indians, Arabs (LOL), even blacks who HATE their women seethe (which is NATURAL) when a black woman dates a white man, stop cherry-picking and neglecting lmao

Photo 2024 10 11 16 19 55

you as an Algerian complain about that yet do you know any Algerian woman that married a white Christian and converted to Christianity?

I'll tell you why your people don't seethe online, it's because ethnic women like Arab and Indian don't even date (they're not allowed) that much outside of their group, but when they do THEY GET EVEN MORE HATE BY THEIR MEN THAN WHITE WOMEN GET FROM WHITE MEN
Show me just on this website a few ethnics that do so or get mad when women of their race get posted with others VS when white women get posted with other races
it's maybe because ethnic countries aren't as "open-minded" as white countries and there's no such thing as Arab replacement or African replacement, could it be the reason? :unsure::unsure: maybe your people would just straight up kill some Christian Englishman if he tried to marry and convert a Muslim Nafri woman :unsure::unsure: maybe your neighbours Tunisians don't have problem with blacks because they don't allow them to enter the country in the first place :unsure::unsure:

so stop acting clueless and cosmopolitan, your people are 10x more tribalistic and xenophobic than whites and yes, they're 20x more possessive about their women... it's not like it's allowed in Muslim countries to date their women :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
  • Ugh..
Reactions: JustHereToLooksmax
We are talking about populations, our own situation is irrelevent when discussing that.

Negative IQ if you don't understand that.
Go ahead and do that. The point still stands.
"Bro our ancestors (you'd think he's talking about his grand father) were doing this and that"
Nigga they don't even fucking know you or you have to draw a fucking 10 page long family tree to even be related to them
THEY DID THAT, not you

"Bro actually the studies shows white people dick mog blacks and ethnics by a 1cm"
Bro YOUR DICK IS small, who cares if whites or blacks have bigger dicks, YOUR DICK IS SMALL nigga

"Bro actually the studies and history show that we made this and that"
Nigga who is we? You did not contribute to shit, you're just a fucking horny thought made by some retards that isn't doing shit

Fucking faggots JFL and they're serious about it "muh race mixing muh this" Bro even if you don't race mix your offspiring will be as retarded and accomplish nothing just like your shit life, it doesn't change anything

Niggas get mad bitches from their nation that they have no relation to expect sharing the same birthplace fucking men that aren't from their country/race it's just so funny JFL
And you can say the same thing about BBC posters on this forum.
As above, so below.
In some cases, these BBC posters are Asian or Indian, there not even black, yet persist in divisive race bait posting. In cases where the BBC poster is black, he's still a loser rotting on this forum spamming divisive racial hatred (hardly different from the "racist" whites he seeks to distinguish himself from as he disparately clings to the moggers of his race, to feel less insecure).
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