Why the LooksPill is prominent in the West. And less, in poor places in the world.

this is überlow IQ ngl. not even gonna argue here jfl.

You have not used any credible argument yet. Your arrogance also pisses me off
@MakinItHappen and @The Bleach Pill
Better stop the fighting and battling. It's pathetic, to fight online with a dude, whom moggs in looks or income or degree or whatever stuff.

Life is out there.
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@reptiles AND @fag112
Mutations that survive. Keeps being reproduced after first mutation (and thus successfull).
Can have EITHER of these 2 or BOTH reasons:
* helps with survival;
*( doesn't help with survival, but) is found astethically appealing.

Don't be binairy (0/1). The world of mating is WAY to complex, for a binairy approach.
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Ever wondered how I am able to afford all the shit I do, based on all the screenshots I provide of my purchases? ;-) If only you knew of my annual earnings.

I am have irl appeal, trust me lol. Had affirmation throughout my teens and early 20s from girls in many ways to know that. Idiots on here think anyone isn't Chad doesn't have looks, which always makes me laugh lol.

You'll see with a DSLR camera in a few months about my real looks. I'll laugh at what excuses you make come the time.

Also if you were higher than me in the looks order (More than a 6-6.5) you unquestionably wouldn't be posting on this forum. Keep larping. You little pretender.
buying supplements etc dont make you rich idiot. Also u may have been a 6/10 at 20 but that is irrelevant as you are now 30 and a 4/10 incel who has lost his mind. Instead of investing in a DSLR camera to further expose ur subhumanity I would suggest you look into sodium nitrite or an old fashioned rope to end the cope
  • JFL
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>>ok but why do eskimos dont look white then, this isnt how evolution works my guy no offence but this was low IQ. these people live in colder climates then whites jfl. looks as brown as an arab.<<

They have been there for only 20 thousand years and they also had most of there diet from well fish rich in vitamin d so there melanin production didn't change over time hence remaining brown.

>> random mutation, doesnt matter where it happens in the body, does it inhibit his chance to mate? (like cripple etc), yes? then no fucky fucky u lose.<<

Random mutations happen only in response to the environment in such a way that it is probabilistic that those in these environments would develop these traits. in evolution you can never separate the environment from genes cause the 2 interplay and the mutations possible is always limited by the environment so if you had blue eyes there was a probabilistic chance that blue eyes was advantageous and inevitable . And since we now know blue eyes helps with better vitamin d absorption hence this trait arose.

This also needs to be said however 99 percent of all mutations are useless we only use small amounts the idea here that blue eyes is some part of that 1 percent is ridiculous.

>>theres tons of mutations in animals that dont inhibit their survival succes and hence they exist.>>

Contrary to popular mutations are usually useless and not required and are so dormant in most people cause there barely ever used.

Ask the average evolutionist how many millions of years it would take for a caterpillar to develop the ability to cocoon itself and then transform into a butterfly. That's a lot of mutations. Then ask them how mating would have paid off over those millions of years, and why such mutated animals could have rivaled a more normal, leaner creature in the meantime.

The irony of evolution is that it cannot support diversity of features in a normal environment. Quite the opposite. It mathematically converges to the singularity of species. Should one believe in it, they would see the act of killing other creatures for whatever reason we desire as the greatest expression of genetics.

If the dogs posed even the slightest threat to me and I shot them all dead then I would not be a villain, I would simply be a winner.

I think you should watch this YouTube video. It's a video that can make you start questioning the theory of evolution.

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buying supplements etc dont make you rich idiot. Also u may have been a 6/10 at 20 but that is irrelevant as you are now 30 and a 4/10 incel who has lost his mind. Instead of investing in a DSLR camera to further expose ur subhumanity I would suggest you look into sodium nitrite or an old fashioned rope to end the cope

"Buying supplements"


Hahahaha. Wanna know how I know you're a nobody in the real world? Your posts scream it to me.

Just read back on your posts and compare them to mine.

Somebody that is doing well for themselves in life doesn't hate and post in this way. Lol at you thinking you could seriously larp as both good looking and heading to a good Uni. Keep at it doomer.
"Buying supplements"

View attachment 850484

Hahahaha. Wanna know how I know you're a nobody in the real world? Your posts scream it to me.

Just read back on your posts and compare them to mine.

Somebody that is doing well for themselves in life doesn't hate and post in this way. Lol at you thinking you could seriously larp as both good looking and heading to a good Uni. Keep at it doomer.
woahohohohoho 300 dollas. say it aint so. Ur so rich omg, how do u afford such things.
jfl fucken retard
over for many men
In this post I just want to share my experience and insight with you guys, and why I think the dating cultures are different in poor places. Let's talk about China.
The perception of age gap in relationship definitely differs from place to place. From an outsider's perspective, western culture is weird. Only in the West, older rich men are not supposed to date younger girls (<22). And they are "creepy" according to western medias like Reddit. And to non-Western people like me, it's weird. Why would a sane man be okay with reduced sexual options?

In traditional Asian countries, rich men tend to be older in age, and they must be biologically attracted to younger girls because youth positively correlates with female attractiveness. And the girls are attracted to wealth, well, because money means comfort and freedom. So it makes sense that rich men go for younger girls, but apparently this is considered bad because of feminism. If they can't, then their dating pools are severely reduced.

Rich guys like Jack Ma in China tend to have multiple young mistresses. Some of them might be teenage girls. Most Chinese people think it's the norm for billionaires to have a lot of sex. Even if the rich old guy has an old wife, he has a side girl and the wife is fine with the arrangement. There's no incentive to divorce too.

In China unless the woman proves that her husband has neglected her needs or physically abused her, she won't get anything special. Divorce is rare and considered weird by the general population. There's child support but it's capped at 30% of the man's income and you can only get the money if the child is older than 18. I don't know how divorce works in the west, but I guess it must be worse for divorced men in typical western countries than in China.

That's how it should be otherwise there's little incentive for men to improve their status
  • +1
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Nice story, and insight.
Divorce laws are bad in the West, for men. They were very bad where I life, but they ar easing a bit on the brutal divorce laws against men. But it's still bad. It used to be brutal though, divorce laws, in the 1980's, 1990's early 2000's. ALOT of men are not wanting to marry because of it, as well. That's maybe the reason the laws are easing a little bit.
honestly id be afraid to get married, doesnt matter how good the laws are now, they can always get bad and there's nothing stopping it 10 years down the line
Guys in the west are all soycucks tbh

girls care more about looks but that doesnt mean they can actually get goodlooking guys
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In poorer countries women have less money so they are forced to consider non-looks related factors when choosing a man. Thats not needed for women in the first world. About divorce laws: at least here in Brazil the women almost always keeps the kids so the judges feel forced to give them a financial advantage so she can raise the kids properly.
When money is abundant, looks become a better indicator of status. When money is scarce, it becomes a bigger indicator of status.

Women are attracted to status, that is the only thing they're timelessly attracted to. Everything else is subject to change by culture or by era.
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"Men" who want to be lazy and looked after, are a different species from those who wish to excel and aspire to greatness.

Different species.

We are not the same.

Whats wrong with being lazy bro, Im lazy af but I dont consider myself any less of a man for that reason. To me it just means Im a natural leader who evolved to boss people around, not do the groundwork.
Whats wrong with being lazy bro, Im lazy af but I dont consider myself any less of a man for that reason. To me it just means Im a natural leader who evolved to boss people around, not do the groundwork.

I am a natural leader too. I wouldn't for one second dream to put leaders under the umbrella of someone who was lazy. Being a leader requires good people intuition, observational skills and reasonable IQ. That is mentally taxing.

I was referring more to men going after women with money and a successful career.
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But with the continual exposure of western social media , this effect is alleviating in those places particularly SEA and Middle East

Feminism is getting stronger , females are also persuing jobs and starting to make money as much as their counterparts , Muslimas are getting liberal and chadsexual over social media each day , they are getting aware of their powers over sub8
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I am a natural leader too. I wouldn't for one second dream to put leaders under the umbrella of someone who was lazy. Being a leader requires good people intuition, observational skills and reasonable IQ. That is mentally taxing.

I was referring more to men going after women with money and a successful career.
Pimping is mentally taxing, but to an outside it looks like laziness.

I will be going after a woman with money and successful career. If I can take a girls money rather than work myself for it, why not? And I always have the option to divorce and take half, if a richer girl comes along.
mirin ur worship to autistic bullied curry cock

-u look like my shit after a hot spicy curry
-u probably do have a higher body count due to u being 30 years of age and me being 18
-you get bullied on an obscure incel forum
-i mog u
-i will graduate with a cs degree from top 5 uni
keep barking u utter ebomination

utter ebonynation

Ebony woman in the sea by divenex dcepw2v fullview
Pimping is mentally taxing, but to an outside it looks like laziness.

I will be going after a woman with money and successful career. If I can take a girls money rather than work myself for it, why not? And I always have the option to divorce and take half, if a richer girl comes along.

You must have known I was referring to idleness. Being a leader isn't being idle. A bit silly for you to think this way.

As for going after sugar mummas or women with money and careers, that's your call, but in my experience it comes at a sacrifice.

Less femininity. Rather female masculinity. A single woman is always a feminist at heart and they had to make it to where they did by having that feminist mindset. Them going to work and being who they are with said bitch attitude and then coming home to you to act all feminine and someone you mesh with well as a man, (Who I'm assuming isn't a soyboy/cuck) is hard to see imagine. It's just not practical.
You must have known I was referring to idleness. Being a leader isn't being idle. A bit silly for you to think this way.

As for going after sugar mummas or women with money and careers, that's your call, but in my experience it comes at a sacrifice.

Less femininity. Rather female masculinity. A single woman is always a feminist at heart and they had to make it to where they did by having that feminist mindset. Them going to work and being who they are with said bitch attitude and then coming home to you to act all feminine and someone you mesh with well as a man, (Who I'm assuming isn't a soyboy/cuck) is hard to see imagine. It's just not practical.
No need to insult bro, I'm understanding your position better, not picking any fights. Many people would call somebody lazy for being unemployed, most people even.

What masculine about a women earning money, and putting it into her man's account for him to control? Feminine is just doing what the man says and aiming to please him. If a woman acts up, its up to the man to put her back into place. Thats just female nature, they will all get testy from time to time, even girls from the most patriarchal cultures.
It's a balance between natural selection (survival) and sexual selection (lookism).

An example of a species that has to balance natural with sexual selection are peacocks. The male looks flashy, which reduces his chances for survival, as predators will see him. On the other hand, females select the flashiest ones, which reduces chances of the ugly ones.

This is possible when there are relatively few predators. If peacocks found themselves under pressure (like some new invasive predator), the males would develop masking colors. The females would still like to fuck with chadcocks, but there will be none as all would be eaten.
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honestly id be afraid to get married, doesnt matter how good the laws are now, they can always get bad and there's nothing stopping it 10 years down the line
#Metoo. Divorce laws and attitude of family courts, depend alot on location/country. So need to factor that in mostly.

In the West, in most nations.
Divorce laws and attitude of family courts towards men, USED TO BE (1980-2010) terrorist levels.
NOWADAYS, they have improved to the level of being: Bad - very bad levels for men.

The MGTOW community of older dudes; is filled by the way with dudes that got divorce raped in 1980's - 2010"s.
basically this story, for these dudes: first getting fucked over by their ex wife, and than by the state/society:

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No need to insult bro, I'm understanding your position better, not picking any fights. Many people would call somebody lazy for being unemployed, most people even.

What masculine about a women earning money, and putting it into her man's account for him to control? Feminine is just doing what the man says and aiming to please him. If a woman acts up, its up to the man to put her back into place. Thats just female nature, they will all get testy from time to time, even girls from the most patriarchal cultures.

Wasn't insulting. Yes that's a rough idea as to what I meant. Someone who is unemployed.

Lol, it's not so much her "working" that is masculine. No. That is about appearances. I ain't about appearances. That's a some Gen Z thing born from growing up with instagram. I don't care about how it looks from an outset. This is not what matters.

I am not saying her working is masculine. I am saying what becomes of her and her personality as a working successful woman is masculine. At least especially around you. It is very rare that a woman will submit to a man who is less successful than her. In-fact it's not seen. Ever. So talking about putting her back in her place is laughable quite frankly, I'm sorry. This is why the only times successful women enter successful relationships is when they are able to land with a guy who is more successful than them. She won't have your respect otherwise.

Think about it. A couple where the woman is more intelligent than the man is at a long-term stability disadvantage, because the man needs to exert authority over her to ensure her inner emotional chaos doesn't sabotage them and dumber men are unable to achieve this without being abusive.

So let's say you aren't violent or abusive, but you're dumber than her or at least this is what she believes. What then? She will end up managing things because she believes she will be able to see things you cannot. Naturally putting her above you, eroding your dignity and making her feel stressed out and unfeminine. Doesn't work.

It comes with the territory. You always have to be better than her at pretty much everything. Women who gloat about having a high IQ may as well also gloat about being 6'2 and only dating taller men, or earning 7 figures and only dating richer men. Outlier women have terrifically small viable mating pools.

To state this in clearer terms for you bro. As a man gets richer, older, higher status, smarter, taller etc his viable mating pool expands. But NOW as a woman gets richer, older, higher status, smarter, taller etc - her viable mating pool shrinks. Quite frankly women are penalised for "being too good" and it's not bloody society or us men penalising them, as a lot of these liberal feminists stupidly assume. But human psychology itself.

A woman always wants a man better than she is and a man never wants to feel beneath his woman. So if you are an extremely gifted woman, who is left for you? Barely anyone.

If she didn't want a man better than her and could suppress her ego to follow a man of inferior competence and ability to her, she could be happy. But can she do this without being miserable? Big LOL. More chance of peace in Syria. No. She will find him too easy to disrespect and over-time grow to resent him. She will come to the realisation she settled for a man who was never good enough for her to begin with, but rather than blame herself for exercising poor judgement or being desperate enough to choose him, she will blame him. Women hate settling.

This is nature of our species. There is no-point deluding ourselves or being mad about it once we figure it out. (Which you clearly haven't done btw) It's not going to change. This is how humans have evolved. It's our nature. So rather than rallying against it, it is better to work in accordance with it to achieve the best outcomes for all of us involved.

What you have is an "idea" and let me tell you it isn't a practical one. Will never work. Let me know if you want a very public example. There are many, but there is one in-particular which sticks out.
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