Why there are fat people?



Professional incel
Jun 16, 2021
Quit being fat is the easier ascension method. You literally ascend by doing nothing. I'm at 70kg myself and I often go fasting for 2-3 days, losing too much weight is a problem for me. Fat people don't ascend because they don't want to.
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being fat is a personal moral failing. you literally have to go out of your way to eat that much.
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I'm still ugly. I need 3k for surgery
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being fat is a personal moral failing. you literally have to go out of your way to eat that much.
Not if your snacking on chocolates and chips but yea hard af with just whole foods
@Uglyandfat why do you exist huh you fatass ?
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because it doesnt matter for women

they can be obese and still fuck tall attractive men while living like a princess
because it doesnt matter for women

they can be obese and still fuck tall attractive men while living like a princess
Worry about who you can fuck, not who women can fuck
if you're not at least high tier normie you cant fuck anyone
You have three solutions

1) Become HTN
2) Fuck despite being ugly
3) Don't fuck

So ye, just pick the one you like and the one you can achieve
Immediate respect to anyone that cares enough about themselves to bother working out to lose weight. It’s such a basic thing yet so few people do it that the ones who do get my immediate respect.


Woman don’t even need to lose weight because even the obese woman can fuck easily. They even have campaigns out there to try and make “fat is beautiful” into a real thing :lul:

If you aren’t going to the gym regularly, literally one of the most BASIC looksmaxxing you shouldn’t be on this forum.
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being fat is a personal moral failing. you literally have to go out of your way to eat that much.
I hate fat fucks, it's literally harder to be fat than having a normal weight.
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Everyone can be lean but some people are genetically pre-disposed to being overweight, thus making it harder for them.

These people need to be educated properly about exercise + nutrition and not listen to the various myths that are in the health and fitness industry.

- Count calories or have portion control.
- Regular, balanced meals.
- No skipping meals or certain nutrients.
- Keep active in general.
- Workout with resistance a few times a week, depending on lifestyle.

No one would be obese if everyone followed this. The overload of information and all the fad diets are destroying people’s chances of being healthy.
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I hate fat fucks, it's literally harder to be fat than having a normal weight.
Stuff like this is idiotic, just because it’s like that with you doesn’t mean it’s like that for others. People are pre-disposed to being skinny or fat, making it harder for them to become the opposite.

Its POSSIBLE but HARDER, remember that.
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Stuff like this is idiotic, just because it’s like that with you doesn’t mean it’s like that for others. People are pre-disposed to being skinny or fat, making it harder for them to become the opposite.

Its POSSIBLE but HARDER, remember that.
Fat people didn't even fucking exist among the working class until a few decades ago.
You know why? Because people did physical work and didn't eat like fat pigs.
You can't be fat if you burn more calories than you eat.
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being fat is a personal moral failing. you literally have to go out of your way to eat that much.
for me it's ingrained to eat at least 3 meals, usually because my parents would make me feel bad for not finishing it. and they called my skinny brother unhealthy just because he doesn't eat alot...

also it's been ingrained that "if you don't eat that theres a starving african kid who would have" did anyone else parents do this?
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Fatcels are the worst. I have to get bimax and multiple surgeries despite having been 8% BF. Meanwhile fat people have been here for years planning surgeries when all they have to do is stop being a lazy pig and lose weight.
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High calorie
for me it's ingrained to eat at least 3 meals, usually because my parents would make me feel bad for not finishing it. and they called my skinny brother unhealthy just because he doesn't eat alot...

also it's been ingrained that "if you don't eat that theres a starving african kid who would have" did anyone else parents do this?

Parents would always say retarded shit like this as if I cared about some starving kids in Africa :lul:
  • JFL
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Fat people didn't even fucking exist among the working class until a few decades ago.
You know why? Because people did physical work and didn't eat like fat pigs.
You can't be fat if you burn more calories than you eat.
Use your brain man, when did I say calories don’t matter? Calories are what matters most, I said you should calorie count or control portion size in my previous post.

My point is that it’s harder for individuals to either gain fat or lost fat depending on genetics. HARDER, not impossible. Genetics can affect the “calories out” part of the thermodynamics equation.

If everyone in the past is more physical than everyone today, then obviously everyone in the past would be slimmer (relatively speaking) than people today.

Saying fat people didn’t exist is outright wrong, there were still fat people in the past but the ratio was lower because the ratio of more physical people was higher, this is just basic math and common sense.

Read my post properly before putting word in my mouth.
  • JFL
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It's not genetics rs Ur health status and pre natal health
If pre-natal health affects it then it can be classed as genetics as it can’t be controlled and was determined before your birth; it’s just semantics really.
for me it's ingrained to eat at least 3 meals, usually because my parents would make me feel bad for not finishing it. and they called my skinny brother unhealthy just because he doesn't eat alot...

also it's been ingrained that "if you don't eat that theres a starving african kid who would have" did anyone else parents do this?
What’s wrong with eating 3 meals?
At 30 yo i still struggle to gain weight, i have to fucking force feed myself 5 calorie dense meals a day to gain some weight so i can maintain some muscle mass and definition. As soon as i start eating normally i start losign weight. Its truly astonishing feat being a fat fuck tbh
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food is more addicting than alot of drugs ngl , i know binging is bad and will make me ugly but i still do it sometimes
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Food tastes good so they eat it
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Jews did this
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food is more addicting than alot of drugs ngl , i know binging is bad and will make me ugly but i still do it sometimes
Not sure if I’ve asked this before but do you do any kind of fasting?
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because food>>> women
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Not sure if I’ve asked this before but do you do any kind of fasting?
Never tbh but rn i am back on bulking at 3000 kcals i am still too skinny to be low bodyfat and need to get a better body
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food is more addicting than alot of drugs ngl , i know binging is bad and will make me ugly but i still do it sometimes
I go through phases of certain food addiction and the only thing that saves me is the insane amount of cardio I do.
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I go through phases of certain food addiction and the only thing that saves me is the insane amount of cardio I do.
Yeah legit
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you don't know the pain of having high ghrelin
please don't even judge fat people again
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fat = low iq
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  • JFL
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Quit being fat is the easier ascension method. You literally ascend by doing nothing. I'm at 70kg myself and I often go fasting for 2-3 days, losing too much weight is a problem for me. Fat people don't ascend because they don't want to.

There is scientific research which shows chances to get rid of a heroin addiction are higher than getting rid of a sugar addiction. Rats could rather stay away from heroin than from sugar. There has been research that showed that 99% of people will regain 100% of their weight after a diet.

The thing is that as a child your body forms the fat cells. Once you have them you can not get rid of them. They can be emptied which will make you look slim but they are still there and when they are empty they will constantly cause hormones to be injected into your brain that will produce hunger. So once fat your choice is to remain fat or loose weight but live with hunger for the rest of your life and only 1% of people can handle that.

It is partly genetic, partly learned as a kid. My dad was fat and ate like a pig so I had his genes and learned his behaviour. Using food for comfort especially sweets and fast food. Or rewarding yourself with unhealthy food. If you learn to act this way as a child it is in your brain and once you are old your brain is hardwired like that and it can't change. It is like an alcoholic. I for one could never understand why somebody would be an alcoholic because I never drank alcohol until I was like 30. But if you start drinking at 12 and then you drink like crazy during the time of your youth your brain learns to act that way and it can never be forgotten.

Like an alcoholic can never stop being an alcoholic. He can learn to stay away but the instance he touches another bottle it's over for him because his childhood experiences are burned into his brain. It is the same with food. I can loose weight and even keep it off for a while but eating like a pig is hardcoded into my brain and I can never get it out. It could come back any time if I have just one relapse.

Right now as I am doing my diet I am feeling extremely nervous because my body is screaming for it's sugar supply. It is one fucked up feeling. I know if I just ate until my belly is full I would immediately feel a feeling of total relief and calmness. When I eat until I am really full (like 4000 calories) then I feel extremely good and relaxed even if everything around me is a total mess. Food addiction is extremely powerful. But like you wouldn't understand a heroin addict you just can't understand why people are fat.
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you don't know the pain of having high ghrelin
please don't even judge fat people again
protein has helped me immensely in dealing with this. our bodies are used to consuming alot so once we cut down the cravings will stop
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Never tbh but rn i am back on bulking at 3000 kcals i am still too skinny to be low bodyfat and need to get a better body
Don’t increase calories too much or you’ll just get fat. Increase slightly over maintenance, it’s a myth that you need to have a huge surplus to gain muscle.
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There is scientific research which shows chances to get rid of a heroin addiction are higher than getting rid of a sugar addiction. Rats could rather stay away from heroin than from sugar. There has been research that showed that 99% of people will regain 100% of their weight after a diet.

The thing is that as a child your body forms the fat cells. Once you have them you can not get rid of them. They can be emptied which will make you look slim but they are still there and when they are empty they will constantly cause hormones to be injected into your brain that will produce hunger. So once fat your choice is to remain fat or loose weight but live with hunger for the rest of your life and only 1% of people can handle that.

It is partly genetic, partly learned as a kid. My dad was fat and ate like a pig so I had his genes and learned his behaviour. Using food for comfort especially sweets and fast food. Or rewarding yourself with unhealthy food. If you learn to act this way as a child it is in your brain and once you are old your brain is hardwired like that and it can't change. It is like an alcoholic. I for one could never understand why somebody would be an alcoholic because I never drank alcohol until I was like 30. But if you start drinking at 12 and then you drink like crazy during the time of your youth your brain learns to act that way and it can never be forgotten.

Like an alcoholic can never stop being an alcoholic. He can learn to stay away but the instance he touches another bottle it's over for him because his childhood experiences are burned into his brain. It is the same with food. I can loose weight and even keep it off for a while but eating like a pig is hardcoded into my brain and I can never get it out.

Right now as I am doing my diet I am feeling extremely nervous because my body is screaming for it's sugar supply. It is one fucked up feeling. I know if I just ate until my belly is full I would immediately feel a feeling of total relief and calmness. When I eat until I am really full (like 4000 calories) then I feel extremely good and relaxed even if everything around me is a total mess. Food addiction is extremely powerful. But like you wouldn't understand a heroin addict you just can't understand why people are fat.
Fatpill sounds brutal NGL.
People deny the role of genetics but I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. When I started my bulk at 120 lbs (I'm 5'9") I tried eating 2700 calories and I was only gaining half a pound a week. Calories in calories out seems like utter bullshit.

Also I have always hated eating food. Like even good food I just don't get much pleasure from it at all. Trying to eat at a surplus is like pure torture for me.

Yet people deny the role of genetics in this stuff.

I think I read somewhere that some people's bodies are also more efficient at converting food into fat. So it's not just about metabolism, or how much energy your body uses, it also is about how efficient your body is at actually creating the fat.
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Don’t increase calories too much or you’ll just get fat. Increase slightly over maintenance, it’s a myth that you need to have a huge surplus to gain muscle.
Yeah 3000 shouldnt be that big of a deal hopefully or my genetics are trash:lul:
Fatpill sounds brutal NGL.
People deny the role of genetics but I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. When I started my bulk at 120 lbs (I'm 5'9") I tried eating 2700 calories and I was only gaining half a pound a week. Calories in calories out seems like utter bullshit.

Also I have always hated eating food. Like even good food I just don't get much pleasure from it at all. Trying to eat at a surplus is like pure torture for me.

Yet people deny the role of genetics in this stuff.

At this height and weight you consume around 2400 calories per day. To gain one pound you need about 3000 calories of surplus. So at 2700 calories it should take you about ten days to gain one pound. So the result you got is somewhere in the expected range.

Likewise to lose 100 pounds like I will have to I need a 300.000 calorie deficit which means if I eat 2000 calories per day it will take about 600 days for me to reach a normal weight.

People underestimate that.

But trust me calories in calories out is legit. Last time I lost 80 pounds I lost weight exactly as calculated.
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At this height and weight you consume around 2400 calories per day. To gain one pound you need about 3000 calories of surplus. So at 2700 calories it should take you about ten days to gain one pound. So the result you got is somewhere in the expected range.

Likewise to lose 100 pounds like I will have to I need a 300.000 calorie deficit which means if I eat 2000 calories per day it will take about 600 days for me to reach a normal weight.

People underestimate that.

But trust me calories in calories out is legit. Last time I lost 80 pounds I lost weight exactly as calculated.
One of those TDEE calculators said I use 2150 I think. Maybe I was underestimating my exercise. Once I started eating at 3000 calories a day I finally started gaining a pound of week and making very fast progress on my lifts. But it was extremely painful to eat that much food. When I first started my bulk I actually vomited. And the first month doing it I was regularly gagging during my last meal of the day, it also seemed to fuck up my sleep quite a bit as well.

Homeostasispill takes no prisoners.
Fatpill sounds brutal NGL.
People deny the role of genetics but I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. When I started my bulk at 120 lbs (I'm 5'9") I tried eating 2700 calories and I was only gaining half a pound a week. Calories in calories out seems like utter bullshit.

Also I have always hated eating food. Like even good food I just don't get much pleasure from it at all. Trying to eat at a surplus is like pure torture for me.

Yet people deny the role of genetics in this stuff.

I think I read somewhere that some people's bodies are also more efficient at converting food into fat. So it's not just about metabolism, or how much energy your body uses, it also is about how efficient your body is at actually creating the fat.

I think the main issue now we didn't have from about the 1970s and prior is we eat all this stuff loaded with sugar and other processed carbs. That stuff spikes insulin big time which signals the body to store fat. A person could eat the same calories without all that trash and not gain nearly as much weight.

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