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wild bnuuy
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I also added it as a Word file. You can read it from there.
As seen in the image, in 1936, 25 percent of nazi germany's imported oil came from the usa, 29 percent from the caribbean, and 9 percent from mexico. in other words, if an embargo was imposed when a global conflict started, it would lose 63 percent of all imported oil because the resources were located in geographies that it could not seize and use. while the ussr's share in this ratio was 12 percent, this ratio would increase after the soviet-german treaty in 1940.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German–Soviet_Commercial_Agreement_(1940)#:~:text=The agreements continued Nazi–Soviet,grain and 130,000 metric tons (
When people say “the US invaded Iraq for oil!” I think what most of them have in mind is an invasion like the Portuguese and Spanish exploitation of the gold in South America.
No, the ultimate goal of the US in the Middle East is not to use that oil for its own needs, but to make sure that it is not controlled by the Russians, the Europeans or the Chinese.
The US controls the world's fuel so that it can control the whole world.
China consumes more than three times as much oil as it produces.
Here is the list of countries that China supplies its oil to:
1. Saudi Arabia,
2. Russia
3. Iraq
4. Oman
5. angola
6. Kuwait
7. united arab emirates
8. brazil.
9. malaysia
10. Norway
Now, in this list, Saudi Arabia, which supplies 17.4% of China's oil imports, Iraq, which supplies 10.2%, Kuwait, which supplies 6.2%, and the United Arab Emirates, which supplies 6.1% of China's oil imports, the US has thousands of troops, battleships, jets, surface-to-air missile batteries, while the Chinese do not have any military presence.
above, I excluded Russia, which is already an ally of China, from “resources in geographies that it cannot seize and use”, and I also excluded Malaysia because China could seize it in a global conflict that flares up in the middle of this century.
Excluding these countries, China's oil importers account for 73.7 percent of the rest of China's oil imports, which is more than the oil imports lost by Nazi Germany.
Prior to pearl harbor, when the japanese empire invaded Indochina, the us imposed an embargo on japan. until then, japan was getting eighty percent of its oil from the us. but we all know that it was able to sustain a global conflict without all this.
However, when even the wehrmacht was far from completing its mechanization, when eighty percent of the entire German army was using horses as the primary means of transportation, when only 52 divisions of the wehrmacht, which had 322 divisions in 1943, were armored and motorized, when the overwhelming majority of the Germans were using horses, buffaloes, camels and other animals, especially horses, for their logistics while advancing on foot in battles and operations, the Japanese army was far behind even the Germans in terms of mechanization and was in no way comparable to the United States.
but today China has a fully mechanized armed forces and is therefore much more dependent on oil than the Axis armies of the second world war.
While the 1,560,000 tons of oil that Romania supplied to Germany in the second world war was insufficient but still vital for Germany, the amount of oil imported by the People's Republic of China in 2022 is 563,990,000 tons.
And when it enters a world war, it will need much more than it consumes now.
If the US and China go to all-out war, one of the key words in the history books about why the People's Republic of China lost this war will undoubtedly be “shortage”.
Today, the ratio of US defense spending to its gross domestic product is 3.3 percent.
US defense spending is 916,000,000,000,000 US dollars, more than the next 9 countries on the list of the world's top defense spenders combined.
The United States alone accounts for 40 percent of the planet's total defense spending
but economics is only one of the drivers of war.
Let's go back to 1982, to the Falklands War between Britain and Argentina.
in an alternate time period;
First of all, in this war, Argentina used chemical weapons against British troops, the British hit Argentina with nuclear weapons, the war escalated horribly, and both countries declared a state of mobilization,
Secondly, that the territory of South America is completely devoid of tungsten reserves,
Thirdly, let's assume that Argentina suddenly found abnormally large quantities of gold and diamonds in its territory.
tungsten is a vital material for armor-piercing ammunition, and in a situation like the Falklands war, where the war evolves into an all-out war, it will be decisive in the effectiveness against enemy vehicles and missiles, especially in the ammunition of ship or land-based ciws systems.
But in this hypothetical situation where Argentina and the UK use chemical and nuclear weapons and declare a state of mobilization, where Argentina is under a total blockade and South America is short of tungsten, would the hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars of gold and diamond reserves that Argentina would find solve this need?
because there is a physical limit to what you can do with money and funds.
When Nazi Germany took over mainland Europe, oil was scarce, nickel and cobalt, which were critical for the Luftwaffe, were almost non-existent, and it was never able to obtain even a quarter of a quarter of what was sufficient because the resources were located in the territory of enemies with whom it was at all-out war. the fact that Nazi Germany was richer or much richer would not have changed this situation in any way, it would not have enabled it to exceed its physical limits.
So one of the first factors to consider in a US-China total war scenario is that while China's energy is limited, the US is not.
The second factor to look at is not only the budget of the US armed forces on paper, but also the territory it occupies on the planet and how it envelops this planet.
When planning a war scenario against iran, the routes and possibilities of iran attacking your territory are known. there is no guide, no anomaly in a war against america. a b-1 lancer taking off from diego garcia in the indian ocean can be a threat to pekin or moscow. an sm-3 waiting to be fired from the deck of an arleigh burke class destroyer off the coast of iceland can be a threat to a civilian satellite or a military satellite.
What is the largest air force in the world?
The US Air Force, of course, with 5,369 aircraft.
What is the second largest air force in the world? Chinese air force? Russian air force?
The second largest air force in the world is the US Navy with 4,012 aircraft.
Today, the term “supercarrier” is not used by any navy as an official classification name and is used by the media to describe the largest and most advanced aircraft carriers.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Navy#:~:text=It has 299 deployable combat,as of Jul 18, 2023.
The ultimate example of these supercarriers are the American-built ones.
the uss enterprise, launched in november 1961, was a kitty hawk class aircraft carrier, but unlike other kitty hawk class ships before it, it was nuclear powered. the 95,000-ton enterprise was the first supercarrier with a nuclear reactor, but the uss nimitz, launched in 1967, brought the capability gap between the us navy, already the most powerful in the world, and the rest of the world to an absurd level. nimitz-class nuclear aircraft carriers have been in service for 55 years. the nimitz class replaced the kitty hawk class, the first example being the uss gerald r. ford, which entered service on june 22, 2017. the ford gerald r. ford-class ships will also replace the nimitz class.
The Americans have 10 nimitz-class and 1 gerald r. ford class and 11 nuclear-powered supercarriers.
These ships are more than 330 meters long and weigh more than 100,000 tons.
an American supercarrier carries a fleet of 44 fighters (f/a-18e/f super hornet and f-35c), 8 mh-60s helicopters, 5 e-2 hawkeye command, control and early warning aircraft, 2 cmv-22b tiltrotors, 5 ea-18g growler electronic warfare aircraft and 11 mh-60r helicopters.
an average of 6,000 people are on board an American supercarrier at sea. 3,200 of them are the personnel responsible for running the ship itself, from deck maintenance and repair to cooking. the rest are the personnel of the air fleet that the ship hosts, from air traffic controllers to pilots.
These ships were equipped with two rim-162 essm launcher platforms. rim-162 missiles can reach speeds of over 4900 kilometers per hour, have a maximum range of more than 50 kilometers, were developed to intercept supersonic anti-ship missiles and aircraft, but with the necessary engagement mode, they can also be used against surface targets, i.e. other ships.
2 mk-144 launchers each carrying 21 rim-116 rolling airframe missiles, 3 phalanx ciws, 4 25mm mark 38 weapon systems and 4 m2 browning; While destroying kamikaze drones and unguided rockets advancing on it in the Arabian Sea, as the USS Carney destroyed, while destroying supersonic anti-ship missiles coming at it on the one hand, while destroying an Iranian navy, the F-18 squadron that has taken off from its deck can end a naval battle with the Chinese navy 900 km away in the middle of the Indian Ocean before it even starts thanks to the agm-158 LRM stealth anti-ship missiles.
a US aircraft carrier has a maximum speed of 56 kilometers per hour and can travel from Norfolk, Virginia, to the Middle East in just one week. they have unlimited range, can travel more than 1,000 kilometers per day, do not need access to land bases that could become unusable in a crisis, and can strike hundreds of targets on land and at sea every day for months.
supercarriers sail with carrier strike groups. while the flagships of carrier strike groups are supercarriers, these formations consist of a ticonderoga-class missile cruiser, two arleigh burke-class destroyers, a los angeles-class submarine and a supply ship.
7 years ago, in october 2016, the houthis shot down a ship belonging to the united arab emirates. this ship, built by an australian company for the us, was later donated to the uae. the explosion in the video, which could have had catastrophic consequences, is only a partial and old demonstration of the capability of the iran-backed houthis. and more importantly, it shows that the uss carney, an arleigh burke class destroyer, did a very successful job.
carney destroyed 4 cruise missiles and 15 drones on October 19, 2023
arleigh burke class destroyers and ticonderoga class cruisers, unlike aircraft carriers, have artillery systems, cruise missiles such as bgm-109 tomahawk and rum-139 vl-asroc, anti-submarine missiles, missile and air defense systems such as rim-174 and rim-161 standard missile 3.
rim-161s contain an exoatmospheric kill vehicle, or ekv, and can shoot down satellites and intercontinental missiles.
cruisers and destroyers, which are part of carrier strike groups, do not only protect aircraft carriers. they also protect the territory of US allies within the aegis combat system, which includes other cruisers and destroyers of the same class but not part of carrier strike groups. they operate as sea-based variants of the early warning radar ecosystem of the gmd missile defense system on the us mainland, which spans the entire planet, from england and california to alaska and poland, where a ticonderoga class cruiser escorting an aircraft carrier fleet a few kilometers off the coast of isral bombing libya could shoot down a russian missile fired from chelyabinsk.
While one carrier strike strike group is spewing death all over Iran, from thermal power plants to tankers, others may collide with China in the South Pacific, another may hunt Russian submarines in the Baltic Sea, another may shoot down satellites and missiles in the Atlantic.
America can do all of these - at the same time.
anyone who understands a little geopolitics knows that the United States not only possesses a firepower so massive, uninterrupted and accurate that no other civilization has ever possessed it, but that it can take that firepower across oceans to the doorstep of other civilizations. in the event of a global conflict, nowhere in the world will be able to produce as many jets, ships, air-to-air missiles as on US soil.
But when a military expert is asked about the most important advantage it has over its enemies, the answer is connectivity.
What does that mean?
'’the mentality that founded the soviets thought that the industrial society mode of production of the early 20th century was the end of history. huge factories, millions of workers with jobs and homes, collective surplus-value squeezing with ideological gas worked up to a point. in this context, an extremely poor and backward country like russia became a superpower in 20-30 years.
but if you study technology, industrial organization, economic geography, etc., I think you will better understand why the soviets didn't work in the long run. because capitalism continued to transform after the fordist model that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century and is still transforming today.
What the continuation of this transformation has brought about is that as the US physical ecosystem of tens of trillions of dollars, millions of patents, billions of tons of material has continued to evolve, it has created a digital ecosystem.
command and control with uninterrupted, real-time data transmission.
31 years ago in the Persian Gulf,
While transferring data to LCD screens in the cockpits of ah-64 apache helicopters from inside mh-53js, awacs planes transfer data to f-15s, f-16s and f-18s, gps guides cruise missiles, the digital ecosystem integrated into all this physical ecosystem put it ahead of the others.
Today, the US can hit every single warhead of a fired intercontinental nuclear missile.
Being able to see at night from the streets of Panama to the streets of Bagdad and mark targets with the infrared laser of your weapon was like a superpower.
But now America's enemies have this equipment.
Americans today have made this connectivity even more versatile.
When you integrate the android team awareness kit (atak) into the an/pvs-31 night vision device, it looks like something out of a sci-fi movie or videogame. and this is being developed further.
That is, from the xm-157 fire control system on the xm7 rifle of the US infantry in Taiwan, which can be called a miniature version of the ballistic computer of a main battle tank, to an early warning radar in Poland, this physical ecosystem is interconnected by a digital
ecosystem that never stops and never rests.
In 2024, the US has ordered 72 fighters, 48 f-35a and 24 f-15ex eagle ii, the largest number since 1991. In 2025, the defense budget will increase by another $55 billion, but the planned goal is to raise defense spending by hundreds of billions of dollars to over $1 trillion, with 5 percent of GDP allocated to defense.
guam will have the most complex air defenses in the entire world by 2030.
The US Navy is by far the largest navy in the world today.
In terms of tonnage, it is larger than the sum of the next 5 navies. it is not more than twice as large as the sum of the navies of the entire planet as it was at the end of the second world war, but in terms of capability, the difference between the navies of the USA and the rest of the countries is absurd, especially the unrep (underway replenishment) capability of the US Navy is more than the sum of all the navies of the world.
Cruise missiles are undoubtedly one of the most frightening anti-ship weapons. nowadays, cruise missiles are not carried by bombers like bombs, but by systems called “rotary launchers”. the system in the image is from the boeing b-52, the b-1 lancer also has this system.
However, the Russian Tu-160 bomber has a similar system. However, due to the maintenance costs of the Tu-160, Russia uses Tu-95ms aircraft to strike Ukraine.
The next level in these systems is rapid dragon.
this system makes it possible to fire cruise missiles such as the agm-158 jassm agm-158c lrasm from cargo pallet modules and turns transport aircraft such as the c-17 globemaster iii into gunships capable of carrying dozens of jassms, making a transport aircraft many times more lethal than the tu-160. a tu-160 can carry 6 cruise missiles, a b-1 lancer can carry 8 cruise missiles, while a c-17 rapid dragon can carry 45 cruise missiles.
Considering the number of C-17 aircraft in the hands of the US, the ability to maintain/repair and produce C-17s, and the range of the jassm-xr version of the agm-158, it can be better understood what a terrible advantage the rapid dragon and the capability it brings to the US on this planet.
the US has 50,000 troops in Japan and 28,500 in South Korea. As I said before, we can argue that the US is already by far the largest military and economic power in the world, or how the armed forces from Diego Garcia and England to South Korea and Iraq will evolve if the US switches to a war economy, or that Boeing's 50-ton, unmanned, autonomous Orca submarines are a bigger problem for the Chinese than the US's unmanned aerial vehicles such as the RQ-180, MQ-25 and MQ-20 Sea Avenger,
but the most absurd advantage is the logistical capability.
80 years ago, the US landed on an atoll in Ulithi without a single pier and in less than a year turned it into the busiest naval base on the planet.
If the Chinese air navy and air force suffer terrible losses - unlike the US - they will never get back to where they were before they suffered those losses.
Now let's talk about unconventional capabilities.
The first thing that needs to be mentioned in this regard is what I wrote before; in this ecosystem, which extends from Poland and Alaska to land-based radars in Guam and from there to the combat systems of NATO and its allies, the sm-3 system, which shot down an ICBM warhead in 2019, is not the ultimate exoatmospheric kill vehicle platform in US service.
the most effective weapon system against ballistic missiles, ekvs' dominant platform in american service is the gbi ([ground-based interceptor ground-based interceptor]). the us has 44 gbi systems and the plan is to have 64. however, the program aimed at putting a more advanced version of the gbi into service has been liquidated and lockheed martin won the tender for the program to put an even more advanced version into service. From 2026 onwards, the United States will further extend its unrivaled lead in this field and will deploy systems that carry more than one EKV. the People's Republic of China, like Russia, lacks less than a quarter of a quarter of such a defense capability against intercontinental ballistic missiles, both on land and at sea.
The next generation interceptor, like gbi and aegis, is integrated not only into the early warning systems of nato and its allies that stretch across the planet, across oceans and continents, but also into systems hundreds of kilometers above the earth's surface, and just as the us is now monitoring every Russian icbm garrison 24/7, so too is china's icm silo construction and every element of mass destruction, from nuclear submarines to command and control headquarters, under constant surveillance.
The total number of nuclear weapons possessed by the People's Republic of China is slightly less than one tenth that of the United States.
China is inferior to the United States in every factor, such as the number of ICBMs, the number of SLBMs, the accuracy of the warheads, etc.
One of China's biggest disadvantages in such a war is that it lacks the geography of a country like the United States, which borders the oceans by thousands of kilometers.
when the cold war turned into a hot war, the USSR needed to be able to hang the gap of gıuk (g)reenland (i)celand (u)united (k)ingdom to get out of the baltic sea so that half of its navy would not be destroyed.
Today, China is in a more disadvantageous position than the USSR and Russia. no, not because it is not bordered by the Barents Sea and the Pacific Ocean.
only some parts of the South China Sea are deep enough to operate nuclear submarines. because the shallowness of the sea in the rest of the territorial waters makes Chinese submarines extremely detectable. this is a huge geographical disadvantage for China.
One of the privileges of the US being the greatest economic, military and innovation power, and not being subject to physical limits, is that it can achieve a capability that it lacks in a much, much shorter time than other powers.
when iraq invaded kuwait on august 2, 1990, the us began planning an air campaign against iraq. it was unclear whether the blu-109 would be sufficient to destroy the iraqi bunkers. iraq had established defense industrial ties with east germany and yugoslavia. yugoslavia had built many bunkers in iraq in the late 1970s and early 80s, and the bunkers were both high quality and built in large quantities.
estimates indicated that the gbu-24 could penetrate the earth enough to reach these bunkers, but it would be inadequate against the deepest bunkers (those containing command and control centers), which were 15 meters underground.
Many ideas were discussed, from an unmanned hypersonic vehicle to a super-alloyed version of the blu-109, but these would take months to develop, and the US needed a weapon capable of destroying the Iraqi command centers immediately.
It was then decided to use the barrel of the 203mm M110 howitzer as a bomb body, and the US; It took two (2) weeks for the US to design, prototype, test, deploy and operationalize the bomb that would destroy the command and control bunker, the heart of a series of bunkers at the base, which included a military airport, a facility capable of producing 1,000 barrels a year, a maintenance and repair center for scud missiles and t-54/55/62 tanks, and facilities capable of producing t-72, t-72 armor. Saddam's most complex bunker was destroyed with a single bomb and Iraq signed a ceasefire agreement the next day.
the bomb cut through the floor like butter and exploded inside the bunker, killing everyone. saddam's most complex bunker was destroyed by a single bomb and iraq signed a ceasefire agreement the next day.
the reason I mentioned this US superiority was that just because the US doesn't have a conventional weapon that can penetrate the three strait dams right now doesn't mean that it won't still have one a month after the war starts. it could do it with super bunker busters that are being developed right now and are scheduled to enter service in the early 2030s, it could do it with optimized versions of some of the older “things”.
China has energy limits, the US does not. even in this state, not destroyed and not in active conflict, China lags behind the US not only in defense but also in technological innovation in civilian industry
Unlike the United States, China does not have operational systems capable of simultaneously destroying these threats, from ICBM warheads to satellites, both from ships and land, from Alaska and Poland to Diego Garcia and Japan.
China has less than a tenth of the number of nuclear/thermonuclear weapons of the United States, and even fewer deployed strategic warheads.
At no point in its history has China conducted nuclear/chemical/biological weapons programs as large and sophisticated as those of the United States, nor does it have today a quarter of the defensive systems and NBC capabilities against these weapons that the
United States has.
In the event of total war, China will not be able to produce as many fighters, seeker warheads, aircraft carriers, autonomous submarines and, more importantly, as much oil as the United States.
the depth of China's territorial waters - especially its nuclear submarines - makes its navy even more vulnerable and target-prone than the Russian navy
At the beginning I illustrated it with a theoretical scenario based on argentina and tungsten.
Of course, in reality Argentina has tungsten ores.
News from December 1, 1941: Argentina will sell all the tungsten it mines to the USA.
This is the difference between a superpower and a hyperpower. while nazi germany was experiencing a tungsten shortage, the us was getting even more, even though it was wallowing in tungsten thanks to the resources on its own mainland. while the resources
and production on its own territory were already providing more explosive production than anyone else, the us was still getting even more from chile.
it will be exactly the same in a china us war. the us will be able to go and use the whole planet as its own territory like in the second world war, even though the us is not limited by the physical limits that china is already subjected to.
Nuclear, chemical, biological, conventional, limited or total.... china is at a disadvantage in every single factor in this potential war, the outcome of this war is known before it even starts, just like in world war 1, world war 2 and the cold war.
America is the greatest power in human history.

As seen in the image, in 1936, 25 percent of nazi germany's imported oil came from the usa, 29 percent from the caribbean, and 9 percent from mexico. in other words, if an embargo was imposed when a global conflict started, it would lose 63 percent of all imported oil because the resources were located in geographies that it could not seize and use. while the ussr's share in this ratio was 12 percent, this ratio would increase after the soviet-german treaty in 1940.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German–Soviet_Commercial_Agreement_(1940)#:~:text=The agreements continued Nazi–Soviet,grain and 130,000 metric tons (
When people say “the US invaded Iraq for oil!” I think what most of them have in mind is an invasion like the Portuguese and Spanish exploitation of the gold in South America.
No, the ultimate goal of the US in the Middle East is not to use that oil for its own needs, but to make sure that it is not controlled by the Russians, the Europeans or the Chinese.
The US controls the world's fuel so that it can control the whole world.
China consumes more than three times as much oil as it produces.
Here is the list of countries that China supplies its oil to:
1. Saudi Arabia,
2. Russia
3. Iraq
4. Oman
5. angola
6. Kuwait
7. united arab emirates
8. brazil.
9. malaysia
10. Norway
Now, in this list, Saudi Arabia, which supplies 17.4% of China's oil imports, Iraq, which supplies 10.2%, Kuwait, which supplies 6.2%, and the United Arab Emirates, which supplies 6.1% of China's oil imports, the US has thousands of troops, battleships, jets, surface-to-air missile batteries, while the Chinese do not have any military presence.
above, I excluded Russia, which is already an ally of China, from “resources in geographies that it cannot seize and use”, and I also excluded Malaysia because China could seize it in a global conflict that flares up in the middle of this century.
Excluding these countries, China's oil importers account for 73.7 percent of the rest of China's oil imports, which is more than the oil imports lost by Nazi Germany.
Prior to pearl harbor, when the japanese empire invaded Indochina, the us imposed an embargo on japan. until then, japan was getting eighty percent of its oil from the us. but we all know that it was able to sustain a global conflict without all this.
However, when even the wehrmacht was far from completing its mechanization, when eighty percent of the entire German army was using horses as the primary means of transportation, when only 52 divisions of the wehrmacht, which had 322 divisions in 1943, were armored and motorized, when the overwhelming majority of the Germans were using horses, buffaloes, camels and other animals, especially horses, for their logistics while advancing on foot in battles and operations, the Japanese army was far behind even the Germans in terms of mechanization and was in no way comparable to the United States.
but today China has a fully mechanized armed forces and is therefore much more dependent on oil than the Axis armies of the second world war.
While the 1,560,000 tons of oil that Romania supplied to Germany in the second world war was insufficient but still vital for Germany, the amount of oil imported by the People's Republic of China in 2022 is 563,990,000 tons.
And when it enters a world war, it will need much more than it consumes now.
If the US and China go to all-out war, one of the key words in the history books about why the People's Republic of China lost this war will undoubtedly be “shortage”.
Today, the ratio of US defense spending to its gross domestic product is 3.3 percent.
US defense spending is 916,000,000,000,000 US dollars, more than the next 9 countries on the list of the world's top defense spenders combined.
The United States alone accounts for 40 percent of the planet's total defense spending
but economics is only one of the drivers of war.
Let's go back to 1982, to the Falklands War between Britain and Argentina.
in an alternate time period;
First of all, in this war, Argentina used chemical weapons against British troops, the British hit Argentina with nuclear weapons, the war escalated horribly, and both countries declared a state of mobilization,
Secondly, that the territory of South America is completely devoid of tungsten reserves,
Thirdly, let's assume that Argentina suddenly found abnormally large quantities of gold and diamonds in its territory.
tungsten is a vital material for armor-piercing ammunition, and in a situation like the Falklands war, where the war evolves into an all-out war, it will be decisive in the effectiveness against enemy vehicles and missiles, especially in the ammunition of ship or land-based ciws systems.
But in this hypothetical situation where Argentina and the UK use chemical and nuclear weapons and declare a state of mobilization, where Argentina is under a total blockade and South America is short of tungsten, would the hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars of gold and diamond reserves that Argentina would find solve this need?
because there is a physical limit to what you can do with money and funds.
When Nazi Germany took over mainland Europe, oil was scarce, nickel and cobalt, which were critical for the Luftwaffe, were almost non-existent, and it was never able to obtain even a quarter of a quarter of what was sufficient because the resources were located in the territory of enemies with whom it was at all-out war. the fact that Nazi Germany was richer or much richer would not have changed this situation in any way, it would not have enabled it to exceed its physical limits.
So one of the first factors to consider in a US-China total war scenario is that while China's energy is limited, the US is not.
The second factor to look at is not only the budget of the US armed forces on paper, but also the territory it occupies on the planet and how it envelops this planet.
When planning a war scenario against iran, the routes and possibilities of iran attacking your territory are known. there is no guide, no anomaly in a war against america. a b-1 lancer taking off from diego garcia in the indian ocean can be a threat to pekin or moscow. an sm-3 waiting to be fired from the deck of an arleigh burke class destroyer off the coast of iceland can be a threat to a civilian satellite or a military satellite.
What is the largest air force in the world?
The US Air Force, of course, with 5,369 aircraft.
What is the second largest air force in the world? Chinese air force? Russian air force?
The second largest air force in the world is the US Navy with 4,012 aircraft.
Today, the term “supercarrier” is not used by any navy as an official classification name and is used by the media to describe the largest and most advanced aircraft carriers.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Navy#:~:text=It has 299 deployable combat,as of Jul 18, 2023.
The ultimate example of these supercarriers are the American-built ones.
the uss enterprise, launched in november 1961, was a kitty hawk class aircraft carrier, but unlike other kitty hawk class ships before it, it was nuclear powered. the 95,000-ton enterprise was the first supercarrier with a nuclear reactor, but the uss nimitz, launched in 1967, brought the capability gap between the us navy, already the most powerful in the world, and the rest of the world to an absurd level. nimitz-class nuclear aircraft carriers have been in service for 55 years. the nimitz class replaced the kitty hawk class, the first example being the uss gerald r. ford, which entered service on june 22, 2017. the ford gerald r. ford-class ships will also replace the nimitz class.
The Americans have 10 nimitz-class and 1 gerald r. ford class and 11 nuclear-powered supercarriers.
These ships are more than 330 meters long and weigh more than 100,000 tons.
an American supercarrier carries a fleet of 44 fighters (f/a-18e/f super hornet and f-35c), 8 mh-60s helicopters, 5 e-2 hawkeye command, control and early warning aircraft, 2 cmv-22b tiltrotors, 5 ea-18g growler electronic warfare aircraft and 11 mh-60r helicopters.

an average of 6,000 people are on board an American supercarrier at sea. 3,200 of them are the personnel responsible for running the ship itself, from deck maintenance and repair to cooking. the rest are the personnel of the air fleet that the ship hosts, from air traffic controllers to pilots.
These ships were equipped with two rim-162 essm launcher platforms. rim-162 missiles can reach speeds of over 4900 kilometers per hour, have a maximum range of more than 50 kilometers, were developed to intercept supersonic anti-ship missiles and aircraft, but with the necessary engagement mode, they can also be used against surface targets, i.e. other ships.
2 mk-144 launchers each carrying 21 rim-116 rolling airframe missiles, 3 phalanx ciws, 4 25mm mark 38 weapon systems and 4 m2 browning; While destroying kamikaze drones and unguided rockets advancing on it in the Arabian Sea, as the USS Carney destroyed, while destroying supersonic anti-ship missiles coming at it on the one hand, while destroying an Iranian navy, the F-18 squadron that has taken off from its deck can end a naval battle with the Chinese navy 900 km away in the middle of the Indian Ocean before it even starts thanks to the agm-158 LRM stealth anti-ship missiles.
a US aircraft carrier has a maximum speed of 56 kilometers per hour and can travel from Norfolk, Virginia, to the Middle East in just one week. they have unlimited range, can travel more than 1,000 kilometers per day, do not need access to land bases that could become unusable in a crisis, and can strike hundreds of targets on land and at sea every day for months.
supercarriers sail with carrier strike groups. while the flagships of carrier strike groups are supercarriers, these formations consist of a ticonderoga-class missile cruiser, two arleigh burke-class destroyers, a los angeles-class submarine and a supply ship.
7 years ago, in october 2016, the houthis shot down a ship belonging to the united arab emirates. this ship, built by an australian company for the us, was later donated to the uae. the explosion in the video, which could have had catastrophic consequences, is only a partial and old demonstration of the capability of the iran-backed houthis. and more importantly, it shows that the uss carney, an arleigh burke class destroyer, did a very successful job.
carney destroyed 4 cruise missiles and 15 drones on October 19, 2023
arleigh burke class destroyers and ticonderoga class cruisers, unlike aircraft carriers, have artillery systems, cruise missiles such as bgm-109 tomahawk and rum-139 vl-asroc, anti-submarine missiles, missile and air defense systems such as rim-174 and rim-161 standard missile 3.
rim-161s contain an exoatmospheric kill vehicle, or ekv, and can shoot down satellites and intercontinental missiles.
cruisers and destroyers, which are part of carrier strike groups, do not only protect aircraft carriers. they also protect the territory of US allies within the aegis combat system, which includes other cruisers and destroyers of the same class but not part of carrier strike groups. they operate as sea-based variants of the early warning radar ecosystem of the gmd missile defense system on the us mainland, which spans the entire planet, from england and california to alaska and poland, where a ticonderoga class cruiser escorting an aircraft carrier fleet a few kilometers off the coast of isral bombing libya could shoot down a russian missile fired from chelyabinsk.
While one carrier strike strike group is spewing death all over Iran, from thermal power plants to tankers, others may collide with China in the South Pacific, another may hunt Russian submarines in the Baltic Sea, another may shoot down satellites and missiles in the Atlantic.
America can do all of these - at the same time.
anyone who understands a little geopolitics knows that the United States not only possesses a firepower so massive, uninterrupted and accurate that no other civilization has ever possessed it, but that it can take that firepower across oceans to the doorstep of other civilizations. in the event of a global conflict, nowhere in the world will be able to produce as many jets, ships, air-to-air missiles as on US soil.
But when a military expert is asked about the most important advantage it has over its enemies, the answer is connectivity.

What does that mean?
'’the mentality that founded the soviets thought that the industrial society mode of production of the early 20th century was the end of history. huge factories, millions of workers with jobs and homes, collective surplus-value squeezing with ideological gas worked up to a point. in this context, an extremely poor and backward country like russia became a superpower in 20-30 years.
but if you study technology, industrial organization, economic geography, etc., I think you will better understand why the soviets didn't work in the long run. because capitalism continued to transform after the fordist model that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century and is still transforming today.
What the continuation of this transformation has brought about is that as the US physical ecosystem of tens of trillions of dollars, millions of patents, billions of tons of material has continued to evolve, it has created a digital ecosystem.
command and control with uninterrupted, real-time data transmission.
31 years ago in the Persian Gulf,
While transferring data to LCD screens in the cockpits of ah-64 apache helicopters from inside mh-53js, awacs planes transfer data to f-15s, f-16s and f-18s, gps guides cruise missiles, the digital ecosystem integrated into all this physical ecosystem put it ahead of the others.
Today, the US can hit every single warhead of a fired intercontinental nuclear missile.
Being able to see at night from the streets of Panama to the streets of Bagdad and mark targets with the infrared laser of your weapon was like a superpower.
But now America's enemies have this equipment.
Americans today have made this connectivity even more versatile.

When you integrate the android team awareness kit (atak) into the an/pvs-31 night vision device, it looks like something out of a sci-fi movie or videogame. and this is being developed further.

That is, from the xm-157 fire control system on the xm7 rifle of the US infantry in Taiwan, which can be called a miniature version of the ballistic computer of a main battle tank, to an early warning radar in Poland, this physical ecosystem is interconnected by a digital
ecosystem that never stops and never rests.

In 2024, the US has ordered 72 fighters, 48 f-35a and 24 f-15ex eagle ii, the largest number since 1991. In 2025, the defense budget will increase by another $55 billion, but the planned goal is to raise defense spending by hundreds of billions of dollars to over $1 trillion, with 5 percent of GDP allocated to defense.
guam will have the most complex air defenses in the entire world by 2030.
The US Navy is by far the largest navy in the world today.
In terms of tonnage, it is larger than the sum of the next 5 navies. it is not more than twice as large as the sum of the navies of the entire planet as it was at the end of the second world war, but in terms of capability, the difference between the navies of the USA and the rest of the countries is absurd, especially the unrep (underway replenishment) capability of the US Navy is more than the sum of all the navies of the world.
Cruise missiles are undoubtedly one of the most frightening anti-ship weapons. nowadays, cruise missiles are not carried by bombers like bombs, but by systems called “rotary launchers”. the system in the image is from the boeing b-52, the b-1 lancer also has this system.

However, the Russian Tu-160 bomber has a similar system. However, due to the maintenance costs of the Tu-160, Russia uses Tu-95ms aircraft to strike Ukraine.

The next level in these systems is rapid dragon.

this system makes it possible to fire cruise missiles such as the agm-158 jassm agm-158c lrasm from cargo pallet modules and turns transport aircraft such as the c-17 globemaster iii into gunships capable of carrying dozens of jassms, making a transport aircraft many times more lethal than the tu-160. a tu-160 can carry 6 cruise missiles, a b-1 lancer can carry 8 cruise missiles, while a c-17 rapid dragon can carry 45 cruise missiles.
Considering the number of C-17 aircraft in the hands of the US, the ability to maintain/repair and produce C-17s, and the range of the jassm-xr version of the agm-158, it can be better understood what a terrible advantage the rapid dragon and the capability it brings to the US on this planet.
the US has 50,000 troops in Japan and 28,500 in South Korea. As I said before, we can argue that the US is already by far the largest military and economic power in the world, or how the armed forces from Diego Garcia and England to South Korea and Iraq will evolve if the US switches to a war economy, or that Boeing's 50-ton, unmanned, autonomous Orca submarines are a bigger problem for the Chinese than the US's unmanned aerial vehicles such as the RQ-180, MQ-25 and MQ-20 Sea Avenger,
but the most absurd advantage is the logistical capability.
80 years ago, the US landed on an atoll in Ulithi without a single pier and in less than a year turned it into the busiest naval base on the planet.
If the Chinese air navy and air force suffer terrible losses - unlike the US - they will never get back to where they were before they suffered those losses.
Now let's talk about unconventional capabilities.
The first thing that needs to be mentioned in this regard is what I wrote before; in this ecosystem, which extends from Poland and Alaska to land-based radars in Guam and from there to the combat systems of NATO and its allies, the sm-3 system, which shot down an ICBM warhead in 2019, is not the ultimate exoatmospheric kill vehicle platform in US service.
the most effective weapon system against ballistic missiles, ekvs' dominant platform in american service is the gbi ([ground-based interceptor ground-based interceptor]). the us has 44 gbi systems and the plan is to have 64. however, the program aimed at putting a more advanced version of the gbi into service has been liquidated and lockheed martin won the tender for the program to put an even more advanced version into service. From 2026 onwards, the United States will further extend its unrivaled lead in this field and will deploy systems that carry more than one EKV. the People's Republic of China, like Russia, lacks less than a quarter of a quarter of such a defense capability against intercontinental ballistic missiles, both on land and at sea.
The next generation interceptor, like gbi and aegis, is integrated not only into the early warning systems of nato and its allies that stretch across the planet, across oceans and continents, but also into systems hundreds of kilometers above the earth's surface, and just as the us is now monitoring every Russian icbm garrison 24/7, so too is china's icm silo construction and every element of mass destruction, from nuclear submarines to command and control headquarters, under constant surveillance.
The total number of nuclear weapons possessed by the People's Republic of China is slightly less than one tenth that of the United States.
China is inferior to the United States in every factor, such as the number of ICBMs, the number of SLBMs, the accuracy of the warheads, etc.
One of China's biggest disadvantages in such a war is that it lacks the geography of a country like the United States, which borders the oceans by thousands of kilometers.
when the cold war turned into a hot war, the USSR needed to be able to hang the gap of gıuk (g)reenland (i)celand (u)united (k)ingdom to get out of the baltic sea so that half of its navy would not be destroyed.

Today, China is in a more disadvantageous position than the USSR and Russia. no, not because it is not bordered by the Barents Sea and the Pacific Ocean.
only some parts of the South China Sea are deep enough to operate nuclear submarines. because the shallowness of the sea in the rest of the territorial waters makes Chinese submarines extremely detectable. this is a huge geographical disadvantage for China.

One of the privileges of the US being the greatest economic, military and innovation power, and not being subject to physical limits, is that it can achieve a capability that it lacks in a much, much shorter time than other powers.
when iraq invaded kuwait on august 2, 1990, the us began planning an air campaign against iraq. it was unclear whether the blu-109 would be sufficient to destroy the iraqi bunkers. iraq had established defense industrial ties with east germany and yugoslavia. yugoslavia had built many bunkers in iraq in the late 1970s and early 80s, and the bunkers were both high quality and built in large quantities.
estimates indicated that the gbu-24 could penetrate the earth enough to reach these bunkers, but it would be inadequate against the deepest bunkers (those containing command and control centers), which were 15 meters underground.
Many ideas were discussed, from an unmanned hypersonic vehicle to a super-alloyed version of the blu-109, but these would take months to develop, and the US needed a weapon capable of destroying the Iraqi command centers immediately.
It was then decided to use the barrel of the 203mm M110 howitzer as a bomb body, and the US; It took two (2) weeks for the US to design, prototype, test, deploy and operationalize the bomb that would destroy the command and control bunker, the heart of a series of bunkers at the base, which included a military airport, a facility capable of producing 1,000 barrels a year, a maintenance and repair center for scud missiles and t-54/55/62 tanks, and facilities capable of producing t-72, t-72 armor. Saddam's most complex bunker was destroyed with a single bomb and Iraq signed a ceasefire agreement the next day.
the bomb cut through the floor like butter and exploded inside the bunker, killing everyone. saddam's most complex bunker was destroyed by a single bomb and iraq signed a ceasefire agreement the next day.
the reason I mentioned this US superiority was that just because the US doesn't have a conventional weapon that can penetrate the three strait dams right now doesn't mean that it won't still have one a month after the war starts. it could do it with super bunker busters that are being developed right now and are scheduled to enter service in the early 2030s, it could do it with optimized versions of some of the older “things”.
China has energy limits, the US does not. even in this state, not destroyed and not in active conflict, China lags behind the US not only in defense but also in technological innovation in civilian industry
Unlike the United States, China does not have operational systems capable of simultaneously destroying these threats, from ICBM warheads to satellites, both from ships and land, from Alaska and Poland to Diego Garcia and Japan.
China has less than a tenth of the number of nuclear/thermonuclear weapons of the United States, and even fewer deployed strategic warheads.
At no point in its history has China conducted nuclear/chemical/biological weapons programs as large and sophisticated as those of the United States, nor does it have today a quarter of the defensive systems and NBC capabilities against these weapons that the
United States has.
In the event of total war, China will not be able to produce as many fighters, seeker warheads, aircraft carriers, autonomous submarines and, more importantly, as much oil as the United States.
the depth of China's territorial waters - especially its nuclear submarines - makes its navy even more vulnerable and target-prone than the Russian navy
At the beginning I illustrated it with a theoretical scenario based on argentina and tungsten.
Of course, in reality Argentina has tungsten ores.
News from December 1, 1941: Argentina will sell all the tungsten it mines to the USA.
This is the difference between a superpower and a hyperpower. while nazi germany was experiencing a tungsten shortage, the us was getting even more, even though it was wallowing in tungsten thanks to the resources on its own mainland. while the resources
and production on its own territory were already providing more explosive production than anyone else, the us was still getting even more from chile.
it will be exactly the same in a china us war. the us will be able to go and use the whole planet as its own territory like in the second world war, even though the us is not limited by the physical limits that china is already subjected to.
Nuclear, chemical, biological, conventional, limited or total.... china is at a disadvantage in every single factor in this potential war, the outcome of this war is known before it even starts, just like in world war 1, world war 2 and the cold war.
America is the greatest power in human history.
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