Why you need to become rich and money isn’t cope

I would rather be a homeless psl god than coping with money

money can be made any way it is easy to create money, but to become attractive no unless you undergo dangerous surgeries
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Money is about mobility. You need to get rich not just because of the opportunities it brings but because it grants you real freedom. Financial freedom is the truest form of freedom it liberates you from constraints that most people struggle with daily. Being broke is one of the biggest disservices you can do to yourself because it limits your options in life making even basic decisions dependent on external factors than personal choice.

When you have money, you have options. You can choose where to live what to eat where to travel and even what kind of people to surround yourself with. A rich man can decide to take a vacation to Europe, invest in new business ventures, or walk away from toxic relationships and jobs. A broke man, on the other hand, is tied to a paycheck, unable to leave an unfulfilling job, forced to live in a less-than-ideal location, or settle in relationships due to financial dependence. Ifyou're in a job you hate but rely on the salary for survival, you're essentially a prisoner. Meanwhile, a financially independent person can quit and explore better opportunities without stress.

Money also plays a role in social dynamics and relationships. As a man, wealth provides status, security, and the ability to create an enjoyable lifestyle which naturally attracts people and unlike faggots money will never betray you. It’s always there when you need it providing security and options. A rich man can rely on his money to get out of tough situations, whether it’s legal trouble, an emergency, or a sudden opportunity that requires quick investment. A broke man, however, is constantly at the mercy of circumstances unable to take action when needed.

I see too many users here coping saying wealth aint worth shit. Broke chad is better or they prefer beinf poor etc but they dont realize the true liberation and power of wealth. Being rich isn’t just about luxury it’s about control over your life. It’s about never being forced into decisions due to financial limitations. As one of my favorite authors said

"Money is power, freedom, a cushion, the root of all evil, the sum of blessings."

Everyone here regardless of who they are need to become rich. Its not if but a must. If you not rich you are not living but just existing
Real but if a true bp’ller gets money nothing can really make him happy it’ll make him think it’s all fake though fast cars and shit are cool
I see too many users here coping saying wealth aint worth shit. Broke chad is better or they prefer beinf poor etc but they dont realize the true liberation and power of wealth
only teenagers on this website that still live with mommy and daddy and never had to struggle a day money wise say stuff like this lol
The whole world runs on money tbh
Who said money was cope in the first place?
Being rich as a chad is the same as dark triad and low inhib, it acts as an amplifier to your attractiveness that is already there. On people who are not attractive, it backfires
Have money so when you go to nice restaurants everyone mogs you

Have money so when you go on vacations everyone’s getting laid besides you

Have money so when you buy nice clothes people make fun of you behind your back for trying hard

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