Why you should be MORE RESPECTFUL to people you don't know

If more people in society thought like you, society would collapse, you would starve to death and have no electricity and immediately realize you need the man next to you.

Adopt responsibility, get money and be someone's boss, in the equation of society you need to be a necessary element, when someone needs a ride you need to be the ONLY guy with a car, you need to be THAT GUY that everyone couldn't live without to feel wanted and really enjoy life and want to help others. It's when you feel needed that you want to improve the lives of those around you, and those around you appreciate you for what you provide. Become needed, become high value, become a man who bears responsibility and a burden.
ever since i was boy ive been reserved and introverted its in my DNA my brother has always been outgoing and extraverted its not because im am abused dog, i have always mogged him lookswise yet he is NT and has friends despite being in the same environment, society would not collapse if everyone was like me , in a few years i would be happy to live in the wild like Ted K tbh
  • +1
Not going to agree with this one brother.
Every single outsider guy that accomplished big goals in his life was either a crazy asocial guy or a social neglet that suffered like an abused dog and wanted revenge. Playing the nice guy and relying on others will just ease your hatred and push you back.
Hate, pain and ambition is the key.
Tesla, Nietzsche, moustache man, Jesus, Zuckenberg etc.. every single one was like a crazy weirdo that wanted revenge and to Build/Destroy
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Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.”
1) Networking is EVERYTHING.
Networking doesn't work for incels. It's very difficult to make "connections", and even if you make them, people will come to ask you for favors, money, etc., but they won't give anything back in return, or will make excuses when you will ask something from them.
Like try for example to ask favors from women - they almost never give them, they will come up with excuses, but they are very quick to ask favors from men, without giving anything back.
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Networking doesn't work for incels. It's very difficult to make "connections", and even if you make them, people will come to ask you for favors, money, etc., but they won't give anything back in return, or will make excuses when you will ask something from them.
Like try for example to ask favors from women - they almost never give them, they will come up with excuses, but they are very quick to ask favors from men, without giving anything back.

Well dude. NOTHING works for incels. Advice doesn't work for incels. Surgery doesn't work for incels. Incels trying to help incels doesn't work for incels.

Because incels are losers. They don't even try. They're bitch motherfuckers. Am I an incel? I can't get any girls on dating apps. I haven't gotten laid in like a year. I'm part of the majority of men who are left behind via hypergamy.

The world is a shitty place but if you're smart, if you treat people properly, if you surround yourself with THE RIGHT people by getting partially lucky, partially putting in the work to even have good people around you in the first place, you'll be just fine, youll succeed.

What I'm saying isn't true 100% of the time. But it's true the majority of the time. And guess what else? Nobody else is coming on here helping incels. Nobody else is giving practical advice, nobody else is trying to fix a broken system. The advice I'm giving, while very broad and general, is all there is, and it's the best shot we have.
  • +1
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Well dude. NOTHING works for incels. Advice doesn't work for incels.
You're right here...
Surgery doesn't work for incels.
In some very specific circumstances it can work, to eliminate certain failos.
Incels trying to help incels doesn't work for incels.
How could it even work, if the first incels who try to help the others would know what they are doing, then they wouldn't be incels.
Because incels are losers. They don't even try.
Well, I tried pretty much everything for years and never got anywhere, the game is basically rigged against us.
Am I an incel? I can't get any girls on dating apps. I haven't gotten laid in like a year. I'm part of the majority of men who are left behind via hypergamy.
You probably are...
The world is a shitty place but if you're smart, if you treat people properly, if you surround yourself with THE RIGHT people by getting partially lucky, partially putting in the work to even have good people around you in the first place, you'll be just fine, youll succeed.
That's the thing, there are no "good people", everyone is just following their own interests, even if you treat them "right", it doesn't mean you'll get anywhere with them, or that they will return the favors.
What I'm saying isn't true 100% of the time. But it's true the majority of the time. And guess what else? Nobody else is coming on here helping incels. Nobody else is giving practical advice, nobody else is trying to fix a broken system. The advice I'm giving, while very broad and general, is all there is, and it's the best shot we have.
It's pretty vague advice and unlikely to work for incels.
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Well I guess, if you get horny enough you'd eventually force yourself out of your comfort zone to get laid. Take MT2, roids and go nofap and theres no way you aren't prowling for pussy every moment possible.

2) Block every autist you talk to. If you're non NT then every friend you get along with is also non NT.
Ruin valuable connections? Autists are statistically much more likely to get a higher education and stick to their morals than neurotypicals.

Not even to mention, if you're non-nt, there is NOTHING you can do to change that, you can mask but that is just faking an entire personality for the benefit of another person, it is tiring and you're not building even an atom of geniuine connection, it's only worthwhile to manipulate neurotypicals.

If you give up the only real human connection you have your brain will punish you brutally.

3) It's hard to make friends so watch people you want to become on YouTube talk. Listen to Andrew Tate. David Goggins. Read quotes of dead David Goggins-type people from the past like conquerors in history. Read Napoleon Quotes. Read Genghis Khan quotes. Fuel your brain with jet fuel instead of sludge.
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

Comparing fucking Tate with Napoleon... jfl man, you have lost it.

4) Improve the way you look. It improves your mental state and you realize you're not as stupid and weak as you thought. You're capable of making something ugly into something beautiful.
Improving your looks help because people like you more, jfl if you think it's because it makes you feel confident. Reddit tier bluepill.

5) Start schooling for a trade or join the military. You don't have a choice. You're broke and need to pull the emergency lever to fix the broken machine. You need an escape and schooling makes you valuable and gets you money.
Any recommendations if you only have a year till going to uni, been grinding factory, warehouse and cleaning jobs, but perhaps I should've just learned a trade from the start, any recs if you only wanna do something for a year?
  • +1
Idk if I'm sociopathic, or just grew up independently with very few friends but I've never felt like I needed people or felt like I needed to be needed.
U just described me lol
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U just described me lol

It's wild. My entire family could die tommorow and I wouldn't care. I'm that independently minded and sociopathic fuuck.
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What u call is social engineering
It's wild. My entire family could die tommorow and I wouldn't care. I'm that independently minded and sociopathic fuuck.
Caring because they die and theres no money= socio/psycopath

Not caring as there is no money anyway either way =sociopath

Not caring simply cuz feelings not there = person without feelings. Not necessarily personality disorder.

What OP is describing is actually manipulation to a high level and the people who employ this the most are sociopaths or psychopaths to have people on their side and act different behind the scenes
1) Networking is EVERYTHING.

You learned the English language from some cuck who taught you. You eat food from some cuck who has to give it to your ungrateful ass in a plastic package. You learned how to do your job from some cuck. Every champion had the real champion as his teacher...every Mike Tyson has a Cus Dmato as his mentor. Every Andrew Tate has an Emory Tate chess champion as a father. Every looksmax user a Jacob Hate to show them a better way. You won't get far alone. Your brain EVOLVED to function in a tribe environment towards teamwork. "Morality" and "ethics" is a mere TOOL of the brain to make the tribe work cohesively towards the benefit of the tribe. It's not garbage from the past. You need it and your brain EVOLVED to use it.

2) You're weaker than you think.

You're strong but you're not invincible. You bench 225 which only 1% of the world can do but there's another gymcel in the gym next to you who can bench 265. You can fight but there's a bald guy who can fight better. You're smart but there's a nerd who knows how to design drones that can murder your entire neighborhood. You're fast but pitbulls exist, and they're faster than you, and i can put one on you. You need to cooperate with the man next to you because you're weaker than you think, even if you're strong.

3) You aren't independent.

You are part of a society. It's really shitty, yes, but right now you need it to eat, take a shit with a functional toilet, have electricity, have income to pay for Internet that you use to jerk off 3 times a day, and even your ideas are really just the accumulation of the 5 voices you listen to most, whether online or in person. You are part of a team whether you like it or not and you can't change this, so you may as well work with this.

4) You need others.

It's good because guess what. OTHERS NEED YOU TOO. We are programmed to need eachother or we get crushingly lonely. But so does everyone else, and the sooner you make yourself more valuable, the sooner others can appreciate your worth. How do you have friends, coworkers, family, etc? You need to adopt as much responsibility as possible. Other people need to need you to get their needs met. You need to be the boss in this time and age to have responsibility, but it's responsibility that makes you necessary to the people around you, and that's where the respect and best social connections are made. You need a hard job that matters. Traditionally you would have been in a tribe and been inherently valuable as a young man because nothing gets done without you and it cost so much resources to even make you. But now you're so replaceable the only way to feel wanted is being NEEDED because you are so high value that others can't replace you. This requires ambition, ambition to take on hard jobs that make you the boss, where you gain status, respect, and feel wanted by others.

Nobody told you all this shit though. Nobody taught it to me either. But I figured it out and that's what I do. Your welcome.

Make yourself valuable. Be nicer to the cuck next to you and work hard because you might just be nice to the RIGHT cuck who has job opportunities waiting for you, or knows a guy who has what you want.

And you would never have figured that out if you acted like a dickhead. Networking is everything. You're not as invincible as you think you are and working together always gets a lot further than going alone. Bring back the tribe, be respectful to the man next to you and you might just find what you are looking for.
Be welcoming, know how to go straight to the point without being rude, learn when to come and when to go, don't speak too loud and learn how to SHUT UP and observe things... It worked wonders for me.

Aspie? You suck on NT but relatively smart so go learn NLP and body language reading.

Also don't be an envious piece of shit who's always bashing others or downplaying other people's conquests just because you think YOU should be the one in their places: if you use your time to research and try new things instead of hating, you will only profit from it..... ☺️
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Caring because they die and theres no money= socio/psycopath

Not caring as there is no money anyway either way =sociopath

Not caring simply cuz feelings not there = person without feelings. Not necessarily personality disorder.

What OP is describing is actually manipulation to a high level and the people who employ this the most are sociopaths or psychopaths to have people on their side and act different behind the scenes

The 3rd one, I'd just feel nothing since I don't live with them anymore and barely call them.

Idk if it's because I grew up very independently, never really talked to any of my family, and mostly spent time playing video games in my room alone, or with online friends.
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Because you're going to LOSE by a dude LIKE ME who holds back his anger and works HARDER and networks by PLAYING NICE while you act like an entitled little boy around men like myself.
You're nice because you are a loser. People who play nice are forced to because they are inferiors sucking up to those who actually have power and influence. They know this. You need to get more life experience boy. Your thread and subsequent comments are rather childish.
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Kinda hard to network when the last time u made friends with someone was in 5th grade
You need friends to self improve? As long as there is knowledge available to you, you don't need to beg someone else to pass his teachings to you or be his friend
You're nice because you are a loser. People who play nice are forced to because they are inferiors sucking up to those who actually have power and influence. They know this. You need to get more life experience boy. Your thread and subsequent comments are rather childish.

Wrong. Stupid. I'm a grown man, make more money than you, started out with less than you, didn't even have a father and yet could be a better father than you. Got multiple awards from the military while I served for 4 years as an in flight refueler in the air force.

Refueled the Secretary of Defense (under the vice president) on an extremely important mission. Refueled fighter jets guarding the president on 3 separate missions. Got 2 awards in one month, one for the entire country, the other for the military base i was on, at the same time.

Refueled Navy F18S with a probe and drogue hose, refueled F15s, F16s over a hundred times even at night, C-17 globemaster cargo planes, Presidential E-4 planes, F22 while they shot down that Chinese balloon over South Carolina (i was the in flight refueler who did that, and i have pictures to prove it).

I'm 22 years old, 6'4, come from poverty, working on college degrees, have a top secret government clearance, flew in missions that you've seen on the news, got multiple awards for my character, and am currently working on becoming a data scientist to work with AI, where i will continue to change the world.

Keep talking shit. I wake up every morning thinking about pussy motherfuckers like you. You're the reason I have two eyes in the front of my head not the side, I'm a predator, my ancestors survived off prey like you.
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  • JFL
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Wrong. Stupid. I'm a grown man, make more money than you, started out with less than you, didn't even have a father and yet could be a better father than you. Got multiple awards from the military while I served for 4 years as an in flight refueler in the air force.

Refueled the Secretary of Defense (under the vice president) on an extremely important mission. Refueled fighter jets guarding the president on 3 separate missions. Got 2 awards in one month, one for the entire country, the other for the military base i was on, at the same time.

Refueled Navy F18S with a probe and drogue hose, refueled F15s, F16s over a hundred times even at night, C-17 globemaster cargo planes, Presidential E-4 planes, F22 while they shot down that Chinese balloon over South Carolina (i was the in flight refueler who did that, and i have pictures to prove it).

I'm 22 years old, 6'4, come from poverty, working on college degrees, have a top secret government clearance, flew in missions that you've seen on the news, got multiple awards for my character, and am currently working on becoming a data scientist to work with AI, where i will continue to change the world.

Keep talking shit. I wake up every morning thinking about pussy motherfuckers like you. You're the reason I have two eyes in the front of my head not the side, I'm a predator, my ancestors survived off prey like you.
You're not a grown man mentally, I can tell by your limited understanding of this very subject, that is, human nature. You failed to see the patterns of it as a kid, which tells me you aren't particularly bright.

No one gives a fuck about your height, retard.
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  • +1
You're not a grown man mentally, I can tell by your limited understanding of this very subject, that is, human nature. You failed to see the patterns of it as a kid, which tells me you aren't particularly bright.

No one gives a fuck about your height, retard.

Wrong. You're just stupid. Everyone else can see I'm a champion and belong as your boss, and you belong doing what I tell you.

Stay humble, you should be.
  • JFL
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Wrong. You're just stupid. Everyone else can see I'm a champion and belong as your boss, and you belong doing what I tell you.

Stay humble, you should be.
I'm not the one who's pushing red pill nonsensical advice on incels and outcasts, simpleton. You have ZERO understanding of how things really work in this world. You keep assuming we all live in your shoes and have the same struggles. People do not CHOOSE to be losers. The loser status is forced onto men who've had a terrible upbringing and who're genetically subpar. Again, you need to get more life experience and quit running your mouth.
People who play nice are forced to because they are inferiors sucking up to those who actually have power and influence. They know this.
You play as a pawn before you rank up and become king.

Playing nice is what many successful people have done in the beginning, it is common sense. Not everyone starts at the top or follow a profession that doesn't require polite behavior.

You speak of life experience and yet likely think in extremes, much like the rest of the autists in this forum. You're like one of those egotistical faggots that claim to be wise and yet provide zero advice in return. Kindly, kill yourself.
You play as a pawn before you rank up and become king.

Playing nice is what many successful people have done in the beginning, it is common sense. Not everyone starts at the top or follow a profession that doesn't require polite behavior.

You speak of life experience and yet likely think in extremes, much like the rest of the autists in this forum. You're like one of those egotistical faggots that claim to be wise and yet provide zero advice in return. Kindly, kill yourself.
A person's looks and status/background, it is a million times more important than hard work. Hence, bad boys and low life criminals in all walks of society, who're succeeding financially and above all else, with women.

It ultimately comes down to luck and a person being born into the right family which gives them the connections to get high positions in society.

There's a difference between being nice and polite. A high ranking general who's polite to his inferior officers is CHOOSING to be. When someone is nice, it's down to the fact that they're a kiss ass and are FORCED to be nice because they are lowly losers. If simply being nice worked, no one would be on this forum. Because we've all done it in one form or another. It's whether a person has the awareness to figure out that it doesn't work.

Be a man for two seconds of your life, and quit being a nice guy, submissive cuckold, white boy.
You play as a pawn before you rank up and become king.

Playing nice is what many successful people have done in the beginning, it is common sense. Not everyone starts at the top or follow a profession that doesn't require polite behavior.

You speak of life experience and yet likely think in extremes, much like the rest of the autists in this forum. You're like one of those egotistical faggots that claim to be wise and yet provide zero advice in return. Kindly, kill yourself.
Autistic men are the ones who created modernity. You stupid normie trash are only good at flipping switches and wiping arses.
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A person's looks and status/background, it is a million times more important than hard work. Hence, bad boys and low life criminals in all walks of society, who're succeeding financially and above all else, with women.

It ultimately comes down to luck and a person being born into the right family which gives them the connections to get high positions in society.

There's a difference between being nice and polite. A high ranking general who's polite to his inferior officers is CHOOSING to be. When someone is nice, it's down to the fact that they're a kiss ass and are FORCED to be nice because they are lowly losers. If simply being nice worked, no one would be on this forum. Because we've all done it in one form or another. It's whether a person has the awareness to figure out that it doesn't work.

Be a man for two seconds of your life, and quit being a nice guy, submissive cuckold, white boy.

You're a moron. I came from poverty with no father, joined the military and worked hard, got many awards and made a name for myself that everyone respected from having character.

Character that you don't have. You're not even smart, you're just pathetic. You need to be quiet, not me. I have awards you don't have. I have experience you don't have. I've done things you haven't. I've done things you see on the news yet you're here telling me I didn't do it, and that it's not possible, and that you somehow are mogging me.

It's not Jacob Hate that needs to "learn from you", it's you who needs to learn from me.

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You're a moron. I came from poverty with no father, joined the military and worked hard, got many awards and made a name for myself that everyone respected from having character.

Character that you don't have. You're not even smart, you're just pathetic. You need to be quiet, not me. I have awards you don't have. I have experience you don't have. I've done things you haven't. I've done things you see on the news yet you're here telling me I didn't do it, and that it's not possible, and that you somehow are mogging me.

It's not Jacob Hate that needs to "learn from you", it's you who needs to learn from me.

View attachment 2179446 View attachment 2179447
You willingly allowed other men to brainwash and conditioned you to follow orders like an ant. And now you're fighting wars for Israel. What an absolute cuck.

You're a welfare leech. Your entire payrole is being substidised by the tax payers. You've been arse wiped by the military industrial complex since you were 18. Go out in the real world and witness the harshness of life. It astonishes me how white cucks like yourself are so eager to serve women and society.
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You willingly allowed other men to brainwash and conditioned you to follow orders like an ant. And now you're fighting wars for Israel. What an absolute cuck.

You're a welfare leech. Your entire payrole is being substidised by the tax payers. You've been arse wiped by the military industrial complex since you were 18. Go out in the real world and witness the harshness of life. It astonishes me how white cucks like yourself are so eager to serve women and society.

Keep talking keep talking. I started from poverty. I did things you haven't. No matter what you do, I can do it better. I have free college. Free certifications. Free government clearance. I used every opportunity handed to me.

You did nothing but complain while I did it. And it shows. It's 12 at night and I'm still working. While you're here talking shit. You're the ant not me pal.
Keep talking keep talking. I started from poverty. I did things you haven't. No matter what you do, I can do it better. I have free college. Free certifications. Free government clearance. I used every opportunity handed to me.

You did nothing but complain while I did it. And it shows. It's 12 at night and I'm still working. While you're here talking shit. You're the ant not me pal.
You're a narcissistic piece of shit. Without big daddy government. Your arse would be nothing. I'm not the cannon fodder serving in the military.
You're a narcissistic piece of shit. Without big daddy government. Your arse would be nothing. I'm not the cannon fodder serving in the military.

Narcissism is false confidence and egoism without capability and experience.

Confidence is what I have, from experience, which you do not have.

You're stupid, and I'm overly qualified.

I'm in college, and it's free. I used my time in the military to do things you haven't, and quite literally can't, and now I use my time to make more money than you.

After this conversation I use this information to work harder. You use this information to find new reasons to cope, because secretly you know you don't have what it takes to work hard, and certainly not harder than a man like me.

You're not anything at all.

You're just weak.
I'm 22 years old, 6'4, come from poverty, working on college degrees, have a top secret government clearance, flew in missions that you've seen on the news, got multiple awards for my character, and am currently working on becoming a data scientist to work with AI, where i will continue to change the world.

Keep talking shit. I wake up every morning thinking about pussy motherfuckers like you. You're the reason I have two eyes in the front of my head not the side, I'm a predator, my ancestors survived off prey like you.
Lol, this sounds like just that Navy Seal copypasta...
  • JFL
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Narcissism is false confidence and egoism without capability and experience.

Confidence is what I have, from experience, which you do not have.

You're stupid, and I'm overly qualified.

I'm in college, and it's free. I used my time in the military to do things you haven't, and quite literally can't, and now I use my time to make more money than you.

After this conversation I use this information to work harder. You use this information to find new reasons to cope, because secretly you know you don't have what it takes to work hard, and certainly not harder than a man like me.

You're not anything at all.

You're just weak.
You're pretty low IQ ngl. You're a future MSTOW coper in the making.

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