Why you should do a masters degree at a Top 5 Uni


Deleted member 6128

Pruhtty Women 🫶
Apr 2, 2020
In b4 niggas post memes like "457 weeks vs 1 meek"

If you do your Masters at a target uni like Oxford, Cambridge, LSE and LBS well done your set for life all you need to do now is crack into a top paying grad scheme it literally doesn't matter what u studied at these schools

Someone who does geography at LSE will have better career prospects than Someone who does Computer Science at Coventry Uni :lul:

But but but fees and More Study celling? Who cares most Masters are a year long and what ever salary your offered after you leave you will be grateful for the amount you paid.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 8869, LooksOrDeath, Korea and 3 others
I definitely won't be getting into a good uni, it's too late for me to improve my GPA. I plan to go for a bachelor's degree at a state university, and I might go for a masters degree if I fail with my business ideas.
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  • +1
Reactions: UglyGod360 and Deleted member 6128
Enjoy your betabuxx deluxe
Just get in to the best uni theory
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksOrDeath, AsGoodAsItGets and Deleted member 18372
Even if I do get accepted there's no way I can afford that. Also ugly people aren't successful at school due to mental problems.

Just be rich, GL, smart, hardworking theory.
Enjoy your betabuxx deluxe
not betabuxxing if your partner is also making as much as you which will happen in that setting. Ideal relationshio imo.
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Reactions: Baldingman1998 and Deleted member 6128
sell your soul for a year of tuition theory
In b4 niggas post memes like "457 weeks vs 1 meek"

If you do your Masters at a target uni like Oxford, Cambridge, LSE and LBS well done your set for life all you need to do now is crack into a top paying grad scheme it literally doesn't matter what u studied at these schools

Someone who does geography at LSE will have better career prospects than Someone who does Computer Science at Coventry Uni :lul:

But but but fees and More Study celling? Who cares most Masters are a year long and what ever salary your offered after you leave you will be grateful for the amount you paid.
what about HSG in Switzerland for Finances, CEO of Mercedes was there and many other famous CEOS
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
what about HSG in Switzerland for Finances, CEO of Mercedes was there and many other famous CEOS
It’s retardedly hard to get in and pass ur masters in that uni
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Reactions: Deleted member 8869
College tuition is approaching 80-90k annually at these schools now, at least in the US. Worth it for grad school, but I would do undergrad at a flagship state school.
In b4 niggas post memes like "457 weeks vs 1 meek"

If you do your Masters at a target uni like Oxford, Cambridge, LSE and LBS well done your set for life all you need to do now is crack into a top paying grad scheme it literally doesn't matter what u studied at these schools

Someone who does geography at LSE will have better career prospects than Someone who does Computer Science at Coventry Uni :lul:

But but but fees and More Study celling? Who cares most Masters are a year long and what ever salary your offered after you leave you will be grateful for the amount you paid.
I want to whatever map that hands masters after a year of work
3199 days against a single Jeremy Meeks
Imagine thinking ur smart when in reality ur gonna be wageslaving for the rest of ur life
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Let me report here the ridicoulus situation of engineers in my country (Italy)
After taking 7 years to complete bachelor and master's degree, they start working and receive 1000€ as first net salary.

After five years of working they get 1700€ on average, not a significantly bigger salary than factory workers.
Jeez and people actually go for that career??
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Reactions: Lorsss
Nepotism and mixing with the rich that's about it. Besides if you have a boomer boss they love ivy league students.

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