Will a palate expander give me more forward growth?



Jun 19, 2024
My maxilla is flat/recessed and I don't have any forward growth. I don't think I'll be able to do bimax in the future. I'm 14 and still in puberty, will a palate expander give me more forward growth?
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My maxilla is flat/recessed and I don't have any forward growth. I don't think I'll be able to do bimax in the future. I'm 14 and still in puberty, will a palate expander give me more forward growth?
My maxilla is flat/recessed and I don't have any forward growth. I don't think I'll be able to do bimax in the future. I'm 14 and still in puberty, will a palate expander give me more forward growth?
You are very young, your face still has a lot of developing to do, avoid pornography, eat healthy, exercise, focus on good posture, and at least wait until you turn 21 before doing anything major. It's better if you max out everything naturally first, you have plenty of time.
only use palate expanders if your dentist recommends you do so.
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You are very young, your face still has a lot of developing to do, avoid pornography, eat healthy, exercise, focus on good posture, and at least wait until you turn 21 before doing anything major. It's better if you max out everything naturally first, you have plenty of time.
Check out my previous thread to see my side profile. I'm seriously considering if I should get a palate expander or maybe even braces. Thanks for actually trying to help out btw
Check out my previous thread to see my side profile. I'm seriously considering if I should get a palate expander or maybe even braces. Thanks for actually trying to help out btw
Consult a dentist, let them know that you are thinking of getting a palate expander with the intention of improving facial aesthetics, braces are not really needed unless your teeth are heavily crooked, the dentist will advise you adequately, I have seen your picture and it does not seem bad at all, it can definitely be saved, so no need to worry. Always get professional help before delving into internet forums.
Consult a dentist, let them know that you are thinking of getting a palate expander with the intention of improving facial aesthetics, braces are not really needed unless your teeth are heavily crooked, the dentist will advise you adequately, I have seen your picture and it does not seem bad at all, it can definitely be saved, so no need to worry. Always get professional help before delving into internet forums.
By "it can definitely be saved" what di you mean by it? Because I kinda lost hope from the comments under the thread..
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By "it can definitely be saved" what di you mean by it? Because I kinda lost hope from the comments under the thread..
maxilla grows until 15-16 depends on the genetics too
maxilla grows until 15-16 depends on the genetics too
Genetics are not great, I think I'm a bit on the lucky side of my genetics even with all of my failos like short ramus, flat maxilla and scleral show
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Genetics are not great, I think I'm a bit on the lucky side of my genetics even with all of my failos like short ramus, flat maxilla and scleral show
go to a orthodontist
By "it can definitely be saved" what di you mean by it? Because I kinda lost hope from the comments under the thread..
Like i said, consult a dentist to see if you should get palate expanders, and in the meantime take care of yourself; diet, exercise, jawline exercises, etc.
go to a orthodontist
I am planning on going to my dentist the moment I get home. I talked to my dad about a palate expander he said "consult with ur dentist first and we'll see"
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Like i said, consult a dentist to see if you should get palate expanders, and in the meantime take care of yourself; diet, exercise, jawline exercises, etc.
Does thumb pulling work or is it cope?
No dude, palate expander only expands transversely. Even if you do all the mewing and chewing stuff i doubt it would make a significant change since you're 14 already.

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