Will Disney ever buy Warner Bros. and Universal?

Deleted member 1973

Deleted member 1973

Jun 8, 2019
Not in the near future. Considering that Comcast bought full ownership of NBC Universal (i.e. Universal's parent company) from GE in 2013 and AT&T has finally completed its purchase of Time Warner (i.e. Warner Brothers' parent company) earlier this year, I doubt either conglomerate will sell to Disney anytime soon.

Having said that, forever is a very long time. No one would have predicted that Disney would buy most of 21st Century Fox a decade ago, just like no one would have predicted that Disney would buy Lucasfilms two decades ago. I wouldn't be surprised if Disney makes a play for either studio sometime in the far future.

The more likely scenario is that Disney will first buy Sony Pictures (including Columbia). Not only is Sony Pictures parent company, Sony Corporation, rumored to be looking to divest from Hollywood, but Sony's most popular franchises (e.g. Spider-Man, Hotel Transylvania) are a good fit for the House of Mouse.

Furthermore, as the American technology titans (e.g. Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google) and Chinese media conglomerates (e.g. Alibaba, Wanda Group, Tencent) move further into the entertainment industry, anti-trust concerns would likely decline.
Disney will buy everything.

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