Will I screw over my future self if I fully dedicate my 20s to looksmaxxing?


Deleted member 22381

Sep 18, 2022
First off I’ll say that learning about the blackpill and this forum saved me from subhumanity. I was a LTN/borderline incel due to bloating, acne, shit clothes, etc. After a solid couple months of leanmaxxing, stubblemaxxing, skin care and more I am a solid MTN. But, I have a shit base that is going to require expensive ass procedures to fix if I ever want to be higher than MTN. And it’s all the invasive shit too: LL, OBO, Bimax, and surgeries that have a high rate of producing uncanny results (mouth widening for small downturned lips and cantho for cuck eyes).

Now, I know I could probably cope and just get fillers, maybe a genio and end up a HTN. It would save a ton of time and money. But I’d always think I could achieve so much more, not chad level looks but a solid chadlite if I said fuck it and went for everything. Realistically I’ll probably never get an OBO or LL (I’m 5’10) but on paper it would be an improvement. I can definitely see bimax, implants etc happening though, and they would at least yield a HTN. Plus, it would save me from the shit aging being recessed/boneless causes.

However, I am worried about how getting all this shit will impact my financial future. All of my friends are starting to move into their own places, get nice cars and all the normal normie shit while I am still broke asf (that’s rapidly changing though, I dropped out of my shit tier liberal arts degree college program and am now pursuing a decent paying trade apprenticeship that should end up hitting 6 figures down the line). So the way I see it I have two choices: either cope with staying a MTN but follow along the typical life script to avoid getting life mogged by most guys by the time I’m 30 (21 rn) or go all in on surgerymaxxing.

What do you boyos think is better? 10 years down the line I don’t want to be sitting in a nice car or house while still invisible to women but I also don’t want to be that weird guy who cut his face up and doesn’t have much to his name because he blew it all on obscure surgery due to an incel forum JFL. Fuck
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Dedicate the prime years of your life that you are supposed to be enjoying/living to looksmaxing? No you should not. You'll be an oldcel like Amnesia hooking up with random sluts, no purpose in life or family. I't over for you.
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Don't do mouth widening, if you REALLY need a wider mouth then MSE can help
You're 5'10, wear lifts instead of getting LL, it's not worth it
Don't get bimax unless you genuinely have a recessed mandible IMO (You most likely just have a weak chin so do something about that instead)
OBO might be a good idea depending on what you look like and what all your failos are
  • Hmm...
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Dedicate the prime years of your life that you are supposed to be enjoying/living to looksmaxing? No you should not. You'll be an oldcel like Amnesia hooking up with random sluts, no purpose in life or family. I't over for you.
What prime do you have if you are ugly?

Also, OP you can't become chadlite. Not possible. And with your failos, I doubt you are MTN rn.
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What prime do you have if you are ugly?

Also, OP you can't become chadlite. Not possible. And with your failos, I doubt you are MTN rn.
You don't have to spend 12 hours a day looksmaxxing, there's simply not enough to occupy that much time anyways. OP thinks he can either looksmax or live his life, in reality he should be doing both. His gains will compound and each year will get better and better not only due to looksmaxing but because he'll also be enjoying his 20s.
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You don't have to spend 12 hours a day looksmaxxing, there's simply not enough to occupy that much time anyways. OP thinks he can either looksmax or live his life, in reality he should be doing both. His gains will compound and each year will get better and better not only due to looksmaxing but because he'll also be enjoying his 20s.
Enjoy what? Can't do shit if you are ugly. Going outside, socializing is just cortisol-inducing. Even talking to cashiers and waitresses gets you rude treatment.
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Dedicate the prime years of your life that you are supposed to be enjoying/living to looksmaxing? No you should not. You'll be an oldcel like Amnesia hooking up with random sluts, no purpose in life or family. I't over for you.
Stfu pajeet
  • +1
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Enjoy what? Can't do shit if you are ugly. Going outside, socializing is just cortisol-inducing. Even talking to cashiers and waitresses gets you rude treatment.
So he should sit in his room just looking at shitty demoralizing forums/videos? Assuming he has a job and is saving money for surgeries or whatever, even the few hours after work, that's enough time to fit in all the looksmaxxing he wants to do. If you're a NEET and you wake up and do all the looksmaxxing in a couple hours max, what are you going to do rest of the day? socialmax/moneymax or whatever else still remains. Yh he might be ugly but he can't just go from zero to hero in one day, it's a gradual process.
  • +1
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Dedicate the prime years of your life that you are supposed to be enjoying/living to looksmaxing? No you should not. You'll be an oldcel like Amnesia hooking up with random sluts, no purpose in life or family. I't over for you.
Here‘s the thing though. I’ve basically maxed out my social life at my looks level. Plenty of friends, plenty of partying, I don’t really LDAR all that much. But with women? Utterly fucked. Friendzoned I don’t know how many times, been on a couple of dates but it never leads anywhere. Ironically enough I’ve been approached a couple of times but they’ve all been landwhales. The longest term thing I ever had she actually mogged me (HTB) but she was bitchy and found fault in every single thing I did. If I ever do settle down with someone that kind of behavior will be my future forever because I don’t have the looks for pure attraction to kick in and for them to be more forgiving.

I am definitely MTN btw, rated here multiple times and just by going off of life experience.
  • +1
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So he should sit in his room just looking at shitty demoralizing forums/videos? Assuming he has a job and is saving money for surgeries or whatever, even the few hours after work, that's enough time to fit in all the looksmaxxing he wants to do. If you're a NEET and you wake up and do all the looksmaxxing in a couple hours max, what are you going to do rest of the day? socialmax/moneymax or whatever else still remains. Yh he might be ugly but he can't just go from zero to hero in one day, it's a gradual process.
IDK man. Even going to the gym spikes my cortisol as I have to look at my face in the mirror.
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IDK man. Even going to the gym spikes my cortisol as I have to look at my face in the mirror.
Me too... that's why i homegymmaxxed and now no more mirrors or normalfags.
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5'10 is good enough to be above average attractiveness. Wear lifts. You should be able to invest in whatever else you need to become more gl and do those things and still do whatever else you want to do. Just don't get involved in any big time wasters, prioritize earning money and be meticulous.
  • JFL
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Here‘s the thing though. I’ve basically maxed out my social life at my looks level. Plenty of friends, plenty of partying, I don’t really LDAR all that much. But with women? Utterly fucked. Friendzoned I don’t know how many times, been on a couple of dates but it never leads anywhere. Ironically enough I’ve been approached a couple of times but they’ve all been landwhales. The longest term thing I ever had she actually mogged me (HTB) but she was bitchy and found fault in every single thing I did. If I ever do settle down with someone that kind of behavior will be my future forever because I don’t have the looks for pure attraction to kick in and for them to be more forgiving.

I am definitely MTN btw, rated here multiple times and just by going off of life experience.
Sure but realistically how many hours a day do you need to spend on looksmaxxing? not many so the rest of the time you do whatever you want.
You don't have to spend 12 hours a day looksmaxxing, there's simply not enough to occupy that much time anyways. OP thinks he can either looksmax or live his life, in reality he should be doing both. His gains will compound and each year will get better and better not only due to looksmaxing but because he'll also be enjoying his 20s.
I already am living life. It’s just that the failos I have are expensive as hell to fix, so it will literally take most of my 20s to save up and get the procedures to fix them. I mean I still have areas to improve in like fashion or status, but in terms of the basic softmaxxes I’ve hit a wall of diminishing returns. Maybe a tweak here or there could make me a higher end MTN or whatever but it’s not enough.
First off I’ll say that learning about the blackpill and this forum saved me from subhumanity. I was a LTN/borderline incel due to bloating, acne, shit clothes, etc. After a solid couple months of leanmaxxing, stubblemaxxing, skin care and more I am a solid MTN. But, I have a shit base that is going to require expensive ass procedures to fix if I ever want to be higher than MTN. And it’s all the invasive shit too: LL, OBO, Bimax, and surgeries that have a high rate of producing uncanny results (mouth widening for small downturned lips and cantho for cuck eyes).

Now, I know I could probably cope and just get fillers, maybe a genio and end up a HTN. It would save a ton of time and money. But I’d always think I could achieve so much more, not chad level looks but a solid chadlite if I said fuck it and went for everything. Realistically I’ll probably never get an OBO or LL (I’m 5’10) but on paper it would be an improvement. I can definitely see bimax, implants etc happening though, and they would at least yield a HTN. Plus, it would save me from the shit aging being recessed/boneless causes.

However, I am worried about how getting all this shit will impact my financial future. All of my friends are starting to move into their own places, get nice cars and all the normal normie shit while I am still broke asf (that’s rapidly changing though, I dropped out of my shit tier liberal arts degree college program and am now pursuing a decent paying trade apprenticeship that should end up hitting 6 figures down the line). So the way I see it I have two choices: either cope with staying a MTN but follow along the typical life script to avoid getting life mogged by most guys by the time I’m 30 (21 rn) or go all in on surgerymaxxing.

What do you boyos think is better? 10 years down the line I don’t want to be sitting in a nice car or house while still invisible to women but I also don’t want to be that weird guy who cut his face up and doesn’t have much to his name because he blew it all on obscure surgery due to an incel forum JFL. Fuck
dnr a single word.
But yeah looksmaxxing shouldn't be the goal but the means to reach something else, use it to halo yourself towards the top while you build a career.

I already am living life. It’s just that the failos I have are expensive as hell to fix, so it will literally take most of my 20s to save up and get the procedures to fix them. I mean I still have areas to improve in like fashion or status, but in terms of the basic softmaxxes I’ve hit a wall of diminishing returns. Maybe a tweak here or there could make me a higher end MTN or whatever but it’s not enough.
I don't know your education level or career situation but unless these surgeries are costing 50-100k, why would it take most of your 20s? in that case you need to start moneymaxxing, trying online business ideas with spare capital, anything to get money faster than simply wagecucking and saving low amounts each month.
Don't do mouth widening, if you REALLY need a wider mouth then MSE can help
You're 5'10, wear lifts instead of getting LL, it's not worth it
Don't get bimax unless you genuinely have a recessed mandible IMO (You most likely just have a weak chin so do something about that instead)
OBO might be a good idea depending on what you look like and what all your failos are
I actually have a pretty complex situation with bimax. I’ve looked into chin wing, genio etc and honestly at the end of the day if I want to fix my bonelessness I need a BSSO and implants at least. My chin is actually pretty well developed it’s just behind my lips because my entire mandible is recessed. I had camoflauge ortho for an overbite when I was younger so that needs to be decompensated first.
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the exact opposite

face>>>>>>nice house and car. you are setting yourself up for true happiness. just find the most affordable way to get what you want. get the most bang for your buck procedures first. and just don't waste money.
  • +1
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Don't do mouth widening, if you REALLY need a wider mouth then MSE can help
You're 5'10, wear lifts instead of getting LL, it's not worth it
Don't get bimax unless you genuinely have a recessed mandible IMO (You most likely just have a weak chin so do something about that instead)
OBO might be a good idea depending on what you look like and what all your failos are
what is obo sir
I don't know your education level or career situation but unless these surgeries are costing 50-100k, why would it take most of your 20s? in that case you need to start moneymaxxing, trying online business ideas with spare capital, anything to get money faster than simply wagecucking and saving low amounts each month.
I’ve known about the blackpill for a couple years but I only really fully internalized it this past year. I was going to uni for a comm degree that would’ve yielded jack shit upon graduation. So I dropped out and I’m taking my chances with the trades because at least I know I can make more than 50k a year once you top out. And I’m not high IQ enough to start a business, if I was I would have probably stayed in uni and became a doctor lawyer or coder anyway. Yea honestly having money would solve everything tbh. Because then I could get the house, car, surgeries etc and not have to worry about dedicating years and years of my life to one or the other. Shit man, it’s so ogre lmao
Enjoy what? Can't do shit if you are ugly. Going outside, socializing is just cortisol-inducing. Even talking to cashiers and waitresses gets you rude treatment.
only if ur extremely ugly lol. I amin the normie range and most people are nice I just cant do socializing because I am aspie
  • +1
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I already am living life. It’s just that the failos I have are expensive as hell to fix, so it will literally take most of my 20s to save up and get the procedures to fix them. I mean I still have areas to improve in like fashion or status, but in terms of the basic softmaxxes I’ve hit a wall of diminishing returns. Maybe a tweak here or there could make me a higher end MTN or whatever but it’s not enough.
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only if ur extremely ugly lol. I amin the normie range and most people are nice I just cant do socializing because I am aspie
Only if you wear glasses. Need to get Lasik man. Very hard to be chad with glasses or contacts
  • JFL
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5'10 is good enough to be above average attractiveness. Wear lifts. You should be able to invest in whatever else you need to become more gl and do those things and still do whatever else you want to do. Just don't get involved in any big time wasters, prioritize earning money and be meticulous.
Yea LL is a pipe dream, it would be the last thing I’d get if ever. If everything goes well with my face I won’t need it
Build your career up in ways that don't require you to put yourself out there too much. Looksmaxing will come back to bite you because there will be tons of material of you pre-ascension.

Aside from that do both in parallel - but understand you will won't be truly happy until your looksmaxxed and that will amplify everything you do in career
only if ur extremely ugly lol. I amin the normie range and most people are nice I just cant do socializing because I am aspie
A girl on a date actually asked me if I wear contacts when I was making out with her in bed and I was reminded of our favorite Chad lol
  • JFL
Reactions: rand anon and Deleted member 23218
Only if you wear glasses. Need to get Lasik man. Very hard to be chad with glasses or contacts
Hard to be a chad a 5'9. I roid right now, but my friends all found out and I need a new friend group. You should never tell your friends about looksmaxxing man.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2268
A girl on a date actually asked me if I wear contacts when I was making out with her in bed and I was reminded of our favorite Chad lol
Im gonna get color contacts soon, frauding is the way
Idk man. I’ve just hopped on fin because my temples are starting to recede. I don’t want to obliterate my hairline when I already face a lifetime of fighting off hairloss. JFL at my genetics.
  • So Sad
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Idk man. I’ve just hopped on fin because my temples are starting to recede. I don’t want to obliterate my hairline when I already face a lifetime of fighting off hairloss. JFL at my genetics.
Im lifitng natty for a bit and Im gonna hop on sarms. Im 6 1 so its gonna be hard to build up real mass natty. Sarms shouldnt affect hair according to @ItsOverCel
I actually have a pretty complex situation with bimax. I’ve looked into chin wing, genio etc and honestly at the end of the day if I want to fix my bonelessness I need a BSSO and implants at least. My chin is actually pretty well developed it’s just behind my lips because my entire mandible is recessed. I had camoflauge ortho for an overbite when I was younger so that needs to be decompensated first.
I have the same problem as well, please keep me updated on how you fix it or plan to fix it
I have the same problem as well, please keep me updated on how you fix it or plan to fix it
Well honestly the plan itself is pretty simple. The previous orthodontic work has to be reversed and an overjet + potential extractions will be required to make additional room for a BSSO movement. A Lefort might be needed too to create the optimal forward projection, it all depends upon how your jaws are positioned and how severe your overbite initially was. The tricky part is maneuvering through everything else outside of the treatment plan. If you‘re in the US like me you’ll have to find an ortho willing to not only undo the previous work but also communicate with an overseas surgeon (European maxfacs mog US maxfacs). You’ll have to explain to family and friends, unless you can by some miracle hide out for long periods of time, why you’re undoing your perfect bite and having your jaws cut.

There‘s also the psychological impact of temporarily descending yourself by fucking up your bite again before surgery can happen so beware.

Honestly if I do end up going through with everything I don’t think I’ll even try to hide it. Yes, I’ll be committing social suicide, but I don’t have any qualms about packing up shop and moving to another part of the country to reset my social circle post-ascension. Parents might forever think I’m insane but whatever lmao.
  • So Sad
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Well honestly the plan itself is pretty simple. The previous orthodontic work has to be reversed and an overjet + potential extractions will be required to make additional room for a BSSO movement. A Lefort might be needed too to create the optimal forward projection, it all depends upon how your jaws are positioned and how severe your overbite initially was. The tricky part is maneuvering through everything else outside of the treatment plan. If you‘re in the US like me you’ll have to find an ortho willing to not only undo the previous work but also communicate with an overseas surgeon (European maxfacs mog US maxfacs). You’ll have to explain to family and friends, unless you can by some miracle hide out for long periods of time, why you’re undoing your perfect bite and having your jaws cut.

There‘s also the psychological impact of temporarily descending yourself by fucking up your bite again before surgery can happen so beware.

Honestly if I do end up going through with everything I don’t think I’ll even try to hide it. Yes, I’ll be committing social suicide, but I don’t have any qualms about packing up shop and moving to another part of the country to reset my social circle post-ascension. Parents might forever think I’m insane but whatever lmao.
Why BSSO over bimax? Which do you think is better for a case of recessed mandible caused by elastics for overbite?

BTW do you have TMJ?
Don't get bimax unless you genuinely have a recessed mandible IMO (You most likely just have a weak chin so do something about that instead)
OBO might be a good idea depending on what you look like and what all your failos are
The opposite

OP should get bimax, not OBO. Jaw is law, a great lower third can compensate for a shit eye area, not the other way around
Me too... that's why i homegymmaxxed and now no more mirrors or normalfags.
I need to do this, more so because of my gigamanletism. Even gym manlets heightmog me :feelsrope:
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Why BSSO over bimax? Which do you think is better for a case of recessed mandible caused by elastics for overbite?

BTW do you have TMJ?
My maxilla is more or less fine, so it might just be possible to get away with a BSSO. But at the same time my maxilla isn’t exactly ideal either, so if I’m going to go through all the grief of a bimax I might as well get a small Lefort and improve the projection. That Lefort might be needed anyways to match a larger BSSO movement than simply decompensating the teeth might yield. I don’t know yet, it all depends on what surgical plan a maxfac thinks will produce the best aesthetic result. Don’t want to be dogmaxxed.

If you haven’t yet go read though @Gaia262 ’s BOTB Jaw Surgery thread. He went through a lot of the same issues we had and you’ll find more in depth info. Just remember that it all depends on what a maxfac is willing and able to do for your specific situation.

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Im lifitng natty for a bit and Im gonna hop on sarms. Im 6 1 so its gonna be hard to build up real mass natty. Sarms shouldnt affect hair according to @ItsOverCel
Sarms are trash
  • Hmm...
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The opposite

OP should get bimax, not OBO. Jaw is law, a great lower third can compensate for a shit eye area, not the other way around
Yea OBO is a honestly a meme unless you‘re legit deformed. I know @CosmicMaxxer got one but he is a richcel and I am not. Infras + cantho + eyebrowmaxxing seems to be the key to ascending eye area as much as possible.

I think after reading everyone’s replies I will forgoe the insanely expensive shit like OBO and LL. If I get a bimax, infras, cantho, and possibly MSE for the mouth I will be a solid HTN. Still altogether very expensive, but I think it cuts down on the time range from a decade to fiveish years. Still not ideal of course, but that's just the blackpilled reality we live in. I will do my best to balance wagecucking and living life during my prime. Godspeed to everyone else embarking on this journey and good luck.
  • +1
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Yea OBO is a honestly a meme unless you‘re legit deformed. I know @ C @CosmicMaxxer got one but he is a richcel and I am not.
Not just the price, but absolute nightmare fuel if u get botched. A botched bimax wouldn't be nearly as scary as a botched obo
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you don't need LL retardo
Yea OBO is a honestly a meme unless you‘re legit deformed. I know @CosmicMaxxer got one but he is a richcel and I am not. Infras + cantho + eyebrowmaxxing seems to be the key to ascending eye area as much as possible.

I think after reading everyone’s replies I will forgoe the insanely expensive shit like OBO and LL. If I get a bimax, infras, cantho, and possibly MSE for the mouth I will be a solid HTN. Still altogether very expensive, but I think it cuts down on the time range from a decade to fiveish years. Still not ideal of course, but that's just the blackpilled reality we live in. I will do my best to balance wagecucking and living life during my prime. Godspeed to everyone else embarking on this journey and good luck.
Any idea who your gonna see for the eyes?
I’m looking at Taban, Vreck, and Albano.
Wanted to get your thoughts
  • +1
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Any idea who your gonna see for the eyes?
I’m looking at Taban, Vreck, and Albano.
Wanted to get your thoughts
Albano has absolute best results - but I think he uses face lifting approaches, so non eye area features will change.

Now, if he can actually do eye work, like with alloderm grafts, etc. and get same results. Holy cow hes insanely good
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 19766
Hard to be a chad a 5'9. I roid right now, but my friends all found out and I need a new friend group. You should never tell your friends about looksmaxxing man.
How did your friends find out lmao
  • JFL
  • So Sad
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Any idea who your gonna see for the eyes?
I’m looking at Taban, Vreck, and Albano.
Wanted to get your thoughts
Taban would be ideal but due to cost I will probably go with Vreck

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