Will I screw over my future self if I fully dedicate my 20s to looksmaxxing?

No, it's best investment you can make
He told them, he literally said
We were talking about how wasn’t wearing glasses (I got lasik), and then I started talking about my roids. You need lasik to be alpha man, it’s crazy.
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Albano has absolute best results - but I think he uses face lifting approaches, so non eye area features will change.

Now, if he can actually do eye work, like with alloderm grafts, etc. and get same results. Holy cow hes insanely good
I was thinking of going to vreck/taban for specific eye area then albano after for a slight lift to the get the positive tilt. If one was doing MSE they should wait until that’s complete right since that can help improve the under eye and sometimes neutral out a tilt?
Taban would be ideal but due to cost I will probably go with Vreck
I feel like Vreck can produce similiar results, then go see Dr. Albano for a slight lift if you haven’t seen his results. Anyone correct me if i’m wrong but an MSE may improve or change your tilt/ under eye support so I would hold off on any eye procedures until that’s complete right?
I don't know what world you live in, but I moneymaxxed my degree and make a metric fuck ton of money. I would need to save up 1 to 1.5 years (when taking into account taxes and living cost) to fully looksmaxx face + height and I am in my very very early twenties.

Estimated 180k USD$ that I need to save for high tier LL surgeon (quadrilateral to achieve 8-10cm which would put me around 6'1 to 6'2) + face surgeries.

I will facemaxx first so I can enjoy my time more while saving up for LL, face surgeries are like less than 40k USD$ total and would ascend me to very HTN or low tier chadlite. If you feel you need to sacrifice you entire 20s then you just havent moneymaxxed enough.

Priorities should always be moneymaxx --> facemaxx --> heightmaxx (unless you are legit subhuman height ~5'2-5'4).

I am currenty above average in attractiveness (top 60-85% face) and get some matches on tinder and shit like that but to women that might as well be invisible. Just facemaxx first and you will not be "wasting your twenties".

Also if you wear SPF50 sunscreen, take care of your stress levels, go to the gym, never get fat and prevent hair loss, you will still look very very young in your 30s.


You think this mid 30s korean skinmaxxer from squid game peaked in his 20s? Fuck no.

Get on dutasteride/finasteride so you stop feeling like you are fighting against time. You have so much fucking time dude. If you really take care of yourself you will be light years ahead of the male competition by the time you are 30 like this Korean dude. The only ppl that peak in their 20s are ppl that rely on their genetics and do nothing but jerk off, party and slave at wagecuck job.
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Not just the price, but absolute nightmare fuel if u get botched. A botched bimax wouldn't be nearly as scary as a botched obo
Do you have specific anecdotes? I am seriously considering an OBO to fix my 0.435 ESR. I have the money to do it. I think someone like Steinbacher might be competent enough to get it right, especially for a small expansion movement.

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