Will this walmart bought probiotic help recover my gut flora


Deleted member 5927

inb4 get fecal transplant via mouth

its got 80 billion cells in it and like 15 straings in it

already bought this shit for like $25, i digest food just fine i just want to know if it will do anything good for me
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drink kombucha JFL
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JustYogurtmaxx no need for probiotics.....
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JustYogurtmaxx no need for probiotics.....
already bought them tbh but i took massive amounts of anitbiotics (minocycline and doxycycline for acne) in my teenage years.

im honestly trying to fix my mental state, see if i can take fucking bacteria in my gut to see if it improves me mood.

idk thats why i asked, i have no clue what im doing
@Bewusst what probiotics should i take and where do i get them?
already bought them tbh but i took massive amounts of anitbiotics (minocycline and doxycycline for acne) in my teenage years.

im honestly trying to fix my mental state, see if i can take fucking bacteria in my gut to see if it improves me mood.

idk thats why i asked, i have no clue what im doing
two antibiotics for acne? usually they give you a script for antibiotics and a cream(usually clinda with benzoyl or adapalene)
how much mg did you take? 50mg of doxy is enough for minimal damage and still get the benefits, that is what i went on
two antibiotics for acne? usually they give you a script for antibiotics and a cream(usually clinda with benzoyl or adapalene)
how much mg did you take? 50mg of doxy is enough for minimal damage and still get the benefits, that is what i went on
I was scammed by a fucking jew bro.

My dermatologist had me running 1 for 3 months, then another antibiotic for another 3 months, continuously so I would have to keep coming back for appointments and all he had to do was look at me for 10 seconds and redo my dose.

I did that for years as a youngcel, I had no idea anything about acne, or what antibiotics did, I just listened to "a doctor"

Also the fags all over reddit fearmongered me into never trying accutane, which is what would have saved me much earlier. Is what it is.
I was scammed by a fucking jew bro.

My dermatologist had me running 1 for 3 months, then another antibiotic for another 3 months, continuously so I would have to keep coming back for appointments and all he had to do was look at me for 10 seconds and redo my dose.

I did that for years as a youngcel, I had no idea anything about acne, or what antibiotics did, I just listened to "a doctor"

Also the fags all over reddit fearmongered me into never trying accutane, which is what would have saved me much earlier. Is what it is.
nah it’s good you didn’t go on accutane early, accutane not only fucks your joints up n shit, can lead to baldness, but it also stunts your growth. I went on 50mg doxy for 5-6months, went pretty well.

years of antibiotics is xtra lol, just probioticsmaxx and eat a lot of yogurt, also avoid NSAIDS just in case they give you a stomach ulcer, those are a pain in the ass to deal with
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@Bewusst what probiotics should i take and where do i get them?
Why are probiotics such a big thing here? Don't expect much except from better digestion and smoother bowel movements but VSL#3 is decent. It won't fix your head
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Just drink apple cider vinegar (ginger spice flavoring helps) when you eat carb heavy foods or sweets. Ginger helps, which is why I think its paired with sushi rolls for example.
Why are probiotics such a big thing here? Don't expect much except from better digestion and smoother bowel movements but VSL#3 is decent. It won't fix your head
brootal is that a pill I take or what
try kefir op it's the best probiotic.
do u have the activia shit or just regular yogurt with cultures
greek yogurt, but any yogurt is fine as long as it says it has live cultures or whtever .

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