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Teeth are extremely important for having a good looking face. Extremely important, i think everybody of you already knows that. And when people think about teeth, they often forget about wisdom teeth because, according to doctors, they are “muh not needed.”. Blue pilled dentists pull the crap out like it's carrots. 32 Teeth is NEEDED for a good aesthetic jaw.
YES, getting your wisdom teeth pulled will change your appearance in the long term. The 3rd Molar is just as important as any other tooth.
inb4 "muh jordan barrett/seon o pry/Francisco Lachowski don't have any wisdom teeth". YES, but you are not o pry francisco lachowski or barrett. Don't compare yourself to TOP TIER DNA. You are a looksmax.org user. Not someone with chad genetic.
What I can say in advance is that if you have had a lot of orthodontic problems before (crooked teeth, over/underbite) you will most likely also have problems with your wisdom teeth.
If you have had your lower wisdom teeth removed you will probably notice that your lower third gets smaller. Ramus gets shorter. Lower third gets asymmetrical.
If you have your upper wisdom teeth removed, your cheekbones will no longer be as voluminous as it was before.
So to sum up, your face is going to be smaller. You will look more ''soft''.
Even post op, you already see the changes.
''Just touch grass bro '' God how i hate bluepillers.
This is prob the reason why his lower third looks like this.
How time changed your jaw
We used to have wisdom teeth because we needed them. Today, wisdom teeth only cause us problems. Why? Because our jaw has become smaller over time. And the reason why our jaw has become smaller is because of our eating and chewing behavior. In the past, food was harder and more difficult to chew. Nowadays, our food is so soft and fucking gay that our jaws don't even have the opportunity to grow at all.
You can also see how people who had a traditional diet have better teeth, they have 0 crooked teeth.
Or do you think our ancestors needed fucking braces from a bluepilled ortho ??? No obv not.
1 Generation of a Modern Diet changed everything. Eat a fucking traditional diet. So yes, in theory - hard chewing is legit.
But for hard chewing/traditional diet to work, you should do it early in life, which means for most of you, it's already over.
So, we don't want to remove the wisdom teeth at any cost. What can we do?
So as i said alrdy above, eat a traditional diet asap. But thats not a option for most of you because most of you are past the age 14. You need to start early with the Traditional diet.
Take an xray of your teeth. And look at how your wisdom teeth are positioned. If they press horizontally against your other teeth, it will damage the other tooth root after a certain time and you will not only lose your 3rd molar but also your 2nd molar. With a vertical impaction you will not lose your 2nd molar, your teeth will at most just shift, major damage to the 2nd molar is very unlikely in a vertical impaction. Mesial impaction will damage your 2nd molar and you will get crooked teeth.
Delay the extraction of wisdom teeth as long as possible, it is not recommended to have the wisdom teeth extracted during development/puberty. Only when you really notice that you notice a feeling of pressure in your mouth and If you see your incisors starting to shifting you should have them pulled. Don't confuse the pain of the wisdom tooth coming into your mouth with the pain of your wisdom tooth pressing against your other teeth. Do you remember crying when you were 3 years old and your baby teeth came into your mouth? The pain of your wisdom teeth coming through doesn't mean that you have to have your wisdom teeth pulled. It's normal to feel pain when a tooth is growing into your mouth.
If you remove the lower wisdom tooth, get bone grafts. It's best to have your wisdom teeth removed in your 20s. At this age, puberty is already over for most people.
Have top tier buccal hygiene. By top tier, I mean top tier. This is necessary so that we can avoid infections and inflammation in the area of the wisdom teeth. Brush your teeth thoroughly, making sure that you really get to the end of your mouth so you can really clean your wisdom teeth. Sometimes food particles get stuck there, which can lead to inflammation. Start oil pulling, it is extremely good for your oral hygiene and kills bacteria in your mouth. Oil pulling also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Use dental floss. Use a mild mouthwash that you can use every day and that does not irritate your mouth. Brush your teeth immediately after every meal so that no food particles remain in your mouth, which then lead to inflammation.
You can also expand your upper and lower jaw with Palate Expanders and Mandibular Expanders.
Good look with finding a Ortho who is going to do that nowadays. But yea, you also can do that. It would expand your lower and upper jaw bone. Some people might think, can't I just do bimax/double jaw surgery and the problem would be over? If you get bimax, the surgeon will probably pull your wisdom teeth first if they are not anchored in your mouth. Wisdom teeth cause problems during jaw surgery. But if you do bimax, then you don't need to worry about the consequences of having your wisdom teeth pulled because you're already getting bimax lol
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