With all the steroid discussion going around here



Oct 10, 2018
With so much steroid discussion going on in this forum, I thought it appropriate to remind everyone that you should always take what anyone, no matter who says it, with a grain of salt.

This should apply to most parts of your life. Do not just read something or hear something and take it as fact. That won't lead you anywhere good.

Make sure you do your research. Here are a few resources to get you started.
You don't become an expert on a subject in one day.

If you are even considering a cycle, make sure that you at least read the following:
Reddit's r/steroids wiki - and I mean ALL of it.
And make sure that you have checked EVERY POINT on THIS checklist

I would recommend that you at least spend a month or three on researching and finally exploring your options. Remember, these drugs are illegal. You can get fucked in so many ways, or you can achieve glorious gains and get away with them. Honestly, man, do the fucking research and do not fuck yourself over. If anything, promise me that you start off light. Just do the beginner cycle that @jefferson posted, it is very hard to fuck yourself up on that.
You should also watch Jeff Nippard's recent video on steroids. Remember that this video seems to be biased against steroids, but there are no invalid points.
The video is here.

I get that it's just so tempting to read Jeffersons thread, hop on eroids.com, find a source, order and start pinning. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I cannot stress this enough.
Please don't fuck yourself up, we don't need more steroids-gone-wrong stories (read one here). If you do manage to educate yourself and do this in a responsible way, that's fucking great.
GL with the gains.
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Reactions: LooksJourney, jefferson, Nibba and 1 other person
Roids would ruin my J-PopIdolBoyMaxxing.

It's the wrong kind of feminization.

Plus I need to get lean not bulked up.
  • +1
Reactions: Vegeta
Roids would ruin my J-PopIdolBoyMaxxing.

It's the wrong kind of feminization.

Plus I need to get lean not bulked up.

Cagex100. All the asian girls i know went always for the muscular/jock guy if it was possible.
Cagex100. All the asian girls i know went always for the muscular/jock guy if it was possible.
Juicy pretty boys like David laid
Tbh very good thread, we cannot be blinded by euphoria
I think my thread gives pretty much all the info you need for the basic test cycle except you would wanna look up a video of how to pin properly before you inject. Of course the more research you do the better.
Imma make an even bigger steroid thread this weekend :)
I think my thread gives pretty much all the info you need for the basic test cycle except you would wanna look up a video of how to pin properly before you inject. Of course the more research you do the better.

Yeah, I completely agree. You did make an amazing thread, and it details basically everything that a beginner needs to know.
The purpose of this thread though, is mostly about what comes before that, the actual decision of hopping on. As the guy above you said, we shouldn't be blinded by the euphoria that steroids bring. Steroids aren't just regular everyday drugs, and I just want people to be careful because they really can fuck up their lives and their health if used improperly.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 281 and jefferson
Yeah, I completely agree. You did make an amazing thread, and it details basically everything that a beginner needs to know.
The purpose of this thread though, is mostly about what comes before that, the actual decision of hopping on. As the guy above you said, we shouldn't be blinded by the euphoria that steroids bring. Steroids aren't just regular everyday drugs, and I just want people to be careful because they really can fuck up their lives and their health if used improperly.
I agree completely
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Cagex100. All the asian girls i know went always for the muscular/jock guy if it was possible.

You only knew westernized one.

They are fucking bananas.
biggest mistake i did was doing 500mg test and having my face bloated.

first cycle your better off doing 300 test+mild oral (tbol/anavr) and see how you respond.

Test face bloat is the ultimate looksmin
biggest mistake i did was doing 500mg test and having my face bloated.

first cycle your better off doing 300 test+mild oral (tbol/anavr) and see how you respond.

Test face bloat is the ultimate looksmin
What are you running now? anavar?
What are you running now? anavar?
still 500 test, delts/arms got bigger even though diet/trainig has been shit for a few weeks. think im like 173lbs atm. was 161ish before cycle.

still got 5 more weeks left, gunna add in tbol next week as a finisher.

after that, just gunna cut till im im extremely lean. never going above 300mg test ever again. only low test+tren ace /an oral from now on.
What are you running now? anavar?
still 500 test, delts/arms got bigger even though diet/trainig has been shit for a few weeks. think im like 173lbs atm. was 161ish before cycle.

still got 5 more weeks left, gunna add in tbol next week as a finisher.

after that, just gunna cut till im im extremely lean. never going above 300mg test ever again. only low test+tren ace /an oral from now on.

Hows ur cycle going?
Hows ur cycle going?
Going good, I'll be done in 3-4 weeks or so. Weight gain has really slowed down at this point though. just started 10mg ed of sdrol today, gonna take that for 3 weeks unless the blood pressure side effects are too much to handle cause my blood pressure is already a little high.

I never feel like I'm eating enough though, next bulk I'm gonna take mk 677 for appetite gains.
Going good, I'll be done in 3-4 weeks or so. Weight gain has really slowed down at this point though. just started 10mg ed of sdrol today, gonna take that for 3 weeks unless the blood pressure side effects are too much to handle cause my blood pressure is already a little high.

I never feel like I'm eating enough though, next bulk I'm gonna take mk 677 for appetite gains.

sdrol as a finisher is gunna fck ur recovery in pct lol, gl man
With so much steroid discussion going on in this forum, I thought it appropriate to remind everyone that you should always take what anyone, no matter who says it, with a grain of salt.

This should apply to most parts of your life. Do not just read something or hear something and take it as fact. That won't lead you anywhere good.

Make sure you do your research. Here are a few resources to get you started.
You don't become an expert on a subject in one day.

If you are even considering a cycle, make sure that you at least read the following:
Reddit's r/steroids wiki - and I mean ALL of it.
And make sure that you have checked EVERY POINT on THIS checklist

I would recommend that you at least spend a month or three on researching and finally exploring your options. Remember, these drugs are illegal. You can get fucked in so many ways, or you can achieve glorious gains and get away with them. Honestly, man, do the fucking research and do not fuck yourself over. If anything, promise me that you start off light. Just do the beginner cycle that @jefferson posted, it is very hard to fuck yourself up on that.
You should also watch Jeff Nippard's recent video on steroids. Remember that this video seems to be biased against steroids, but there are no invalid points.
The video is here.

I get that it's just so tempting to read Jeffersons thread, hop on eroids.com, find a source, order and start pinning. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I cannot stress this enough.
Please don't fuck yourself up, we don't need more steroids-gone-wrong stories (read one here). If you do manage to educate yourself and do this in a responsible way, that's fucking great.
GL with the gains.
Great thread,

Real shit. Anyways I plan on cycling next year when I’m 20, still not 100% just a lot of researching and such
And you must have a skincare routine when doing roids or your skin will turn to shit. Not sure if mentioned there.

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