Women are trash

Deleted member 773

Deleted member 773

Looksmaxxing is COPE! (RIP 1-5-19 - 2-17-21)
Jan 5, 2019
There isn't a single women composer, movie director, artist, scientist, anything that is considered to be one of the best in their field. Society is all anxiously waiting for women to prove themselves when, in reality, if they were capable they would've proven themselves thousands of years ago.

The only fields women are successful in are the ones that involve their body. Acting, things like that. Now, modern bluepilled society looks at this and thinks, "It's society's fault! Whemen need more power!" When in reality, it's because they are incapable. Estrogen does not get things done. Testosterone does. Women are supposed to stay at home and nurture children. They have not proven themselves capable in the arts, sciences, mathematics, labour, or anywhere.

The women empowerment meme needs to come to an end and we need to go back to our old days. Men are partly at fault for this for being pussies, similar to how women are naturally. Remember to exercise and eat healthy to increase your testosterone. Maybe even inject. As a concert pianist, I have my best performances and sessions after gymcelling because of high T. Even in the arts where delicacy and intricacy is praised, testosterone, the chemical associated with destruction and primitiveness, reigns supreme.
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MtF trannies win gold medals and model contests. Men are better than foids at being foids.
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Females Are Toilets.
Like toilets, females are not people.
Like toilets, females are not individuals: that is, they do not have lives, opinions, idiosyncrasies.
Like toilets, the main function of females is a repository for certain bodily fluids.
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Reactions: kobecel, DeformAspergerCel, RichardSpencel and 2 others
Females Are Toilets.
Like toilets, females are not people.
Like toilets, females are not individuals: that is, they do not have lives, opinions, idiosyncrasies.
Like toilets, the main function of females is a repository for certain bodily fluids.
Extra Chromosome
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true but it is what it is. women are fuckmeat and thats it, worthless to men with no teeth however
if you see a women in a high position of jobs, most likely she is manipulate as fuck and imcompetent with beta cuck serving them, or there are not much man in the field
never invest in stock where all power put into a woman
ok this is cope, there are foids at your high school smarter than you/more talented than you
There isn't a single women composer, movie director, artist, scientist, anything that is considered to be one of the best in their field. Society is all anxiously waiting for women to prove themselves when, in reality, if they were capable they would've proven themselves thousands of years ago.

The only fields women are successful in are the ones that involve their body. Acting, things like that. Now, modern bluepilled society looks at this and thinks, "It's society's fault! Whemen need more power!" When in reality, it's because they are incapable. Estrogen does not get things done. Testosterone does. Women are supposed to stay at home and nurture children. They have not proven themselves capable in the arts, sciences, mathematics, labour, or anywhere.

The women empowerment meme needs to come to an end and we need to go back to our old days. Men are partly at fault for this for being pussies, similar to how women are naturally. Remember to exercise and eat healthy to increase your testosterone. Maybe even inject. As a concert pianist, I have my best performances and sessions after gymcelling because of high T. Even in the arts where delicacy and intricacy is praised, testosterone, the chemical associated with destruction and primitiveness, reigns supreme.
quality post my friend
ok this is cope, there are foids at your high school smarter than you/more talented than you
Stop projecting yourself onto others you low t cuck. I'm the best pianist at my school, the only other ones that could maybe compete with me are this asian guy and this black guy. Notice: they're both GUYS.

Grades are cope and don't matter. There is no skill involved in getting good grades. It's a waste of time and I don't focus on it as long as my gpa is above 2.0
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Grades are cope and don't matter. There is no skill involved in getting good grades. It's a waste of time and I don't focus on it as long as my gpa is above 2.0
So you're retarded
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There are countless women who are smarter than everyone here, this is massive cope
There are lots of foids who become professors and most of them are automatically smarter than most if not all people here in their respective fields
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ok this is cope, there are foids at your high school smarter than you/more talented than you
Cope. High school is just repetition of facts. Remedial, college prep, Honors, AP, STEM are all the same shit, they just separate the low class from the high class. I've done some of each class excluding STEMs and there is no difference in difficulty. Only difference is the higher you go up, the more whites and less ethnics there are.
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There are countless women who are smarter than everyone here, this is massive cope
There are lots of foids who become professors and most of them are automatically smarter than most if not all people here in their respective fields

Smart women exist but are extremely rare compared to smart men. They tend to cluster around the middle of the IQ bell curve while men are more spread out at the extremes.
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There are countless women who are smarter than everyone here, this is massive cope
There are lots of foids who become professors and most of them are automatically smarter than most if not all people here in their respective fields

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Your lookmatch is waiting for you in Paris apartment
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