Women care more about money than looks and sex. Especially as they age. If you're still a teen/early 20s, MAYBE you still have a chance

Who’s gonna tell him???

Dude. Stop making contrived theories. Women use you for dinners and provision of resources, because you simply don’t have the looks, genetics and raw appeal to be used for sex/fun by women. You basically spelled it out for us yourself, yet your ego prevents you from seeing the truth. Perhaps because you haven’t experienced what life is from the other side (from being a good looking guy with good genes). It is that simple. I know it sounds like a personal attack, but it really is not. I am only trying to help you, so you don’t get used by these hoes.

Your Theory and conclusion however is demonstrably false. Have you heard the phrase alpha fucks, beta bucks? Women have a dualistic mating strategy and you happen to fall in the beta bucks side if equation. So your whole world view is shaped by having lived on this side, and your view that women consider money more important stems exactly from that. You don’t know what’s happening behind scenes, sadly.
very good comment the things he says doesn't even make sense.
The race to the bottom is fucking real. Incels are hopping on HRT and getting free meals and dates paid for by dudes. Men are so thirsty. And women have no interest in sex aside from like a small handful of men. And often times women have a financial agenda when they are interested in a man sexually. Lots of women low-key would rather eat Ben & Jerry's than have Chad's penis in 2023. It's so fucking over for many, many men.
why do you think that the elites push LGBQT so much. women will never "love" or "desire" men, so they need a replacement, fast
  • +1
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You wrote a lot of virgin ass shit
Literally 0 chads/chadlites struggle with dating, barely any normies even struggle with dating. I don’t know what kind of cope this is or what nonsense you’re listening to but not a single ounce of it is real. Even HTN’s live life on easy mode and you must be FAR removed from society to not realize

Understand that you being an incel means you are an OUTLIER GENETIC ABOMINATION, it is not, has never been, and will NEVER be the norm and no amount of “studies” asking a bunch of comp sci and engineering studies if they’re virgins while pretending that’s representative of the general population will change that.

Women care about face, when golddiggers date guys for money they’re literally treating it as a business opportunity. Those guys will always end up divorceraped and cancelled from a false rape accusation, chad will not. If you want to be a victim paying for a glorified escort until she destroys your life to go fuck the guys she ACTUALLY wants to fuck, more power to you lil bro, don’t cry to me about it when it blows up
I know OP is bullshitting, but you are equally wrong, nearly 1/3 of young males are incels or nearcels who can only fuck fatties
When you can get Chad penis on demand in 2023, its like eating cookies and brownies every day. Shit gets old. Hedonic adaptation. Hedonic treadmill. I gained like 25 lbs on a bulk in just over a year. That shit fucks with your dopamine receptors hard. I actually am sick of eating food. You don't think Chad/Tyrone dick gets old too? I know that PSL is homoerotically obsessed with Chad penis but in reality incels are more into Chad than women are. My trans ex-FWB is on anti-depressants. And she probably has all kinds of Chad penis offered to her daily. Yes it's that over for many, many men in 2023. That transwomen get all kinds of Chad dick thrown at them and they are still depressed. lmfao.
> trans ex-FWB

I am missing the days you would get banned for saying gay shits like these, old days were wayy better
Without the confidence you get from being a chad and having successful formative years you’ll never make money anyway. Normies can smell the shit on you.
  • +1
Reactions: Kamui
> trans ex-FWB

I am missing the days you would get banned for saying gay shits like these, old days were wayy better
Chances are I have been on PSL longer than you have. A lot of the old heads have grown old and left the forum. I'm still here. Back in 2014 on PUAhate/Sluthate there were a ton of trans threads posted on there. We even had a trans poster on sluthate in 2015. PUAhate/sluthate was how I first got interested in transwomen. But I didn't have my first sexual experience with one until 2022. Transmaxxing has roots in incel culture. And there is a clear incel to trans pipeline. The LGBTQ+ moral panic came after with the rise of Donald Trump in 2015-2016 and the right-wing shift of incel culture. The right wing horseshit infested incel culture, not the other way around. If you're incel and you are sexually attracted to transwomen or men, you would be stupid to deny yourself sexual release because muh morality. Stop being a moralfag. Before you talk about the old days, ask yourself where were you in 2013. I was shit posting on PUAhate in my dad's basement. Just like now. You were probably a Republican fag or even a blue pilled cuck in 2013. If not a little boy. Just because I hate women doesn't mean I have to suck off rich people, christfags and Republicans. You can simultaneously hate Republicans and Democrat SJWs.
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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Kamui and yandex99
I know OP is bullshitting, but you are equally wrong, nearly 1/3 of young males are incels or nearcels who can only fuck fatties
I would argue that more than 1/3 of young men are easily incel and can't even fuck fatties. The average man is fat (maybe not young men?) with an average income, average penis size, etc. They have absolutely zero to offer to women. Women can get sex from hung hot guys on demand on dating apps. You are useless to women unless you give her free shit or she's still in her ho phase and you're one of the hot guys she wants to have sex with.
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  • +1
Reactions: chadmanlet04
Chances are I have been on PSL longer than you have. A lot of the old heads have grown old and left the forum. I'm still here. Back in 2014 on PUAhate/Sluthate there were a ton of trans threads posted on there. We even had a trans poster on sluthate in 2015. PUAhate/sluthate was how I first got interested in transwomen. But I didn't have my first sexual experience with one until 2022. Transmaxxing has roots in incel culture. And there is a clear incel to trans pipeline. The LGBTQ+ moral panic came after with the rise of Donald Trump in 2015-2016 and the right-wing shift of incel culture. The right wing horseshit infested incel culture, not the other way around. If you're incel and you are sexually attracted to transwomen or men, you would be stupid to deny yourself sexual release because muh morality. Stop being a moralfag. Before you talk about the old days, ask yourself where were you in 2013. I was shit posting on PUAhate in my dad's basement. Just like now. You were probably a Republican fag or even a blue pilled cuck in 2013. If not a little boy. Just because I hate women doesn't mean I have to suck off rich people, christfags and Republicans. You can simultaneously hate Republicans and Democrat SJWs.
Dude, if you are okay with fucking trannies or being one in order to get sexual release and the idea of it doesnt disgust you, do what u want.

I am not religious nor have any claims on morality, but if you are a person like that you no longer have anything to do with incel forums, most people here or in .is can find a sub gay guy to fuck if they try, that is not the "ascension" we are looking.
  • +1
Reactions: Mr. President
Even Chadlites and Chads are struggling with dating in 2023. It's not enough to be good looking much of the time. Women care more about money than they care about looks and good sex. Why do you think so many men pay for sex but very few women pay for sex?

If you became a doctor and made $200k+, this literally makes women wet and will get you laid. Studies show that women are more likely to have an orgasm when their husband makes more than her and less likely to orgasm when their husband makes less than them. But the caveat is that you know in the back of your mind that you're just a wallet to her. A beta buxx.

I'm a 18 year old man trapped in a 38 year old man's body so I know how the young zoomer men on this forum feel. Back when I first joined PUAhate in 2013 at 28 years old and while I was listening to Roosh V, my mentality was (and still is) "I don't want to be a beta provider like my beta buxx dad, I want to be an alpha male." I have been envious of Chad for at least 11.5 years. Probably longer than that. I have been posting incel rants on the internet before I even joined PUAhate. I have been homoerotically obsessed with Tyrone for at least 16 years. Probably longer than that. I never slayed when I was a teenager. One woman invited me to her dorm room when I was 18 and we almost had sex. But I couldn't get it up at the time. And this psychologically fucked me up for many years. Until I finally lost my PinV virginity at 26 to a fat landwhale I met off a dating site.

My pinnacle is when I fucked a woman I met off sluthate.com when I was 29-30 years old. In my dad's basement. It was her fantasy. That was when I truly felt like a Chad for once in my life. This woman knew I was a basement dwelling autistic NEET. And still fucked me regularly. Because she liked my face and was captivated by my eccentricity. She has Borderline Personality Disorder. She never expected me to buy her anything. That was the first and only time I truly experienced true love. Since then I keep mostly running into women who want me to beta buxx for them.

Put yourself in the shoes of a foid. I have catfished as my female filter many times on dating apps. You can get Chad and Tyrone cock on demand. ON DEMAND. Don't you think that shit gets old after awhile? Wouldn't you rather have simps give you money and then never have to wagecuck anymore? Wouldn't you rather have some cuck pay for your $40-50 dinner, maybe even a $300 dinner instead of having to wagecuck long hours at the office to buy that dinner yourself? To have some cuck take you on a staycation to Niagara for a long weekend? To pay for your vacations? So that you can post pictures of your food, your "adventures", your travels on Instagram. Women care more about getting 200k followers than getting 200k miles of good dick. Women want to status fog each other. This is why women are on anti-depressants despite having access to gallons upon copious gallons of Chad and Tyrone semen.

For incels who have been starved of female affection and sex all their lives, punani is more valuable than money. But to foids who have cock on demand, money and Instagram followers and likes is more valuable than good dick. Women love Ben & Jerry's more than they love Chad. That's why they'd rather stay fat than lose weight for a chance to get Chad to commit to her.

Now when a woman is like 16, is a virgin or has a low body count, sex is very novel to her. Sucking Chad's penis, or a black penis (because they know that their Trump supporting MAGA hat wearing Chud daddy would be upset) for the first time at the tender age of 15 is very exciting to a nubile woman. Swallowing that Chad/black cum is novel and exhilarating to her.

But then fast forward to when she's 24 year old and she has her Master's Degree, student loan debt, pays more than 50% of her office cuck wage to her landlord, has bills to pay, has vacations she wants to go to, adventures she wants to take on, a 74 body count, miles and miles of Chad and Tyrone cock and semen, she's had threesomes, anal, double penetration, ass to mouth, all kinds of crazy kinky sex, don't you think that shit gets old to her guys? Don't you think she'd rather a reliable cuckold buy her a $40, $50, $100, $300 dinner? Post the pics on her Instagram and get followers and likes. And save her own money so that she can pay her kike of a landlord to avoid eviction? To have some cuck buy her a staycation long weekend getaway to Niagara? And post pics on Instagram and get followers and likes. To have some cuck take her on vacations to post the pics on Instagram? To make her frenemies jealous? Women live for making their frenemies jealous and status fogging each other. Allow Arab Princes to shit in her mouth for money so that she has Dubai pics to post on her Instagram?

So yeah if you're going to get girls, the teen love window is very important. If you miss out on teen love, its probably over for you. Unless you meet a psychotic woman on the internet like I did at one point. And even then it didn't last. Maybe you have a chance in your early 20s if you find a woman who is a late bloomer in college who didn't take copious amounts of Chad/Tyrone semen. I know a lot of men on this forum are young. Boys even. Whereas I'm a 38 year old man. Yeah when you're young, looks and sex matters more to women because sex is still a novelty to women who have a low body count. But you have a short window of opportunity as a young boy/man to capitalize on low body count women. Once she has her fill of the Chad/Tyrone cock carousel, it's all about $$$ to bitches at that point. Once you get to my age, you're not going to get many women in their teens (16 is legal in Canada) and early 20s willing to have sex with you for free. Make the most of shit now. Because after a bitch graduates from college, it's all about the beta buxx.

@WayneBraaaah per his request
False. If you have looks a women won't cheat on you with a guy with money, but no looks

If you have money, you will get cheated in with a guy with looks
False. If you have looks a women won't cheat on you with a guy with money, but no looks

If you have money, you will get cheated in with a guy with looks
Female sexuality is not the same as male sexuality. Incels are projecting their homoerotic desires for Chad onto women.
When I invented BBC theory on PSL, I was just trolling. BBC theory is the product of an autistic NEET basement dweller's homoerotic fixation on Tyrone.
Just be betabux theory
Just be betabux theory
I believe men are better off going MGTOW than being a betabux. I'm just pointing out the conditions of the mating game.

Men want relationships in order to get sex every day
Women want relationships to get access to resources

For every blue pilled cuck who says, "how dare you say that men go into relationships to get sex." I ask them, "what do you call someone you enjoy hanging out with that you don't want to fuck?" FRIENDS! The whole fucking point of a relationship for a man is sex. The other love languages are also important to men. Physical touch (Cuddling, kissing, hand holding), words of affirmation ("You are hot/handsome, I love your big white cock inside of me."), acts of service (a woman cooking for me, giving me a massage, providing me with emotional support, etc.), quality time and receiving gifts are also important to men. But sex is the main course (which also falls under physical touch).
Even Chadlites and Chads are struggling with dating in 2023. It's not enough to be good looking much of the time. Women care more about money than they care about looks and good sex. Why do you think so many men pay for sex but very few women pay for sex?

If you became a doctor and made $200k+, this literally makes women wet and will get you laid. Studies show that women are more likely to have an orgasm when their husband makes more than her and less likely to orgasm when their husband makes less than them. But the caveat is that you know in the back of your mind that you're just a wallet to her. A beta buxx.

I'm a 18 year old man trapped in a 38 year old man's body so I know how the young zoomer men on this forum feel. Back when I first joined PUAhate in 2013 at 28 years old and while I was listening to Roosh V, my mentality was (and still is) "I don't want to be a beta provider like my beta buxx dad, I want to be an alpha male." I have been envious of Chad for at least 11.5 years. Probably longer than that. I have been posting incel rants on the internet before I even joined PUAhate. I have been homoerotically obsessed with Tyrone for at least 16 years. Probably longer than that. I never slayed when I was a teenager. One woman invited me to her dorm room when I was 18 and we almost had sex. But I couldn't get it up at the time. And this psychologically fucked me up for many years. Until I finally lost my PinV virginity at 26 to a fat landwhale I met off a dating site.

My pinnacle is when I fucked a woman I met off sluthate.com when I was 29-30 years old. In my dad's basement. It was her fantasy. That was when I truly felt like a Chad for once in my life. This woman knew I was a basement dwelling autistic NEET. And still fucked me regularly. Because she liked my face and was captivated by my eccentricity. She has Borderline Personality Disorder. She never expected me to buy her anything. That was the first and only time I truly experienced true love. Since then I keep mostly running into women who want me to beta buxx for them.

Put yourself in the shoes of a foid. I have catfished as my female filter many times on dating apps. You can get Chad and Tyrone cock on demand. ON DEMAND. Don't you think that shit gets old after awhile? Wouldn't you rather have simps give you money and then never have to wagecuck anymore? Wouldn't you rather have some cuck pay for your $40-50 dinner, maybe even a $300 dinner instead of having to wagecuck long hours at the office to buy that dinner yourself? To have some cuck take you on a staycation to Niagara for a long weekend? To pay for your vacations? So that you can post pictures of your food, your "adventures", your travels on Instagram. Women care more about getting 200k followers than getting 200k miles of good dick. Women want to status fog each other. This is why women are on anti-depressants despite having access to gallons upon copious gallons of Chad and Tyrone semen.

For incels who have been starved of female affection and sex all their lives, punani is more valuable than money. But to foids who have cock on demand, money and Instagram followers and likes is more valuable than good dick. Women love Ben & Jerry's more than they love Chad. That's why they'd rather stay fat than lose weight for a chance to get Chad to commit to her.

Now when a woman is like 16, is a virgin or has a low body count, sex is very novel to her. Sucking Chad's penis, or a black penis (because they know that their Trump supporting MAGA hat wearing Chud daddy would be upset) for the first time at the tender age of 15 is very exciting to a nubile woman. Swallowing that Chad/black cum is novel and exhilarating to her.

But then fast forward to when she's 24 year old and she has her Master's Degree, student loan debt, pays more than 50% of her office cuck wage to her landlord, has bills to pay, has vacations she wants to go to, adventures she wants to take on, a 74 body count, miles and miles of Chad and Tyrone cock and semen, she's had threesomes, anal, double penetration, ass to mouth, all kinds of crazy kinky sex, don't you think that shit gets old to her guys? Don't you think she'd rather a reliable cuckold buy her a $40, $50, $100, $300 dinner? Post the pics on her Instagram and get followers and likes. And save her own money so that she can pay her kike of a landlord to avoid eviction? To have some cuck buy her a staycation long weekend getaway to Niagara? And post pics on Instagram and get followers and likes. To have some cuck take her on vacations to post the pics on Instagram? To make her frenemies jealous? Women live for making their frenemies jealous and status fogging each other. Allow Arab Princes to shit in her mouth for money so that she has Dubai pics to post on her Instagram?

So yeah if you're going to get girls, the teen love window is very important. If you miss out on teen love, its probably over for you. Unless you meet a psychotic woman on the internet like I did at one point. And even then it didn't last. Maybe you have a chance in your early 20s if you find a woman who is a late bloomer in college who didn't take copious amounts of Chad/Tyrone semen. I know a lot of men on this forum are young. Boys even. Whereas I'm a 38 year old man. Yeah when you're young, looks and sex matters more to women because sex is still a novelty to women who have a low body count. But you have a short window of opportunity as a young boy/man to capitalize on low body count women. Once she has her fill of the Chad/Tyrone cock carousel, it's all about $$$ to bitches at that point. Once you get to my age, you're not going to get many women in their teens (16 is legal in Canada) and early 20s willing to have sex with you for free. Make the most of shit now. Because after a bitch graduates from college, it's all about the beta buxx.

@WayneBraaaah per his request
look Mr. Tard, you don't quite know the game since you've never been in it. you're correct in regards to foids aging and wanting a man with funds rather than a broke nigger, however this doesn't mean they don't still fuck brokechads. money plays a factor, but 9 times out of 10 the physical and mental attraction wins the war. Me nor my niggas have NEVER gotten pussy as a result of our money. it's always been based on attraction.

You do raise a good point tho you do need money at the age you're at to secure a hot foid.
Me nor my niggas have NEVER gotten pussy as a result of our money. it's always been based on attraction.

You do raise a good point tho you do need money at the age you're at to secure a hot foid.
There are a ton of LARPING forum slayers. Female sexual attraction does not work the same as male sexual attraction. Even fat ugly women can get Chad/Tyrone dick on demand. Even if you are a 6'+ muscular lean Chad/Tyrone, you're nothing special. You're a dime a dozen. Women crave Ben & Jerry's more than they crave broke Chad dick. They want wealthy Chad dick. They want Brad.

I still gymcel four days a week for the outside chance that Jeff Nippard-maxxing (as we are fellow manlets) is going to get women on the dating apps offering to just straight up get on her knees and sucking my cock. But its probably not going to work out like that. My back-up plan is to start an Onlyfans. Since I get hit on tons by gay men already on Facebook Dating's friendship section and Bumble BFF (the friendship section of Bumble). My dream job at this point is to become a full-time personal trainer for incels. Programming workout plans for incels and teaching them proper form and how to train optimally.
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  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
There are a ton of LARPING forum slayers. Female sexual attraction does not work the same as male sexual attraction. Even fat ugly women can get Chad/Tyrone dick on demand. Even if you are a 6'+ muscular lean Chad/Tyrone, you're nothing special. You're a dime a dozen. Women crave Ben & Jerry's more than they crave broke Chad dick. They want wealthy Chad dick. They want Brad.

I still gymcel four days a week for the outside chance that Jeff Nippard-maxxing (as we are fellow manlets) is going to get women on the dating apps offering to just straight up get on her knees and sucking my cock. But its probably not going to work out like that. My back-up plan is to start an Onlyfans. Since I get hit on tons by gay men already on Facebook Dating's friendship section and Bumble BFF (the friendship section of Bumble). My dream job at this point is to become a full-time personal trainer for incels. Programming workout plans for incels and teaching them proper form and how to train optimally.
They ain't a dime a dozen twin. they truly are not as common as you'd like to believe. if they were it'd be over for me and almost every male I've ever met in my ENTIRE life. female sexual attraction really isn't all that based on money, that's why we have shit tons of single mothers of ALL races (primarily black however). They don't give a fuck about economic stability unless they've lived an economically stable life or they have a good father figure. if you don't slay that's simply because YOU aren't good enough. im not saying you're wrong but it does NOT all boil down to monetary funds for the slay, because if it did, NO chads would be slaying as the majority of chads are NOT economically stable.
When you can get Chad penis on demand in 2023, its like eating cookies and brownies every day. Shit gets old.
U speaking from experience nigga?
U speaking from experience nigga?
No I haven't experienced Chad penis. But I'm on Grindr to meet transwomen/femboys/CDs and I get hit on all the time by men on that app. And I've put my selfie through a female filter and put my female filter on dating apps and got hit on by hot guys constantly. So I know how easy it is to get Chad penis.

What I do have experience with is eating lots of cookies and brownies during my bulk. Shit gets old. Hedonic adaptation. Taking Chad dick daily also gets old I imagine for similar reasons.
nobody cares about aged women...
No I haven't experienced Chad penis. But I'm on Grindr to meet transwomen/femboys/CDs and I get hit on all the time by men on that app. And I've put my selfie through a female filter and put my female filter on dating apps and got hit on by hot guys constantly. So I know how easy it is to get Chad penis.

What I do have experience with is eating lots of cookies and brownies during my bulk. Shit gets old. Hedonic adaptation. Taking Chad dick daily also gets old I imagine for similar reasons.
Ok, so ur a fag basically.
nobody cares about aged women...
Nobody cares about aged men either. In fact even less so. lmfao. Unless they betabuxx.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and juste
yes...life and sex is about being young
Youth is the only chance that a man has to slay just on looks alone. And that window is very, very short. As the ho phase for women doesn't last very long.
Pretty much every woman who is a legit nympho would become a prostitute or start an Onlyfans if she was smart instead of giving it away for free.
Youth is the only chance that a man has to slay just on looks alone. And that window is very, very short. As the ho phase for women doesn't last very long.
Pretty much every woman who is a legit nympho would become a prostitute or start an Onlyfans if she was smart instead of giving it away for free.
i agree tbh , tho its not random that angelic looking women are whores in this life (in which im ugly)

nothing matters although since its just a short time for every human...

they will all be forgotten in a hour
Ok, so ur a fag basically.
I think its more homosexual for incels to project their homoerotic desires for Chad and Tyrone onto women than for me to have sex with pretty ricecels who have ascended with HRT
I think its more homosexual for incels to project their homoerotic desires for Chad and Tyrone onto women than for me to have sex with pretty ricecels who have ascended with HRT
Dude, you fuck femboys.
I know it's 2023 and shit but that's deffo gay.
Dude, you fuck femboys.
I know it's 2023 and shit but that's deffo gay.
Some transwoman sent me her snapchat recently. I added her back on snap. Then she tries to sell me her liveshow. It's Over for MANY, MANY MEN in 2023. If even transwomen expect payment for sex. lmfao. It's so fucking over. I'm surprised more men aren't going ER. It must be all the internet entertainment, video games and porn that is sedating men.

If you're not sexually attracted to cis men, it's so over in 2023. Sadly I'm only interested in women (cis, trans) and passing femboys and CDs.
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Just be betabux theory
I believe men are better off going MGTOW than being a betabux. I'm just pointing out the conditions of the mating game.

Men want relationships in order to get sex every day
Women want relationships to get access to resources
i like this video on da matter.

Some transwoman sent me her snapchat recently. I added her back on snap. Then she tries to sell me her liveshow. It's Over for MANY, MANY MEN in 2023. If even transwomen expect payment for sex. lmfao. It's so fucking over. I'm surprised more men aren't going ER. It must be all the internet entertainment, video games and porn that is sedating men.

If you're not sexually attracted to cis men, it's so over in 2023. Sadly I'm only interested in women (cis, trans) and passing femboys and CDs.
Real pussy or it's over buddy. Idk about you but that shit ain't for me.
I'm not saying that at all. I don't think being a beta provider is a good fate for men at all. I'm just saying that its kind of ridiculous that men spend all this time leanmaxxing, gymmaxxing, etc. when in the end it doesn't really matter. Women primarily care about money. The winning move is to go MGTOW. Go see a pro every now and then if you want to have sex. That is what I do. Seeing a hooker is more honest than beta buxxing for a foid. I rawdogged and came inside a Filipina hooker four times in the past 3 months. I think I'm going to go see her again next week or maybe hold off for another week. Because I don't want to blow too much money.
Dark Blue Pill: betabuxxing IS a good option and FATE

@the BULL
  • JFL
Reactions: the BULL and Deleted member 20399
Even Chadlites and Chads are struggling with dating in 2023. It's not enough to be good looking much of the time. Women care more about money than they care about looks and good sex. Why do you think so many men pay for sex but very few women pay for sex?

If you became a doctor and made $200k+, this literally makes women wet and will get you laid. Studies show that women are more likely to have an orgasm when their husband makes more than her and less likely to orgasm when their husband makes less than them. But the caveat is that you know in the back of your mind that you're just a wallet to her. A beta buxx.

I'm a 18 year old man trapped in a 38 year old man's body so I know how the young zoomer men on this forum feel. Back when I first joined PUAhate in 2013 at 28 years old and while I was listening to Roosh V, my mentality was (and still is) "I don't want to be a beta provider like my beta buxx dad, I want to be an alpha male." I have been envious of Chad for at least 11.5 years. Probably longer than that. I have been posting incel rants on the internet before I even joined PUAhate. I have been homoerotically obsessed with Tyrone for at least 16 years. Probably longer than that. I never slayed when I was a teenager. One woman invited me to her dorm room when I was 18 and we almost had sex. But I couldn't get it up at the time. And this psychologically fucked me up for many years. Until I finally lost my PinV virginity at 26 to a fat landwhale I met off a dating site.

My pinnacle is when I fucked a woman I met off sluthate.com when I was 29-30 years old. In my dad's basement. It was her fantasy. That was when I truly felt like a Chad for once in my life. This woman knew I was a basement dwelling autistic NEET. And still fucked me regularly. Because she liked my face and was captivated by my eccentricity. She has Borderline Personality Disorder. She never expected me to buy her anything. That was the first and only time I truly experienced true love. Since then I keep mostly running into women who want me to beta buxx for them.

Put yourself in the shoes of a foid. I have catfished as my female filter many times on dating apps. You can get Chad and Tyrone cock on demand. ON DEMAND. Don't you think that shit gets old after awhile? Wouldn't you rather have simps give you money and then never have to wagecuck anymore? Wouldn't you rather have some cuck pay for your $40-50 dinner, maybe even a $300 dinner instead of having to wagecuck long hours at the office to buy that dinner yourself? To have some cuck take you on a staycation to Niagara for a long weekend? To pay for your vacations? So that you can post pictures of your food, your "adventures", your travels on Instagram. Women care more about getting 200k followers than getting 200k miles of good dick. Women want to status fog each other. This is why women are on anti-depressants despite having access to gallons upon copious gallons of Chad and Tyrone semen.

For incels who have been starved of female affection and sex all their lives, punani is more valuable than money. But to foids who have cock on demand, money and Instagram followers and likes is more valuable than good dick. Women love Ben & Jerry's more than they love Chad. That's why they'd rather stay fat than lose weight for a chance to get Chad to commit to her.

Now when a woman is like 16, is a virgin or has a low body count, sex is very novel to her. Sucking Chad's penis, or a black penis (because they know that their Trump supporting MAGA hat wearing Chud daddy would be upset) for the first time at the tender age of 15 is very exciting to a nubile woman. Swallowing that Chad/black cum is novel and exhilarating to her.

But then fast forward to when she's 24 year old and she has her Master's Degree, student loan debt, pays more than 50% of her office cuck wage to her landlord, has bills to pay, has vacations she wants to go to, adventures she wants to take on, a 74 body count, miles and miles of Chad and Tyrone cock and semen, she's had threesomes, anal, double penetration, ass to mouth, all kinds of crazy kinky sex, don't you think that shit gets old to her guys? Don't you think she'd rather a reliable cuckold buy her a $40, $50, $100, $300 dinner? Post the pics on her Instagram and get followers and likes. And save her own money so that she can pay her kike of a landlord to avoid eviction? To have some cuck buy her a staycation long weekend getaway to Niagara? And post pics on Instagram and get followers and likes. To have some cuck take her on vacations to post the pics on Instagram? To make her frenemies jealous? Women live for making their frenemies jealous and status fogging each other. Allow Arab Princes to shit in her mouth for money so that she has Dubai pics to post on her Instagram?

So yeah if you're going to get girls, the teen love window is very important. If you miss out on teen love, its probably over for you. Unless you meet a psychotic woman on the internet like I did at one point. And even then it didn't last. Maybe you have a chance in your early 20s if you find a woman who is a late bloomer in college who didn't take copious amounts of Chad/Tyrone semen. I know a lot of men on this forum are young. Boys even. Whereas I'm a 38 year old man. Yeah when you're young, looks and sex matters more to women because sex is still a novelty to women who have a low body count. But you have a short window of opportunity as a young boy/man to capitalize on low body count women. Once she has her fill of the Chad/Tyrone cock carousel, it's all about $$$ to bitches at that point. Once you get to my age, you're not going to get many women in their teens (16 is legal in Canada) and early 20s willing to have sex with you for free. Make the most of shit now. Because after a bitch graduates from college, it's all about the beta buxx.

@WayneBraaaah per his request
Jfl at this utter cope Chad is broke and has girls pay for everything and maintain him
Jfl at this utter cope Chad is broke and has girls pay for everything and maintain him
That is what you want to believe because incels don't want to get jobs. lmfao.
If I woke up as a woman tomorrow, I could get Chad/Tyrone dick ON DEMAND. ON DEMAND. The excitement of fucking a hot guy would be fun the first few times but that shit would get old. And then I'd just start an Onlyfans and get simps to send me money and become a hooker.
I've been NEET for 8+ years. I don't want to work. So I fucking get it. I'm of the mentality that "Chads gets it for free so I want to get it for free. I don't want to work." But in reality, how many guys are actually capable of getting it for free? And what are your odds of becoming one of those guys? I'd rather go MGTOW than be a beta buxx. But incels are just coping thinking that leanmaxxing, gymmaxxing, surgeries is going to get women throwing themselves at them. If you are a tall good looking man with a big cock, you are nothing special. You are not rare. A woman can get a guy like that on an app to dick her down instantly.
That is what you want to believe because incels don't want to get jobs. lmfao.
If I woke up as a woman tomorrow, I could get Chad/Tyrone dick ON DEMAND. ON DEMAND. The excitement of fucking a hot guy would be fun the first few times but that shit would get old. And then I'd just start an Onlyfans and get simps to send me money and become a hooker.
I've been NEET for 8+ years. I don't want to work. So I fucking get it. I'm of the mentality that "Chads gets it for free so I want to get it for free. I don't want to work." But in reality, how many guys are actually capable of getting it for free? And what are your odds of becoming one of those guys? I'd rather go MGTOW than be a beta buxx. But incels are just coping thinking that leanmaxxing, gymmaxxing, surgeries is going to get women throwing themselves at them. If you are a tall good looking man with a big cock, you are nothing special. You are not rare. A woman can get a guy like that on an app to dick her down instantly.
Jfl at this my NT statusmaxed Chad friend gets driven around ( he got no license) and gets his dinner paid for by bitches :lul:. Girls only look for money in betabuxxers. They'll gladly spend what they earn to have a fun with Chad
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What the fuck is that. But what she gets is a fucking from Chad
What women care first is validation. They will even reject a chad from time to time to boost there ego.
What women care first is validation. They will even reject a chad from time to time to boost there ego.
The irony is women care about female validation just as much as incels. :ROFLMAO: If not more so.
Chances are I have been on PSL longer than you have. A lot of the old heads have grown old and left the forum. I'm still here. Back in 2014 on PUAhate/Sluthate there were a ton of trans threads posted on there. We even had a trans poster on sluthate in 2015. PUAhate/sluthate was how I first got interested in transwomen. But I didn't have my first sexual experience with one until 2022. Transmaxxing has roots in incel culture. And there is a clear incel to trans pipeline. The LGBTQ+ moral panic came after with the rise of Donald Trump in 2015-2016 and the right-wing shift of incel culture. The right wing horseshit infested incel culture, not the other way around. If you're incel and you are sexually attracted to transwomen or men, you would be stupid to deny yourself sexual release because muh morality. Stop being a moralfag. Before you talk about the old days, ask yourself where were you in 2013. I was shit posting on PUAhate in my dad's basement. Just like now. You were probably a Republican fag or even a blue pilled cuck in 2013. If not a little boy. Just because I hate women doesn't mean I have to suck off rich people, christfags and Republicans. You can simultaneously hate Republicans and Democrat SJWs.

How can I be gay if I bareback creampie my Filipina cis woman hooker on a regular basis and I jack off to Asian cis woman influencers? Four times in the last three months I've bareback creampied that Filipina cis woman hooker. I was going to see her again last/this week but I jerked off instead to asianquadbae (a cis woman) on Instagram and saved myself $160 CAD.

At most I'm bisexual. And I don't think that's quite accurate. Because I don't want to have sex with Jungkook even though he's pretty af. But I want to have sex with Asian transwomen and Asian crossdressers. If Jungkook hopped on HRT, maybe he'd be my type.
How can I be gay if I bareback creampie my Filipina cis woman hooker on a regular basis and I jack off to Asian cis woman influencers? Four times in the last three months I've bareback creampied that Filipina cis woman hooker. I was going to see her again last/this week but I jerked off instead to asianquadbae (a cis woman) on Instagram and saved myself $160 CAD.

At most I'm bisexual. And I don't think that's quite accurate. Because I don't want to have sex with Jungkook even though he's pretty af. But I want to have sex with Asian transwomen and Asian crossdressers. If Jungkook hopped on HRT, maybe he'd be my type.


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If you would've said status you would've been correct. Status from a man increases the value of the woman and will in turn increase her attention which is her money her lifeblood.

Chads are absolutely dominating now more than ever in this Sodom and Gamora degenerate society we live in. If a WHTN like me can get women with little to no effort then I can only imagine what the average Chad is doing if he's promiscuous. I would bet an average Chad today has a similar body count to King Solomon himself.

Before this internet BS you would need to have top tier status like a fucking president, King, A list celebrity to pull thousands of women. However, now all you need is genetics and tinder which takes no effort. these dudes are losers basically.

Status>Looks>Height>Game>Masculine Frame>Frame>Sex>Wealth
You wrote a lot of virgin ass shit
Literally 0 chads/chadlites struggle with dating, barely any normies even struggle with dating. I don’t know what kind of cope this is or what nonsense you’re listening to but not a single ounce of it is real. Even HTN’s live life on easy mode and you must be FAR removed from society to not realize

Understand that you being an incel means you are an OUTLIER GENETIC ABOMINATION, it is not, has never been, and will NEVER be the norm and no amount of “studies” asking a bunch of comp sci and engineering studies if they’re virgins while pretending that’s representative of the general population will change that.

Women care about face, when golddiggers date guys for money they’re literally treating it as a business opportunity. Those guys will always end up divorceraped and cancelled from a false rape accusation, chad will not. If you want to be a victim paying for a glorified escort until she destroys your life to go fuck the guys she ACTUALLY wants to fuck, more power to you lil bro, don’t cry to me about it when it blows up
Do u include LTN & MTN in normies?
The average western woman is completely ran thru way before she hits 35. lmfao.

Put yourself in the mind of a foid. If you've had threesomes, gang bangs, blow bangs, DPs, ass to mouth, rimming dudes all throughout high school and college, why on earth would you give a shit about some 6' broke Chad on Tinder? The novelty is completely gone after riding the carousel enough times. Women burn through their ho phase very quickly.

For someone like me who is 38, it is absolutely completely fucking over. Because every woman who is interested in men my age, even when I look young for my age, is ran thru.

But even if you're like 25, the women your age are completely ran thru.

I know a lot of you fuckers are 15. I'm old enough to be your dad. Yeah when a girl is 15, sucking a black dick is existing. Many young relatively sexually inexperienced girls and women are very curious about sex. That's why the "if you missed out on teen love, it's over" meme on PSL is kinda true. When I first dated Yogapants from sluthate, I was only the third guy she got PinV from. And I had the biggest dick she had. She was very sexually inexperienced for a woman in her mid-20s when we first met. But now she is probably so incredibly ran thru that its completely over. She would never take me back. Because think about all the Chad and Tyrone cocks she must have had by now. Now that she's in her early 30s. lmfao.

I found it obsessively ridiculous that red pill content creators kept talking about body count on their channels. But now I get it. I've always had this fantasy that I was going to find a woman with a high body count who was going to appreciate me because I was loyal to her. Unlike the Chads and Tyrones. But reality doesn't fucking work like that. A woman who has had lots of cock, her dopamine and oxytocin receptors are fucked. Sex and love are not novel experiences to her anymore.

The absolute gold standard for a young man is to find a sexually inexperienced woman who is very sexually curious. When you are young, leanmaxxing and looksmaxxing pays off. But your window of opportunity is so narrow because women who like sex rack up body counts very, very fast during their ho phase. And then the novel of sex wears off for them.

Bojack has been around awhile and is older than most of you guys so even he understands what I'm talking about.
unlike many users I actually agree with you
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unlike many users I actually agree with you
me too,however limiting your dating options to the west is kina lame.you can always wife up a poor slum girl happy to have a Average income man.
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here's what my spanish speaking british friend said on another forum:
If my observations are correct, female hypergamy is so extreme and inceldom is so prevalent in the US and other countries that have adopted American cultural values precisely because the US is a society obsessed with wealth, materialism and status to an extreme degree. In light of this reality, people's desire for money, luxuries and status symbols is insatiable and the pursuit of these things is considered the be-all end-all. There is simply no upper limit. In such a materially hypercompetitive society the bar is continuously being raised and a growing subset of men are increasingly unable to keep up with demands for earnings, career status, image, etc. An inordinate number of women have convinced themselves that they deserve more than what the average man can give them, even if they're nothing special themselves.

You can observe the same phenomenon in other extremely materialistic and competitive societies such as Japan and South Korea. In those places too the majority of the population is obsessed with money, career, social status and image (in South Korea plastic surgery is extremely common and people get it for the purpose of career advancement) and the story is the same as in America - droves of incels who don't measure up to society's career and image demands, abysmally low birthrates, and generalized social alienation. Needless to say, these kinds of societies focused exclusively on materialism and status are toxic.

Latin America is a different kind of society. Of course, there are still some materially obsessed people and hypergamous women, but Latin Americans by and large value things such as family and interpersonal connection rather than just material competition and have more realistic expectations. That's why you see men of ordinary looks and economic means with good-looking women and even somewhat ugly indios with super-dark skin and chinito eyes with their own indias and mestizas. Most people match with somebody of similar looks and socioeconomic status. As I said, Latin Americans tend to have more realistic expectations.

Maybe things are changing or will change in the more cosmopolitan cities of Latin America (e.g., Medellín) as Americanization takes root and obsession with materialism and luxury grows.

Obsession with materialism and status to an extreme degree à la US inevitably poisons a society and makes it degenerate into an unlivable nightmare. That's why it's a terrible thing that social media platforms such as FaceBerg and ilk are transplanting American cultural values to other countries that were previously much saner. American cultural values are toxic and must die!
here's what my spanish speaking british friend said on another forum:
Your British friend is right on the money. Modern western women are materialistic af. And this materialism is often fueled by social media like Instagram.

My trans ex for example posts stories on Instagram multiple times per day. And she only has 3k followers. Like what the absolute fuck. Women are narcissistic af. And this is a person who was born an Asian male. I think the hormones they give her for HRT make her behave more and more like a foid. Hence why she is so narcissistic. And she's obsessed with thoughts of "manifesting" things from the universe like a typical foid too.
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Your British friend is right on the money. Modern western women are materialistic af. And this materialism is often fueled by social media like Instagram.

My trans ex for example posts stories on Instagram multiple times per day. And she only has 3k followers. Like what the absolute fuck. Women are narcissistic af. And this is a person who was born an Asian male. I think the hormones they give her for HRT make her behave more and more like a foid. Hence why she is so narcissistic. And she's obsessed with thoughts of "manifesting" things from the universe like a typical foid too.
why are people disagreeing with you when you have more experience?
What you're saying aligns with my observations too
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why are people disagreeing with you when you have more experience?
What you're saying aligns with my observations too
My theory is that people want to believe that looks is the be all, end all because it's way easier to become good looking than it is to become wealthy.

I haven't reached my gym maxx potential by any means. But I used to be a fat sedentary basement dweller. And after losing 40 lbs and then bulking back 25 lbs at the gym, I look much better than from when I started. And it's demoralizing af to look at how many hours I put into the gym (easily hundreds of hours since July 2022), how much time I spent weighing my food on a kitchen scale and logging it into Google Keep and Excel. Tracking my macros. Weighing myself every morning. And to what end? If I kept my bitcoins from 2016-2019 and kept my Ethereum from 2016, I would be fucking rich and slay way more than I am now. Even if I remained a fat ass. Dating is almost all about money. Yeah is it true that some women wouldn't date a short, fat, balding rich guy with a small dick? Sure. There are women out there who aren't shy about their distaste for short kings, for fat men, for receding hairline, for small penises. But they want a wealthy Chad. Not a broke Chad.

It sucks that I invested so much time to improve my looks. And it doesn't even matter. But I get hit on a lot by gay men. Because men mostly care about looks. People in this thread tell me "it's because men have low standards." Gay men actually have higher standards than straight men. Because straight men are thirsty as hell and will take whatever they can get most of the time. While gay men typically stay within their league more or less. Because men are mostly horny so gay men don't have to lower their standards a whole lot to find a guy who wants to fuck or get fucked. Whereas straight men need to settle because women are a lot less horny than men on average. Women only get wet for wealthy Chads like Robin Thicke.
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My theory is that people want to believe that looks is the be all, end all because it's way easier to become good looking than it is to become wealthy.

I haven't reached my gym maxx potential by any means. But I used to be a fat sedentary basement dweller. And after losing 40 lbs and then bulking back 25 lbs at the gym, I look much better than from when I started. And it's demoralizing af to look at how many hours I put into the gym (easily hundreds of hours since July 2022), how much time I spent weighing my food on a kitchen scale and logging it into Google Keep and Excel. Tracking my macros. Weighing myself every morning. And to what end? If I kept my bitcoins from 2016-2019 and kept my Ethereum from 2016, I would be fucking rich and slay way more than I am now. Even if I remained a fat ass. Dating is almost all about money. Yeah is it true that some women wouldn't date a short, fat, balding rich guy with a small dick? Sure. There are women out there who aren't shy about their distaste for short kings, for fat men, for receding hairline, for small penises. But they want a wealthy Chad. Not a broke Chad.

It sucks that I invested so much time to improve my looks. And it doesn't even matter. But I get hit on a lot by gay men. Because men mostly care about looks. People in this thread tell me "it's because men have low standards." Gay men actually have higher standards than straight men. Because straight men are thirsty as hell and will take whatever they can get most of the time. While gay men typically stay within their league more or less. Because men are mostly horny so gay men don't have to lower their standards a whole lot to find a guy who wants to fuck or get fucked. Whereas straight men need to settle because women are a lot less horny than men on average. Women only get wet for wealthy Chads like Robin Thicke.
You aren't wrong in that women was a wealthy Chad, not a broke one.

In fact, have some free life fuel.

what some of you mentalcels on here don't realise is that money and looks aren't mutually exclusive, they're inextricably connected - you're on a fucking looksmaxxing forum for fucks sake

Looks = easier to make money
Money = easier to maintain looks/get better looking

If you're born with good looks then congrats, you get to live life on easy difficulty.

But it's not necessarily over if you aren't and this should be life fuel for everyone below chadlite. It means if you acquire money then you're able to jump up one looks level from subhead to mtn, mtn to htn or even maybe htn to chadlite. Stop wasting your time rotting on this forum hating women and go make some money so you can looksmax.

It's never over unless you're truly subhuman and/or mentally disabled, don't fall for the Blackpill psyop
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If you became a doctor and made $200k+, this literally makes women wet and will get you laid
OP, you really decided to take a shit on the whole site and spout this red pill diarrhea of a thread ,ha? 🤦‍♂️
nothing else to do i guess...such a shame you have learned nothing in 4 years you've been here...once again proof that seniority doesnt mean shit lol
No amount of money will buy her having genuine lust for you

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