women get very mad when men want them to be virgins and only sleep with 1 man because that would be taking chad nights away from them



35 yr old virgin
Jan 12, 2023
the amount of men who want to only share virginity with wife - 95%.
the amount of women who want to sleep only ever with husband - 0%.

women have to be forced to accept this. granted, men only want this because it's just too hard for them to get an attractive girl to sleep with. if they could sleep with attractive girls easily it would be a dream for them and they would not ever only want to sleep with one girl. women meanwhile live this dream and they hate hate hate you incels for trying to stop their gluttony accessed by slaughtering the hearts of 95% of men and walking over their depressed corpses to do whatever they please. in Saudi Arabia when a famous man is in the mall all the women flock and follow him. in England all the women flock to Harry Styles concert. it's what they want.

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