Women having more social support, friends, wider social circles, etc. is not because they have better social skills.

Women will share incidents where they experienced trauma with each other and GENERALLY SPEAKING it will be fine going forward in the future. Not all the time, but generally.

WITH a man. If he shares incidents where he experienced trauma with another man, the risk of that man now using that against him in future is rather great.

So in short you don't wanna share your experiences with men unless you really trust them and even then it's better left unspoken.

The only experiences women don't wanna talk about is their body count and even Zoomer girls are boasting about theirs.
  • +1
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That's just a matter of the past... The future doesn't look good for men in this respect..

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these are general numbers across all fields so it includes humanities

women are overrepresented in humanities, underrepresented in stem - even less so if you exclude biological sciences/medical studies (which are part of the "S" in the acronym)
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Who even said that? Not us. Why are you arguing with us here about this? Nobody here thinks that women have it harder. Literally nobody. You are fighting invisible enemies
This is the only place I can even speak about this subject. I would get perma-banned from any other place on the internet for misogyny, etc.

That's why I talk about it here, because it is the only place that isn't censored on this subject.
Kids >= Woman > Man in a life-and-death situation

And if it was a choice between 2 children, one boy and one girl, the girl would probably have priority.

That's because women's overall value is higher than men's. The woman is basically a man, but with a super power, which is that she can give birth.

Not only that, but a simple woman, no matter what background she comes from, if she looks a certain way and is of a certain age, can overnight become extremely influential and powerful, just because she becomes the wife / GF of a very rich man.

Not only that, but they also have a genital organ that can literally make them money just by existing.

This is why there are even more women who are still heterosexual, but still feel attracted to a woman, compared to a man who would do that with a man.

Society has evolved and is going forward just because of men who want to provide security and comfort for women to have children with them. If there were no women, men wouldn't be doing shit. They would have stayed in caves while consuming hallucinogenic mushrooms. They wouldn't have needed more.

Women's existence makes society move. Men go out to do shit so they can have money to keep their women alive, so they can have children with them.

That's why society will continue to benefit women, while the value of men will continue to decline, once a country's economy increasingly shifts from a consumption and production (which continues to automate) economy to one based on services.

View attachment 3294843

As long as some girl at a desk with a laptop can produce more value than this guy working in a coal mine, that guy won't have a future anytime soon, because that girl will invent stuff like cheap renewable energy to produce, so the government will shut that guy's coal mine down

View attachment 3294812View attachment 3294813

A new era is dawning, and we need to be ready for it. Looksmaxing is not an accident, it's a consequence..

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Its Over Mma GIF by UFC
I agree with you, except that all scientists, engineers, etc. are male. It's men inventing cheap renewables, not women.

Women excel in 'academia', aka social studies and other irrelevant bullshit which gets you a cozy high-paying job that doesn't produce anything of actual value. Women largely rely on the government for these jobs, and else male-simping, nepotism, giving your wife/mistress a good position in your company, etc.
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That's just a matter of the past... The future doesn't look good for men in this respect..

View attachment 3294855View attachment 3294852View attachment 3294854

View attachment 3294849View attachment 3294850
call me when my university physics classes stop being 98% male.
That's just a matter of the past... The future doesn't look good for men in this respect..

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Why are you mad at women for being smarter than you?
  • JFL
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call me when my university physics classes stop being 98% male.
what country are you from? Mathematics is also mostly male in your country?
  • +1
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these are general numbers across all fields so it includes humanities

women are overrepresented in humanities, underrepresented in stem - even less so if you exclude biological sciences/medical studies (which are part of the "S" in the acronym)

Women are made for the college education system.

This is not even sexist when I say this, but it's largely for one fundamental reason. They are better than us at taking/following orders.

They are better at following through with a step by step orderly process with how to do things. Men are far more BY DEFAULT NATURE independent free thinkers.

This gets in the way of them effortlessly flowing through college and/or even feeling the driving force for going to college.
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  • +1
Reactions: BecomingHuman, Shahnameh and MoggerGaston
what country are you from? Mathematics is also mostly male in your country?
netherlands. mathematics is more even, probably like 60/40. one of few STEM directions with some women in it.
Women are made for the college education system.

This is not even is sexist when I say this, but it's largely for one fundamental reason. They are better than us at taking/following orders.

They are better at following through with a step by step ordering process with how to do things. Men are far more BY DEFAULT NATURE independent free thinkers.

This gets in the way of them effortlessly flowing through college and/or even feeling the driving force for going to college.
also as a woman there is no pressure when you are young to achieve status/money to attract mates. So you are freely able to waste your time/energy on education which doesn't give any status/money, while still enjoying your female SMV at the same time.

As a man, academia provides you with nothing of value and since you are male, you have no inherent value. Wasting your time on education while having no value is just brutal.
  • +1
Reactions: BecomingHuman, Shahnameh and MakinItHappen
Women are made for the college education system.

This is not even sexist when I say this, but it's largely for one fundamental reason. They are better than us at taking/following orders.

They are better at following through with a step by step orderly process with how to do things. Men are far more BY DEFAULT NATURE independent free thinkers.

This gets in the way of them effortlessly flowing through college and/or even feeling the driving force for going to college.

Women's brains are better at following the national curriculum.
Women are made for the college education system.

This is not even sexist when I say this, but it's largely for one fundamental reason. They are better than us at taking/following orders.

They are better at following through with a step by step orderly process with how to do things. Men are far more BY DEFAULT NATURE independent free thinkers.

This gets in the way of them effortlessly flowing through college and/or even feeling the driving force for going to college.

I guess it's the same for wagie office work, especially admin stuff
  • +1
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also as a woman there is no pressure when you are young to achieve status/money to attract mates. So you are freely able to waste your time/energy on education which doesn't give any status/money, while still enjoying your female SMV at the same time.

As a man, academia provides you with nothing of value and since you are male, you have no inherent value. Wasting your time on education while having no value is just brutal.

That too.

It provides value when we're talking STEM but outside of that, yeah.

AND employers dont like the new flux of Gen Z. Gen Z really ruined the rep of college grads. Not dirting on you guys but it's true.

So while in the past doing a stupid course at a uni gave you a HALO. Now that halo is far less of worth.
  • +1
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AND employers dont like the new flux of Gen Z. Gen Z really ruined the rep of college grads. Not dirting on you guys but it's true.

Fuck the Boomer cucks, they are the one's responsible for this fucked up society
  • +1
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Fuck the Boomer cucks, they are the one's responsible for this fucked up society

Employers liked Gen X and Millennial graduates, but are currently hating Gen Z graduates lol.

It's not Boomers at fault bro. It's social media AI and smartphones. Really is as black and white as that.
Employers liked Gen X and Millennials graduates, but are currently hating Gen Z graduates lol.

It's not Boomers at fault bro. It's social media AI and smartphones. Really is as black and white as that.

Who is responsible for spcial media,ai and smartphones?

Always follow the trail

Gen Z is born into a fucked up world and a lot of things are outside of their control, also their parents are boomers

Instead of blaming the symptoms we need to look at the cause
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Ofc, we are better gender ofc
Who is responsible for spcial media,ai and smartphones?

Always follow the trail

Gen Z is born into a fucked up world and a lot of things are outside of their control, also their parents are boomers

Instead of blaming the symptoms we need to look at the cause

Someone was always going to invent social media at some point. It was a matter of time before they made the internet a virtual arcade space.

And an arcade at that which is devastatingly hard to detach away from given the way the algo plays on your emotions etc. (Im fine personally)

You guys were so fucking unlucky, I absolutely agree, but what do you want employers to do? Employ or not fire them out of empathy for the misfortune of being born into a fucked up world which was out of their control? Millennials parents are boomers actually bro. Gen Z parents are Generation X for the large part. Unless the Boomer mother had a child in her 40s.

Millennials were lucky to only catch the preliminary stages of Facebook, but man, it is what it is.

The problem with your ending statement is the cause has already taken place. The only thing that can be done now is stopping it from happening to future generations. It's currently happening to Generation Alpha.

There needs to be regulation of social media. Not allowing minors on and I mean sub 18 year olds. Not sub 13. That as we know will never happen.
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Someone was always going to invent social media at some point. It was a matter of time before they made the internet a virtual arcade space.

And an arcade at that which is devastatingly hard to detach from given the way the algo plays on your emotions etc. (Im fine personally)

You guys were so fucking unlucky, I absolutely agree, but what do you want employers to do? Employ or not fire them out of empathy for the misfortune of being born into a fucked up world which was out of their control? Millennials parents are boomers actually bro. Gen Z parents are Generation X for the large part. Unless the Boomer mother had a child in her 40s.

Millennials were lucky to only catch the preliminary stages of Facebook, but man, it is what it is.

The problem with your ending statement is the cause has already taken place. The only thing that can be done now is stopping it from happening to future generations. It's currently happening to Generation Alpha.

There needs to be regulation of social media. Not allowing minors on and I mean sub 18 year olds. Not sub 13. That as we know will never happen.

I am Gen Z 97, and have really old boomer parents. I'm not the only one in fact a lot of my peers in Australia are in the same situation.

My point is, you can't go around blaming Gen Z when boomers were the ones who caused the problems in the first place.

Social media is designed like a slot machine where u constsntly scroll up and down with no content and dopamine.

Old people are even more addicted than Gen Z, most of facebooks demographics are boomers and instagram is quickly catching on with the boomer crowd especially on political pages.

If i ever see a boomer dare to slander Gen z irl, i will cave their head in
  • +1
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I am Gen Z 97, and have really old boomer parents. I'm not the only one in fact a lot of my peers in Australia are in the same situation.

My point is, you can't go around blaming Gen Z when boomers were the ones who caused the problems in the first place.

Social media is designed like a slot machine where u constsntly scroll up and down with no content and dopamine.

Old people are even more addicted than Gen Z, most of facebooks demographics are boomers and instagram is quickly catching on with the boomer crowd especially on political pages.

Oh wow, damn, yeah your parents had you late.

You are a 'cusper'. A cross-generation. A Zillennial. Borderline Zoomer and borderline Millennial. 1997-1999.

You didn't get hit as hard by social media actually than Zoomers born 2000+ but it definitely still impacted, i'm sure.

Yeah, Boomers are very addicted, lol, I've been reading about this.

Although it was older Millennials that invented social media. So may be it's the older Millennials to blame. Mark Zuckerberg and co.
  • +1
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Oh wow, damn, yeah your parents had you late.

You are a 'cusper'. A cross-generation. A Zillennial. Borderline Zoomer and borderline Millennial. 1997-1999.

You didn't get hit as hard by social media actually than Zoomers born 2000+ but it definitely still impacted, i'm sure.

Yeah, Boomers are very addicted, lol, I've been reading about this.

Although it was older Millennials that invented social media. So may be it's the older Millennials to blame. Mark Zuckerberg and co.

Could be because Boomers have far much more time on their hands LMAO, from now being in retirement. Mostly.
Lol @Shahnameh

  • +1
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Every single other generation has worked hard to make life better for the next gen except boomers the most selfish gen

They instead have actively gone out of their way to make life worse for the next few gens

A lot of socities issues can be traced back to boomers

Oh wow, damn, yeah your parents had you late.

You are a 'cusper'. A cross-generation. A Zillennial. Borderline Zoomer and borderline Millennial. 1997-1999.

You didn't get hit as hard by social media actually than Zoomers born 2000+ but it definitely still impacted, i'm sure.

Yeah, Boomers are very addicted, lol, I've been reading about this.

Although it was older Millennials that invented social media. So may be it's the older Millennials to blame. Mark Zuckerberg and co.

When i was in Grade 7 everyone had a smart phone, in a couple of years around 2008 so much had changed at a very rapid pace. I saw first hand how much less social people became as a result and how smartphone addiction happened.

i used to be outside all the time and with family but the moment i got my first smartphone in 2008 i spent a lot more time alone in my room.
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  • +1
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Every single other generation has worked hard to make life better for the next gen except boomers the most selfish gen

They instead have actively gone out of their way to make life worse for the next few gens

A lot of socities issues can be traced back to boomers

When i was in Grade 7 everyone had a smart phone, in a couple of years around 2008 so much had changed at a very rapid pace. I saw first hand how much less social people became as a result and how smartphone addiction happened.

i used to be outside all the time and with family but the moment i got my first smartphone in 2008 i spent a lot more time alone in my room.

You literally experienced the transition. You were a part of it. And at it's most critical stage for your development.

Unlucky by 1 or 2 may be 3 years.

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