Women relationship and dating coach in her 50s leaks some hard-to-swallow realities in a comment on a Blackpill post on Reddit



He shot his shot while yall still dribbling
Dec 15, 2023

The post was originally about another Reddit post, where a normal girl discusses what she wanted from her partner. That post with this one, as you can see, has since been deleted.

For context, all posts and discussion were in Romania (pictures are with google translate), the authors and commentators being from Romania, an Eastern European country.


In the meantime, Ms. LIA came in the comments, with an extremely large text (above you have only the beginning part of it, rather badly translated)


Ms. LIA is a random dating coach from Romania with extensive experience in relationships, etc. now making content in that direction (I've watched a bit of her content, 80% of it is quite qualitative and objective from a black-red pill perspective).

But we're not for her here, but for the comment she posted (a relatively abnormal one, coming from the heart of a woman's mind, a thing she does extremely rarely in her online content), which I'm going to reduce to some clear points below:

1. How your face (and generally your whole body) looks matters at the beginning and the first interaction. If you're not the right fit in that particular girl's vision, you'll stay in friend zone.

2. If you're not right in terms of the above, that girl's decision to have sex with you will only come if we've been through a natural disaster, and she'll have sex with you only then, and only for the whole human species.

3. Girls generally want guys taller THAN THEM to feel protected.

4. If they don't take height into account, the man is in friend zone, but he has managed to conquer them with his personality, but that takes time, or either the biological clock is ticking, or they're sure that something better than that man they won't catch in the future (and that's bc she say this type of girls have low self-esteem, for one reason or another)

5. She says if any girl says she chose a guy just for his personality and intelligence, it's just hypocrisy.

6. She says that a good, successful job that makes a lot of money is important for a guy, but most girls find it very difficult to explain exactly why, and she says it's not for the reason that most men think (to buy expensive things for women) and after she explains some of the real reasons.

7. Some examples would be: high social status automatically means that guy has a set of qualities (she says you don't have to be a big celebrity or a scientist, just be higher on the social ladder than your girlfriend), because the woman must admire her man, so that she can be feminine (not have his role in some type of clash of forces in the relationship), and so that she can trust him.

Also, in order to get there, he must therefore be: disciplined, responsible, persistent, hardworking, planned, reliable, trust him, most often he does NOT have destructive addictions, he gets things done, he keeps his promises - to himself and others, he is smart, he learns, he most likely listens carefully and his ego is relatively under control, he knows how to negotiate, he is firm without yelling or beating/reprimanding/blackmailing, solves problems with calm, solves problems - doesn't panic, is analytical, communicates well, etc. If he is in more advanced stages of success, he also takes care of his body - which means he will live long and healthy (that's why they generally don't care how big your muscles are, just don't be obese, but still take care of your body to an ok extent, like being fit). A man who is rising in social status has self-confidence.

A man who evolves as a status has aimed for it, wants it, which means he is used to making plans and sticking to them. That is, it will be easy for him to make plans and stick to them. A man who is on the road to success washes, takes care of himself, cuts his nails, brushes his teeth, puts on decent clothes, because if it looks like a homeless person will NOT be successful, that's how society works, so there is a plus of physical attraction here (she here talking about how important the clothes you wear are).

8. After she says this: "All these and others make him a material FATHER and husband. I trust him, as a woman, to have children with him and to be partners in life, because I can rely on him. We marry and give the emotional status of "head of the family" to a man whose decisions we trust, a successful man has already demonstrated that he knows how to make decisions that lead to something good, that he thinks before acting, that he understands that actions have consequences.''

9. A really tough one now here: ''Not the money, not the job, not the car, not the house, BUT the skills that brought him the money, the car, the job, the success. THAT attracts us. That's why we often choose a guy who maybe neglects us in terms of the time we spend together because he works a lot versus one who sucks our ass all day. The first offers us security from many points of view. And the feeling of security is the Achilles heel of women. Without this, a woman becomes excessively emotional, unhappy, stressed and a difficult partner.''

10. Between a super nice guy, the soul of the party and unstable or bohemian and one who gets the jokes and that's all, but is reliable, almost every woman will choose the second one - as a HUSBAND, not as a relationship with or without a future.

And at the end, she left a message for all men in general:

Choose as a partner a woman who will support and guide you to be successful, to activate the above qualities, because it is not ONLY for her benefit, but you also have something to gain as a result of YOUR success, and if the relationship does not work, you have success as the basis of continuing life. If you come across a girl who takes too much care of you and does everything for you, leave her, because she does NOT push you to be your best version, but keeps you in place and possibly drags you down.

That was the size of her entire comment:


Link from reddit post here:

This was my first post on this forum. I hope you liked the information and it was useful, and that I didn't break any of the rules. Have a great day!
  • +1
Reactions: boss8055, cheerio, Deleted member 32973 and 7 others
all of that and the avg girl in ur shithole is married to an alcoholic dadbod truck driver
  • JFL
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: boss8055, mirrormogger, based_pakichad421 and 23 others
She said the truth, of course they had to ban her.

At this point they are just jealous she stole the show in such a manner
Vicecity city
  • +1
Reactions: coldandforgotten, aleksander, humanoidsub7 and 1 other person
She's spitting red pill facts
  • +1
Reactions: mogstars, LooksmaxxHopeful and AOL
all of that and the avg girl in ur shithole is married to an alcoholic dadbod truck driver
But is there genuine desire? Does she emasculate the men in those relationships and treat him well? It's probably a deadbedroom and or she's cheating on him regularly type of thing.

This is why there is no real escaping the blackpill
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster and Skywalker
But is there genuine desire? Does she emasculate the men in those relationships and treat him well? It's probably a deadbedroom and or she's cheating on him regularly type of thing.

This is why there is no real escaping the blackpill
lmao emasculating :feelskek: , bro Romania is not the Usa. The avg man in Romania straight up kills his woman if she cheats.
And “dead bedroom”:lul: maritale rape doesnt exist outside of the west
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: based_pakichad421, latincell95, borismonster and 6 others
lmao emasculating :feelskek: , bro Romania is not the Usa. The avg man in Romania straight up kills his woman if she cheats.
And “dead bedroom”:lul: maritale rape doesnt exist outside of the west
Bro I think you have this ideal thing that doesn't exist, you're very naive if you think that in backwards countries the women aren't cheating constantly, etc. the truth is the blackpill has always been real, genuine female desire has always been reserved for the good looking
  • +1
Reactions: Maalik, borismonster, Skywalker and 1 other person
Bro I think you have this ideal thing that doesn't exist, you're very naive if you think that in backwards countries the women aren't cheating constantly, etc. the truth is the blackpill has always been real, genuine female desire has always been reserved for the good looking
I know plenty romanians because they usually move in here (italy) for a better job and all of them told me the same thing.
Regarding the desire, probably, but who fucking cares about women desires in the first place
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
I know plenty romanians because they usually move in here (italy) for a better job and all of them told me the same thing.
Regarding the desire, probably, but who fucking cares about women desires in the first place
the desire is relevant because it determines how well she treats you, and it's very easy to cheat and get away with it, especially for a woman.
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker and borismonster
the desire is relevant because it determines how well she treats you, and it's very easy to cheat and get away with it, especially for a woman.
How well she treats you is determined by social stigma and fear
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
lmao emasculating :feelskek: , bro Romania is not the Usa. The avg man in Romania straight up kills his woman if she cheats.
And “dead bedroom”:lul: maritale rape doesnt exist outside of the west
As a personal Romanian, I confirm that depending on the level of education as a man, if your partner cheats on you, there are cases of domestic violence, which can even go as far as murder in rural areas (but it's nothing more than in any other place in Eastern Europe or the Balkans in general, but in our country education in general is very poor, hence the higher number of cases)..
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster and FutureSlayer
lmao emasculating :feelskek: , bro Romania is not the Usa. The avg man in Romania straight up kills his woman if she cheats.
And “dead bedroom”:lul: maritale rape doesnt exist outside of the west
As a personal Romanian, I confirm that depending on the level of education as a man, if your partner cheats on you, there are cases of domestic violence, which can even go as far as murder in rural areas (but it's nothing more than in any other place in Eastern Europe or the Balkans in general, but in our country education in general is very poor, hence the higher number of cases).
  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer
JFL at you if you read this
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: pig_face and borismonster
View attachment 2705120

The post was originally about another Reddit post, where a normal girl discusses what she wanted from her partner. That post with this one, as you can see, has since been deleted.

For context, all posts and discussion were in Romania (pictures are with google translate), the authors and commentators being from Romania, an Eastern European country.

View attachment 2705130

In the meantime, Ms. LIA came in the comments, with an extremely large text (above you have only the beginning part of it, rather badly translated)

View attachment 2705135

Ms. LIA is a random dating coach from Romania with extensive experience in relationships, etc. now making content in that direction (I've watched a bit of her content, 80% of it is quite qualitative and objective from a black-red pill perspective).

But we're not for her here, but for the comment she posted (a relatively abnormal one, coming from the heart of a woman's mind, a thing she does extremely rarely in her online content), which I'm going to reduce to some clear points below:

1. How your face (and generally your whole body) looks matters at the beginning and the first interaction. If you're not the right fit in that particular girl's vision, you'll stay in friend zone.

2. If you're not right in terms of the above, that girl's decision to have sex with you will only come if we've been through a natural disaster, and she'll have sex with you only then, and only for the whole human species.

3. Girls generally want guys taller THAN THEM to feel protected.

4. If they don't take height into account, the man is in friend zone, but he has managed to conquer them with his personality, but that takes time, or either the biological clock is ticking, or they're sure that something better than that man they won't catch in the future (and that's bc she say this type of girls have low self-esteem, for one reason or another)

5. She says if any girl says she chose a guy just for his personality and intelligence, it's just hypocrisy.

6. She says that a good, successful job that makes a lot of money is important for a guy, but most girls find it very difficult to explain exactly why, and she says it's not for the reason that most men think (to buy expensive things for women) and after she explains some of the real reasons.

7. Some examples would be: high social status automatically means that guy has a set of qualities (she says you don't have to be a big celebrity or a scientist, just be higher on the social ladder than your girlfriend), because the woman must admire her man, so that she can be feminine (not have his role in some type of clash of forces in the relationship), and so that she can trust him.

Also, in order to get there, he must therefore be: disciplined, responsible, persistent, hardworking, planned, reliable, trust him, most often he does NOT have destructive addictions, he gets things done, he keeps his promises - to himself and others, he is smart, he learns, he most likely listens carefully and his ego is relatively under control, he knows how to negotiate, he is firm without yelling or beating/reprimanding/blackmailing, solves problems with calm, solves problems - doesn't panic, is analytical, communicates well, etc. If he is in more advanced stages of success, he also takes care of his body - which means he will live long and healthy (that's why they generally don't care how big your muscles are, just don't be obese, but still take care of your body to an ok extent, like being fit). A man who is rising in social status has self-confidence.

A man who evolves as a status has aimed for it, wants it, which means he is used to making plans and sticking to them. That is, it will be easy for him to make plans and stick to them. A man who is on the road to success washes, takes care of himself, cuts his nails, brushes his teeth, puts on decent clothes, because if it looks like a homeless person will NOT be successful, that's how society works, so there is a plus of physical attraction here (she here talking about how important the clothes you wear are).

8. After she says this: "All these and others make him a material FATHER and husband. I trust him, as a woman, to have children with him and to be partners in life, because I can rely on him. We marry and give the emotional status of "head of the family" to a man whose decisions we trust, a successful man has already demonstrated that he knows how to make decisions that lead to something good, that he thinks before acting, that he understands that actions have consequences.''

9. A really tough one now here: ''Not the money, not the job, not the car, not the house, BUT the skills that brought him the money, the car, the job, the success. THAT attracts us. That's why we often choose a guy who maybe neglects us in terms of the time we spend together because he works a lot versus one who sucks our ass all day. The first offers us security from many points of view. And the feeling of security is the Achilles heel of women. Without this, a woman becomes excessively emotional, unhappy, stressed and a difficult partner.''

10. Between a super nice guy, the soul of the party and unstable or bohemian and one who gets the jokes and that's all, but is reliable, almost every woman will choose the second one - as a HUSBAND, not as a relationship with or without a future.

And at the end, she left a message for all men in general:

Choose as a partner a woman who will support and guide you to be successful, to activate the above qualities, because it is not ONLY for her benefit, but you also have something to gain as a result of YOUR success, and if the relationship does not work, you have success as the basis of continuing life. If you come across a girl who takes too much care of you and does everything for you, leave her, because she does NOT push you to be your best version, but keeps you in place and possibly drags you down.

That was the size of her entire comment:

View attachment 2705223
Link from reddit post here:

This was my first post on this forum. I hope you liked the information and it was useful, and that I didn't break any of the rules. Have a great day!

foids always give the best blackpills
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
lmao emasculating :feelskek: , bro Romania is not the Usa. The avg man in Romania straight up kills his woman if she cheats.
And “dead bedroom”:lul: maritale rape doesnt exist outside of the west
you re fucking stupid lmao
biggest mistake eastern euros made was lifting the iron curtain and leaving communism. They exposed themselves to neoliberalism and will walk the same path the west is currently experiencing.
  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer
All of this and She offers a used, stinky pussy attached to a menopausal body and wrinkly face lol
  • +1
Reactions: SteveLorde and FutureSlayer
All of this and She offers a used, stinky pussy attached to a menopausal body and wrinkly face lol
my bro never fails to deliver the truth
Women do not want man taller than them but man taller than other man.

All that criteria but is the girl virgin?
  • +1
Reactions: SteveLorde
Also, in order to get there, he must therefore be: disciplined, responsible, persistent, hardworking, planned, reliable, trust him, most often he does NOT have destructive addictions, he gets things done, he keeps his promises - to himself and others, he is smart, he learns, he most likely listens carefully and his ego is relatively under control, he knows how to negotiate, he is firm without yelling or beating/reprimanding/blackmailing, solves problems with calm, solves problems - doesn't panic, is analytical, communicates well, etc. If he is in more advanced stages of success, he also takes care of his body - which means he will live long and healthy (that's why they generally don't care how big your muscles are, just don't be obese, but still take care of your body to an ok extent, like being fit). A man who is rising in social status has self-confidence.

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