working out LOWERS testosterone

who do u think is higher T

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🖤💊THIS IS MY CURSE 🔪🩸☠️💀🤘👹🤡👿
May 1, 2024

its funny how all the females heightmog the manlet so hes compensating with roids
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  • JFL
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Reactions: wishIwasSalludon, Mrinfinityx, HTN_Mentalcel and 7 others
Nice try kike
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  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, 5'7 zoomer, mathis and 9 others
the science disproves this
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Reactions: wishIwasSalludon and IndraBC
the science disproves this
show the science :lul:

of course ur T levels raise ACUTELY because ur stressing the fuck out of ur body which raises cortisol

its adrenaline nigga
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  • JFL
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Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, borntosuffer and WhoTookVendetta
Uhhh YES :unsure::unsure::unsure: I DO HAVE more testosterone than ALL PRO ATHELTES:feelshah::feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:
  • JFL
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Reactions: Davidproton, 5'7 zoomer and WhoTookVendetta
  • JFL
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Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, borntosuffer and ADOLESCENTCEL
mod got offended

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Increases your testosterone by reducing your body fat
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  • Woah
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, T50 Mogger and WhoTookVendetta
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  • So Sad
Reactions: SoberAndRetarded and WhoTookVendetta
cite sources for working out( regular moderate weightlifting 2-3 times a week) reducing test levels in longer run, stop using a fucking cringe psl autist yt vid for source, only excessive high intensity cardio for longer periods reduces test( has been proven) where tf are studies on moderate regular weightlifting lowering test
  • +1

man pulled out this info straight outta his ass he atleast cited some article for excessive cardio reducing test
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, borntosuffer, lowiqNormie and 1 other person
I cant take roids anyway cuz im 5’4
You shouldn't even work out imo, other than calisthenics or just one basic light workout per week, literal slave tier activities to head into a man-made building and lift man-made metals to improve t/be more attractive lol. Don't do it unless you're fond of being a manlet
  • JFL
Reactions: letitsnow_ and WhoTookVendetta
cite sources for working out( regular moderate weightlifting 2-3 times a week) reducing test levels in longer run, stop using a fucking cringe psl autist yt vid for source, only excessive high intensity cardio for longer periods reduces test( has been proven) where tf are studies on moderate regular weightlifting lowering test
cite sources that says it DOESNT
your the one making the claim you have the burden of proof nigga

There are numerous research studies reporting findings of exercise-induced short-term increases in cortisol levels (see review articles—references (74, 78)), as well as these acute elevations in cortisol from an exercise session being associated with decreases in testosterone (72, 80, 81)
  • Ugh..
Reactions: borntosuffer
Working out is stress especially weight lifting , having a gymcel body is not ideal and not natural . Reason why women aren’t attracted. They also age like shit

Naturally humans have an athletic body and very rarely work out.

I also try to avoid the only things I do is posture exercises , swimming and basketball

There are numerous research studies reporting findings of exercise-induced short-term increases in cortisol levels (see review articles—references (74, 78)), as well as these acute elevations in cortisol from an exercise session being associated with decreases in testosterone (72, 80, 81)

how would this happen then these 65 year old athletes should have lower test levels due to prolonged excercise according to you why do they have higher base test then sedentary normal 65 year olds when it should be the opposite jfl at you suggesting people to be lazy fucks and not excercise
  • +1
Reactions: borntosuffer
Working out is stress especially weight lifting , having a gymcel body is not ideal and not natural . Reason why women aren’t attracted. They also age like shit

Naturally humans have an athletic body and very rarely work out.

I also try to avoid the only things I do is posture exercises , swimming and basketball
2-3 times a week of moderate excercise for 20-30 mins wont do shit helps maintain a lean muscular physique which is ideal ofc too much gymcelling isnt ideal but no gym isnt ideal at all
View attachment 3005800

how would this happen then these 65 year old athletes should have lower test levels due to prolonged excercise according to you why do they have higher base test then sedentary normal 65 year olds when it should be the opposite jfl at you suggesting people to be lazy fucks and not excercise
edurance training lowers tetosterone and weight lifting may decrease t because of cortisol, but even then, when t levels 'increase' from weight lifting is used for just the muscle anyway

There are numerous research studies reporting findings of exercise-induced short-term increases in cortisol levels (see review articles—references (74, 78)), as well as these acute elevations in cortisol from an exercise session being associated with decreases in testosterone (72, 80, 81)

increase in cortisol levels is short term only , you would literally have higher cortisol when ur older if u didnt stay fit and worked out since a young age
View attachment 3005800

how would this happen then these 65 year old athletes should have lower test levels due to prolonged excercise according to you why do they have higher base test then sedentary normal 65 year olds when it should be the opposite jfl at you suggesting people to be lazy fucks and not excercise
higher cortisol is literally just adrenaline so it raises it temporarily

and T LEVELS falls below baseline after
  • Ugh..
Reactions: borntosuffer
edurance training lowers tetosterone and weight lifting may decrease t because of cortisol, but even then, when t levels 'increase' from weight lifting is used for just the muscle anyway
i read through the paper and they only say that test levels increase temporarily after excercise and gets back to baseline after sometime, but i do think staying fit and excercising regularly from a young age will give you higher test than ur contemporaries in the future when ur in 30s 40s etc, also there is zero evidence for test levels dropping lower than baseline after working out, only drops back to baseline so there is no base test loss, whats better being a skinny twing fag or having a lean muscular physique with decent mass( provided test is same)?
i read through the paper and they only say that test levels increase temporarily after excercise and gets back to baseline after sometime, but i do think staying fit and excercising regularly from a young age will give you higher test than ur contemporaries in the future when ur in 30s 40s etc, also there is zero evidence for test levels dropping lower than baseline after working out, only drops back to baseline so there is no base test loss, whats better being a skinny twing fag or having a lean muscular physique with decent mass( provided test is same)?
View attachment 3005819
Well for endurance exercise there is PLENTY of evidence and when talking about weight lifting can you think of a biological reason for why your t may increase during and post exercise? It's solely used for the muscle and not the rest of your body.
View attachment 3005774
man pulled out this info straight outta his ass he atleast cited some article for excessive cardio reducing test
Idk about scientific studies but working out makes you feel tired and utter shit , probably true based on biochemical feedback

Or at least there's a threshold where you start lowering ur test if you do intense workouts
higher cortisol is literally just adrenaline so it raises it temporarily

and T LEVELS falls below baseline after
never was there any mention of test levels dropping BELOW baseline in that study and also they only measured a return to baseline post workout, would be interesting to measure base test levels before and after working out for lets say a year, i think the base will increase and this is the reason for older atheletes havng higher base than their fellow similar aged normal sedentary men
Well for endurance exercise there is PLENTY of evidence and when talking about weight lifting can you think of a biological reason for why your t may increase during and post exercise? It's solely used for the muscle and not the rest of your body.
ok lets say thats the case still the temporary test increase is used for muscle building and then it returns back to baseline and lets say you have the same test levels if you didnt workout, which result would be better then( providing test levels same)?

the second physique could easily be attained even in a year with like one day of gym a week even im not saying become a gymcel but excercising from time to time and maintaining a lean looking phyisque with decent mass is of utmost importance
which result would be better then
muscle doesnt equal higher T buddy boyo

u gain muscle cuz ur body adapts to urself lifting manmade metal not cuz the T

its funny how all the females heightmog the manlet so hes compensating with roids

brah this video is so retarded.
and full of lies.
Brah llitterally had the agenda to promote that Working out is worthless and don't increase testsosterone or looks level and went trough with it, and lied about everything else.

like for exemple look at this

"no working out dont increas testosterone level it *check notes* increase testosterone level:soy:"
and right back after that with no proof claim that working out to the gym lower testosterone

His irremdidable and only proof is that he find a blog article "not a research paper"

that said doing cardio and marathon, (which is the exact opposite of bodybuilding and intense muscle training gymcel does,) reduce testosterone level.
Take it mind that everysingle study that compared People before after starting bodybuilding and measured there testosterone level, Noticed a change into that metric.

There is so much more easily debunkable lies in that video.

if you take this video as a proof of anything, you're genuinely a retard with very little Iq and comprehension skills.
If you're below 15, You're forgiven because you're easily influencable but iif you're about 18, and drink this shit like the holy bible. Nigga you're a retard. and you should kys
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ok lets say thats the case still the temporary test increase is used for muscle building and then it returns back to baseline and lets say you have the same test levels if you didnt workout, which result would be better then( providing test levels same)?
View attachment 3005831View attachment 3005835

the second physique could easily be attained even in a year with like one day of gym a week even im not saying become a gymcel but excercising from time to time and maintaining a lean looking phyisque with decent mass is of utmost importance
no shit, working out would give you a more defined and stronger physique jlf.
This thread is discussing whether or not
weight lifting increases t which it dosent
If you're below 15, You're forgiven because you're easily influencable but iif you're about 18, and drink this shit like the holy bible. Nigga you're a retard. and you should kys
wheres ur proof to all that except for "trust me bro"

and the physical definition of cardio means to make the heart beat faster
wheres ur proof to all that except for "trust me bro"
EVERY single research paper linking bodybuilding and intense physical activity to testosterone level.
and where is your proof about working out reducing testosterone level apart from that low IQ, low comprehension skill and Incel retard video?
muscle doesnt equal higher T buddy boyo

u gain muscle cuz ur body adapts to urself lifting manmade metal not cuz the T
retard im saying even if ur argument is true its better to workout and have a good physique since its more attractive then being a skinny twink even if test levels dont change
ur own study says

"Overdoing it, though, could backfire. Elite athletes (and amateurs who overtrain), can see a drop their testosterone level, which is a sign that they’re doing harm to their bodies. In these cases, they tend to have low testosterone and high cortisol, a stress hormone, Schroeder says. He notes that a rise in cortisol can be linked to a fall in testosterone."

overdoing means physically exerting ur body for it to "build muscle" so working out LOWERS TESTOSTERONE
  • JFL
Reactions: IndraBC
no shit, working out would give you a more defined and stronger physique jlf.
This thread is discussing whether or not
weight lifting increases t which it dosent
blud posted a vid on the thread which suggests you should never workout since it lowers test , so yes the thread is also about whether you should or shouldnt workout
ur own study says

"Overdoing it, though, could backfire. Elite athletes (and amateurs who overtrain), can see a drop their testosterone level, which is a sign that they’re doing harm to their bodies. In these cases, they tend to have low testosterone and high cortisol, a stress hormone, Schroeder says. He notes that a rise in cortisol can be linked to a fall in testosterone."

overdoing means physically exerting ur body for it to "build muscle" so working out LOWERS TESTOSTERONE
overtraining is not the same as excercising regularly
EVERY single research paper linking bodybuilding and intense physical activity to testosterone level.
and where is your proof about working out reducing testosterone level apart from that low IQ, low comprehension skill and Incel retard video?View attachment 3005847
nigga linked some URINE study JFLL

theres a difference between urine and the blood stream BUDDY go read u autistic fag :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
blud posted a vid on the thread which suggests you should never workout since it lowers test , so yes the thread is also about whether you should or shouldnt workout
alright I didnt watch the video but the thread is titled "working out LOWERS testosterone"
And endurance training does lower tetosterone and weightlifting itself is sort of endurance training specially depending on your regime
alright I didnt watch the video but the thread is titled "working out LOWERS testosterone"
And endurance training does lower tetosterone and weightlifting itself is sort of endurance training specially depending on your regime
weight lifting is the complete opposite of cardio or endurance training providied you keep ur reps low
alright I didnt watch the video but the thread is titled "working out LOWERS testosterone"
And endurance training does lower tetosterone and weightlifting itself is sort of endurance training specially depending on your regime
are you fucking dumb?
In term of weightlifting, The rep range go from 5 to 15. To consider it endurance training the rep range should be in the 30s at minimum. no one do 30 reps on a set.

And his only proof that weightlifing lower testosterone is a blog article that don't mention wiegtlifiting a single time.

nigga linked some URINE study JFLL

theres a difference between urine and the blood stream BUDDY go read u autistic fag :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
The IQ level is so extremely low here. Like are you trolling? Don't you really understand how this is working?
Brah your life must be hard with such low comprehension skills.
The IQ level is so extremely low here. Like are you trolling? Don't you really understand how this is working?
Brah your life must be hard with such low comprehension skills.
shut ur ugly manlet ass up nigga ur the one that cannot read u faggot thats the study u sent a screenshot of
shut ur ugly manlet ass up nigga ur the one that cannot read u faggot thats the study u sent a screenshot of
I may be a nigger, But I rain ball deeps into some white tinder stacy whore of your race everysingle week. While you jerk off alone in your room, I conquer your women. all that thanks to my gymcell physique

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