Would a girl be happy with a 4 inch height difference in a realtionship ?



T-1000 Frame Mogger
Mar 28, 2022
Assuming both are 4 inches height difference apart barefoot would she be fine and is that tall enough for her to wear standard heels ?
  • JFL
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i would say 4 inches is just the bare minimum to legitimately feel "taller" so it should be fine but not ideal
the standart heel height is like 3 inches so you would essentially look the same height even with 1-inch dress shoes, so perhaps a women might avoid wearing heels too often or go for "short" heels like 1-2 inches.
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fuck this is why everyone keeps saying 6"2 or rope yikes.
i would say 4 inches is just the bare minimum to legitimately feel "taller" so it should be fine but not ideal
the standart heel height is like 3 inches so you would essentially look the same height even with 1-inch dress shoes, so perhaps a women might avoid wearing heels too often or go for "short" heels like 1-2 inches.
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Depends who is taller, if it's the girl then it's over, but if it's the guy then it's alright, but he should wear lifts as well.
Depends who is taller, if it's the girl then it's over, but if it's the guy then it's alright, but he should wear lifts as well.
180cm tall guy and 165cm girlfriend is this a good height difference ?
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180cm tall guy and 165cm girlfriend is this a good height difference ?
This is how it would look like so I'd say yeah:
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No because height difference is a meme. If she's 5'2" and you're 5'6" she will eventually cuck you.
4" difference would be ok if you were 6'3" and she was 5'11".
It's all about how tall YOU are compared to other men. Short roasties still wan't 6'0"+ tall men which means a 8 - 12"+ difference.
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As long as you're 5'10+, most women wouldn't consider 4' diff a deal breaker.
Womens ideal height difference is 9 inches
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Ideal is when your eye level meets the top of her head, so if you are 180 you eye level is probably 166-168.
Keep in mind that skulls get bigger the taller you get, so the bigger the skull the lower the eye level, so the gap extends as the chick gets taller and diminishes ad the chick get shorter
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i would say 4 inches is just the bare minimum to legitimately feel "taller" so it should be fine but not ideal
the standart heel height is like 3 inches so you would essentially look the same height even with 1-inch dress shoes, so perhaps a women might avoid wearing heels too often or go for "short" heels like 1-2 inches.
your are also wearing a shoe mf
so a 4 inch difference - 3 inch heel + 1.3 shoe = 2.3 inches of height difference
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your are also wearing a shoe mf
so a 4 inch difference - 3 inch heel + 1.3 shoe = 2.3 inches of height difference
You still dont have heels fantasy? Yikes sweaty.
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i literally said that, 2 inch difference is very little between a man and a woman irl
2.3 inch diff is essentially your eye level is in the middle of her forehead
it isn't much but for most people it's enough but not optimal
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Not even close.

The average height difference between men and women in most countries is around 6 inches. So 4 inches is actually below average. And as we all know, below average, or even just average is never enough for women. I think 9 inches is bare minimum, for you to have a physically intimidating masculine presence over her and make her feel short. But of course an even larger height difference is ideal.
If the girl is not shoulder level or below dont bother
  • JFL
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even 4'11 girls want 6'5 men
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Only if she's 30+ used up roastie looking to settle.

Plenty of 6'+ chads to sleep around with until then, we know women are happy to share.
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If shes tallish (5'7) and The Guy is a Chad Then sure
Personally I’ve noticed 6-8 inches taller then a women to be good, 4 might be on the low end for 20-40% of women.
relationships are cucked by chads and tyrones. The only way is to be the chad or tyrone who cucks you, which means, according to studies, to be 1 feet taller than her.
We show that sexual conflict at the level of preferences is translated into choice: women were most likely to choose a speed-dater 25 cm taller than themselves, whereas men were most likely to choose women only 7 cm shorter than themselves

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