Would you have kids in the future?

I will be dead and unconscious of the world. I don't think it matters at that point. You can keep coping with your mortality.
It's not even coping with my mortality, that's what you're convinced it is. It's just making the best out of the short life i do get
It's not even coping with my mortality, that's what you're convinced it is. It's just making the best out of the short life i do get
well, I came to full acceptance with the inevitable death that we will all face. I don't need children, and I am sure there is no logical argument in favor of bringing kids into this world
can't say for sure but depends when im 35-40
Damn this blew up. You could have kids if you're tall, not a currycel, have a good phenotype, superior genetics like hunter eyes, prominent cheekbones. Some of these stuff can be ruined from mouth breathing so if you have a recessed face but your family doesn't then it's fine. But if you have those things, just good genetics overall, and pure blackpill knowledge and willingness to teach your kid to heightmaxx, looksmaxx, brainmaxx from an early age you should have kids. If you're like me (5'7.5" inferior genetics Pakistani) you should end your bloodline, it shouldn't even have gone this far for me.
can't say for sure but depends when im 35-40
The younger the parents the healthier the children are. If ur older ur kids could be uglier or have syndromes
Gonna pick a tall, robust woman for breeding. If I get sons, they will be Chads. If I have a daughter, she will be a Victorias Secret model and will be a virgin until marriage
Gonna pick a tall, robust woman for breeding. If I get sons, they will be Chads. If I have a daughter, she will be a Victorias Secret model and will be a virgin until marriage

Fucking a tall robust woman is kinda tough ngl, unless you're attracted to that stuff. If I had the chance I'd fuck a feminine beauty until my dick exploded and just deal with not having kids
No. Not even if I was a 8 PSL gigachad with an equivalent woman. In my way of seeing life, having offspring is an act of death.
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I’ve already given up on finding a wife that has really good genes for my kids.

Im having kids through surrogacy and choosing a gigastacy egg. It’s the best way to give my kids the best life.

Then, after that I can think about love. It’s just that if I try the traditional approach, it will be impossible to find love when in reality I would be looking for an ideal mother for my children as opposed to a good partner for myself.

My priority will always be to give my kids the best genes. I will do short term dating before I have kids. Then, after I’m a single father maybe I can start looking for a wife. At that point I wouldn’t care if she was a single mom since I would also be a single dad.

If you hide that your kids were from surrogacy, you can statusmaxx a little. You can look like a dude who made kids with a hot girl who disappeared
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We incels have potential to make good kids, most of us here are High IQ. Mix that with Tall Robust female genes, and strong upbringing, could created absolute MOGGERS with a bit of luck.
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Gonna pick a tall, robust woman for breeding. If I get sons, they will be Chads. If I have a daughter, she will be a Victorias Secret model and will be a virgin until marriage
You try and enforce this and she will be a slut. Women hate being raised conservatively and break free in college. The more conservative you raise one the harder the rotting in college will be. If you raise a girl like on-par with the Amish she will do drugs, drink, whore out, and eventually OD in college and die. That's why i ain't messin with no daughters.
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Fucking a tall robust woman is kinda tough ngl, unless you're attracted to that stuff. If I had the chance I'd fuck a feminine beauty until my dick exploded and just deal with not having kids
Tall, robust woman gives you genetically superior offspring. The Cindy Crawford type will give you slayer sons.


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No. Our world is overpopulated. I salute to greta thunberg. And what if my kid inherits my ugliness and hates me for doing so? There are a bunch on chads who have ugly looking kids.
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I want children but I never want a kid to have my subhuman genes and my childhood was fucking awful, I never want a child to have to suffer the way I have and still do.

Also my personality unironically is fucked from COMPLETE social isolation (I'm talking zero family or friends from a young age) and so you can imagine the type of person I am. Some of you hate me jfl I can't help it I just think differently. I don't think my personality is good enough to raise a kid properly without causing harm.

It is what it is. I just don't want a child to suffer that's all.
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The younger the parents the healthier the children are. If ur older ur kids could be uglier or have syndromes
my dad had me when he was 56 no wonder why im subhuman:LOL:
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Here is the plan

I don't have a very big family and don't want my genes to die. I am currently money maxxing so I can support them, I'm buying real estate so I get passive income each month so I can spend lot's of time with them and not let some low wage daycare woman raise them. I am looks maxing right now and here are the specs for wife material.

-Anglo or Germanic ethnicity
- It least 5"7, most important part is how tall her dad is as that is the biggest determining factor for my sons heights. Also her mother has to look good because most women look like their mother when they get older.
-Face itleast 8/10 with decent bones
- Above average IQ
- Dual citizen
-Not a brain dead vegan

And last but not least we need to both want to have 4-6 kids.

Once kids grow up put them in swimming to grow bones and get strong.

Put them in lots of sports and social groups to grow status

Buy them a car when they get old enough to encourage socialization.

What am I missing?
Yes, definitely girls over boys - easier to raise and the world is a way, way better place for them right now.
Also, I have more feminine features. Curious to see how will they end up looking like. A son often ends up just a slightly modified version of his dad and I wouldn't like to pass my awful frame or jaw to him.
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Yes, and i'm going to impregnate my stacywife soon when i finish my house 🥰
I want children but I never want a kid to have my subhuman genes and my childhood was fucking awful, I never want a child to have to suffer the way I have and still do.

Also my personality unironically is fucked from COMPLETE social isolation (I'm talking zero family or friends from a young age) and so you can imagine the type of person I am. Some of you hate me jfl I can't help it I just think differently. I don't think my personality is good enough to raise a kid properly without causing harm.

It is what it is. I just don't want a child to suffer that's all.
Great post btw. Atleast you're self aware enough to recognise your short comings unlike many other pieces of shit that cum in a girl cos it feels good and end up rasing a piece of shit.
How could I know what I would want in the future?
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I would just ruin their life with my disgusting genes.
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Here is the plan

I don't have a very big family and don't want my genes to die. I am currently money maxxing so I can support them, I'm buying real estate so I get passive income each month so I can spend lot's of time with them and not let some low wage daycare woman raise them. I am looks maxing right now and here are the specs for wife material.

-Anglo or Germanic ethnicity
- It least 5"7, most important part is how tall her dad is as that is the biggest determining factor for my sons heights. Also her mother has to look good because most women look like their mother when they get older.
-Face itleast 8/10 with decent bones
- Above average IQ
- Dual citizen
-Not a brain dead vegan

And last but not least we need to both want to have 4-6 kids.

Once kids grow up put them in swimming to grow bones and get strong.

Put them in lots of sports and social groups to grow status

Buy them a car when they get old enough to encourage socialization.

What am I missing?
You're missing the fact that that girl is a unicorn she doesn't excist.
Knowing what you know now obviously you would be very choosey (like females) with who you choose to procreate. But say you found a willing tall high IQ Stacy, would you have children?
The question pops in my head from time to time and I can't answer it. As you probably know raising children is a tried and true path to happiness, but having children is an extremely selfish act. Because what if your child comes out low IQ or ugly or any other health problem detrimental to their quality of life?
Also having children could have the inverse affect on your life and make you miserable
Edit: not really getting the insightful responses I was hoping for. I dont know what I expected tbh.
If I do make up my mind, then 1 son only.
No. I’m a narcissist
I’ve already given up on finding a wife that has really good genes for my kids.

Im having kids through surrogacy and choosing a gigastacy egg. It’s the best way to give my kids the best life.

Then, after that I can think about love. It’s just that if I try the traditional approach, it will be impossible to find love when in reality I would be looking for an ideal mother for my children as opposed to a good partner for myself.

My priority will always be to give my kids the best genes. I will do short term dating before I have kids. Then, after I’m a single father maybe I can start looking for a wife. At that point I wouldn’t care if she was a single mom since I would also be a single dad.
Eggcelldonationmaxx is the only way.
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As you probably know raising children is a tried and true path to happiness

I disagree with this tbh. Obviously I have no experience, so I can't say for certain, but it just seems boring as fuck. Tiring as fuck. Annoying as fuck, etc. You're basically giving up your entire life. It's too much work, especially in the start.

The only reason I'd start a family, is because it seems to be somewhat great when they're adults. Raising them seem horrible though. Imagine having a family, grown kids with their own jobs, lives that care about you. Family dinners. etc. Vs being completely alone in your 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's etc.
I disagree with this tbh. Obviously I have no experience, so I can't say for certain, but it just seems boring as fuck. Tiring as fuck. Annoying as fuck, etc. You're basically giving up your entire life. It's too much work, especially in the start.

The only reason I'd start a family, is because it seems to be somewhat great when they're adults. Raising them seem horrible though. Imagine having a family, grown kids with their own jobs, lives that care about you. Family dinners. etc. Vs being completely alone in your 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's etc.
If you read the post I also noted that it could make you miserable.
I disagree with this tbh. Obviously I have no experience, so I can't say for certain, but it just seems boring as fuck. Tiring as fuck. Annoying as fuck, etc. You're basically giving up your entire life. It's too much work, especially in the start.

The only reason I'd start a family, is because it seems to be somewhat great when they're adults. Raising them seem horrible though. Imagine having a family, grown kids with their own jobs, lives that care about you. Family dinners. etc. Vs being completely alone in your 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's etc.
Also wtf. Kids are the best. I have family with small children they are so pure and full of love.
I will breed 10 little slayer running around my backyard!!
I will breed 10 little slayer running around my backyard!!
Again. How do we fund these kids. Muh the government how are you gonna pay for all the fucking expenses
Again. How do we fund these kids. Muh the government how are you gonna pay for all the fucking expenses
live in rural area
forget about your kid college
Yeah, I _only_ want sons, though.
I need to have atleast 2 kids man. Children that grow up without siblings are socialy stunted.
Hopefully my brother's children will be there for him.
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no because I'm anti natalist. Life is pointless suffering most of the time and most people are miserable anyway
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no because I'm anti natalist. Life is pointless suffering most of the time and most people are miserable anyway
I'm off the same.thinking. if by the very rare chance I find a giga Stacy. Fuck it.
I would just ruin their life with my disgusting genes.
Just find a foid that will balance out plus you are knowledgeable on black pill u can give them big dick decent height good neurotransmitters... thats already nice life
I would never have kids with my own seed, i'm gonna use some chad's genes and i'm gonna raise my kids to be slayers. No reason for my kids to suffer.
Yes I will. I see conciousness and the ability to make choices as more valuable than any type of suffering. I mean you can just rope if you think life is too bad for u too anyways.
Knowing what you know now obviously you would be very choosey (like females) with who you choose to procreate. But say you found a willing tall high IQ Stacy, would you have children?
The question pops in my head from time to time and I can't answer it. As you probably know raising children is a tried and true path to happiness, but having children is an extremely selfish act. Because what if your child comes out low IQ or ugly or any other health problem detrimental to their quality of life?
Also having children could have the inverse affect on your life and make you miserable
Edit: not really getting the insightful responses I was hoping for. I dont know what I expected tbh.
Would love to with my looksmatch
but she is busy riding triple diggits of Chads dick from 14-late 20s. I'm fucked in LTRs JFL
I want three CHAD SONS. (plz no daughters, id probably have to disown them upon birth)

Its amazing how random kids can be compared to the parents. Chad and stacy can get an incel son, while incel parents can give a chad son.

So, i dont get discouraged by the fact that im kinda short and ugly, cause my sons can certainly get a good combination of genetics and have the chance of being taller than me or more attractive.

And if i could make it anyways, theres a big chance my sons can. And theyll be looksmaxxing from day 1. Im not gonna be like a boomer and pretend that "looks dont matter sweaty just work hard"
Knowing what you know now obviously you would be very choosey (like females) with who you choose to procreate. But say you found a willing tall high IQ Stacy, would you have children?
The question pops in my head from time to time and I can't answer it. As you probably know raising children is a tried and true path to happiness, but having children is an extremely selfish act. Because what if your child comes out low IQ or ugly or any other health problem detrimental to their quality of life?
Also having children could have the inverse affect on your life and make you miserable
Edit: not really getting the insightful responses I was hoping for. I dont know what I expected tbh.
Always look at the males of her family. My girl is like a rusted 67 mustang. Lot of potential I just have to put work in. Shes perfect in most aspects, pretty white green eyes, 5'8". And her brother and father are both like 6'4. And her dad is a lawyer. So I think she will produce me good sons, only downside is she has 40ish bodies, but is telling me she wants to settle down with me, on one hand im like ew 40? but any woman with good genes is going to get higher numbers because they have social skills and a pretty face. So most likely a high t trait. And she does hard drugs but shes in rehab now. Shes just a breeding ground for high T sons daughters don't matter really if you don't homeschool or privateschool because public school will inevitabely make her a whore.
Sure, if someone who is not obese or very ugly consents to having kids with me

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