Would You Pay 60.000$ per year To Study At Harvard/Stanford/Princeton?

If no scholarship, then no.
Of course not. That money would be better off being invested.
BS mathematics
So you're a mathematician, schooled at Harvard, how come you aren't employed??? You could easily get a job as a teacher at least, and bang high-school girls...
BS mathematics

everyone i knew who was low income was on some kind of aid, basically no one took out loans.
isn't the point of getting a Math BS to go to grad school? OR pair the math with CS and go into software eng. OR place a focus on stats in your degree and get a job at a finance company or some shit.
Hey not sure why I missed this, to be totally honest I’m not an expert on this since I went to a kind of normal school for free

I think in general the STEM degrees tend to be more worth it especially if pre-requisite for job like medical etc.

Like others have said, it’s unlikely to actually cost that much in the end unless your family is really wealthy. Regardless, having that much debt when you’re young is pretty substantial in terms of long time horizon net worth projections etc.

So if going for a degree that isn’t really required to do what you need to do, make sure the networking and education benefits are substantial enough to justify that financial handicap
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isn't the point of getting a Math BS to go to grad school? OR pair the math with CS and go into software eng. OR place a focus on stats in your degree and get a job at a finance company or some shit.
I originally wanted to go to math grad school but later realized I'd be just another incel PhD student, so I didn't apply this cycle. I basically took all of the first and some second year grad math courses in undergrad, so that should give you some idea as to what I thought my trajectory would be.

Trying to find work so that I can work in the interim and go do my PhD in a few years. I thought that my undergrad focus on PDE + Probability and related summer research would help me land some nice quant finance gigs, but so far every company basically wants some ML type stuff, so no hits so far.

Don't do what I did: try to be decisive and not have your feet in two different boats. Either orient your degree towards grad school or employability, not both.
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Assuming you dont get a scholarship, assuming you had good grades and luck would you actually pay that amount of money or even take a loan which would be like 200- 300.000$ ?

if you studied there you instantly are respected and have acces to a worldwide uni network

there are literally over 13.000 alumnis of harvard that have a net worth over 30 million usd

@eduardkoopman @NorwoodMilitant @Moneymaxxed
Yes; absolutely.
will pay it off over 2 decades. money is just paper and numbers i don't care about building my retirement money when i'll just rope at 60.
Just put yourself in 300k debt for jews theory
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Assuming you dont get a scholarship, assuming you had good grades and luck would you actually pay that amount of money or even take a loan which would be like 200- 300.000$ ?

if you studied there you instantly are respected and have acces to a worldwide uni network

there are literally over 13.000 alumnis of harvard that have a net worth over 30 million usd

@eduardkoopman @NorwoodMilitant @Moneymaxxed
Yes - absolutely the ROI on attending an elite, big 3 Ivy would be enormous...

Giga jfl @ studycels who would not do this.
Yes goyim....


just study hard, get into a top university, pay me 60,000 shekels a year and after you graduate, you earn a spot in my office to be my cuck.

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