Yahweh is the best of decievers

ugh fuckkk im too tired for this bs. i will refute you tomorrow bud
You cannot refute me buddy that’s why. You know your church is in error so much so it turned you away from Christ in angry at your church for making you an Gaytheidt now your soul is doomed but I’ll fight for you god willing you’ll accept christs love
You cannot refute me buddy that’s why. You know your church is in error so much so it turned you away from Christ in angry at your church for making you an Gaytheidt now your soul is doomed but I’ll fight for you god willing you’ll accept christs love
no nigga i said id refute it tomorrow. im giga tired and thats a massive blob of text so i will do it tomorrow when i have higher cognitive function
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Easy for Isiah

he bottom line of this verse is clear: The Lord is not interested in His people in Judah waking up. The time for them to change course and begin trusting Him has passed (Isaiah 6:9). He knows they are already too deeply committed to their false gods and sinful practices for repentance.

Instead, the Lord wants the people of Judah to hear His message through a muffling filter in their hearts. This is a block their own sinful hearts have created. They don't want to hear from God, so whatever He says to them will fall on deaf ears. The people will not fully grasp the reality of their situation. Because they are stubborn, they will not trustingly turn to the Lord to be healed. The rejection of His message will be theirs, but the conditions of their hearts and minds will be God's doing.

The implications for Isaiah's life as the message-giver are becoming clear. He should expect very few people to respond to his message from the Lord.
Context Summary
Isaiah 6:8–13 finds Isaiah newly cleansed with his sin atoned for. In response to the Lord's question about who to send, Isaiah eagerly volunteers to take God's message to his people in Judah. The Lord reveals to Isaiah that the message will not penetrate the hearts of the people. They will reject the warnings about the coming judgment. Yet they will not be given any excuses. Isaiah must continue to preach until that judgment happens and the land is laid to waste with the people are exiled. A remnant will remain, however.
Chapter Summary
Isaiah 6 describes the vision of God, experienced by Isaiah, which began his work as a prophet. He sees the Lord in royal robes sitting on a throne in the temple. There are angelic seraphim calling out to each other about His holiness. Isaiah is overwhelmed by his own uncleanness until one seraph touches his lips with a burning coal from the altar. With his sin symbolically atoned for, Isaiah volunteers to go to his people on behalf of the Lord. The message he preaches will not penetrate their dull hearts. Yet Isaiah must preach until the judgment comes.

mark 4 11-13
Just like the people had already rejected God in Isaiah’s day, Jesus had already been rejected by many of the people of Galilee and Judea in his day. He had in fact given them a chance, but they had refused it. He had announced his gospel and invited people to become his disciples, but when many of them only followed him for his miracles and what they could get out of him, he began to distance himself from them to focus on teaching his disciples.

Just as God did not want any more false repentance from the kingdom of Judah, Jesus did not want any more false converts hanging around him. That’s why, after the crowds left, Jesus revealed the secrets of his parables privately to his disciples, because they had already been responding properly to his invitation by following him.

That was the point of Jesus’ famous saying, “Let anyone who has ears to hear listen” (Mark 4:9, CSB). Those who were receptive and were seeking God’s truth would be given more, while those who weren’t genuine seekers would stay on the outside.

So yes once again I win CHRISTOS ANESTIII
None of the passages or texts say this apologetic nonsense,and using deception for any means still means you're intentionally misleading people to falsehood is still evil and Yahweh and Jesus do both.theyre decievers even if your little made up interpretation were true and nothing justifies deception!

There is no way someone can ever trust Yahweh since him and his son are decievers and could decieve you in heaven and throw you into hell after ten thousand years how do you know?
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Yeah LMAO. I don't get how Christians on here can follow their religion and also adhere to the blackpill. They are literally contradictory to eachother.
I can understand being a Christian and being blackpilled as long as you believe in evolution I am pretty sure majorities of Catholics and Orthodox aren’t hard creationists anyways.

Without evolution though makes very little sense if at all

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