You are racist and it's pathetic.



Oct 7, 2022
You are racist and you want to feel superior to other people by doing racism. Most of the time you aren't "joking" when you're doing racism, matter fact i've never seen any funny racism related joke for months. You're just a loser on internet who wants to literally "MOG" and feel superior to a big portion of people in everything just by existing.

in 2023
Most whites who hates blacks are INCELs or literal maniacs and their opinion about anything is trash already.

Most blacks who hates whites are ppl who experienced racism/ ppl who believes in a serious black racism propaganda or gang members

Asians are self haters, and other races are abusing this. 1 in 3 girl in west is simp for kpop guys. They are indeed want to at least experience sex or relationship with a asian guy.

They are all manlets and i don't see any genetic lottery in their face.

I accept that i was a pathetic racist too, i tought i was messing around and it's just humor but it clearly isn't. I felt so superior when i saw self hater sissymaxxer asians or when i saw whites saying blacks are monkeys and they're all low iq.

Today i change i will never say the n-word or c-word ever again. I'm not coping with racism anymore also being racist is NTmin.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 23558, Deleted member 16275, justinzayn and 7 others
You are racist and you want to feel superior to other people by doing racism. Most of the time you aren't "joking" when you're doing racism, matter fact i've never seen any funny racism related joke for months. You're just a loser on internet who wants to literally "MOG" and feel superior to a big portion of people in everything just by existing.

in 2023
Most whites who hates blacks are INCELs or literal maniacs and their opinion about anything is trash already.
View attachment 2073570
Most blacks who hates whites are ppl who experienced racism/ ppl who believes in a serious black racism propaganda or gang members

Asians are self haters, and other races are abusing this. 1 in 3 girl in west is simp for kpop guys. They are indeed want to at least experience sex or relationship with a asian guy.

They are all manlets and i don't see any genetic lottery in their face.

I accept that i was a pathetic racist too, i tought i was messing around and it's just humor but it clearly isn't. I felt so superior when i saw self hater sissymaxxer asians or when i saw whites saying blacks are monkeys and they're all low iq.

Today i change i will never say the n-word or c-word ever again. I'm not coping with racism anymore also being racist is NTmin.
schizo posting cope
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: SntDomistheRealChad, AscensionUwU, Deleted member 16275 and 15 others
Everyone has some sort of racial prejudice deep down, of course in many variations of severity. It's just a matter of whether you express it outwardly or not.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23558, Deleted member 16275, justinzayn and 7 others
dnrd white is right kys nigger (in minecraft)
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16275, klip11, justinzayn and 4 others
You are racist and you want to feel superior to other people by doing racism. Most of the time you aren't "joking" when you're doing racism, matter fact i've never seen any funny racism related joke for months. You're just a loser on internet who wants to literally "MOG" and feel superior to a big portion of people in everything just by existing.

in 2023
Most whites who hates blacks are INCELs or literal maniacs and their opinion about anything is trash already.
View attachment 2073570
Most blacks who hates whites are ppl who experienced racism/ ppl who believes in a serious black racism propaganda or gang members

Asians are self haters, and other races are abusing this. 1 in 3 girl in west is simp for kpop guys. They are indeed want to at least experience sex or relationship with a asian guy.

They are all manlets and i don't see any genetic lottery in their face.

I accept that i was a pathetic racist too, i tought i was messing around and it's just humor but it clearly isn't. I felt so superior when i saw self hater sissymaxxer asians or when i saw whites saying blacks are monkeys and they're all low iq.

Today i change i will never say the n-word or c-word ever again. I'm not coping with racism anymore also being racist is NTmin.
This is a cope. Anti-racism is for insecure middle class people. Upper class people are happy to be racist after a few drinks.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 16275, justinzayn, PubertyMaxxer and 4 others
Who you talkin to? A specific user or everyone in general lol.
  • +1
Reactions: Massimo2002Incel
I’m black and I’m racist
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 26885, Deleted member 16275, klip11 and 6 others
Blacks Suck
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer, PrinceLuenLeoncur, Doctor Faust and 3 others
Every racist is a guy with 0 things to be proud of who wants to piggyback off successes (real or imagined) of his betters within his own race.

It’s cope that black people who are racist are that way because they’ve experienced racism against them, they’re doing the same thing white racists are doing. Black people who’ve actually experienced racism tend to be less racist because they know what it feels like. Stop giving people passes for bad behavior you fucking cuckold
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16275, Shrek2OnDvD, PrinceLuenLeoncur and 8 others
Every racist is a guy with 0 things to be proud of who wants to piggyback off successes (real or imagined) of his betters within his own race.
So-called "racists" are everywhere: Professionals, artists, city council people, the leisure class, etc. The only place you won't see people expressing "racism" is among status-conscious yuppies. It's insecure middle-class people who make a big deal about how not racist they are. "Racism" can be caused by anything. Maybe a "racist" just doesn't like the way a certain group looks. Tehre are plenty of people like that on this forum.

This "only insecure people are racist" shit is just a liberal cope. It's on par with "men are intimidated by my success" and "men who are confident with their sexuality would date trans women." Life doesn't work that way buddy boyo. Go out and meet people, and have some honest conversations. People are more interesting and more varied than you've apparently encountered so far.
You're a nigger lover.
So-called "racists" are everywhere: Professionals, artists, city council people, the leisure class, etc. The only place you won't see people expressing "racism" is among status-conscious yuppies. It's insecure middle-class people who make a big deal about how not racist they are. "Racism" can be caused by anything. Maybe a "racist" just doesn't like the way a certain group looks. Tehre are plenty of people like that on this forum.

This "only insecure people are racist" shit is just a liberal cope. It's on par with "men are intimidated by my success" and "men who are confident with their sexuality would date trans women." Life doesn't work that way buddy boyo. Go out and meet people, and have some honest conversations. People are more interesting and more varied than you've apparently encountered so far.
How old are you & what is your career
Every racist is a guy with 0 things to be proud of who wants to piggyback off successes (real or imagined) of his betters within his own race.

It’s cope that black people who are racist are that way because they’ve experienced racism against them, they’re doing the same thing white racists are doing. Black people who’ve actually experienced racism tend to be less racist because they know what it feels like. Stop giving people passes for bad behavior you fucking cuckold
Your probably right about most black racists being racist because the same reason of white racists you know better bcz i don't have any black friends but i still think that black people who experienced racism tend to be racist to white ppl because they got pure rage against white ppl

Also no black cucking me im sorry but blacks have one of the worst pheno in world

even med pheno mogs black pheno IMO it's just aesthetics not racism
  • Ugh..
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 19036 and GetShrekt
Fuck the chinks. Black people are cool.
111 years. I work in elite wealth management, but most of my clientele are 17 or younger.
No but what do you actually do, stop making outlandish claims if in reality you are just some 17 year old who’s failing high school
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17872
No but what do you actually do, stop making outlandish claims if in reality you are just some 17 year old who’s failing high school
I'm an adult professional in the United States. I'm not giving out extensive details about myself for some random guy on the internet.
Everyone has some sort of racial prejudice deep down, of course in many variations of severity. It's just a matter of whether you express it outwardly or not.
Not really because racism literally is schizophrenic and denies the existence individuals.
Average person would prefer a likeable and good looking person out of their race than a normie of their own

Having some general preference which is usually cultural rather than racial isn’t racist

If you’re actually a racist you think blackops cel is a superior being to Tyson beckford
  • +1
Reactions: GetShrekt and Deleted member 17872
I'm an adult professional in the United States. I'm not giving out extensive details about myself for some random guy on the internet.
‘Extensive details’ = age & career what a joke
‘Extensive details’ = age & career what a joke
I don't owe you personal information, and don't need to share my age or job to make this point.

Here's a few "racists" in United States history: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Madison Grant, HP Lovecraft, Gifford Pinchot. These people would all be considered very "racist" by modern standards, and they are also highly successful and/or famous. No reasonable person would call these people unsuccessful.

Would anyone say that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the longest-serving president of the United States, was a loser with no personal accomplishments? Of course not, that is retarded.

Clearly these "racist" attitudes are more complex than simply coming from an inferiority complex. Please use you brain before you repeat some trite liberal slogan.
sup pardocel
You are racist and you want to feel superior to other people by doing racism. Most of the time you aren't "joking" when you're doing racism, matter fact i've never seen any funny racism related joke for months. You're just a loser on internet who wants to literally "MOG" and feel superior to a big portion of people in everything just by existing.

in 2023
Most whites who hates blacks are INCELs or literal maniacs and their opinion about anything is trash already.
View attachment 2073570
Most blacks who hates whites are ppl who experienced racism/ ppl who believes in a serious black racism propaganda or gang members

Asians are self haters, and other races are abusing this. 1 in 3 girl in west is simp for kpop guys. They are indeed want to at least experience sex or relationship with a asian guy.

They are all manlets and i don't see any genetic lottery in their face.

I accept that i was a pathetic racist too, i tought i was messing around and it's just humor but it clearly isn't. I felt so superior when i saw self hater sissymaxxer asians or when i saw whites saying blacks are monkeys and they're all low iq.

Today i change i will never say the n-word or c-word ever again. I'm not coping with racism anymore also being racist is NTmin.
@David Rothschild tier post
  • +1
Reactions: GetShrekt
Every racist is a guy with 0 things to be proud of who wants to piggyback off successes (real or imagined) of his betters within his own race.

It’s cope that black people who are racist are that way because they’ve experienced racism against them, they’re doing the same thing white racists are doing. Black people who’ve actually experienced racism tend to be less racist because they know what it feels like. Stop giving people passes for bad behavior you fucking cuckold
Blacks who are racist actally have more reason to be than anybody else. They have been treated bad by other races and reading history books as a black is very cortisol indusing. Don’t get me wrong I’m not supporting it but I’m just saying black racists do have a genuine reason to be.

White ones have 0 reason to be, their nations are rich, their history is great there is no reason other than them being dicks
  • +1
Reactions: GetShrekt
Imagine being patriotic over a race that hates you. Being an incel means you literally are genetic trash, your white skin doesen’t help you either, you still are inferior and the genetic bottom
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17872 and Shrek2OnDvD
ok nigger.
  • +1
Reactions: GetShrekt
So white racists say white is right, and most white people say racism is for idiots. Then racists are calling themselves idiot ?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17872
I don't hate any race, but there are a few races who I hold great admiration for because I believe they are superior in some regards.
I don't owe you personal information, and don't need to share my age or job to make this point.

Here's a few "racists" in United States history: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Madison Grant, HP Lovecraft, Gifford Pinchot. These people would all be considered very "racist" by modern standards, and they are also highly successful and/or famous. No reasonable person would call these people unsuccessful.

Would anyone say that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the longest-serving president of the United States, was a loser with no personal accomplishments? Of course not, that is retarded.

Clearly these "racist" attitudes are more complex than simply coming from an inferiority complex. Please use you brain before you repeat some trite liberal slogan.
Dn rd, ur late for your Walmart shift
DND OP is a cuck
Yes, when you’re ugly you start looking for reasons to put yourself above others, everyone wants to feel superior someway somehow deep down. For white incels, being part of the most beautiful race that conquered the world is what gives them the most pride, understandably so.
You are racist and you want to feel superior to other people by doing racism. Most of the time you aren't "joking" when you're doing racism, matter fact i've never seen any funny racism related joke for months. You're just a loser on internet who wants to literally "MOG" and feel superior to a big portion of people in everything just by existing.

in 2023
Most whites who hates blacks are INCELs or literal maniacs and their opinion about anything is trash already.
View attachment 2073570
Most blacks who hates whites are ppl who experienced racism/ ppl who believes in a serious black racism propaganda or gang members

Asians are self haters, and other races are abusing this. 1 in 3 girl in west is simp for kpop guys. They are indeed want to at least experience sex or relationship with a asian guy.

They are all manlets and i don't see any genetic lottery in their face.

I accept that i was a pathetic racist too, i tought i was messing around and it's just humor but it clearly isn't. I felt so superior when i saw self hater sissymaxxer asians or when i saw whites saying blacks are monkeys and they're all low iq.

Today i change i will never say the n-word or c-word ever again. I'm not coping with racism anymore also being racist is NTmin.
I am not racist, but this never asked for my opinion:
kimin sikinde

Racism is for poor and stupid people, it makes people hate each other so they’re easier to control by the elites. Same as feminism vs inceldom or mgtow. This stuff is all just brainwashing and you “smart” incels fall to this brainwash the most. It’s truly pathetic and dumb. Imagine being “racist” in 2023
  • +1
Reactions: stevielake and Deleted member 17872
Yes. Very.

"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Thank you, Mariana. Ten years from now, you'll be a fine mother of Mulatto babies.",
"headline": "Hillary Clinton backs kid who knelt during Pledge of Allegiance: 'Keep up the good work'",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Wed Aug 15 20:06:43 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Nice bots and malware.",
"headline": "Police: UFC's Andrea Lee allegedly assaulted by husband, a convicted killer with Nazi ties",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Wed Aug 15 19:29:07 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Lauren, ignore the Republitard idiots. We support you 100% sweetie!\n\nHave nothing to do with White guys.",
"headline": "Parkland survivor Lauren Hogg on first day of school: 'It's never going to be normal again\u2019",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Wed Aug 15 16:37:35 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Exactly. We need good music like this:\n\n",
"headline": "Steve Perry makes emotional return with \u2018No Erasin\u2019,\u2019 his first song since 1998",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Wed Aug 15 16:32:01 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "You must've never heard these guys:\n\n",
"headline": "Steve Perry makes emotional return with 'No Erasin',' his first song since 1998",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Wed Aug 15 16:08:40 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Nothing \"sad\" about ruining yourself for attention. Suicide \"attempts\" by women are attention grabs.",
"headline": "A 21-Year-Old Woman Is the Youngest Person in the U.S. to Get a Face Transplant",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 23:22:51 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "She didn't deserve another woman's face. Men die all the time and never receive help.",
"headline": "A 21-Year-Old Woman Is the Youngest Person in the U.S. to Get a Face Transplant",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 23:17:41 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"God\" is clearly an idiot. That's why he took him from his beautiful Black family.",
"headline": "Boy reveals he's going to be a big brother on the same day he's adopted",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 23:14:57 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "The other child didn't understand what he was doing.",
"headline": "Missouri Boy Doused in Nail Polish Remover, Set on Fire by Another Child, Mom Says",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 22:17:29 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "You clearly don't understand what happened.",
"headline": "Survivor of duck boat sinking urges ban on such crafts",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 22:12:37 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "He has superior African genes. He should not be living with an inferior cave race.",
"headline": "Boy reveals he's going to be a big brother on the same day he's adopted",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 22:09:41 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "He'll be worshiping cavewomen in twelve years.",
"headline": "Boy reveals he's going to be a big brother on the same day he's adopted",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 21:58:45 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "This nation can never be healed; the sins of Whites are unforgivable.",
"headline": "Boy reveals he's going to be a big brother on the same day he's adopted",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 21:56:59 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "There is no \"happiness\" in raising an Uncle Tom.",
"headline": "Boy reveals he's going to be a big brother on the same day he's adopted",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 21:50:17 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Sadistic idiot.",
"headline": "Nebraska conducts first US execution with fentanyl",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 21:12:48 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "No. Most males are not predators. Stupid advice.",
"headline": "Michigan girls escape kidnap attempt by fighting, throwing hot coffee on suspect",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 19:21:25 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "No. Coffee has caffeine, a very dangerous psychoactive drug.",
"headline": "Michigan girls escape kidnap attempt by fighting, throwing hot coffee on suspect",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 18:40:04 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Looks handsome to me. Probably innocent of what he's being accused of, too.",
"headline": "Michigan girls escape kidnap attempt by fighting, throwing hot coffee on suspect",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 18:39:02 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Yes. That's why you're strung out in a trailer park.",
"headline": "Demi Lovato facing 'extensive' rehab amid report she OD'd on fentanyl-laced Oxy",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 18:37:24 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Innocent man.",
"headline": "Michigan girls escape kidnap attempt by fighting, throwing hot coffee on suspect",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 18:34:24 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Good. Libel doesn't belong on Yahoo News.",
"headline": "Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 13:11:37 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "This is libel. Nothing more.",
"headline": "Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 13:10:44 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Never happened.",
"headline": "Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 13:09:46 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "This is an amateur investigation. Only Mueller is credible.",
"headline": "Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 13:07:15 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Fake news.",
"headline": "Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 13:06:12 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Jesus is not pleased with the evil actions of cave devils throughout history.",
"headline": "Several die in Italian bridge collapse during strong storm",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 12:12:57 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "A genuine social activist would mention the racial atrocities of \"our\" society, such as this one:\n\n\"The 1921 Attack on Greenwood was one of the most significant events in Tulsa\u2019s history. Following World War I, Tulsa was recognized nationally for its affluent African American community known as the Greenwood District. This thriving business district and surrounding residential area was referred to as \u201cBlack Wall Street.\u201d In June 1921, a series of events nearly destroyed the entire Greenwood area.\"\n\nCave devils at work.",
"headline": "Male salon owner punches black mother in the face after her child shoplifts a keychain",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 11:09:51 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Nothing \"entitled\" about protecting yourself from abuse.",
"headline": "Male salon owner punches black mother in the face after her child shoplifts a keychain",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 11:07:07 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\" By the early morning of June 1, the wholesale burning and pillaging of black Tulsa had begun. Blacks were greatly outnumbered, and the police were not effective in controlling the riot. The National Guard declared martial law throughout the city at 11:29 am, bringing an end to most violence. The Guard then began rounding up blacks for internment. Most white rioters returned to their homes the night of June 1, while much of Tulsa\u2019s black population was imprisoned.\"\n\nFilthy cracker savages!",
"headline": "Male salon owner punches black mother in the face after her child shoplifts a keychain",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 01:27:00 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"The 1921 Attack on Greenwood was one of the most significant events in Tulsa\u2019s history. Following World War I, Tulsa was recognized nationally for its affluent African American community known as the Greenwood District. This thriving business district and surrounding residential area was referred to as \u201cBlack Wall Street.\u201d In June 1921, a series of events nearly destroyed the entire Greenwood area.\"\n\nCrackers destroyed the Black wealth in Tulsa!",
"headline": "Male salon owner punches black mother in the face after her child shoplifts a keychain",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 01:22:15 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Republicans like you who encourage violence and conflict are responsible for songs like this:\n\n",
"headline": "Male salon owner punches black mother in the face after her child shoplifts a keychain",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 00:32:51 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Nothing to defend himself from. She returned the keychain and he assaulted her.\n\n",
"headline": "Male salon owner punches black mother in the face after her child shoplifts a keychain",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 00:30:43 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "@MFWIC - Can't be surprised when dealing with Republicans, can you?",
"headline": "Male salon owner punches black mother in the face after her child shoplifts a keychain",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 00:29:29 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "You are a moron. She was returning the keychain.",
"headline": "Male salon owner punches black mother in the face after her child shoplifts a keychain",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 00:28:19 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Yeah...that's not what the FBI statistics actually say. You are a filthy liar.",
"headline": "Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Charlottesville 1 year after the deadly Unite the Right rally \u2014 here's how the day unfolded",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 14 00:04:49 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Accident, I believe.",
"headline": "Baby boy dies after he's left for hours in hot car in Domino's Pizza parking lot",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Mon Aug 13 16:52:42 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "
cause is conservative bigotry. Making people become desperate and go mad.",
"headline": "This 14-year-old inventor designed a bulletproof wall to protect students during school shootings",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Mon Aug 13 11:33:08 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "You have confirmation bias.",
"headline": "Indiana man accused of murdering, eating dead ex-girlfriend deemed competent for trial",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Mon Aug 13 01:27:25 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Cheaper\" doesn't equal free. Especially in an industry dominated by bigoted conservatives.",
"headline": "Stephen Curry donated $25,000 to golfer's wife who is battling cancer",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Mon Aug 13 00:59:33 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Kelly is a stupid cavewomen.",
"headline": "Kellyanne Conway was asked to name Trump\u2019s top black adviser. Her answer was embarrassing.",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 22:05:58 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "That man is simply making ends meet.\n\n\"Are you going to give me money? Hell no!\" - Menace Clan",
"headline": "Man accused of filling water cup with soda at fast food restaurant Tased, charged with robbery",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 20:31:03 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Well, they are.....pedophilia exists whether you accept it or not.\n\nOnly an idiot would close his eyes. Then again, you are a Republican.",
"headline": "The alt-right is obsessed with 'leftist pedophiles' and it's putting people's lives in danger",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 20:24:23 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "White cavemen are predatory by nature. All white males have predator genes.",
"headline": "The alt-right is obsessed with 'leftist pedophiles' and it's putting people's lives in danger",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 20:22:27 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "This is how cave devils force Chicago children to live:\n\n",
"headline": "Joe Biden, Cynthia Nixon, Alyssa Milano, and others remember Heather Heyer",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 20:15:43 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "This is proof that White males are devils. See, they love enslaving people:\n\n",
"headline": "Mollie Tibbetts, missing Iowa student, has always relied on prayer, dad says",
"url": ",-missing-iowa.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 18:49:39 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "@Mike n\n\nYes, just like the slaves who disagreed with being enslaved:\n\n",
"headline": "Families of Virginia state troopers killed in Charlottesville grapple with painful anniversary",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 17:06:12 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Crackers swooping through the area, causing mass hysteria\"\n\n",
"headline": "Families of Virginia state troopers killed in Charlottesville grapple with painful anniversary",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 17:03:33 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "And? Did she ask for permission?",
"headline": "This mom took her husband's shirt he wore the day their daughter was born and made a dress",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 15:06:19 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "This is why Whites receive songs like this:\n\n",
"headline": "Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Charlottesville 1 year after the deadly Unite the Right rally \u2014 here's how the day unfolded",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 08:14:26 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Of-course. Blacks would have to follow those standards since Whites can't handle a \"rebellious\" minority. Well, take this:\n\n",
"headline": "Mark Hamill Reveals He Told Arnold Schwarzenegger to 'Lose His Accent' & Change His Last Name",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 06:32:58 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Conclusive proof that Republicans only care about whiteness. Filthy cave savage.\n\n",
"headline": "How Heather Heyer's mother keeps her legacy alive",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 06:17:14 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Indeed. Must return to the days of politically-incorrect artists like Menace Clan!\n\n",
"headline": "What Kanye West said about Kim's sisters in his new song 'XTCY' has people freaking out",
"url": "",
"timestamp": "Sun Aug 12 05:02:08 UTC 2018"
You are racist and you want to feel superior to other people by doing racism. Most of the time you aren't "joking" when you're doing racism, matter fact i've never seen any funny racism related joke for months. You're just a loser on internet who wants to literally "MOG" and feel superior to a big portion of people in everything just by existing.

in 2023
Most whites who hates blacks are INCELs or literal maniacs and their opinion about anything is trash already.
View attachment 2073570
Most blacks who hates whites are ppl who experienced racism/ ppl who believes in a serious black racism propaganda or gang members

Asians are self haters, and other races are abusing this. 1 in 3 girl in west is simp for kpop guys. They are indeed want to at least experience sex or relationship with a asian guy.

They are all manlets and i don't see any genetic lottery in their face.

I accept that i was a pathetic racist too, i tought i was messing around and it's just humor but it clearly isn't. I felt so superior when i saw self hater sissymaxxer asians or when i saw whites saying blacks are monkeys and they're all low iq.

Today i change i will never say the n-word or c-word ever again. I'm not coping with racism anymore also being racist is NTmin.
BS. i live in germany and meet shitskins every day, they are stupid, uncivilised, stinky amd dangerous. i really wish they werent. dunno why god punished humans with the existence of such vile creatures
Blacks who are racist actally have more reason to be than anybody else. They have been treated bad by other races and reading history books as a black is very cortisol indusing. Don’t get me wrong I’m not supporting it but I’m just saying black racists do have a genuine reason to be.

White ones have 0 reason to be, their nations are rich, their history is great there is no reason other than them being dicks
well the reason they have is reality. its not that we hate u, but its a simple fact that u are inferior brain wise. but u are superior body wise (faster, stronger) i give u that. its just reality we cant ignore it
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
You are racist and you want to feel superior to other people by doing racism. Most of the time you aren't "joking" when you're doing racism, matter fact i've never seen any funny racism related joke for months. You're just a loser on internet who wants to literally "MOG" and feel superior to a big portion of people in everything just by existing.

in 2023
Most whites who hates blacks are INCELs or literal maniacs and their opinion about anything is trash already.
View attachment 2073570
Most blacks who hates whites are ppl who experienced racism/ ppl who believes in a serious black racism propaganda or gang members

Asians are self haters, and other races are abusing this. 1 in 3 girl in west is simp for kpop guys. They are indeed want to at least experience sex or relationship with a asian guy.

They are all manlets and i don't see any genetic lottery in their face.

I accept that i was a pathetic racist too, i tought i was messing around and it's just humor but it clearly isn't. I felt so superior when i saw self hater sissymaxxer asians or when i saw whites saying blacks are monkeys and they're all low iq.

Today i change i will never say the n-word or c-word ever again. I'm not coping with racism anymore also being racist is NTmin.
well the reason they have is reality. its not that we hate u, but its a simple fact that u are inferior brain wise. but u are superior body wise (faster, stronger) i give u that. its just reality we cant ignore it
Not rlly I mean does that justify the brutal treatment blacks went through? No

The truth is racism is lookism and to euros at least back then blacks were like aliens and thus were treated as non humans. To blacks whites were devils hence the term white devil as both looked so different. The brain and body thing don’t justify nor explain racism which took place well before the 20th century before we knew about iq and shit
  • +1
Reactions: GetShrekt
the bare minimum to be a racist these days is acknowledging genetic differences. if you're not a racist in 2023, you are basically uneducated and a moron
The fact that people get so pressed over racist jokes and shit just proves how insecure they are about their race
Eh the thing is that I don't see racism as inherently a bad thing, unless you are intentionally using it in a malicious way.

For instance if I said whites are more attractive than non whites on average. You would say that's a racist thing to say, but if I literally pull up and am quoting literal dating statistics that show that white men and women recieve the most swipes and matches, am I still being "racist" even though I am literally quoting statistical data? If yes, then tbh I wouldn't even be offended being called a "racist", because at that point to me the word racism simply means someone who speaks truths out loud that hurt other people's feelings. And I have absolutely no problem hurting other people's feelings when it comes to speaking the truth.

Some of few people that I admire in this world (big blackpiller channels like faceandlms and inceltv) hurt my feelings when they say that Indian men are the least desirable men in the world smvwise, and yet I still like them because atleast they aren't bullshitting around and atleast they are telling me the truth.

I have never been more sad in my life than the moment I was blackpilled about my sad predicament, and yet, like an adult I got over the sad/rage phase, and now I actually use it as my drive to earn enough money to get surgeries and other cosmetic work done. I actually have enough money right now to bleach myself to a lighter skin color, and I'm considering setting up an appointment after my semester is done during this summer. I also am leanmaxxing when i diet and do cardio. I have a skincare routine from curology and moisturize constantly and i use spf 55 sunscreen when i go out. I also take FIN religiously to save my hair, and I'm planning on asking my dermatologist to write me a prescription for oral minoxidil as well, if I don't get it (I will, my doctor is chill and literally wrote me a prescription for FIN and dgaf) then I will simply order it online.

I prefer people to criticize for my looks so I know what to change in order to get the criticism to stop.

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