You are racist and it's pathetic.

Not rlly I mean does that justify the brutal treatment blacks went through? No

The truth is racism is lookism and to euros at least back then blacks were like aliens and thus were treated as non humans. To blacks whites were devils hence the term white devil as both looked so different. The brain and body thing don’t justify nor explain racism which took place well before the 20th century before we knew about iq and shit
Brutal Treatment? Blacks didnt treat europeans very nicely when they came to africa. What europeans found in africa where black tribes enslaving each other while not having invented the wheel after thousands of years. they bought some slaves, but due to the unimaginably high moral standarts europeans have they let them free after a while, despite them behaving like animals, and even fought the african warlords taking their own as slaves. u my friend are a victim of jewish propaganda
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Brutal Treatment? Blacks didnt treat europeans very nicely when they came to africa. What europeans found in africa where black tribes enslaving each other while not having invented the wheel after thousands of years. they bought some slaves, but due to the unimaginably high moral standarts europeans have they let them free after a while, despite them behaving like animals, and even fought the african warlords taking their own as slaves. u my friend are a victim of jewish propaganda
Actally Africans were nice to Europeans and all outsiders. Africans are traders at heart and want nothing more but to trade and that’s precisely what they did (Somalis did enslave euros but that’s cos you guys were assholes)

Slavery was a common thing all throughout the world and Europeans did the same thing to eachother at the same time so let’s not go strawmanning now.

The wheel was known in africa for thousands of years but due to the environment it wasn’t the ideal form of traveling due it how uneven the terrain was be it marshy or bumpy. Movement on foot or on mount was much preferable before automobiles even Europeans in africa opted for this form due to what I said.

Taking their “own”? Nobody enslaved their own ppl I guess the Germans killed their own people. I guess the Russia and Ukrainian conflict are the same people, I guess britian bullying Irelands is the same people JFL @ you.

TLDR: you lost and I countered all your pathetic arguments
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Actally Africans were nice to Europeans and all outsiders. Africans are traders at heart and want nothing more but to trade and that’s precisely what they did (Somalis did enslave euros but that’s cos you guys were assholes)

Slavery was a common thing all throughout the world and Europeans did the same thing to eachother at the same time so let’s not go strawmanning now.

The wheel was known in africa for thousands of years but due to the environment it wasn’t the ideal form of traveling due it how uneven the terrain was be it marshy or bumpy. Movement on foot or on mount was much preferable before automobiles even Europeans in africa opted for this form due to what I said.

Taking their “own”? Nobody enslaved their own ppl I guess the Germans killed their own people. I guess the Russia and Ukrainian conflict are the same people, I guess britian bullying Irelands is the same people JFL @ you.

TLDR: you lost and I countered all your pathetic arguments
i read some texts from german colonizers, what they said can be applied very well to today i think. he said we tried to be nice to the africans, but each act of niceness they saw as a weakness and tried to exploit that, so we had to be strict. they proceeded to let 80% of african tribes in their area die in a desert which was justified. because nowadays europe is also nice to africans, and they see this niceness as a weakness they try to exploit, making an effort to demographically colonize europe.
And even if u had a wheel at some point, u cant deny that ur whole „civilization“ and „culture“ is nothing more than a bad joke. ur most sophisticated building is a mud temple.
The only thing u are good for is hard labor
i read some texts from german colonizers, what they said can be applied very well to today i think. he said we tried to be nice to the africans, but each act of niceness they saw as a weakness and tried to exploit that, so we had to be strict. they proceeded to let 80% of african tribes in their area die in a desert which was justified. because nowadays europe is also nice to africans, and they see this niceness as a weakness they try to exploit, making an effort to demographically colonize europe.
And even if u had a wheel at some point, u cant deny that ur whole „civilization“ and „culture“ is nothing more than a bad joke. ur most sophisticated building is a mud temple.
The only thing u are good for is hard labor
You mean the Africans were not happy that foreigners had come into their land to steal their resources and colonise them and thus TREID to not pay taxes to these pink demons from across the sea?

Yeah shame on those Africans for not lying down and allowing the pink men to fuck them in the asshole.

And I HOPE you’re not referring to the Herero genocide… you know the Germans worked those people in such harsh conditions and when they protested PEACEFULLY for better treatment they were taken to Shark island in Nambia and put in the FIRST concentration camps in history. The British copied this on the Boers of South Africa and the Mau uprising in Kenya and the Germans did this again to the Jews.

Once again get schooled
  • +1
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You mean the Africans were not happy that foreigners had come into their land to steal their resources and colonise them and thus TREID to not pay taxes to these pink demons from across the sea?

Yeah shame on those Africans for not lying down and allowing the pink men to fuck them in the asshole.

And I HOPE you’re not referring to the Herero genocide… you know the Germans worked those people in such harsh conditions and when they protested PEACEFULLY for better treatment they were taken to Shark island in Nambia and put in the FIRST concentration camps in history. The British copied this on the Boers of South Africa and the Mau uprising in Kenya and the Germans did this again to the Jews.

Once again get schooled
yea i talk about the herero, they frequently attacked german soldiers and tortured them in horrifying ways. also saying we stole ur resources is pretty dumb because you didnt have any use for those resources due to ur lack of technology. often u didnt even know they existed
You mean the Africans were not happy that foreigners had come into their land to steal their resources and colonise them and thus TREID to not pay taxes to these pink demons from across the sea?

Yeah shame on those Africans for not lying down and allowing the pink men to fuck them in the asshole.

And I HOPE you’re not referring to the Herero genocide… you know the Germans worked those people in such harsh conditions and when they protested PEACEFULLY for better treatment they were taken to Shark island in Nambia and put in the FIRST concentration camps in history. The British copied this on the Boers of South Africa and the Mau uprising in Kenya and the Germans did this again to the Jews.

Once again get schooled
and i hope u know boers were also white people.
  • +1
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Is there a bigger cope than thinking "only loser incels are racist anyway"?

Lmao. Every chadlite+ I know, me included, treats minorities with extreme condescension and contempt.
  • +1
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didnt even respond to my other text because i academically colonized his ass there
I never saw another text… repost it cos I cannot see it
  • +1
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You are racist and you want to feel superior to other people by doing racism. Most of the time you aren't "joking" when you're doing racism, matter fact i've never seen any funny racism related joke for months. You're just a loser on internet who wants to literally "MOG" and feel superior to a big portion of people in everything just by existing.

in 2023
Most whites who hates blacks are INCELs or literal maniacs and their opinion about anything is trash already.
View attachment 2073570
Most blacks who hates whites are ppl who experienced racism/ ppl who believes in a serious black racism propaganda or gang members

Asians are self haters, and other races are abusing this. 1 in 3 girl in west is simp for kpop guys. They are indeed want to at least experience sex or relationship with a asian guy.

They are all manlets and i don't see any genetic lottery in their face.

I accept that i was a pathetic racist too, i tought i was messing around and it's just humor but it clearly isn't. I felt so superior when i saw self hater sissymaxxer asians or when i saw whites saying blacks are monkeys and they're all low iq.

Today i change i will never say the n-word or c-word ever again. I'm not coping with racism anymore also being racist is NTmin.
Meh. The racism on this site is actually funny imo. And I'm a neuro myself.
Every racist is a guy with 0 things to be proud of who wants to piggyback off successes (real or imagined) of his betters within his own race.

It’s cope that black people who are racist are that way because they’ve experienced racism against them, they’re doing the same thing white racists are doing. Black people who’ve actually experienced racism tend to be less racist because they know what it feels like. Stop giving people passes for bad behavior you fucking cuckold
I'm racist against gigaTyrone
I never saw another text… repost it cos I cannot see it
nigger too stupid to see a text i quoted him in..
yea i talk about the herero, they frequently attacked german soldiers and tortured them in horrifying ways. also saying we stole ur resources is pretty dumb because you didnt have any use for those resources due to ur lack of technology. often u didnt even know they existed
nigger too stupid to see a text i quoted him in..
yea i talk about the herero, they frequently attacked german soldiers and tortured them in horrifying ways. also saying we stole ur resources is pretty dumb because you didnt have any use for those resources due to ur lack of technology. often u didnt even know they existed
We were suing those rescources just fine thank you 😉. Herero didn’t invade Germany and kill Germans, but defending your land from alien people with pink skin that resemble bacon is wrong? Wow the extents that pigskins will go to justify their barbarity. Truly the race of Caucasian is one of pure unbridled malice wickedness and evil And HISTORY is on my side regarding this pig boy so don’t bother copin
  • +1
  • JFL
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We were suing those rescources just fine thank you 😉. Herero didn’t invade Germany and kill Germans, but defending your land from alien people with pink skin that resemble bacon is wrong? Wow the extents that pigskins will go to justify their barbarity. Truly the race of Caucasian is one of pure unbridled malice wickedness and evil And HISTORY is on my side regarding this pig boy so don’t bother copin
u were using them just fine?😂 by trampling on the ground 500 Feet above those minerals?? Yea sure Dude.
Even if we europeans did some evil shit.. every culture did horrible stuff.
But we, unlike most shitskins and niggers, were able to build a civilization unlike ever before, and we managed to get the man on the moon while u niggers were still running after a gazelle with some spears. Thats what truly makes us different.

Its actually incomprehensible to me how u are so bad at civilization building.
If i put 300 random white ppl in the african desert, 300 years later they built the first city. If i put 300 african guys into european forest theyd probably burn the forest down out of pure stupidity (if they managed to get a fire running)
u were using them just fine?😂 by trampling on the ground 500 Feet above those minerals?? Yea sure Dude.
Even if we europeans did some evil shit.. every culture did horrible stuff.
But we, unlike most shitskins and niggers, were able to build a civilization unlike ever before, and we managed to get the man on the moon while u niggers were still running after a gazelle with some spears. Thats what truly makes us different.

Its actually incomprehensible to me how u are so bad at civilization building.
If i put 300 random white ppl in the african desert, 300 years later they built the first city. If i put 300 african guys into european forest theyd probably burn the forest down out of pure stupidity (if they managed to get a fire running)
its not related to race. its only environment and historical dynamics you ignorant idiot. Europe has superior characteristics for only 400 years. before 1500, they were eating their poop. if we Turks didnt exist, europe civilization couldnt emerge. Europe owes its entire civilization to the historical role of the Turks. Europeans discovered America because of fear of Turks. if they didnt discover america, europe couldnt exist and invaded by Turks. I don't hate all Europeans. It would not be reasonable for me to hate hundreds of millions of European people whom I do not know and have not seen. But racism has done a lot of damage to the brains of idiots like you xdd
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its not related to race. its only environment and historical dynamics you ignorant idiot. Europe has superior characteristics for only 400 years. before 1500, they were eating their poop. if we Turks didnt exist, europe civilization couldnt emerge. Europe owes its entire civilization to the historical role of the Turks. Europeans discovered America because of fear of Turks. if they didnt discover america, europe couldnt exist and invaded by Turks. I don't hate all Europeans. It would not be reasonable for me to hate hundreds of millions of European people whom I do not know and have not seen. But racism has done a lot of damage to the brains of idiots like you xdd
i dont hate pocs neither, i just dont want them in my house, like for example wild boars.
i dont hate them but them living in my neighborhood would suck
You are racist and you want to feel superior to other people by doing racism. Most of the time you aren't "joking" when you're doing racism, matter fact i've never seen any funny racism related joke for months. You're just a loser on internet who wants to literally "MOG" and feel superior to a big portion of people in everything just by existing.

in 2023
Most whites who hates blacks are INCELs or literal maniacs and their opinion about anything is trash already.
View attachment 2073570
Most blacks who hates whites are ppl who experienced racism/ ppl who believes in a serious black racism propaganda or gang members

Asians are self haters, and other races are abusing this. 1 in 3 girl in west is simp for kpop guys. They are indeed want to at least experience sex or relationship with a asian guy.

They are all manlets and i don't see any genetic lottery in their face.

I accept that i was a pathetic racist too, i tought i was messing around and it's just humor but it clearly isn't. I felt so superior when i saw self hater sissymaxxer asians or when i saw whites saying blacks are monkeys and they're all low iq.

Today i change i will never say the n-word or c-word ever again. I'm not coping with racism anymore also being racist is NTmin.
I have never once seen someone change their racism based on a legitimate respectable reason, every single person who is not racist after being racist changes because they’ve been shamed or called out, because they aren’t white in the first place, they like someone of another race, or they find out girls don’t like it when they’re racist.

Race is just another form of looksmaxing. People with darker skin were not able to protect themselves from the elements like the whites could and their body was forced to adjust. That simple. Dark skin is not attractive but you can make up for it by other looksmaxing techniques. Tanned skin is different than rotting in the sun like very dark skinned people where their DNA was forced to adjust.

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Serious FUCK YOU

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