You are the problem



Oct 8, 2023
TLDR; date down, self-hate is the killer of any potential relationships irrespective of looks level, nt upbringing is law (high functioning autism is not a death sentence if your parents don't treat you like your an alien)

For 75%+ of you on this form I can almost guarantee the thing that's holding you back from what you want is not your appearance.
But before I explain something you probably already know and will now have to read for the 50th time let me set a few things straight.

Everyone should understand that in the majority of cases dating your looks match is NOT worth the required amount of time and effort you have to invest and you would be much happier dating below it.

Why do you think you see Chad marry htb or mtb (occasionally stacylite) and almost never stacy? Other than the fact that most of them are bluepilled, they usually appreciate how they are treated more than how good looking their women are.

You should too.

This is not to say its impossible and to some of you it may very well be worth the struggle but for most I would argue there is nothing to gain from dating your looks level as you are almost guaranteed to be less happy and she will probably find someone better one way or another unless you're an oofy doofy.

TLDR for the above writing; Most people are not good looking enough for the girls they want and even if they are the effort required to get (and keep) them is exponentially greater than the effort required for a girl one category below

To be fully transparent before you (maybe) read this next part. I understand that this is in some form a projection of my own experiences onto everybody else’s and knowing that I genuinely want to hear some of you guys experiences to better understand how you feel about this and if you believe what I said to be true for you.

Now to the main point of this thread.

A point you 100% have heard over and over again and which you will continue to hear probably for the rest of your time on this forum.

Assuming you are incel minded (which realistically if you're on this forum you probably are(me included)) you probably have experienced the blackpill firsthand before at some point in your life. This most likely involved you getting mistreated by someone or multiple people over the course of some time.

Now where the issue comes in, however, is that as a result of this mistreatment you began to believe that everybody (maybe just women) hated you. The problem with this is that the human brain takes extreme measures to counteract what it believes to be a threat to you (your consciousness). This then leads to your subconscious, in an attempt to avoid such a “severe” situation again, making you believe that the hate you received from those individuals is the hate you will receive from ones in the future. This thinking traps you in a ‘self preserving’ cycle where the longer it takes you to realize, the more it becomes embedded within your subconscious. As a result of such you find yourself basically making up fake situations in your head that could have otherwise been avoided had you not approached it with the preconceived notion that you already could not be liked. This also creates a never ending conflict with yourself that likely led you to this form in the first place as the hatred became internalized and you began looking for any and every reason for why you were hated and what you can do to never deal with it again.

Poetic analogical TLDR below for the above paragraph for those who don’t care to read it;

“Just like an abused dog I
Continued to run back to the very people
Who beat me expecting something to change.
And at some point I was so used to it
I started to enjoy it.
And when it finally ended
I started to beat myself to
Fill the hole that was left in
The absence of my beating.”

t doesn't matter how many times you hear something if you don't consciously try and change it. I could be a chip on your shoulder telling you this every waking second of your life and you still wouldn't change if you didn't want to. To me that's the hard part. Truly wanting to change. If all you know is the blackpill how can you expect to accept this reality that confronts you when your to caught up in only one aspect of it? You put so much weight into your appearance you seem to forget about all the other things that go along with it. There will ALWAYS be a bigger fish than you. How many times do you have to hear it? Is being your best self not enough for you? When will you understand that its all in your head? Better yet. When will you understand that the only hate that still targets you is your own?

Only YOU are capable of understanding its all in your head.

I believe that you are capable.

So the only question that remains is do you believe you are too?
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  • JFL
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in before brutal no reply pill :lul:
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idk, tell me how to increase bone mass and height naturally then
  • JFL
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idk about i being bad to date ur looksmatch if anything many young normies irl who are in stable ltr are looksmatched. just be sure she's into u. i remember seeing some studies point to the fact that relationships are the most stable among people of similar age and attractiveness.

but i will agree that under no circumstance should you date someone who fogs you, esp if it's by over a subtier. most of the times guys get cheated on or trapped in an oofy doofy dead bedroom is bc he got into a relationship with a better looking girl or with a looksmatched girl who wasn't that interested.
  • +1
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idk, tell me how to increase bone mass and height naturally then
that's it you don't you moneymax and get surgeries.
  • JFL
Reactions: watah
idk about i being bad to date ur looksmatch if anything many young normies irl who are in stable ltr are looksmatched. just be sure she's into u. i remember seeing some studies point to the fact that relationships are the most stable among people of similar age and attractiveness.

but i will agree that under no circumstance should you date someone who fogs you, esp if it's by over a subtier. most of the times guys get cheated on or trapped in an oofy doofy dead bedroom is bc he got into a relationship with a better looking girl or with a looksmatched girl who wasn't that interested.
Yeah I think I've become sort of deluded from all the nonsense spewed on this site and social media in general that I genuinely forget that most young people you see IRL are nothing like the young people you see online.
skimmed but high IQ
TLDR; date down, self-hate is the killer of any potential relationships irrespective of looks level, nt upbringing is law (high functioning autism is not a death sentence if your parents don't treat you like your an alien)
i wouldn't say self-hate kills relationships but as you say nt upbringing is law
both then and now, my parents always treated me like a freak, which probably stunted my social skills a fair amount. I never dated but my oneitis was my looksmatch, and despite giving me mixed signals and even slight IOI's at times, my neurodivergence showed pretty quick and I fumbled, and that was that.
sometimes i wonder what life would've been like if i was nt
ofc with my shitty genes i'd still be ldar but maybe I could've at least had something back then
  • JFL
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skimmed but high IQ

i wouldn't say self-hate kills relationships but as you say nt upbringing is law
both then and now, my parents always treated me like a freak, which probably stunted my social skills a fair amount. I never dated but my oneitis was my looksmatch, and despite giving me mixed signals and even slight IOI's at times, my neurodivergence showed pretty quick and I fumbled, and that was that.
sometimes i wonder what life would've been like if i was nt
ofc with my shitty genes i'd still be ldar but maybe I could've at least had something back then
The issue with self-hating though is that even if you manage to get into a relationship your gonna be questioning why she likes you because you don't even like yourself. Its not impossible to do but its very likely she'll get tired of it quickly and end up leaving.

I had this realization about a year ago with my oneitis at the time because I had a bunch of hate for myself and I was looking to almost 'save' her from the 'hate' she was receiving. In other words I was trying to 'fix' something with her that I needed to fix in myself so to speak and the realization of this made me do some serious self reflection as had I ever actually gotten into a relationship with her it wouldn't have lasted at all.
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No amount of self love is gonna get girls interested in you buddy boyo
  • JFL
Reactions: Zukiteru
The issue with self-hating though is that even if you manage to get into a relationship your gonna be questioning why she likes you because you don't even like yourself. Its not impossible to do but its very likely she'll get tired of it quickly and end up leaving.

I had this realization about a year ago with my oneitis at the time because I had a bunch of hate for myself and I was looking to almost 'save' her from the 'hate' she was receiving. In other words I was trying to 'fix' something with her that I needed to fix in myself so to speak and the realization of this made me do some serious self reflection as had I ever actually gotten into a relationship with her it wouldn't have lasted at all.
back then i was very slightly red-pilled (i thought gymcelling was the way) so i didn't think about it then but your 100% correct
even without self-hate, the insecurities i have thanks to the bp are things that can't be removed, so i'd very likely find a way to ruin it even then
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good title, bad main body
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