you can get better looksmax advice on sites for middle aged women then here



Lefort 3 is the answer
Dec 14, 2019
serious - what "looksmax advice" can you find here except the 131231241 skin routine ? leaving obvious troll threads about facepulling or mewing aside
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Greycel talking about better looksmax advice
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
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makes sense - most people here can barely afford to order vitamin k without asking their parents for money so its obvious any looksmax advice is limited to ordering (useless) supplements under 50 $ and going to the gym and having a good diet (the last part being legit buts its barely groundbreaking nor new lmao)
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  • JFL
Reactions: Wannabe6ft2, Deleted member 2846, Deleted member 2933 and 4 others
makes sense - most people here can barely afford to order vitamin k without asking their parents for money so its obvious any looksmax advice is limited to ordering (useless) supplements under 50 $ and going to the gym and having a good diet (the last part being legit buts its barely groundbreaking nor new lmao)
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I was agreeing but then I saw the grey name
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  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: OOGABOOGA, Deleted member 2587, Zeta ascended and 2 others
lately nothing revolutionary has come out tbh
Most of looksmaxxing has already been covered, facepullers are just being made and only time will tell if they are revolutionary or not for looksmaxxing
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Reactions: OOGABOOGA and PubertyMaxxer
Most of looksmaxxing has already been covered, facepullers are just being made and only time will tell if they are revolutionary or not for looksmaxxing

we need to start researching new ratios imo

ratios are everything
Most of looksmaxxing has already been covered, facepullers are just being made and only time will tell if they are revolutionary or not for looksmaxxing

oh you dont have to wait that long - i can already tell you now that facepulling is straight retarded and people who are unironically participating in stuff like this shouldnt be allowed to use the internet
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oh you dont have to wait that long - i can already tell you now that facepulling is straight retarded and people who are unironically participating in stuff like this shouldnt be allowed to use the internet
i believe distractors are the only way to truly fix a maxilla tbh
i believe distractors are the only way to truly fix a maxilla tbh
experimenting is worth it tho.
oh you dont have to wait that long - i can already tell you now that facepulling is straight retarded and people who are unironically participating in stuff like this shouldnt be allowed to use the internet
Joined Dec 14, 2019
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i believe distractors are the only way to truly fix a maxilla tbh

distractors are already used - after they cut the bone..that part seem most facepuller missing
im gonna let u guys be my guinia pig before building a face puller. i hope it works.
You'd have to wait 3-5 months tho. I'm gonna be vitamin maxxing and auswitchmaxxing.
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i have seen not one psler get a distractor

because they cant afford jaw surgery - thats why they used self built facepullers without getting the bones cut before

thinking that facepulling alone (without breaking bones) will work is like thinking you can make yourself taller by simply pulling your legs every evening (without breaking them before)

i mean im suprised none of you retards has released a leg pulling (or leg mewing) guide yet
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  • JFL
Reactions: toptearmm, Bewusst, hebbewem and 1 other person
then go there buddy.
Mewing is legit. Keep coping you fucking middle-aged women
oh you dont have to wait that long - i can already tell you now that facepulling is straight retarded and people who are unironically participating in stuff like this shouldnt be allowed to use the internet
Ashkenazi IQ tier tbh
Stfu greycel
  • +1
Reactions: OOGABOOGA
because they cant afford jaw surgery - thats why they used self built facepullers without getting the bones cut before

thinking that facepulling alone (without breaking bones) will work is like thinking you can make yourself taller by simply pulling your legs every evening (without breaking them before)

i mean im suprised none of you retards has released a leg pulling (or leg mewing) guide yet
"Leg mewing" lmao I'm dead
serious - what "looksmax advice" can you find here except the 131231241 skin routine ? leaving obvious troll threads about facepulling or mewing aside
True. Get drunk and ask women what they think. Saves a lot of time.
How many avenues exist for looksmaxing, anyway? There are about a dozen legit looksmaxing procedures and surgeries that everyone knows about. Plenty of posts have been written about drugmaxing to lower your inhibition. Anti-hair loss routine? Plenty of guides out there for that. Same for skin care.

The reason most forums like these turn to autismfests sooner or later is because looksmaxing isn't some super complicated shit. Everything about looksmaxing has already been written. There's nothing new.

Looksmaxing isn't difficult. What's difficult is the moneymaxing that is required to get the $$$ for your surgeries.
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Reactions: cutecel and Deleted member 2933
Looksmaxing isn't difficult.
looksmaxxing is extremely difficult

its one thing pleasing psl autists with ur aesthetics and its other thing pleasing women with aesthetics

by customising ur face ur playing god withour a instruction manual hoping it will turn out fine
looksmaxxing is extremely difficult

its one thing pleasing psl autists with ur aesthetics and its other thing pleasing women with aesthetics

by customising ur face ur playing god withour a instruction manual hoping it will turn out fine
What's so difficult about planning and parting with your hard-earned cash to jewish surgeons like Epply?

People like you won't do shit anyway. This whole looksmax shit is just a cope for most. Some people cope with politics, some others cope with PUA, others cope with PSL crap. A real action taker would never say 'looksmaxing is difficult'.

You ain't the surgeon, son.

Moneymaxing for the surgeries is difficult. Looksmaxing isn't.
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Reactions: OOGABOOGA and Deleted member 2933
Then go on sites for middle-aged females lol what a problem. Nobody forces you to read our shit and advices.
because they cant afford jaw surgery - thats why they used self built facepullers without getting the bones cut before

thinking that facepulling alone (without breaking bones) will work is like thinking you can make yourself taller by simply pulling your legs every evening (without breaking them before)

i mean im suprised none of you retards has released a leg pulling (or leg mewing) guide yet
Hilarious hahahaha
the hardest looksmax and most low inhib thing you guys ever did was ordering mk677 without asking your parents

never talk about lefort 3 again (not even ironically)
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Reactions: 6ft8InTheNetherlands, SixFootManlet and Deleted member 2933
This is not a looksmaxing forum.
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  • JFL
Reactions: SixFootManlet and strong_silent_type
This is not a looksmaxing forum.

this is a forum for people who are not good looking enough for ig and tiktok to socialise and with too much adhd to follow a legit hobby that doesnt give instant gratifications and dopamin spikes
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Reactions: OOGABOOGA, RecessedPrettyboy, SixFootManlet and 1 other person
the hardest looksmax and most low inhib thing you guys ever did was ordering mk677 without asking your parents

never talk about lefort 3 again (not even ironically)
Lefort 3
serious - what "looksmax advice" can you find here except the 131231241 skin routine ? leaving obvious troll threads about facepulling or mewing aside
I said the same, this is more like lookism lite (Blackpill) website rather than looksmax
Only skincare advice that I ever hear is retin a no informations about laser or something like that
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Reactions: 6ft8InTheNetherlands

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