You don’t need to be chad in 2024 to get a girl, you never did

Isn’t true for ethnics in the US.

Since half of Asian women date white guys, the competition among Asian guys for the remaining Asian women is brutal. They basically have to looksmax and careermax to be able to compete for a female Asian woman. The number of non-Asian women who are willing to date Asian guys has increased so it’s not as bad as it was a decade ago, but it’s not nearly enough to make ups to 54% of Asian women dating out.

Situation is even worse for Indians. Even model tier Indians will flop on tinder in large parts of the US. The gap in basically any interracial couple in the US where the guy is Indian is extreme. In NYC, you’ll see HTN/chadlite, 200k a year earning, jacked, 6’2” 2nd gen Indians ending up with white LTBs that make 50k a year and often have some kind of mental illness. Only exception to this is black or MENA/latino passing Indians who are willing to name or race fraud to escape Indian tax. is an ethnic forum. Blacks and whites need to be kicked off it. There’s no reason for them to be here.
Isn’t true for ethnics in the US.

Since half of Asian women date white guys, the competition among Asian guys for the remaining Asian women is brutal. They basically have to looksmax and careermax to be able to compete for a female Asian woman. The number of non-Asian women who are willing to date Asian guys has increased so it’s not as bad as it was a decade ago, but it’s not nearly enough to make ups to 54% of Asian women dating out.

Situation is even worse for Indians. Even model tier Indians will flop on tinder in large parts of the US. The gap in basically any interracial couple in the US where the guy is Indian is extreme. In NYC, you’ll see HTN/chadlite, 200k a year earning, jacked, 6’2” 2nd gen Indians ending up with white LTBs that make 50k a year and often have some kind of mental illness. Only exception to this is black or MENA/latino passing Indians who are willing to name or race fraud to escape Indian tax. is an ethnic forum. Blacks and whites need to be kicked off it. There’s no reason for them to be here.
Ethnic like south Asians, Arabs can appeal maxx, in America many of them often go for that Latino”Edgar” aesthetic look, try to look Latino or Mexican, they get lots of Latinas that way, and East Asians usually get appeal Kpop maxxing or going into niches and communities like Kpop, anime, manga etc to get women who tend to fetishise them based on these niches. So that isn’t true.

For Indians it is difficult if they look very Indian tho. Only the some south Asians and Indians who tend to look more like Latino can get appeal by the Edgar look in America. Their best bet is to try to look more Latino or Mexican. If they can’t appeal they usually moneymaxx and get sex or girl friend that way
>East Asians usually get appeal Kpop maxxing or going into niches and communities like Kpop, anime, manga etc to get women who tend to fetishise them based on these niches. So that isn’t true.

There aren’t enough K-pop white/black/latina women in the US to make up for 54% of US-born Asian women dating out. A lot of them are still screwed.

>For Indians it is difficult if they look very Indian tho. Only the some south Asians and Indians who tend to look more like Latino can get appeal by the Edgar look in America. Their best bet is to try to look more Latino or Mexican. If they can’t appeal they usually moneymaxx and get sex or girl friend that way

Money maxxing is largely irrelevant. Plenty of $150k a year Indians rotting who couldn’t find anyone and had to go the arranged marriage route. Amount of money needed for an Indian or Asian betabux a non-Indian/asian is incredible. There was actually a study about this and it was something insane like $275K more than a white guy earns.

Edgar maxxing only works for like the 10% of Indians that are working class plus assimilated and live around Latinos. Most Indians who don’t live in Indian communities are living in 95% white upper middle class areas. Edgar maxxing is useless there.
ahaha you got triggered. Control your emotions lol
Women don’t like very muscular guys and telling you this hurtful truth is not retarded, especially not in 2024, they like athletic bodies not gym rat tier muscularity, it’s gross. I can think like female and all my friends are women I know what I’m talking about retard 😹😹👍

Gym rats and very muscular guys are gay appealed. Gay men find that attractive not women.
only an absolute idiot that has never been in the gym would say that
natty will NEVER get even close to the "too muscular" body that you speak of

and not only that, you're missing the fact that women are mostly attracted to good genetics, like height, frame and insertions, not the physique itself

I can see how all your friends are women, you are unaware & irrational
Loads of horseshit

U will never get a gf
The whole thread is as wrong as wrong something can be.

It's true that any subhuman can slay. Problem is, when you are a subhuman, sub5 or average, you can date only subhumans, other sub5s and average women.

Funny thing is, average women today are not like the average women in the past. Compared to average women today, average women from the past are actually high-tier women.

Modern average women are basically desensitized animals who can't and won't love you, because they became desensitized due to sleeping around. In their perspective, you are not THE PERSON, you are just another name in a list of many other names, just another number in a statistic that didn't start with you and with end with you.

Modern average women are just desensitized animals with low dopamine and serotonin, on prescription drugs and well as narcotics.

They are also desensitized, as I already said, and use dating apps for instant gratification and validation, which will make them cheat. This is official data, not just my opinion.

Are you willing to be an average man, not a high-profile man or a Chad (or both), and have aging, old, fat, angry, drug-addicted women as the only options? These are just animals who can't and won't love you, and will be with you only because they don't want to be alone and need someone for the purpose of tax and bill breakdown. Most modern relationships are like that - people are staying together because money and for the kids, but the dead bedroom phenomenon is there.

If you think you don't have to be a Chad or in the Top 1%, you don't know what you are talking about.

From a socio-economic perspective, it's over for the average men. You can't be a man and average in 2024 and have a normal life. If you are a man and you want to have a normal life, you must be a Chad or a millionaire or a billionaire. There is no other way.

Also, keep in mind that communal bonds no longer exist in 2024, meaning family and monogamy are no longer possible, quite literally. Committed and monogamous relationships don't exist in 2024.

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