You don’t need to be chad in 2024 to get a girl, you never did

Isn’t true for ethnics in the US.

Since half of Asian women date white guys, the competition among Asian guys for the remaining Asian women is brutal. They basically have to looksmax and careermax to be able to compete for a female Asian woman. The number of non-Asian women who are willing to date Asian guys has increased so it’s not as bad as it was a decade ago, but it’s not nearly enough to make ups to 54% of Asian women dating out.

Situation is even worse for Indians. Even model tier Indians will flop on tinder in large parts of the US. The gap in basically any interracial couple in the US where the guy is Indian is extreme. In NYC, you’ll see HTN/chadlite, 200k a year earning, jacked, 6’2” 2nd gen Indians ending up with white LTBs that make 50k a year and often have some kind of mental illness. Only exception to this is black or MENA/latino passing Indians who are willing to name or race fraud to escape Indian tax. is an ethnic forum. Blacks and whites need to be kicked off it. There’s no reason for them to be here.
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Isn’t true for ethnics in the US.

Since half of Asian women date white guys, the competition among Asian guys for the remaining Asian women is brutal. They basically have to looksmax and careermax to be able to compete for a female Asian woman. The number of non-Asian women who are willing to date Asian guys has increased so it’s not as bad as it was a decade ago, but it’s not nearly enough to make ups to 54% of Asian women dating out.

Situation is even worse for Indians. Even model tier Indians will flop on tinder in large parts of the US. The gap in basically any interracial couple in the US where the guy is Indian is extreme. In NYC, you’ll see HTN/chadlite, 200k a year earning, jacked, 6’2” 2nd gen Indians ending up with white LTBs that make 50k a year and often have some kind of mental illness. Only exception to this is black or MENA/latino passing Indians who are willing to name or race fraud to escape Indian tax. is an ethnic forum. Blacks and whites need to be kicked off it. There’s no reason for them to be here.
Ethnic like south Asians, Arabs can appeal maxx, in America many of them often go for that Latino”Edgar” aesthetic look, try to look Latino or Mexican, they get lots of Latinas that way, and East Asians usually get appeal Kpop maxxing or going into niches and communities like Kpop, anime, manga etc to get women who tend to fetishise them based on these niches. So that isn’t true.

For Indians it is difficult if they look very Indian tho. Only the some south Asians and Indians who tend to look more like Latino can get appeal by the Edgar look in America. Their best bet is to try to look more Latino or Mexican. If they can’t appeal they usually moneymaxx and get sex or girl friend that way
>East Asians usually get appeal Kpop maxxing or going into niches and communities like Kpop, anime, manga etc to get women who tend to fetishise them based on these niches. So that isn’t true.

There aren’t enough K-pop white/black/latina women in the US to make up for 54% of US-born Asian women dating out. A lot of them are still screwed.

>For Indians it is difficult if they look very Indian tho. Only the some south Asians and Indians who tend to look more like Latino can get appeal by the Edgar look in America. Their best bet is to try to look more Latino or Mexican. If they can’t appeal they usually moneymaxx and get sex or girl friend that way

Money maxxing is largely irrelevant. Plenty of $150k a year Indians rotting who couldn’t find anyone and had to go the arranged marriage route. Amount of money needed for an Indian or Asian betabux a non-Indian/asian is incredible. There was actually a study about this and it was something insane like $275K more than a white guy earns.

Edgar maxxing only works for like the 10% of Indians that are working class plus assimilated and live around Latinos. Most Indians who don’t live in Indian communities are living in 95% white upper middle class areas. Edgar maxxing is useless there.
  • +1
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ahaha you got triggered. Control your emotions lol
Women don’t like very muscular guys and telling you this hurtful truth is not retarded, especially not in 2024, they like athletic bodies not gym rat tier muscularity, it’s gross. I can think like female and all my friends are women I know what I’m talking about retard 😹😹👍

Gym rats and very muscular guys are gay appealed. Gay men find that attractive not women.
only an absolute idiot that has never been in the gym would say that
natty will NEVER get even close to the "too muscular" body that you speak of

and not only that, you're missing the fact that women are mostly attracted to good genetics, like height, frame and insertions, not the physique itself

I can see how all your friends are women, you are unaware & irrational
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Loads of horseshit

U will never get a gf
The whole thread is as wrong as wrong something can be.

It's true that any subhuman can slay. Problem is, when you are a subhuman, sub5 or average, you can date only subhumans, other sub5s and average women.

Funny thing is, average women today are not like the average women in the past. Compared to average women today, average women from the past are actually high-tier women.

Modern average women are basically desensitized animals who can't and won't love you, because they became desensitized due to sleeping around. In their perspective, you are not THE PERSON, you are just another name in a list of many other names, just another number in a statistic that didn't start with you and with end with you.

Modern average women are just desensitized animals with low dopamine and serotonin, on prescription drugs and well as narcotics.

They are also desensitized, as I already said, and use dating apps for instant gratification and validation, which will make them cheat. This is official data, not just my opinion.

Are you willing to be an average man, not a high-profile man or a Chad (or both), and have aging, old, fat, angry, drug-addicted women as the only options? These are just animals who can't and won't love you, and will be with you only because they don't want to be alone and need someone for the purpose of tax and bill breakdown. Most modern relationships are like that - people are staying together because money and for the kids, but the dead bedroom phenomenon is there.

If you think you don't have to be a Chad or in the Top 1%, you don't know what you are talking about.

From a socio-economic perspective, it's over for the average men. You can't be a man and average in 2024 and have a normal life. If you are a man and you want to have a normal life, you must be a Chad or a millionaire or a billionaire. There is no other way.

Also, keep in mind that communal bonds no longer exist in 2024, meaning family and monogamy are no longer possible, quite literally. Committed and monogamous relationships don't exist in 2024.
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Neil De Grasse Tyson When The Coping Is Too Strong GIF
  • JFL
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atleast iam not a femboy
When you looked at that Stacy, you didn’t fall in love with her—you fell in lust.
Sorry but I disagree here.
I’ve only fell in love once with a girl. And it was after I met her on a club night out back in 2023. Fell in love on first sight. It wasn’t lust, cause I didn’t wanna just sleep with her. I wanted to spend my whole life with her.
And then when I saw her without makeup a few weeks later, I fell back out of love.
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
  • Hmm...
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Vast majority of couples I see irl are looksmatched or the guy mogs the girl

The amount of fat bitches who have lean boyfriends is insane
This is true bhai you need to be lean MINIMUM to get a fat bitch and their entitlement is insane.
  • +1
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Mostly couples from very poor rural areas in 3rd world or EE countries. These females often dont have access to attractive chads.
Would such women LTR a abused dog from chinkieland or a dalit from India if he was rich (>300k/yr)
Go outside and look at the young couples and 30+ couples walking the street or in the city center. Boyfriends are usually PSL 3 to 5.5 / low-tier Normies or mid-tier Normies, but they are just VERY, VERY appeal-maxxed.

Appeal is probably the most important factor for dating. That is how average men attract women in terms of looks. If you’re 3-5.5 PSL due to features you can’t change without surgery, focus on increasing your appeal. Also, focus on your body to gain muscle but not too much. As someone with a partially female perspective, I can tell you that overly muscular bodies look gross to women, especially in 2024. Women like muscles but not to the level men think they do; they prefer athletic bodies.

You should also focus on other health indicators like your skin—it needs to be homogeneous—and on softmaxxing stuff like growing thicker eyebrows.

Another way to attract women is by moneymaxxing.

People will say, “Well, she won’t love you,” but looks aren’t about love either. Moneymaxxing still gets you women, and you're better off than if you had none. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, you probably won’t really care about your looks once you get rich or make a lot of money. The rich tend to have high self-esteem because of the security money provides. You can look HTN or Chadlite and still struggle with your bills and survival. If you are a Chad and get a woman who will betabuxx for you, deep down you will feel emasculated because you can’t even provide for yourself, let alone for a woman. You can also be controlled and become a boy toy if you’re a broke Chad getting betabuxxed by a woman. Women tend to not respect men they view as having lower abilities and achievements than themselves (signaled by money and resource acquisition).

Looks don’t make a woman love you; they make women sexually attracted to you, and vice versa. Sexual desire and love aren’t the same thing. When you looked at that Stacy, you didn’t fall in love with her—you fell in lust. Love isn’t what your dick feels like when you’re touched or looking at a girl you are most attracted to.

Love doesn’t feel sexual; it feels more profound and wholesome, a profound feeling you would die for the other person or sacrifice for them, like how somebody treats you, such as your mother. You grow in love, not fall in love, which means you get to know someone and how you treat each other. You can grow in love with anyone, even unattractive people, because it’s separate from sexual desire. For instance, you might love your mother or friend, but you’re not physically or sexually attracted to them.

You’re delusional if you think foids would die for chads they find attractive if WW3 happened, they might say it in this TikTok comments to signal how much they want him but when that war comes they’ll be the first one to get chads out at the front
NT has always been and will always be law
  • Ugh..
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Money won’t make a woman sexually attracted to you but you’ll be more likely to keep her than a Chad who is broke. You’re still hitting too. You also have more options of access to Stacy than a Chad. Most stacies don’t go for chads because she feels she has to compete with him looks wise and she’d rather use her beauty to get a rich man secure generational or wealth or financial stability than struggle with a chad who can’t pay bills and sits there looking pretty like a painting. Only the mid tier beckies are willing to have that struggle relationship with a chad hence why you see more chads with beckies. Stacies also have more SMV than chads so dating up / hypergamy for her is the equivalent of getting with a man who makes more than her not with a man equally attractive as her.

Sex with a woman benefits the man more than the woman, a man has more frequent orgasms in sex while a woman doesn’t, so whether she is sexually attracted to you or not, you’re still winning and getting your pleasure
Cope most attractive women rather sleep with a attractive man. This notion of come chad/tyrone is poor is foolish we even have data, more attractive men are more likely to make more money and have more sexual and social access then average men. Again all chad has to do is not be poor, and avg at best and he will beat a rich man always. Heck even when chad/tyrone is broke she will marry the rich man and fuck chad/tyrone on the side. Saying rich men have more access to stacy is the biggest cope ive seen on here, young attractive women rather bang/date a good looking man, being rich is even more rare then being physically attractive, But its easier to be good looking then become rich then be rich then becomes good looking.
  • +1
Reactions: JustABadDream and They_are_all_whores
only an absolute idiot that has never been in the gym would say that
natty will NEVER get even close to the "too muscular" body that you speak of

and not only that, you're missing the fact that women are mostly attracted to good genetics, like height, frame and insertions, not the physique itself

I can see how all your friends are women, you are unaware & irrational
he says some blue-pilled coping shit i will admit when he posted stuff it was almost as if a women, who was bullshitting was writing it.
Most men will never become over muscular unless they take steroids/trt etc and if they workout almost everyday. Its mostly abotu height, frame good facial harmoney and decent bone structure, along with being fit.

  • +1
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Okay, how much do you think you could love a fat girl?
Men don't care about looks so it's completely normal for a man to love a fat foid just because she has a good personality.
It's foids who only care about looks.
Men don't care about looks so it's completely normal for a man to love a fat foid just because she has a good personality.
It's foids who only care about looks.
Cope. So you’d fall in love with Oprah if she was nice?
Cope. So you’d fall in love with Oprah if she was nice?
I don't understand what the fuck I have to do with this. My point is that ANY man can love ANY foid if they like her personality.
I don't understand what the fuck I have to do with this. My point is that ANY man can love ANY foid if they like her personality.
So you’d fall in love with Oprah if she was nice?
  • Ugh..
Reactions: They_are_all_whores
Then it’s even more reason why you should moneymaxx over looks… the men that women have the most sexual desire to are the ones having soulless and hook tier sex, because the type of women they attracted are short term relationship oriented, women who seek marriage, long term relationship and family and relationship that isn’t “soulless hook tier sex” aren’t going for chads. They’re going with provider men with money.

in fact you read that study with the picture of spectrum of the same face man high testosterone to low testosterone, it’s outlined that the high testerone face variation who literally looks like a chad compared to the others variations are the type of men women got for on a one night stand, casual sex hook up which are soulless while less “chad” faces get more long term relationships provide he has money.

The very ideal of sexual desire which you say you want a from a woman is in itself soulless, that is not love still. A woman can grow in love with a rich mid tier Normie, that’s not dependent on sexual desire it’s based on how he makes he feel and treats her, she’ll likely be treated better by a provider man with money than a chad hence chads aren’t for love to women, they’re for one night stands
You act like the average guy has loads of money to provide.
It’s a very small percentage and is highly dependent on several factors, that are primarily driven by genetics as well. Intelligence, work ethic, resilience, consciousness, parental environment asf. All or at least most of them have to work together in harmony.
I know many people, who can basically remember a number span of 9-10 in 1-2 seconds and also manipulate it to their liking but still struggle with acquiring money as their social skills, drive or ambition is relatively lacking.
The true Blackpill is, that anything in this world, that seems desirable is primarily determined by genetics, prenatal circumstances and early child care.
There is an unbelievable small percentage left for yourself, when finally becoming conscious enough to care about this stuff, to actually make a real impact in.
Every time I hear someone mention, that looks don’t matter, they cope with something, that is similarly driven by genetics like personality or intelligence. Money is just the result of a favourable accumulation of such desirable
traits, as is, what is considered a fine personality.
There are guys out there, who received absolutely no favourable traits, they can cope with. It’s also not as diverse as people think, since desirable traits usually don’t come in isolation.
Legit thread.

But looksmaxxing def helps reduce the amount you need to betabux. Truecel needs to spend tens of thousands per year to betabux a Becky while a normie only needs to spend a few hundred a month.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: JohnDoe
Mostly couples from very poor rural areas in 3rd world or EE countries. These females often dont have access to attractive chads.
And where are the Chads>
Looking handsome isn’t just for getting a girlfriend,

That is stupid, Infact girls like how a boy makes them FEEL, not how they look. They don’t care unless you are deformed.

Looking handsome gives alot of benefits, like getting a good job plays a factor, having a high trust face is good for this for example
This is such cope, you won't be able to make a girl FEEL anything if you aren't attractive enough in the first place.
  • +1
Reactions: JustABadDream and They_are_all_whores
Legit thread.

But looksmaxxing def helps reduce the amount you need to betabux. Truecel needs to spend tens of thousands per year to betabux a Becky while a normie only needs to spend a few hundred a month.
no, truecel ain't getting anyone, also truecels don't have tens of thousands at all, that's just fantasy for the most part.
  • Hmm...
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Love doesn’t feel sexual; it feels more profound and wholesome, a profound feeling you would die for the other person or sacrifice for them, like how somebody treats you, such as your mother. You grow in love, not fall in love, which means you get to know someone and how you treat each other. You can grow in love with anyone, even unattractive people, because it’s separate from sexual desire. For instance, you might love your mother or friend, but you’re not physically or sexually attracted to them.

You’re delusional if you think foids would die for chads they find attractive if WW3 happened, they might say it in this TikTok comments to signal how much they want him but when that war comes they’ll be the first one to get chads out at the front
Hahahahahahahahahahahahag nigger cumslut faggot I will fuck you hard pajjeet most retarded user here

Love is chemically in the brain the same as Sexaul desire and is meant for you to stay with your sexaul partner to raise kids but love is only by males so they don't fuck women and leave them biologicaly speaking women don't feel love but only ans mainly sexaul desire(i talk women myself and saw research)

A cope day keeps the rope away:forcedsmile::incel::feelswhy:

Hope or rope bro:incel::incel::incel::incel::incel::incel:
  • Ugh..
Reactions: JohnDoe
no, truecel ain't getting anyone, also truecels don't have tens of thousands at all, that's just fantasy for the most part.
I know plenty of rich truecels
Go outside and look at the young couples and 30+ couples walking the street or in the city center. Boyfriends are usually PSL 3 to 5.5 / low-tier Normies or mid-tier Normies, but they are just VERY, VERY appeal-maxxed.

Appeal is probably the most important factor for dating. That is how average men attract women in terms of looks. If you’re 3-5.5 PSL due to features you can’t change without surgery, focus on increasing your appeal. Also, focus on your body to gain muscle but not too much. As someone with a partially female perspective, I can tell you that overly muscular bodies look gross to women, especially in 2024. Women like muscles but not to the level men think they do; they prefer athletic bodies.

You should also focus on other health indicators like your skin—it needs to be homogeneous—and on softmaxxing stuff like growing thicker eyebrows.

Another way to attract women is by moneymaxxing.

People will say, “Well, she won’t love you,” but looks aren’t about love either. Moneymaxxing still gets you women, and you're better off than if you had none. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, you probably won’t really care about your looks once you get rich or make a lot of money. The rich tend to have high self-esteem because of the security money provides. You can look HTN or Chadlite and still struggle with your bills and survival. If you are a Chad and get a woman who will betabuxx for you, deep down you will feel emasculated because you can’t even provide for yourself, let alone for a woman. You can also be controlled and become a boy toy if you’re a broke Chad getting betabuxxed by a woman. Women tend to not respect men they view as having lower abilities and achievements than themselves (signaled by money and resource acquisition).

Looks don’t make a woman love you; they make women sexually attracted to you, and vice versa. Sexual desire and love aren’t the same thing. When you looked at that Stacy, you didn’t fall in love with her—you fell in lust. Love isn’t what your dick feels like when you’re touched or looking at a girl you are most attracted to.

Love doesn’t feel sexual; it feels more profound and wholesome, a profound feeling you would die for the other person or sacrifice for them, like how somebody treats you, such as your mother. You grow in love, not fall in love, which means you get to know someone and how you treat each other. You can grow in love with anyone, even unattractive people, because it’s separate from sexual desire. For instance, you might love your mother or friend, but you’re not physically or sexually attracted to them.

You’re delusional if you think foids would die for chads they find attractive if WW3 happened, they might say it in this TikTok comments to signal how much they want him but when that war comes they’ll be the first one to get chads out at the front
100% true. chads? JFL i see subhumans and LTN curry niggas with girlfriends all the fucking time IRL, nobody on this forum can explain why every single day i am seeing LTNs with girlfriends and wives when they'd be told it's over.
100% true. chads? JFL i see subhumans and LTN curry niggas with girlfriends all the fucking time IRL, nobody on this forum can explain why every single day i am seeing LTNs with girlfriends and wives when they'd be told it's over.
I can and wheat waffles explained that shit this thread is jewish blue pill cope ngl
this has always been the case subhuman dailts are the only ones pushing the agenda of chad only
this has always been the case subhuman dailts are the only ones pushing the agenda of chad only
subhuman dalits in India*
The dalits i see here all have girlfriends tbh
The whole thread is as wrong as wrong something can be.

It's true that any subhuman can slay. Problem is, when you are a subhuman, sub5 or average, you can date only subhumans, other sub5s and average women.

Funny thing is, average women today are not like the average women in the past. Compared to average women today, average women from the past are actually high-tier women.

Modern average women are basically desensitized animals who can't and won't love you, because they became desensitized due to sleeping around. In their perspective, you are not THE PERSON, you are just another name in a list of many other names, just another number in a statistic that didn't start with you and with end with you.

Modern average women are just desensitized animals with low dopamine and serotonin, on prescription drugs and well as narcotics.

They are also desensitized, as I already said, and use dating apps for instant gratification and validation, which will make them cheat. This is official data, not just my opinion.

Are you willing to be an average man, not a high-profile man or a Chad (or both), and have aging, old, fat, angry, drug-addicted women as the only options? These are just animals who can't and won't love you, and will be with you only because they don't want to be alone and need someone for the purpose of tax and bill breakdown. Most modern relationships are like that - people are staying together because money and for the kids, but the dead bedroom phenomenon is there.

If you think you don't have to be a Chad or in the Top 1%, you don't know what you are talking about.

From a socio-economic perspective, it's over for the average men. You can't be a man and average in 2024 and have a normal life. If you are a man and you want to have a normal life, you must be a Chad or a millionaire or a billionaire. There is no other way.

Also, keep in mind that communal bonds no longer exist in 2024, meaning family and monogamy are no longer possible, quite literally. Committed and monogamous relationships don't exist in 2024.
Extremely high iq/inhib and social awareness the only non retarded user in this slutty thread
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cope grey
Fucking faggot didn't even read he literally said you date your level and women are destinizied animals which they are fuck women bro they are so fucking evil it is insane
u still need to be a MTN minimum and most arent
you are are so isolated that you have no clue how the real world works.
Nice cope, I am in the city centre every day, I see tons and tons of curries on a daily basis. You have incel job with mixed group of people. You are delusional and only came into this country few years ago while i grew up here.
Nice cope, I am in the city centre every day, I see tons and tons of curries on a daily basis. You have incel job with mixed group of people. You are delusional and only came into this country few years ago while i grew up here.
JFL. You have never even held a real job. And rotted for years after uni. Do you seriously think there are no ugly rich people? There are tons lol. Look at many CEOs.
JFL. You have never even held a real job. And rotted for years after uni. Do you seriously think there are no ugly rich people? There are tons lol. Look at many CEOs.
I know how the UK works far better than a guy who is so fresh off the boat that he still has a curry accent. You have a job and I don't but that doesn't mean you know the UK and the people here better than I do. I never said there aren't ugly rich people. What plenty of rich truecels do you know? Nobody actually rich (not even regular curries who grew up here) is associating with a 3 psl freshie. You can cope all you like but every uk curry on this forum who grew up here will tell you the same. Getting a curry foid here impossible for freshies.
  • +1
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I know how the UK works far better than a guy who is so fresh off the boat that he still has a curry accent. You have a job and I don't but that doesn't mean you know the UK and the people here better than I do. I never said there aren't ugly rich people. What plenty of rich truecels do you know? Nobody actually rich (not even regular curries who grew up here) is associating with a 3 psl freshie. You can cope all you like but every uk curry on this forum who grew up here will tell you the same. Getting a curry foid here impossible for freshies.
Many of the truecels who tried to force my sister to marry her were quite rich. Family has tons of rich ugly people.

Heck, check any curry group for arrangedmarriagemaxxers and you will see tons of rich ugly people.

I may be FOB but the things you say make it seem like you are out of touch with reality.

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