You can't be blackpilled and pro-capitalism -- they don't go together.

He suffers from Dunning Kruger and when he's confronted with arguments he just stops responding
Thanks for the phrase, I may be a poet but when debating I know absolutely no relevant vocabulary...
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Why should I give af tho
  • Hmm...
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He suffers from Dunning Kruger and when he's confronted with arguments he just stops responding

How so? I've literally been engaging and responding to virtually everyone in this thread so far.

When or where did I stop responding? When or where did I not make an effort to debate? Did you see this thread?

I wrote more about my point in the thread's INITIAL POST to stand on its own than almost everyone else has chimed in against it.

If anything, I have nothing to respond to because NOBODY has laid out, articulated, or proposed any real argument.
It's the bootlicker mindset
I gave him the example of the person who founded youtube

A great idea. He didn't invent video, he didn't invent sharing video

But he put it together in a manner that made him rich

Didn't require any land, and wealthy families, not even ANY ASSETS REQUIRED

a recent example from the 21st century and your boy says "dnrd" while you ignore it and call me a bootlicker :forcedsmile:
Thanks for the phrase, I may be a poet but when debating I know absolutely no relevant vocabulary...
View attachment 3422130
Doesn't mean you're low IQ, this nigga literally threw me a word salad trying to explain how Maxilla and FWHR aren't facial traits :lul:
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trvthnvke. unfortunately the average leftist currently is a wheelchair bound blue haired troon who cares more about identity politics than actual leftism.Until the system runs out of bread and circuses to give to the people (which it eventually will) there is nothing we can do.The proletarians will not fight for anything if he still has food and a place to stay but soon enough they won't.we can already see this with the housing crisis and the increase of food prices everywhere,and if inceldom is on the rise due to today's dating world.Marxism-Rodgerism will become real
He suffers from Dunning Kruger and when he's confronted with arguments he just stops responding

No. I genuinely do wish for a better world for EVERYONE

But again let's say 99% of people (me included) are losers. Why the fuck wouldn't we want to take the resources of the 1% and make our own lives better? Why would someone not want to change things better for themselves AND 99% of other people?

And no I do not have the same chance to win as the top 1% majority of them come from already rich families and have higher IQs (both are obviously pure luck).

Most of the wealth and resources if OWNED by old money aka its passed down from generation to generation, new muiltimillionares/billionares with no connection to the powerful or elite or who did not get wealth passed down are RARE. High iq also is tied to wealth, because rich people have tutors for each children. Your basic school has 1-2 teachers per classroom and 15-25 students, those children are not gonna be as smart as the rich/powerfull children its almost impossible. What folks call gifted or smart students, in society is the NORM in rich/powerfull families. The rejects or the dumb folks of the elite/rich class are considered above avg in regular society.
I'm against capitalism because it harms me. If you're not in the top 1% and support capitalism you're literally retarded. Your survival instinct isn't working properly

Socialism also harms me because 25% of the UK’s GDP goes to benefit scroungers and another 15% goes to pensions for old fucks who had to have been TRYING to not get rich with the insane expansion they all lived through.

If you ask for socialism you get the worst of both worlds.
  • Ugh..
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Muh trickle down economics
Socialism also harms me because 25% of the UK’s GDP goes to benefit scroungers and another 15% goes to pensions for old fucks who had to have been TRYING to not get rich with the insane expansion they all lived through.

If you ask for socialism you get the worst of both worlds.


EVERYONE BORROWS. Even if you don't take out a personal loan/credit/etc., rich borrow against their shit. You directly or indirectly pay for their shit, so you're paying so a rich person can then borrow more money against the money you're effectively giving them.

Then when a poor person needs money, everyone loses their shit. Huh? What's wrong? Borrowing done by the rich is smart because they have assets, but their assets/resources/etc. are from the market -- what people give them. So you're just BORROWING SOME BACK.

EVERYONE SPENDS. Even if you save money, money is being moved around constantly. You can stuff all of your money in a box, but only a retard would think saving any unspecific, random amount of money is useful when money is meant to be spent/noted, not collected.


Socialism only works when people want it to work. Capitalism NEVER works out well long on its own regardless -- just look at U.S.A. Anyone non-deluded can tell you that the U.S.A. is a big dump. "Richest, greatest country of Capitalism," yet most people are miserable in it...
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high iq, i enjoy talking about topics like these but unfortunately its not NT enough to be talked about in real life (by not NT enough i mean not lined up with the elite’s agenda) this post might be a little off topic from the thread at hand since this mainly post speaks about capitalism, but im here to talk about the government as a whole

i understand why this forum likes to express how much they hate normies, but the normie is not always at fault,

in today’s world (the west ESPECIALLY), everybody is extremely indoctrinated and we are forced to accept a set of beliefs and habits. this starts early in k-12 education where the youth’s minds are in rapid development. the job of the school system is to teach you only what the j*ws want you to know (math, science, any skillset that will make you a future wagecuck and make them richer), and not what you need to know. the school system was never about making you more sucessful. it has always been about making the top 0.005% elite more successful. all school is there for is making you a low iq conformist cuck. the school system is responsible for kids being so fucking obese and depressed nowadays. CHILDREN ARE NOT MEANT TO FUCKING ROT IN A CHAIR LISTENING TO SOMEONE WHO WORKS FOR THE J*WS TALK ALL DAY. this leads on perfectly to my next paragraph.

ALMOST ALL of the food we consume is poisoned to hell and back and i cannot state this enough. the reason obesity rates are at an all time high and testosterone rates in young men are at an all time low is because all we fucking consume is giga commercialized-ultra processed foods that have additives in them that aren’t even fit for human consumption. the foods we eat on a daily basis are PACKED with unnecessary amounts of salt, sugar, fats, additives, and endocrine disruptors. even the food that is advertised as “healthy” is still packed with these things, if not more. the reason why these foods are GIGA-advertised and they target these processed food items towards children specifically. the reason they advertise it towards children is because they are very vulnerable, and it is easy to get them hooked on something. their goal is also to sabotage the physical and mental development of the youth. if people grew up eating whole, natural, unprocessed foods, they would end up reaching their genetic peak. they would grow tall, have good bones, and be very decent to high iq, which is the COMPLETE opposite of what the elites want. they want ugly sub 5 low iq conforming wageslaves who will make them a penny richer. they want you to buy these products to make money and so you can be unhealthy, hence giving you health problems later in life so you can buy medicines from pharmaceutical companies which also contain poison. if ur atleast average iq you realize the food and pharmaceutical industry is completely owned and controlled by the elites and they work together.

the reason why the majority of people are bluepilled is because of our media, which is ALSO controlled by the elites. mainstream tv shows and movies are very anti-blackpill and make people think that personality and NT are the most crucial things to finding love. they make people think the content of your character is what matters most to make people not want to improve their physical attractiveness or work on themselves, hence making them delusional. they want normies to believe people aren’t very superficial. they also promote the idea of hard work can help you achieve anything so you can become the best wageslave possible. one part of media i would like to point out specifically is the porn industry. this is truly the lowest form of entertwinment. it makes men low T cuckolds and weakens them mentally which is also what the elites want.

you are under control the SECOND you are born. from what you eat, to the things you are taught, to the things you watch and listen to. all these things bring more influence to the top 0.005% and brings more and more division to the people. in the U.S specifically, they push the narrative that we have the most freedom out of anybody in the entire world, which is an utter j*wish lie they push on you to make you proud of your country. muh “land of the free home of the brave” literal cagefuel JFL. every single war fought in U.S history was to make the elites and politicians richer. it was never about muh “defending your country” muh “honorable service”. imagine getting drafted into the military and actually going JFL at the people during WW2 who didnt draft dodge tbh going to war is the most cucked shit you can ever do. JFL harder at the ones who lied about their age back then to enlist in the military to fight. war is all about population control and making the top 0.005% wealthier than they already are. they run your entire life and still manage to successfully push the idea on you that you are free and able to accomplish anything with a little hard work. as long as they can make you an indoctrinated , low iq, sub 5, wageslave they can do anything.

this goes back to the beginning of this post as to why i dont blame normies. they are all simply victims of the system and they don’t even know it. it feels good to at least be aware JFL. this is also why LDARing/NEET life is extremely mogger. it’s sad that all of our lives are a lie and to serve the best of the best and there’s nothing we can do about it so the best way to live life in my opinion is to DNR in school, maybe wagecuck a little bit (NEETmax immediately if given the opportunity), cope with video games and mainstream media if u want but don’t listen to any of the messages they try to convey, DO NOT consume goyslop or any ultra-processed foods, eat unprocessed and natural foods, go to the gym (even if ur GL still go to the gym, its extremely good for mentally uncucking yourself if ur abused dog or some shit), and just be aware that your government (j*ws) are compulsive liars and are always against you.

you cant blame normies, this is the life they were forced upon, but yes if you are aware of the reality of the world and you are blackpilled, you can’t be pro-capitalist or pro-government for that matter. this entire reply would be water to 80% of normies if they weren’t so brainwashed tbh.

good post, i think i said “elites” a lot but i just didnt wanna use the term “j*w” too much cuz im getting tired of saying it so much JFL
  • +1
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I would upvote but I fucking hate retards who use big emboldened fonts for their entire post.
high iq, i enjoy talking about topics like these but unfortunately its not NT enough to be talked about in real life (by not NT enough i mean not lined up with the elite’s agenda) this post might be a little off topic from the thread at hand since this mainly post speaks about capitalism, but im here to talk about the government as a whole

i understand why this forum likes to express how much they hate normies, but the normie is not always at fault,

in today’s world (the west ESPECIALLY), everybody is extremely indoctrinated and we are forced to accept a set of beliefs and habits. this starts early in k-12 education where the youth’s minds are in rapid development. the job of the school system is to teach you only what the j*ws want you to know (math, science, any skillset that will make you a future wagecuck and make them richer), and not what you need to know. the school system was never about making you more sucessful. it has always been about making the top 0.005% elite more successful. all school is there for is making you a low iq conformist cuck. the school system is responsible for kids being so fucking obese and depressed nowadays. CHILDREN ARE NOT MEANT TO FUCKING ROT IN A CHAIR LISTENING TO SOMEONE WHO WORKS FOR THE J*WS TALK ALL DAY. this leads on perfectly to my next paragraph.

ALMOST ALL of the food we consume is poisoned to hell and back and i cannot state this enough. the reason obesity rates are at an all time high and testosterone rates in young men are at an all time low is because all we fucking consume is giga commercialized-ultra processed foods that have additives in them that aren’t even fit for human consumption. the foods we eat on a daily basis are PACKED with unnecessary amounts of salt, sugar, fats, additives, and endocrine disruptors. even the food that is advertised as “healthy” is still packed with these things, if not more. the reason why these foods are GIGA-advertised and they target these processed food items towards children specifically. the reason they advertise it towards children is because they are very vulnerable, and it is easy to get them hooked on something. their goal is also to sabotage the physical and mental development of the youth. if people grew up eating whole, natural, unprocessed foods, they would end up reaching their genetic peak. they would grow tall, have good bones, and be very decent to high iq, which is the COMPLETE opposite of what the elites want. they want ugly sub 5 low iq conforming wageslaves who will make them a penny richer. they want you to buy these products to make money and so you can be unhealthy, hence giving you health problems later in life so you can buy medicines from pharmaceutical companies which also contain poison. if ur atleast average iq you realize the food and pharmaceutical industry is completely owned and controlled by the elites and they work together.

the reason why the majority of people are bluepilled is because of our media, which is ALSO controlled by the elites. mainstream tv shows and movies are very anti-blackpill and make people think that personality and NT are the most crucial things to finding love. they make people think the content of your character is what matters most to make people not want to improve their physical attractiveness or work on themselves, hence making them delusional. they want normies to believe people aren’t very superficial. they also promote the idea of hard work can help you achieve anything so you can become the best wageslave possible. one part of media i would like to point out specifically is the porn industry. this is truly the lowest form of entertwinment. it makes men low T cuckolds and weakens them mentally which is also what the elites want.

you are under control the SECOND you are born. from what you eat, to the things you are taught, to the things you watch and listen to. all these things bring more influence to the top 0.005% and brings more and more division to the people. in the U.S specifically, they push the narrative that we have the most freedom out of anybody in the entire world, which is an utter j*wish lie they push on you to make you proud of your country. muh “land of the free home of the brave” literal cagefuel JFL. every single war fought in U.S history was to make the elites and politicians richer. it was never about muh “defending your country” muh “honorable service”. imagine getting drafted into the military and actually going JFL at the people during WW2 who didnt draft dodge tbh going to war is the most cucked shit you can ever do. JFL harder at the ones who lied about their age back then to enlist in the military to fight. war is all about population control and making the top 0.005% wealthier than they already are. they run your entire life and still manage to successfully push the idea on you that you are free and able to accomplish anything with a little hard work. as long as they can make you an indoctrinated , low iq, sub 5, wageslave they can do anything.

this goes back to the beginning of this post as to why i dont blame normies. they are all simply victims of the system and they don’t even know it. it feels good to at least be aware JFL. this is also why LDARing/NEET life is extremely mogger. it’s sad that all of our lives are a lie and to serve the best of the best and there’s nothing we can do about it so the best way to live life in my opinion is to DNR in school, maybe wagecuck a little bit (NEETmax immediately if given the opportunity), cope with video games and mainstream media if u want but don’t listen to any of the messages they try to convey, DO NOT consume goyslop or any ultra-processed foods, eat unprocessed and natural foods, go to the gym (even if ur GL still go to the gym, its extremely good for mentally uncucking yourself if ur abused dog or some shit), and just be aware that your government (j*ws) are compulsive liars and are always against you.

you cant blame normies, this is the life they were forced upon, but yes if you are aware of the reality of the world and you are blackpilled, you can’t be pro-capitalist or pro-government for that matter. this entire reply would be water to 80% of normies if they weren’t so brainwashed tbh.

good post, i think i said “elites” a lot but i just didnt wanna use the term “j*w” too much cuz im getting tired of saying it so much JFL
I disagree that it's just or even mostly the media.

Why are we here? We also grew up with the same education, media, etc, and while I wasn't equally as blackpilled in the past I could still always smell the bullshit because there were so many logical contradictions in it. Normies are mostly just stupid.
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Imagine thinking you're truly blackpilled but support an oligarchy like the U.S. hypercapitalist, pseudo-socio-capitalist economy with CONTROLLED markets; owned by 600 corporations that cooperate with all major banks, billionaires, CEOs, and Jew backed, enslaved, exploited workforce that get paid $15 an hour to work for TRILLION dollar making companies. You can't be all "genes determine all" then "pull yourself up by your bootstraps."

You can't combine "blackpilled" with "capitalist" because capitalism heavily drives accelerationism. You're either a stupid capitalist who's poor, or a rich elite who is self-preserving. Sure, there are "levels" to rich, but in general if you have amassed enough wealth for GENERATIONS then you clearly obtained it through exploitative means. Unless you believe you too will be an "elite" then why support a system that won't ever let you be this hypothetical figure you delusionally ascribe to yourself? You won't ever be "top G," idiot.

So unless your goal is to further destroy the world rather than to try and salvage some of it, then supporting full-force, modern take "hypercapitalism" is retarded and cannot align with rationality. You're either the winner or the loser -- there is no real inbetween here.

If you like "conservatives views" and "capitalism" then that concept is irrational when compared to the deeper, core tenets of the blackpill. Most "conservatives" are NOT blackpilled. Most blackpilled people usually are at odds with capitalism and MIGHT -- just MIGHT -- prefer something more akin to ANARCHO-CAPITALISM or ANARCHO-SOCIOCAPITALISM, or full on ANARCHY, but probably NOT any established form of "capitalism" we see today in massively unequal people like in U.S. for example.

You either support capitalism because you're a moron who thinks you're gonna be in that "elite class" one day (billionaires make up less than 0.005% of the population, so good luck with that lol). And it's the same for you 'tards who think you'll be a "millionaire through hard work." Yeah, I can surely say no, 99.99% of you here will never be millionaires even if you work hard from birth to death. So, be a moron supporting a system that fucks you, or be the elite fucking others through the system (which you know is virtually 100% certain will never be any one of you no matter what you do).
So with that said, how retarded are you feeling today?
Many "tOp G" niggas need to hear this
Always the Arabs and JeetJeetz too who fall for this :feelswat::feelswat::feelswat:
i can't wait for my socialized zygoma implants once the revolution happens.

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