You can't fully ever go mgtow or asexual just biologically.



gymcel or death
May 19, 2019
I'll clarify what I mean here mgtows want to forget about women and to leave them behind and do their own thing the problem is their biology no matter how much they want to forget about women that still comes to bite them back in the ass I mean humans are very hormonal animals we love to have sexual copulation it's a biological need as well as it raises test massively it is a very important factor in a healthy adult male or female.

The results of going mgtow is that your biology will always want the fastest way to help you reproduce, so you will start lusting after women again. This leads to a whole host of issues I've seen on YouTube, dudes claim to go mgtow but constantly talk about women 24/7.

Why does this happen ? Because your body literally wants to achieve homeostasis or a perfect regulation of its hormones, so it can go about living day to day in the most efficient process, sexual attraction is a major factor in that.

Unfortunately attraction is also intrinsically linked to your endocrine system specifically a ratio of test to estrogen. If you tank any 1 of these ratios, you will get severe health conditions in the long run. Tank estrogen, and you get Osteoporosis, neural decay, ED nuke test, and you get man tits, severe depression, more activation in the amygdala.

Biologically nature will not allow you to go mgtow because if you try your genes will induce lust and desire and if you try and inhibit the hormones your genes release you fuck up with the endocrine system which leads to serious health issues. I really didn't want to make a long as thread, but unfortunately when you have topics that are this complex you can't sum everything up in a few words.

@Seth Walsh

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If I recall correctly, 1 years ago orso. You was also pondering this matter, and wanting to nuked your desire for sex while staying all the same for the rest.
1 year later, imo, one is not even somewhat close to finding something to achieve this.
i would give up on this question and matter, if I was you. Time waister
If I recall correctly, 1 years ago orso. You was also pondering this matter, and wanting to nuked your desire for sex while staying all the same for the rest.
1 year later, imo, one is not even somewhat close to finding something to achieve this.
i would give up on this question and matter, if I was you. Time waister

What are you on about I've found it ages ago it's just the risk to reward is too risky I mean I have a doctor brother on hand to ask this shit he even directly told me nuking estrogen causes your bones to become brittle which doctors can't fix because we have no method of debrittilizing bones.

I know how sexual attraction works at a physiological level, but the issue is the endocrine system is so complex that fucking with it leads to a whole host of bad factors that we can't fix, or you can fix but will be very difficult, and you will feel like you're living in hell.

We can do these things now, but our general grasp of the endocrine systems' complexity is what stops me I'm way too low IQ for this shit, you need a fucking PhD to even try and put forward a solution.

I guess that's biology for you, if it was that easy then it wouldn't take a few million years to instill this into us humans just on a genetic level.
This, is just pleasing for us. And we gotta deal with it,

This, is just pleasing for us. And we gotta deal with it,

If I nuked my estrogen, she would not be appealing, it's not even ED is when you want to have sex but can't. I don't want to have sex, I don't even want to desire women at a biological level
MGTOW is a jewish psyop because jews don't want us to reproduce and have families. They want to destroy the traditional family unit. Our endocrine system is completely fucked and imbalanced due to microplastics and other endocrine disruptors in our food and every day products we use.
MGTOW is a jewish psyop because jews don't want us to reproduce and have families. They want to destroy the traditional family unit. Our endocrine system is completely fucked and imbalanced due to microplastics and other endocrine disruptors in our food and every day products we use.
going mgtow is only a good idea to do temporairily, because one has to overcome something in life and one needs to fix that first and overcome and ascend again.

going mgtow is only a good idea to do temporairily, because one has to overcome something in life and one needs to fix that first and overcome and ascend again.

Sure but you have late 20s and guys in their 30s even doing this bullshit when in reality they need to find a wife and settle down. Jews want you to be single into your 30s and not reproduce.
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Sure but you have late 20s and guys in their 30s even doing this bullshit when in reality they need to find a wife and settle down.
Needing to find a wife, settle down; is also a cope statement. Nothing Needs to be. One can choice.
Jews want you to be single into your 30s and not reproduce.
true. Age thingy is semi cope though, my older brother just had his 6th kid at age 45. So I call cope, on calling a dude game over in 20's or 30's for being able to make kids.
Needing to find a wife, settle down; is also a cope statement. Nothing Needs to be. One can choice.

true. Age thingy is semi cope though, my older brother just had his 6th kid at age 45. So I call cope, on calling a dude game over in 20's or 30's for being able to make kids.
It's not game over because we don't age the same as women but obviously it's ideal to have kids in your late 20s/30s in comparison to 45-50 years old for multiple reasons. The jews don't want you to have kids and a family, they want women to permanently ride the cock carousel and completely ruin their ability to pair bond which will lead to a divorce when they inevitably find beta bucks to settle down with in their 30s. The jew fears and despises men who marry and have kids within their own race and keep away from degeneracy.
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