You don't need to be a Chad to get a girlfriend and to marry her


Deleted member 1632

May 1, 2019
Just be normie tier without deformation.
All i see in real life is ethnics(who are 3 or 4 psl ) with stacys.
Chads are good to fuck one night but not for long term relationship.
Girls are insecure.
I'm a goodlooking buddyboyos as few people here(no bragging but that's true,even some people mog me here) and i had just one time a gf(no brag again) and she was shit compared to me,i mogged her to oblivion.
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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we already know, you made a smiliar thread
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You need to be a Chad to keep her so she would list for you, because sexual Attraction is the basis of relationships.
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You don't need to be chad - but it makes it so much easier

All i see in real life is ethnics(who are 3 or 4 psl ) with stacys.
I do not believe this for a second
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NT is really important. It can halo nonchads
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I do not believe this for a second
come to my natal country and be angry then, i mog 99/100 to oblivion, and they are with 5.5- 6 PSL wife
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All you need is 4psl nt and big dick.Nothing more
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So what. You’ll never get the one you desire the most because you’re not the selector of women.

Normie relationships are pathetic because they’re basically trying to lock down any pussy they can get
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You need to be a Chad to keep her so she would list for you, because sexual Attraction is the basis of relationships.
Yep it's why this ethnics are not confident about their relationship but in reality girls is secure so it will be a good relationship.
This was the way for most of history and even recent history (even as recent as 00s etc).

Shit is changing fast though due to social media (tinder/Instagram). hypergamy is increasing every year and even 2015 was different.

I’m in my mid 20s so I’ve been in the dating scene for almost 10 years so I’ve seen it change.

Maybe older posters can confirm.
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This was the way for most of history and even recent history (even as recent as 00s etc).

Shit is changing fast though due to social media (tinder/Instagram). hypergamy is increasing every year and even 2015 was different.

I’m in my mid 20s so I’ve been in the dating scene for almost 10 years so I’ve seen it change.

Maybe older posters can confirm.
it does have changed very hard you'r right.
and eastern will follow in less than 100 years.
it will then be truly over for 90/100 of men

but we'll be dead by then
it does have changed very hard you'r right.
and eastern will follow in less than 100 years.
it will then be truly over for 90/100 of men

but we'll be dead by then

This is why I want to create Blackpill island.
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This is why I want to create Blackpill island.
the process is Always the same with revolutionary ideas :
1. people will laugh at you
2. people will fear your idea and try to impeach it
3. they will accept it like it was absolute truth
the process is Always the same with revolutionary ideas :
1. people will laugh at you
2. people will fear your idea and try to impeach it
3. they will accept it like it was absolute truth

Prepared for the feminist/soy boy invasion attempt as part of Stage 2.
  • JFL
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AHHH so this is why women don't want to be in a relationship with me

It's because I'm a giga chad :lul: :lul:
  • JFL
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you made this thread to brag that u mogged your ex or what? jfl mods ban this blatantly bragging piece of shit who has bluepill in blood
  • JFL
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So what. You’ll never get the one you desire the most because you’re not the selector of women.

Normie relationships are pathetic because they’re basically trying to lock down any pussy they can get
obviously normies can get gfs, that's usually not even disputed here

like you said though, it's almost never a looksmatched relationship, because female SMV is so fucking high compared to male, even comparing a becky to a chadlite

@op, it's not about getting any gf, it's about getting a girl you want and will be happy and satisfied with while at the same time she's satisfied with you
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FUCK there was this post on //r/braincels that was a compilation of lifefuels which showed a bunch of ethnics and curries at around PSL 3-4 with a bunch of white PSL 6 - 6.5 but now that it got shut down we're fucked.

JFL reddit removed the only thing that could have kept a bunch of people from roping.

I'll try and see if I can find the link and put it in waybackmachine.
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You need to be a Chad to keep her so she would list for you, because sexual Attraction is the basis of relationships.
I would say comfort is the basis of a relationship not sexual attractive. Most long term couples I know both let their SMV go to shit. Its like they make an agreement with each other that they're done looking for other mates so therefore there's no reason to not get fat, go bald, etc.
What is the point of having a gf if you aren't good looking? She wont be as into you as you would like and the sex were she is interested is the best. Having a gf isn't a hardest part, having a enjoyable LTR is. The first rule of LTRs is: Be her best option at all time. So basically, you have to date 2 points below to achieve that state. If you are average, have fun with a below average women.
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What is the point of having a gf if you aren't good looking? She wont be as into you as you would like and the sex were she is interested is the best. Having a gf isn't a hardest part, having a enjoyable LTR is. The first rule of LTRs is: Be her best option at all time. So basically, you have to date 2 points below to achieve that state. If you are average, have fun with a below average women.

Tales from the basement
Just be normie tier without deformation.
All i see in real life is ethnics(who are 3 or 4 psl ) with stacys.
Chads are good to fuck one night but not for long term relationship.
Girls are insecure.
I'm a goodlooking buddyboyos as few people here(no bragging but that's true,even some people mog me here) and i had just one time a gf(no brag again) and she was shit compared to me,i mogged her to oblivion.
200 5
If a woman doesn't offer to at least blow you on the first date then she's not attracted to you physically and doesn't see you as a sexual man but at best as an asexual beta provider. Sex with you will always be an unpleasant chore for her and she won't let you do many things.

Things have gotten so fucked these days, that the only men who can truly dominate and control young (<25) 6+/10 women and their enormous toxic egos fed from their early teens on a non-stop diet of attention both on the street due to skimpy clothing and online due to social media are multi-millionaires and Chads.

If you're not a multi-millionaire or a Chad, you're destined to be the bitch/clown/jester/doormat/ATM in any relationship with a <25 6+/10 female.

The only other saving grace could be Chadlite + huge cock (minimum 7.5 inches). But once again that's still top 1% of the male population.

This is exactly why females have always been kept secluded and in check. Because otherwise they're validated from the age of 13 by hordes of thirsty cucks wherever they go for no reason whatsoever except tits and ass and their egos grow to astronomically toxic proportions and they simply become completely unmanageable for anyone who isn't a top 1% man. Thus society crumbles.

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