You Have to Be Breastfed and Chew Meat As a Kid To Grow Up Good Looking

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Dec 13, 2023
Maxilla = everything

The more forward grown your maxilla is, the further you’ll go in life.
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Maxilla = everything

The more forward grown your maxilla is, the further you’ll go in life.
cope. Amish and aboriginals still look like shit. Humans look far better now than they did 5 000 years ago. It's just genetics
cope. Amish and aboriginals still look like shit. Humans look far better now than they did 5 000 years ago. It's just genetics
If head and limb binding (wolffs law) works on babies, why wouldn’t proper posture and jaw muscles effect the skull?
i did this and im still recessed

my maxilla is forward grown though but thats just genetics
If head and limb binding (wolffs law) works on babies, why wouldn’t proper posture and jaw muscles effect the skull?
There is no relationship between mouth breathing and craniofacial development I don't see why posture would matter - your body still grows the same regardless of what position you put it in, the lenght of your mandible bone for example is coded in the DNA. I've heard that masseter muscles actually produce force that pulls your face downward and backwards so chewing itself is good but the resulting masseter hyperthrophy not really
There is no relationship between mouth breathing and craniofacial development I don't see why posture would matter - your body still grows the same regardless of what position you put it in, the lenght of your mandible bone for example is coded in the DNA. I've heard that masseter muscles actually produce force that pulls your face downward and backwards so chewing itself is good but the resulting masseter hyperthrophy not really
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There is no relationship between mouth breathing and craniofacial development I don't see why posture would matter - your body still grows the same regardless of what position you put it in, the lenght of your mandible bone for example is coded in the DNA. I've heard that masseter muscles actually produce force that pulls your face downward and backwards so chewing itself is good but the resulting masseter hyperthrophy not really
Posture matter
cope. Amish and aboriginals still look like shit. Humans look far better now than they did 5 000 years ago. It's just genetics
GIGA Cope, this is Skull Reconstruction of First Primal Human on Earth
First People Ate Raw meat which is very hard to chew which will train your jaw mucles, and if you do it from childhood your jaw and bone structure will be Hunter Like, plus first People on Earth lived in Clean Green Nature Environment, breathed clean air. Native Americans before white Europeans colonized America Also ate Raw meat, This is old photos of them
as You can see they have Outstanding Facial Bones and Forward Growth. Plus in 1800s Native Americans were Tallest Race on Earth. This is Study were they found Native Americans Skeletons
They fount Indians that were 6'4 heights, meanwhile in Average American height in 1800s was 5'6. In other words if you live like a Hunter you will look like a Hunter, you'll have Hunter Eyes, Hunter Jaw, hunter Bones. Humans are naturally Predators, however Nowadays they are Preys.
It Seems like Richard Ramirez has Dominant Native American DNA, that's why so many women were obsessed with him
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Studymoggs me. What do you think about mewing? Are there any studies to support it?

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There is no relationship between mouth breathing and craniofacial development I don't see why posture would matter - your body still grows the same regardless of what position you put it in, the lenght of your mandible bone for example is coded in the DNA. I've heard that masseter muscles actually produce force that pulls your face downward and backwards so chewing itself is good but the resulting masseter hyperthrophy not really
some people are simply ugly because of their genetics. and some people are so genetically superior that they will not be visibly affected by mouth breathing.

doesnt change the fact that mouth breathing is a maladaptive response to our modern problems such as forward head posture and allergies, and will be a significant impediment to healthy cranial development.

I have mouth breathed from 8-9 to 15. my facial structure deteriorated heavily. now i have been nose breathing and light mewing for 5-6 years and my face is almost as forward grown as it was when i was a child.

bad habits can ruin good genetics.
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GIGA Cope, this is Skull Reconstruction of First Primal Human on EarthView attachment 2626342 First People Ate Raw meat which is very hard to chew which will train your jaw mucles, and if you do it from childhood your jaw and bone structure will be Hunter Like, plus first People on Earth lived in Clean Green Nature Environment, breathed clean air. Native Americans before white Europeans colonized America Also ate Raw meat, This is old photos of themView attachment 2626344View attachment 2626346View attachment 2626349 as You can see they have Outstanding Facial Bones and Forward Growth. Plus in 1800s Native Americans were Tallest Race on Earth. This is Study were they found Native Americans Skeletons View attachment 2626353 They fount Indians that were 6'4 heights, meanwhile in Average American height in 1800s was 5'6. In other words if you live like a Hunter you will look like a Hunter, you'll have Hunter Eyes, Hunter Jaw, hunter Bones. Humans are naturally Predators, however Nowadays they are Preys. View attachment 2626359 It Seems like Richard Ramirez has Dominant Native American DNA, that's why so many women were obsessed with him
Bro in the last paragraph you literally admitted that it's all about DNA. Richard Ramirez had garbage diet and did drugs throughout his youth
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i think mewing is not what it is made out to be. it is presented as this some esoteric practice that will magically better your cranial structure in looksmaxxing communities. it is simply correct tongue posture that allows your face to reach its genetic potential.

it also allows better functioning of the jaws and airways. but if you were destined to be ugly, then you will be. nothing to fix it.
Studymoggs me. What do you think about mewing? Are there any studies to support it?
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Bro in the last paragraph you literally admitted that it's all about DNA. Richard Ramirez had garbage diet and did drugs throughout his youth
Your Way of living affects your DNA. If you will eat good, your child will inherit it later. Ramirez's Ancestors were Hunters and he inherited their Looks. Plus your Looks are just 80% DNA or Genetics and 20% how you live, expecially from childhood when your Growth spurts are open
epigenetics. your genome contains a wide array of genes that can be transcribed. how and which ones will be transcribed depends on so many outside stimulus. from embrionic stage to the end of formative years(19-20 for men).
Your Way of living affects your DNA. If you will eat good, your child will inherit it later. Ramirez's Ancestors were Hunters and he inherited their Looks. Plus your Looks are just 80% DNA or Genetics and 20% how you live, expecially from childhood when your Growth spurts are open
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Your Way of living affects your DNA. If you will eat good, your child will inherit it later. Ramirez's Ancestors were Hunters and he inherited their Looks.
Yes but what does that have to do with chewing ? African tribes that have subsisted on blood and milk (no chewing) have mogger bone structures. Slaves that have subsisted on tough bread degenerated further.
Raw meat which is very hard to chew
which will train your jaw mucles, and if you do it from childhood your jaw and bone structure will be Hunter Like,
Why would training muscle impact bones ?

It s all about nutrition affecting your DNA, not some dumb movement of your jaw.
Yes but what does that have to do with chewing ? African tribes that have subsisted on blood and milk (no chewing) have mogger bone structures. Slaves that have subsisted on tough bread degenerated further.


Why would training muscle impact bones ?

It s all about nutrition affecting your DNA, not some dumb movement of your jaw.
African hunt a lot and eat meat. Plus Natural selection, in Africa only Strong survive. And What Nope? Raw meat is hard to chew you retard. You have to put much force to bite piece of meat. Second sctrong muscles put pressure on Jaw bone Articular Cartilage which creates Endochondrial Ossification which creates New Bone. It's just like Many Basketball players who play basketball from Childhood grow to Freakingly Tall height.
African hunt a lot and eat meat.
No some tribes only subsist on their cows of whom they drink the blood and milk (they use cows as currency so they generally only eat them when they die of old age.) That s literally who I was talking about. I said "african tribes that" Meaning those african tribes.
Plus Natural selection, in Africa only Strong survive.
There s natural selection in small villages where they garbage and they don t end up looking developed like the pastoralist central and east african.
And What Nope? Raw meat is hard to chew you retard. You have to put much force to bite piece of meat.
Fat can be a bit hard sometimes but that s the case cooked or raw. Certain pieces of fat end up like chewing gum. And kids that grew up chewing gum don t end up psl gods lmao. They ll just have bloated masseters.
I wonder how often you eat raw meat if you think it s hard to chew. And you don t even chew it generally you just cut it with your teeth and then you swallow it. It s not some dry hard garbage like cooked meat that gets stuck in your throat.
Second strong muscles put pressure on Jaw bone Articular Cartilage which creates Endochondrial Ossification which creates New Bone.
I ll look into this.
It's just like Many Basketball players who play basketball from Childhood grow to Freakingly Tall height.
They started playing basketball because they were tall lmao no way you don t understand basic issues of correlation causation.
No some tribes only subsist on their cows of whom they drink the blood and milk (they use cows as currency so they generally only eat them when they die of old age.) That s literally who I was talking about. I said "african tribes that" Meaning those african tribes.

There s natural selection in small villages where they garbage and they don t end up looking developed like the pastoralist central and east african.

Fat can be a bit hard sometimes but that s the case cooked or raw. Certain pieces of fat end up like chewing gum. And kids that grew up chewing gum don t end up psl gods lmao. They ll just have bloated masseters.
I wonder how often you eat raw meat if you think it s hard to chew. And you don t even chew it generally you just cut it with your teeth and then you swallow it. It s not some dry hard garbage like cooked meat that gets stuck in your throat.

I ll look into this.

They started playing basketball because they were tall lmao no way you don t understand basic issues of correlation causation.
Chewing raw meat is hard, I don't know waht kind of delusion you are. our ancestors ate meat for hour on average. Second kids who chew gums, they chew 2-3 gums 1 time a day usually for small amount of time. You have to chew 20-30 gums in 1 session 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day. And you are not right that basketball were tall before that. Jumping and sprinting creates lots of stress on Legs and Spine, when your Growth Plates are open they really can make you taller. My Mother is 5'1 and Father is 5'9, however I managed to grow to 6'1 by playing Basketball although I started it quite late at 15 years old age. I have a friend his mother is 5'8 and father is 6'2 and he growed to nearly 7 foot, he played basketball from early childhood. So Cope
cope, but you are right about maxilla, never began for me
Chewing raw meat is hard, I don't know waht kind of delusion you are.
No it s not. You have zero idea what you re talking about. I do know what I m talking about.
our ancestors ate meat for hour on average.
Why do you believe that ?
you are not right that basketball were tall before that. Jumping and sprinting creates lots of stress on Legs and Spine,
Yeah so if anything that would stunt your growth.
when your Growth Plates are open they really can make you taller. My Mother is 5'1 and Father is 5'9, however I managed to grow to 6'1 by playing Basketball although I started it quite late at 15 years old age. I have a friend his mother is 5'8 and father is 6'2 and he growed to nearly 7 foot, he played basketball from early childhood.
I know people that didn t grow taller than their parents despite playing a shit load of basketball. So my anecdotal evidence cancels out yours.
What else would they eat then ?
they spent most of their time scavenging since the predators during that time were much larger. hunting was a team effort that sometimes took hours and a lot of energy. it why humans have such great stamina because early humans had to run so much to catch up to prey. most of the time early humans would stalk other predators until they got done with their meal and eat the leftovers like bone marrow.
No it s not. You have zero idea what you re talking about. I do know what I m talking about.

Why do you believe that ?

Yeah so if anything that would stunt your growth.

I know people that didn t grow taller than their parents despite playing a shit load of basketball. So my anecdotal evidence cancels out yours.
Yes it is, just try eating it instead of writing Autistic shit here.
This is the Evidence, this is Skull Reconstruction of First Primal Human on Earth. First People Ate Raw Meat, as Naturally Human are Predator Animals. Can you see him? How his Bone structure and Jaw is. Jumping and Sprinting stunts growth???? LMAOOOOOO you are Low IQ Down Syndrom Retard Kid. This is Olympic Jump Athlete Rustam Akhmedov, He was 5'5 at the Age of 15, also his parents were short 4'10 and 5'4. He started to jump, run, stretch and eat good food, and he grew upto 6'2, this is 9 inch Height Increase. So you are Destroyed Again. And those people you mentioned that didn't grow playing basketball, I'm pretty sure that if they didn't play basketball they'd be even shorter than they became after Basketball, and also they maybe ate shit food during puberty. Destroying another Cope is so Fun as hell LMAO
they spent most of their time scavenging since the predators during that time were much larger. hunting was a team effort that sometimes took hours and a lot of energy. it why humans have such great stamina because early humans had to run so much to catch up to prey. most of the time early humans would stalk other predators until they got done with their meal and eat the leftovers like bone marrow.
Yeah after checking definitions it seems that you re right and that bone marrow isn t meat since meat is flesh and flesh is the tissue that is on the bones, not within.
I thought you meant that they ate other things than animals, which is why I asked what else would they eat.
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meat was not a common meal then
What was Common meal lmao????? Humans just like Lions, Tigers and Wolfs hunted Animals. Keep In mind that Vegetbales didn't exist that time that it's Man Made thing just like Sugar and Alchohol
The article seems to be using old french units of measurement. So you need to add like 5 inches to get the heights in imperial. Meaning the europeans were 5'7, and the amerindians were like 6'2.
Yeah after checking definitions it seems that you re right and that bone marrow isn t meat since meat is flesh and flesh is the tissue that is on the bones, not within.
I thought you meant that they ate other things than animals, which is why I asked what else would they eat.
it wasn't the only thing eaten too.

tree bark was also quite commonly eaten as well as berries.
What was Common meal lmao????? Humans just like Lions, Tigers and Wolfs hunted Animals. Keep In mind that Vegetbales didn't exist that time that it's Man Made thing just like Sugar and Alchohol
humans did hunt but mostly scavenged at those times

having a full meal of meat was quite rare since it took so much effort and time.
What was Common meal lmao????? Humans just like Lions, Tigers and Wolfs hunted Animals. Keep In mind that Vegetbales didn't exist that time that it's Man Made thing just like Sugar and Alchohol
also jfl at comparing us to lions, tigers, and wolves. we have very different lifestyles even in the early days. the closest relative to out lifestyle would be the chimp.
humans did hunt but mostly scavenged at those times

having a full meal of meat was quite rare since it took so much effort and time.
Bone Meat is still meat and what?
Yes it is, just try eating it instead of writing Autistic shit here.
When I say "I do know what I m talking about" it implies that I do you absolute moron. I almost feel like you re trolling because there is no way someone would be that dumb. Now tell me. What cuts do you usually eat for you to say it s hard to chew ? I ve already given my opinion earlier :
Fat can be a bit hard sometimes but that s the case cooked or raw. Certain pieces of fat end up like chewing gum.
I m waiting for yours.
View attachment 2626623 This is the Evidence, this is Skull Reconstruction of First Primal Human on Earth. First People Ate Raw Meat,
I asked for evidence that humans chewed for 1 hour a day, which is what you ve previously stated. Try to think a little bit and analyse a minimum what I m saying ( I don t think that you re capable of that sadly).
How his Bone structure and Jaw is. Jumping and Sprinting stunts growth????
Jumping and sprinting uses up your growth hormone (which means the production of gh goes to your muscles). Growth hormone is need to grow bones.
This is Olympic Jump Athlete Rustam Akhmedov, He was 5'5 at the Age of 15, also his parents were short 4'10 and 5'4. He started to jump, run, stretch and eat good food, and he grew upto 6'2, this is 9 inch Height Increase. So you are Destroyed Again. And those people you mentioned that didn't grow playing basketball, I'm pretty sure that if they didn't play basketball they'd be even shorter than they became after Basketball, and also they maybe ate shit food during puberty. Destroying another Cope is so Fun as hell LMAO

His parents and especially grandparents were likely malnourished af. While he ate a lot of protein. His parents fed him a lot of meat instead of the grain they were eating growing up. That is a more logical explanation than what you re proposing.
also jfl at comparing us to lions, tigers, and wolves. we have very different lifestyles even in the early days. the closest relative to out lifestyle would be the chimp.
We have a stomach ph of 1.5. Chimps have like 4 or 5. How can you compare us to chimps wtf
When I say "I do know what I m talking about" it implies that I do you absolute moron. I almost feel like you re trolling because there is no way someone would be that dumb. Now tell me. What cuts do you usually eat for you to say it s hard to chew ? I ve already given my opinion earlier :

I m waiting for yours.

I asked for evidence that humans chewed for 1 hour a day, which is what you ve previously stated. Try to think a little bit and analyse a minimum what I m saying ( I don t think that you re capable of that sadly).

Jumping and sprinting uses up your growth hormone (which means the production of gh goes to your muscles). Growth hormone is need to grow bones.

His parents and especially grandparents were likely malnourished af. While he ate a lot of protein. His parents fed him a lot of meat instead of the grain they were eating growing up. That is a more logical explanation than what you re proposing.
Are you really so Retarded Autist???? You cut meat first than you Chew it. What an unbeliavable Down Syndrom. And All his family and realtives were short before them. And this video also has english subtitles. Lmao so Low IQ Retard. Growth Hormone Won't make shit if you don't make enough stress on your bones. This is Devon Larrat professional armwrestler, last 2 years he trained only his right arm, and it became longer by nearly an inch at 47 years old age. He made many microfractures by Armwrestling and training with weights. He sure used many HGH and steroids. But why his right arm appeared longer than his left? If he didn't train his hand they'd appear the same size. You apply microfractures and when they heal they became thicker. No matter how much Tons of HGH you'll take, without stress on your Bones you won't grow. Microfractures must be healed and become thicker, HGH just make this proceess faster
Are you really so Retarded Autist???? You cut meat first than you Chew it.
When I say what cuts it means what part, as in ribeye, sirloin,.... . Please try to have a basic grasp of the english language before attempting to argue in english online. You can also use the internet as an aid to translate.
What an unbeliavable Down Syndrom. And All his family and realtives were short before them.
Yes they were eating too little animal products while he and his parents likely ate a lot. I assume that his parents already had better nutrition, which lead to dna undegeneration that they passed down to their son. And their son then ate a lot of animal products, which made him tall.
And this video also has english subtitles. Lmao so Low IQ Retard. Growth Hormone Won't make shit if you don't make enough stress on your bones.
I was talking about natural growth that occurs when you re still developping.
This is Devon Larrat professional armwrestler, last 2 years he trained only his right arm, and it became longer by nearly an inch at 47 years old age. He made many microfractures by Armwrestling and training with weights. He sure used many HGH and steroids. But why his right arm appeared longer than his left? If he didn't train his hand they'd appear the same size. You apply microfractures and when they heal they became thicker. No matter how much Tons of HGH you'll take, without stress on your Bones you won't grow.

So according to you when children grow it s because of micro fractures ? When fetuses developp in the womb it s because of microfractures ? Like there some kind of creature in the woman s womb that hits the fetus legs with a hammer ?
it wasn't the only thing eaten too.

tree bark was also quite commonly eaten as well as berries.
Berries in summer sure but what about the rest of the year ?
Tree bark would be eaten if you were on the brink of starving to death I think lmao. Trapping fish in a stream seems like a better alternative tbh.
When I say what cuts it means what part, as in ribeye, sirloin,.... . Please try to have a basic grasp of the english language before attempting to argue in english online. You can also use the internet as an aid to translate.

Yes they were eating too little animal products while he and his parents likely ate a lot. I assume that his parents already had better nutrition, which lead to dna undegeneration that they passed down to their son. And their son then ate a lot of animal products, which made him tall.

I was talking about natural growth that occurs when you re still developping.

So according to you when children grow it s because of micro fractures ? When fetuses developp in the womb it s because of microfractures ? Like there some kind of creature in the woman s womb that hits the fetus legs with a hammer ?
He said all his Grandparents before Parents were short and in fact his Ethnicity Tatars are short Ethnicity. Do you really think what you are talking, you DOWN Retard. Do you really think if his parents ate bad food and he's gonna redicoulously outgrow them by 9-10 Inches just Eating Good Food??????? Lmaooooooo really can't stop Laughind at this Low IQ Down. There's Natural Height Growth and Height Growth while Applying Microfractures. Do you know what is Genetic potential?????? Genetics is Corridor, Your Height Corridor can be from 5'11-6'7 or 5'7-6'3. By doing Exercises you Outgrowing your Genetic Start and reaching to your Max Genetic Potential. This is Why you see Tennis Players have their dominant hand longer than their non dominant and other Athletes with other unhuman body proportiants.
I still can t get over how retarded you are. I was literally agreeing with you that Amerindians were a lot taller. You re just a joke honestly. Btw what s your niche "chadlite" ? 80 year old Chinese women ?
Hahahahahahahahhhahahahhahahhaahhaha My Niche Is long Hair, or correctly saying I'm Just growing it. Year Ago I had Long Hair upto my Shoulders and Stacylites and Stacies stared at me every time I walk. Plus dated High HTB-Stacylite, she's Nordic Blonde nearly my height, I'm 6'1.5, she was probably almost 6 feet. She was so obsessed with my Hair, she really had a thing to Guys with Long Hair. However still other women hated it, So this is probably a Nichemaxxing. I just strated grwoing it again
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He said all his Grandparents before Parents were short and in fact his Ethnicity Tatars are short Ethnicity. Do you really think what you are talking, you DOWN Retard. Do you really think if his parents ate bad food and he's gonna redicoulously outgrow them by 9-10 Inches just Eating Good Food??????? Lmaooooooo really can't stop Laughind at this Low IQ Down. There's Natural Height Growth and Height Growth while Applying Microfractures. Do you know what is Genetic potential?????? Genetics is Corridor, Your Height Corridor can be from 5'11-6'7 or 5'7-6'3. By doing Exercises you Outgrowing your Genetic Start and reaching to your Max Genetic Potential. This is Why you see Tennis Players have their dominant hand longer than their non dominant and other Athletes with other unhuman body proportiants.
Ok then give evidence that his father is his real father. Like a dna test would do.

Also I guess I have to ask again but what kind of raw meat do you generally eat ?I m curious because as I ve previously stated only fat (and certain cuts of muscle meat which are high in connective fibers and near fat) can be really tough to chew in my experience. So I wonder which cuts you re having so much trouble chewing. To the point where you think that humans in nature chew meat for 1 hour a day. And in any case if you were a good hunter in nature you would only eat organs. Which are obviously very easy to chew. (at least for liver I don t know about the others but I assume it s similar).
Hahahahahahahahhhahahahhahahhaahhaha My Niche Is long Hair, or correctly saying I'm Just growing it. Year Ago I had Long Hair upto my Shoulders and Stacylites and Stacies stared at me every time I walk.
Plus dated High HTB-Stacylite, she's Nordic Blonde nearly my height, I'm 6'1.5, she was probably almost 6 feet. She was so obsessed with my Hair, she really had a thing to Guys with Long Hair. However still other women hated it, So this is probably a Nichemaxxing. I just strated grwoing it again
Humans are supposed to have long hair I don t know how that's a niche.
Ok then give evidence that his father is his real father. Like a dna test would do.

Also I guess I have to ask again but what kind of raw meat do you generally eat ?I m curious because as I ve previously stated only fat (and certain cuts of muscle meat which are high in connective fibers and near fat) can be really tough to chew in my experience. So I wonder which cuts you re having so much trouble chewing. To the point where you think that humans in nature chew meat for 1 hour a day. And in any case if you were a good hunter in nature you would only eat organs. Which are obviously very easy to chew. (at least for liver I don t know about the others but I assume it s similar).
That Jokes about Fake Fathers, that Mothers hide who real fathers are So Hilarious Lmao. This is more like Schizophrenia. He was short at the age 15, usually all childron almost stop growing at this age, if they grow later it's not so much. Again 9 inch height leap after 15 it's Unbeliavable, it's not possible by just Natural Height Growth. He applied many stresses on his Bones and he grew by it. And he look like his Father, what is next? Also I'm 4 inch taller than My dad, but I'm Exact Face Copy like him, when everybody who knows him see me, emmedeatly ask me if I'm not his Son.
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Humans are supposed to have long hair I don t know how that's a niche.
I don't know some women really hated it especially my Mother and Grandmother. And some women really treated me as Sub5 but others as legit Chad. Some women said I should cut my hair, some said it was Beatiful and touched it every time. Also got approached few times. Women who hate long hairs are usually Traditional women, however you are right Naturally men is supposed to have long Hair. But still many women don't understand it

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