You need a bodycount of at least 10+ to be able to date as a man and shield yourself from female bullshit



Nov 26, 2021
Every once in a while I read about "trad" redpillers or even people on this forum claim that men don't need a high bodycount to be in a functioning LTR and that they can still be good men / lovers / husbands by working on themselves and "staying true to their moral code"


I used to think like these people because I had to cope with being a "half virgin", ie someone who can only get sex in LTRs and who at the age of 22 had a bodycount of 2.

It doesn't work that way. You need a lot of real life experience with women and their BS to be able to shield yourself from it. Just reading redpill content on the internet isn't going to cut it. Niggas read some redpill content from looksmax forums and other TRP communities and think they have women figured out because they can loosely explain how some evolutionary psychology adaptment works in them. No nigga you're going to get burned, and you're going to get burned hard.

It's like practicing fighting moves on a mannequin vs practicing them on a trained fighter.

I look back on my 1.5 year LTR and think, how the fuck did I let a lot of those things slide. How naive was I. It's because it was my second relationship (and second woman in bed) ever, the first one after my high school sweetheart. And I had no frame of reference for what was "normal" in a relationship and what wasn't, something that the witch greatly leveraged to her advantage.

You cannot afford your bodycount to be under 3/4 of hers, and the higher the ratio, the better.

She will not see you as a man if you haven't fucked many before her (and she will notice your lack of experience in bed anyway jfl) and if you don't have a lot of options ready to snatch you away from her. A man needs all the experience he can get. We don't live in the same world as our ancestors. It's futile to copy their actions when the game is under different rules now.

Every male under 30 should keep fucking as many girls as possible as one of their priorities. Not the main priority but high up there when it comes to importance.

Unlike women you can afford to put off marrying and having kids until you're 30+. Spend that time to hardmaxx everywhere and to gather as much experience with women as you can. No woman, whether she's 20 or 40, is going to brag to her friends about faithful billy beta who's only had two girls in his life before her.
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from the title i assumed it would be a funny shitpost but you're actually serious

dear god
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from the title i assumed it would be a funny shitpost but you're actually serious

dear god
Point out one wrong thing I said
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Legit, never LTR a female with a body count lower than yours. Use prostitutes if you have to.

My dream was always for me and my future wife to lose our virginities to each on our wedding night. I realized years ago that would be impossible.
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My ratio is 22:1
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My guy you can fuck 30+ women and she will still cheat. Having a high body count ensures nothing. Experience with relationships and big dick does.

Well keeping hoes around does feel like a form of insurance tbh.
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My guy you can fuck 30+ women and she will still cheat. Having a high body count ensures nothing. Experience with relationships does.
This the nigga that bitch stopped having sex in the middle cuz small dick xD
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Every once in a while I read about "trad" redpillers or even people on this forum claim that men don't need a high bodycount to be in a functioning LTR and that they can still be good men / lovers / husbands by working on themselves and "staying true to their moral code"


I used to think like these people because I had to cope with being a "half virgin", ie someone who can only get sex in LTRs and who at the age of 22 had a bodycount of 2.

It doesn't work that way. You need a lot of real life experience with women and their BS to be able to shield yourself from it. Just reading redpill content on the internet isn't going to cut it. Niggas read some redpill content from looksmax forums and other TRP communities and think they have women figured out because they can loosely explain how some evolutionary psychology adaptment works in them. No nigga you're going to get burned, and you're going to get burned hard.

It's like practicing fighting moves on a mannequin vs practicing them on a trained fighter.

I look back on my 1.5 year LTR and think, how the fuck did I let a lot of those things slide. How naive was I. It's because it was my second relationship (and second woman in bed) ever, the first one after my high school sweetheart. And I had no frame of reference for what was "normal" in a relationship and what wasn't, something that the witch greatly leveraged to her advantage.

You cannot afford your bodycount to be under 3/4 of hers, and the higher the ratio, the better.

She will not see you as a man if you haven't fucked many before her (and she will notice your lack of experience in bed anyway jfl) and if you don't have a lot of options ready to snatch you away from her. A man needs all the experience he can get. We don't live in the same world as our ancestors. It's futile to copy their actions when the game is under different rules now.

Every male under 30 should keep fucking as many girls as possible as one of their priorities. Not the main priority but high up there when it comes to importance.

Unlike women you can afford to put off marrying and having kids until you're 30+. Spend that time to hardmaxx everywhere and to gather as much experience with women as you can. No woman, whether she's 20 or 40, is going to brag to her friends about faithful billy beta who's only had two girls in his life before her.
even if you're in a LTR never stop flirting with girls you meet, or you'll have to start all over again as an autistic beta when the girl eventually breaks up with you. got to keep practicing the skills you've developed or you'll forget

(same goes for fucking if you're low-inhib and smart enough to not get caught)
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even if you're in a LTR never stop flirting with girls you meet, or you'll have to start all over again as an autistic beta when the girl eventually breaks up with you. got to keep the practicing the skills you've developed
yeah always have options available and let your girl know those options are there and are REAL.

as i've said before, in order to keep a girl,
having options and not cheating > cheating >>>>>>>>> not cheating because of a lack of options.
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dating is paying to be a betacuck. pay for pussy. females offer nothing unique or valuable other than pussy
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it's only true for sensitive men who get attached fast. oxytocin receptors sensitivity= love. Or as some like to call it- oneitis curse.
When you are attached no amount of red pill/info will be able to penetrate your brain while you are controlled by her pheromones. The more experience you get the less sensitive these receptors become giving you more leverage over your own brain.

if you are a guy who gets attached fast and experience oneitis towards every woman who showed you affection or whom you liked then yes- you absolutely should get laid with at least 5+ girls before entering ltr.
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What kinda shit did u put up with
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it's only true for sensitive men who get attached fast. oxytocin receptors sensitivity= love. Or as some like to call it- oneitis curse.
When you are attached no amount of red pill/info will be able to penetrate your brain while you are controlled by her pheromones. The more experience you get the less sensitive these receptors become giving you more leverage over your own brain.

if you are a guy who gets attached fast and experience oneitis towards every woman who showed you affection or whom you liked then yes- you absolutely should get laid with at least 5+ girls before entering ltr.
Do you think oxytocin receptor sensitivity is correlated with dick size/hormonal profile.
Do you think oxytocin receptor sensitivity is correlated with dick size/hormonal profile.
hard to say but I'm 99% sure it correlates with the hormonal profile. On 600 mg of test, I almost stopped feeling any attachment, Just pure lust which is actually healthy for most males.

I think in the red zone are guys with moderate and below levels of testosterone mixed with a shut-in lifestyle- where you don't interact with females and don't have any female friends. It's not a coincidence that you almost never hear the word oneitis from 40+ men, meanwhile tons of 16-28 struggle with this shit- simply just lack of experience- receptors are still fresh and get attached fast.
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What kinda shit did u put up with
consistent gaslighting

not questioning blatant lies, clinging onto the 1% possibility that she was telling the truth even though i knew she didn't

believing having sex only once a week is normal (after the breakup i found out she was telling her friends "i only let him have his two minutes of back and forth once a week because i was annoyed by his PE" JFL)

putting up with her subtle """playful""", as she called them, hurtful remarks that destroyed my self esteem during the 1.5 years i was with her

i had bad oneitis and almost no relationship experience at all so i had no idea what was "normal". this was in spite of me being "redpilled".

it's only true for sensitive men who get attached fast. oxytocin receptors sensitivity= love. Or as some like to call it- oneitis curse.
When you are attached no amount of red pill/info will be able to penetrate your brain while you are controlled by her pheromones. The more experience you get the less sensitive these receptors become giving you more leverage over your own brain.

this guy hit the nail on the head
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hard to say but I'm 99% sure it correlates with the hormonal profile. On 600 mg of test, I almost stopped feeling any attachment, Just pure lust which is actually healthy for most males.

I think in the red zone are guys with moderate and below levels of testosterone mixed with a shut-in lifestyle- where you don't interact with females and don't have any female friends. It's not a coincidence that you almost never hear the word oneitis from 40+ men, meanwhile tons of 16-28 struggle with this shit- simply just lack of experience- receptors are still fresh and get attached fast.
Yeah that describes me tbh. That’s kinda fucked though cause that feeling does feel good when it’s reciprocated, but in turn your hormonal profile makes you look like a bitch to her, causing her to leave. Whereas you can have a good hormonal profile, but be a natural giga-cheater, and in turn she will love you solely because you are physically ideal.

What a stupid, brutal world.
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consistent gaslighting

not questioning blatant lies, clinging onto the 1% possibility that she was telling the truth even though i knew she didn't

believing having sex only once a week is normal (after the breakup i found out she was telling her friends "i only let him have his two minutes of back and forth once a week because i was annoyed by his PE" JFL)

putting up with her subtle """playful""", as she called them, hurtful remarks that destroyed my self esteem during the 1.5 years i was with her

i had bad oneitis and almost no relationship experience at all so i had no idea what was "normal". this was in spite of me being "redpilled".

this guy hit the nail on the head
If u had higher SMV you wouldn’t be dealing with this KING :ogre:

Once a week sex is terrible tbh big red flsg
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Yeah that describes me tbh. That’s kinda fucked though cause that feeling does feel good when it’s reciprocated, but in turn your hormonal profile makes you look like a bitch to her, causing her to leave. Whereas you can have a good hormonal profile, but be a natural giga-cheater, and in turn she will love you solely because you are physically ideal.

What a stupid, brutal world.
It's a good feeling when reciprocated but from an evolution point, I think it's legit. When you are attached a female becomes the center of your world. you literally don't care about anything else. Meanwhile, your job as a male is to pursue something greater-your passion/career and ext. women are just a good bonus that helps you while you are on YOUR journey. But if you decide to focus purely on females it's like you go against your nature.

I think it becomes pretty evident especially when attachment affection starts to slowly fade- you are like how/why tf i was acting like this and that when I was supposed to do that and this.

in general, I think guys should not be angry with themselves- they should just acknowledge that this is purely a chemical mechanism and they should just cherish that experience. Just don't hide in your lair- continue to meet women and with time you will have full control over your brain.
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If u had higher SMV you wouldn’t be dealing with this KING :ogre:

Once a week sex is terrible tbh big red flsg
ye the bad sex was the biggest problem in our relationship. probably the catalyst for every other problem. i had a mix of ED / PE while being with her it was awful. I had fucked her back in 2018 a year before talking to her again and getting in a proper relationship and I had neither of those problems. My guess is, ever since the first time I had an ED episode I spiraled into panic mode and the few times I was able to keep a proper hard on, my brain would subconsciously tell my dick to cum before losing my erection. her reactions to it didn't help, she'd always get mad and insult me which made the mental anguish worse each time we did it again. fuck that girl tbh
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u wrote all that when all u need is looks to dominate any relationship. body count won't improve ur looks
ltr and 1.5 years. do you have any other jokes in your repertoire ?
I look back on my 1.5 year LTR
How do you get in a 1.5 year LTR? I have never spent more than 8 hours alone with a girl IRL in my life.

How do you keep interest for a year and a half, literally they all run to the next guy after sometimes a few seconds of being awkward
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How do you get in a 1.5 year LTR? I have never spent more than 8 hours alone with a girl IRL in my life.

How do you keep interest for a year and a half, literally they all run to the next guy after sometimes a few seconds of being awkward
You have to be good looking and NT.
You have to be good looking and NT.
I am neither

she did 99% cheat on me during that LTR though which was also long distance jfl, we only spent a total of about 5 or 6 months together IRL. so it is what it is
You have to be good looking and NT.

Cope this curry is 5"2 (shorter than the girl) and he has been in an LTR with this girl for like 2 years.
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I am neither

she did 99% cheat on me during that LTR though which was also long distance jfl, we only spent a total of about 5 or 6 months together IRL. so it is what it is
Yeah but how do you spend more than like 30 minutes alone with a girl in a room before it gets awkward. How do you wake up next to her? Live with her? Sleep with her? Travel and do things together? Like only you and her?!?!?

I can barely spend an hour alone with another guy friend 1 on 1 before it gets boring and awkward, how do you do that with a girl?!?!

My 1 on 1 irl social interaction is limited to literally 30 second encounters with people, I have NEVER in my life, had a long chat/hangout session (more than an hour or so) with someone 1 on 1 irl, only in a group setting have I hung out with people for a long time.

Am I just ultra retarded because even just a 2 week relationship feels like so much for me like 2 weeks, alone? with a girl? for 2 WHOLE WEEKS?? That's like 14 WHOLE DAYS what am I even supposed to do???
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I have no idea how much cold approaching I would need to do to get a laycount of 10.

Probably 10,000 cold approaches at least. Maybe less if I were willing to go slumming with landwhales and gigalandwhales.
  • Hmm...
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Cope this curry is 5"2 (shorter than the girl) and he has been in an LTR with this girl for like 2 years.

Lifefuel for @Preoximerianas, he must get noodle gf. (y)
  • JFL
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Lifefuel for @Preoximerianas, he must get noodle gf. (y)
I'm wondering how do you get a gf? How do you spend more than 5 hours around a girl without it being awkward?

Am I just super retarded to the point where I've never even hung out with friends 1 on 1 for more than a couple of hours before it gets weird.

Literally 80% of my social interactions irl 1 on 1 last for like 20 seconds then it gets awkward and I don't see them for a few days then it starts again.
  • JFL
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I have no idea how much cold approaching I would need to do to get a laycount of 10.

Probably 10,000 cold approaches at least. Maybe less if I were willing to go slumming with landwhales and gigalandwhales.
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Insanely brutal post

The Rock Clapping GIF

Cope this curry is 5"2 (shorter than the girl) and he has been in an LTR with this girl for like 2 years.

ltr for 2 years translates to betabux handbag future incel rinse victim getting cucked by chad unbeknownst to him
ltr for 2 years translates to betabux handbag future incel rinse victim getting cucked by chad unbeknownst to him
At least hes 5"2 and he's been having sex for the past year, there are guys who mog him haven't got a single lay in 5 years.
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Every once in a while I read about "trad" redpillers or even people on this forum claim that men don't need a high bodycount to be in a functioning LTR and that they can still be good men / lovers / husbands by working on themselves and "staying true to their moral code"


I used to think like these people because I had to cope with being a "half virgin", ie someone who can only get sex in LTRs and who at the age of 22 had a bodycount of 2.

It doesn't work that way. You need a lot of real life experience with women and their BS to be able to shield yourself from it. Just reading redpill content on the internet isn't going to cut it. Niggas read some redpill content from looksmax forums and other TRP communities and think they have women figured out because they can loosely explain how some evolutionary psychology adaptment works in them. No nigga you're going to get burned, and you're going to get burned hard.

It's like practicing fighting moves on a mannequin vs practicing them on a trained fighter.

I look back on my 1.5 year LTR and think, how the fuck did I let a lot of those things slide. How naive was I. It's because it was my second relationship (and second woman in bed) ever, the first one after my high school sweetheart. And I had no frame of reference for what was "normal" in a relationship and what wasn't, something that the witch greatly leveraged to her advantage.

You cannot afford your bodycount to be under 3/4 of hers, and the higher the ratio, the better.

She will not see you as a man if you haven't fucked many before her (and she will notice your lack of experience in bed anyway jfl) and if you don't have a lot of options ready to snatch you away from her. A man needs all the experience he can get. We don't live in the same world as our ancestors. It's futile to copy their actions when the game is under different rules now.

Every male under 30 should keep fucking as many girls as possible as one of their priorities. Not the main priority but high up there when it comes to importance.

Unlike women you can afford to put off marrying and having kids until you're 30+. Spend that time to hardmaxx everywhere and to gather as much experience with women as you can. No woman, whether she's 20 or 40, is going to brag to her friends about faithful billy beta who's only had two girls in his life before her.
You don't need experience in order to have an accurate frame of reference for what's normal. And a woman who brags about sex with her boyfriend/husband to her girlfriends is a wh*re to begin with. Lastly, just because something's normal doesn't mean it's something you should aspire to have for yourself.

Figure out what you want and what you don't want. If something doesn't feel right it's because it isn't right. You don't have to understand it right then and there but you can still act accordingly without knowing fully what it is. The key is making the decision, and fully understanding, that you will always be willing to walk away from any relationship you enter under the right curcumstance. With this understanding and the right principles (f*ck morality), you will naturally behave accordingly to any situation that comes your way.
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@subhuman incel ahahah. Look at this. That's what i am talking about
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Every once in a while I read about "trad" redpillers or even people on this forum claim that men don't need a high bodycount to be in a functioning LTR and that they can still be good men / lovers / husbands by working on themselves and "staying true to their moral code"


I used to think like these people because I had to cope with being a "half virgin", ie someone who can only get sex in LTRs and who at the age of 22 had a bodycount of 2.

It doesn't work that way. You need a lot of real life experience with women and their BS to be able to shield yourself from it. Just reading redpill content on the internet isn't going to cut it. Niggas read some redpill content from looksmax forums and other TRP communities and think they have women figured out because they can loosely explain how some evolutionary psychology adaptment works in them. No nigga you're going to get burned, and you're going to get burned hard.

It's like practicing fighting moves on a mannequin vs practicing them on a trained fighter.

I look back on my 1.5 year LTR and think, how the fuck did I let a lot of those things slide. How naive was I. It's because it was my second relationship (and second woman in bed) ever, the first one after my high school sweetheart. And I had no frame of reference for what was "normal" in a relationship and what wasn't, something that the witch greatly leveraged to her advantage.

You cannot afford your bodycount to be under 3/4 of hers, and the higher the ratio, the better.

She will not see you as a man if you haven't fucked many before her (and she will notice your lack of experience in bed anyway jfl) and if you don't have a lot of options ready to snatch you away from her. A man needs all the experience he can get. We don't live in the same world as our ancestors. It's futile to copy their actions when the game is under different rules now.

Every male under 30 should keep fucking as many girls as possible as one of their priorities. Not the main priority but high up there when it comes to importance.

Unlike women you can afford to put off marrying and having kids until you're 30+. Spend that time to hardmaxx everywhere and to gather as much experience with women as you can. No woman, whether she's 20 or 40, is going to brag to her friends about faithful billy beta who's only had two girls in his life before her.
I hate this gay planet
Virginity overflowing on this site
I'm wondering how do you get a gf? How do you spend more than 5 hours around a girl without it being awkward?

Am I just super retarded to the point where I've never even hung out with friends 1 on 1 for more than a couple of hours before it gets weird.

Literally 80% of my social interactions irl 1 on 1 last for like 20 seconds then it gets awkward and I don't see them for a few days then it starts again.

Start watching a YouTube channel called Charisma on Command, teaches people shit on interacting with other people. The kinda shit that they should have learned growing up but for some reason didn't. At least for me it helped to make conversations that I have with people longer and more interesting. Cause I legit had the same problem that you have rn, having no idea how to keep a conversation going for more than 10 minutes lmao.
I’m a Disney style nigga
Living a Disney style life
Fucking Disney princess pussy
That’s my wife
Every once in a while I read about "trad" redpillers or even people on this forum claim that men don't need a high bodycount to be in a functioning LTR and that they can still be good men / lovers / husbands by working on themselves and "staying true to their moral code"


I used to think like these people because I had to cope with being a "half virgin", ie someone who can only get sex in LTRs and who at the age of 22 had a bodycount of 2.

It doesn't work that way. You need a lot of real life experience with women and their BS to be able to shield yourself from it. Just reading redpill content on the internet isn't going to cut it. Niggas read some redpill content from looksmax forums and other TRP communities and think they have women figured out because they can loosely explain how some evolutionary psychology adaptment works in them. No nigga you're going to get burned, and you're going to get burned hard.

It's like practicing fighting moves on a mannequin vs practicing them on a trained fighter.

I look back on my 1.5 year LTR and think, how the fuck did I let a lot of those things slide. How naive was I. It's because it was my second relationship (and second woman in bed) ever, the first one after my high school sweetheart. And I had no frame of reference for what was "normal" in a relationship and what wasn't, something that the witch greatly leveraged to her advantage.

You cannot afford your bodycount to be under 3/4 of hers, and the higher the ratio, the better.

She will not see you as a man if you haven't fucked many before her (and she will notice your lack of experience in bed anyway jfl) and if you don't have a lot of options ready to snatch you away from her. A man needs all the experience he can get. We don't live in the same world as our ancestors. It's futile to copy their actions when the game is under different rules now.

Every male under 30 should keep fucking as many girls as possible as one of their priorities. Not the main priority but high up there when it comes to importance.

Unlike women you can afford to put off marrying and having kids until you're 30+. Spend that time to hardmaxx everywhere and to gather as much experience with women as you can. No woman, whether she's 20 or 40, is going to brag to her friends about faithful billy beta who's only had two girls in his life before her.
i think you should have a bodycount of 20+ to be safe.

Also i have 100+ but i think this is making me not being able to be in a monogamus relationship because i am so used to fucking new girls and i know how easy its for me to get laid
No woman, whether she's 20 or 40, is going to brag to her friends about faithful billy beta who's only had two girls in his life before her.
That women are fucking disgusting and the women who they brag to as well
I agree but at the same time, I know guys that had many relationships with girls and it still went south eventually. Your experience can help you filter out women but it doesn’t change her past trauma from all the guys she’s been with and society telling her to be a whore.
How the fuck do u guys even manage to feign being interested in what girls speak, most are then are vapid, and their personality consists of TikTok, Instagram, horoscope astrology shit, VSCO. I barely care about what my mom says? How do some of y'all have this talent?

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