Your an incel cause of your looks, nothing else



Aug 14, 2023
Sure if your actually mentally ill I get it, but your “non nt” because your ugly bro. It’s really that simple. You don’t have any mental illnesses or disabilities you were just ugly and got constant negative reinforcement which fucked up your brain chemistry.

Non nt = probably ugly anyway so cope all you want
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Im a mentalcel chad Im a mentalcel chad Im a mentalcel chad

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im an ugly subhuman
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I am high LTN/low MTN and diagnosed schizophrenic
Of course

Incels have to remember that the problem with the modern Western world is lookism, not thinking differently or having a different brain structure.
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Of course

Incels have to remember that the problem with the modern Western world is lookism, not thinking differently or having a different brain structure.
You are coping
Massive cope
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Of course

Incels have to remember that the problem with the modern Western world is lookism, not thinking differently or having a different brain structure.
Lookism causes people’s brain structure to be wired differently that’s what people don’t realize

Usually it’s not mental illness but negative reinforcement
Of course

Incels have to remember that the problem with the modern Western world is lookism, not thinking differently or having a different brain structure.
Its not just the western world though
Its not just the western world though

But extreme lookism emanates from the West and its mass media, we could even go back in history and affirm that lookism begins to gain relevance in Colonialist Europe of the 19th century.
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Users here all say their non nt despite no mental illness
True. It's weird when people try to act like this isn't a majority NT forum.
Sure if your actually mentally ill I get it, but your “non nt” because your ugly bro. It’s really that simple. You don’t have any mental illnesses or disabilities you were just ugly and got constant negative reinforcement which fucked up your brain chemistry.

Non nt = probably ugly anyway so cope all you want
why is this guy not an incel then? nor is he non nt

this guy aswell:

both not virgin, neurotypical and both have had girlfriends (not ugly girlfriends, they were pretty hot girls
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But extreme lookism emanates from the West and its mass media, we could even go back in history and affirm that lookism begins to gain relevance in Colonialist Europe of the 19th century.
True i also think the west produces more sub5s to say cause of our shit diets
Org users be like THEORY DEBUNKED

you did not disprove anything with this, just redirected
Sure if your actually mentally ill I get it, but your “non nt” because your ugly bro. It’s really that simple. You don’t have any mental illnesses or disabilities you were just ugly and got constant negative reinforcement which fucked up your brain chemistry.

Non nt = probably ugly anyway so cope all you want
water take
Sure if your actually mentally ill I get it, but your “non nt” because your ugly bro. It’s really that simple. You don’t have any mental illnesses or disabilities you were just ugly and got constant negative reinforcement which fucked up your brain chemistry.

Non nt = probably ugly anyway so cope all you want
i literally have autism bro. never had a friend in my life. but yea i still had gfs cuz im not ugly im MTN
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great i know multiple sub5 who have had girlfriends and are neurotypical
I know a guy bro, keep up with the I know a guy bro argument you double digit iq grey
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Of course

Incels have to remember that the problem with the modern Western world is lookism, not thinking differently or having a different brain structure.
"not thinking differently"

holy cope, we are going to kill you
I know a guy bro, keep up with the I know a guy bro argument you double digit iq grey
pipe down nigga dont mess with us greycels
Sure if your actually mentally ill I get it, but your “non nt” because your ugly bro. It’s really that simple. You don’t have any mental illnesses or disabilities you were just ugly and got constant negative reinforcement which fucked up your brain chemistry.

Non nt = probably ugly anyway so cope all you want
muh NT tho
muh NT tho
Actual autistis (not psl ones) would never find this forum as they wouldn’t give a fuck about social interactions or “how they are precived”
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Sure if your actually mentally ill I get it, but your “non nt” because your ugly bro. It’s really that simple. You don’t have any mental illnesses or disabilities you were just ugly and got constant negative reinforcement which fucked up your brain chemistry.

Non nt = probably ugly anyway so cope all you want
you consistently post ropefuel nigga try being positive for once bro😂
It's multifaceted
Actual autistis (not psl ones) would never find this forum as they wouldn’t give a fuck about social interactions or “how they are precived”
you dont know what that words means
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its all about looks
This is dependent on where you live, your flaws, your local environment ( city )

Some people have enough looks to date well but are anti-social with bad circles

Some people are just straight up ugly but still have a SO

Some people have both but suck at dating

Saying its one way or another is too one dimensional. Each individual has a nuanced case obviously
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Sure if your actually mentally ill I get it, but your “non nt” because your ugly bro. It’s really that simple. You don’t have any mental illnesses or disabilities you were just ugly and got constant negative reinforcement which fucked up your brain chemistry.

Non nt = probably ugly anyway so cope all you want
True, most “non NT” people here are actually just NT with negative reinforcement

And even those who are truly non nt get attention if they are gl (not even necessarily chad, just above avg)

Clavocular is a good example of someone on this forum, and since he at least has OK social skills, he can actually escalate (as long as ur non nonverbal or anything, you are good on this end)

That Opry lookalike from yt is some solid evidence that a gl guy will get attention no matter how non nt


I am diagnosed autistic myself and I have had attention from girls simply cause I’m alright looking
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This is dependent on where you live, your flaws, your local environment ( city )

Some people have enough looks to date well but are anti-social with bad circles

Some people are just straight up ugly but still have a SO

Some people have both but suck at dating

Saying its one way or another is too one dimensional. Each individual has a nuanced case obviously
Their could also be some guys that got introduced to the blackpill, actual like not bad looking guys but convinced their own self that they would never get a girl cause their some not 10/10 terrachad
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I was diagnosed at 8. But my issues from being non NT are far more than just women. If you only talk about your autism in terms of women then you’re just ugly I agree. My issues affect far more than that though.
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Sure if your actually mentally ill I get it, but your “non nt” because your ugly bro. It’s really that simple. You don’t have any mental illnesses or disabilities you were just ugly and got constant negative reinforcement which fucked up your brain chemistry.

Non nt = probably ugly anyway so cope all you want
Nt pill is law
Sure if your actually mentally ill I get it, but your “non nt” because your ugly bro. It’s really that simple. You don’t have any mental illnesses or disabilities you were just ugly and got constant negative reinforcement which fucked up your brain chemistry.

Non nt = probably ugly anyway so cope all you want
Virginity after 17/18 = looks issue

Lack of long term relations = nt issue
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Virginity after 17/18 = looks issue

Lack of long term relations = nt issue
It’s not that straightforward but makes sense
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I was diagnosed at 8. But my issues from being non NT are far more than just women. If you only talk about your autism in terms of women then you’re just ugly I agree. My issues affect far more than that though.
Same here, it had def impacted my socialization with women (and just people as a whole), but I have done pretty alright with them and have pretty good social status simply cause I look decent and am able to act at least somewhat normal
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Of course

Incels have to remember that the problem with the modern Western world is lookism, not thinking differently or having a different brain structure.
To me it's honestly absurd how people are still not able to comprehend that Jews have started to create random pathologies to justify normal human behaviour so they can profit off it.

"muh you don't have a shit life, it's just chemical in your brains acting, now get back to your cagie, wagie"
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To me it's honestly absurd how people are still not able to comprehend that Jews have started to create random pathologies to justify normal human behaviour so they can profit off it.

"muh you don't have a shit life, it's just chemical in your brains acting, now get back to your cagie, wagie"
“here take these pills bro”
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