Your parents don't give a shit about you

I believe autism is real
Your parents love is fake and conditional. They will turn on you if you betray their expectation of what they want you to be.

EDIT: For all you retards who are saying your parents care, try this experiment: Go to your parents and tell then everything that you know about the blackpill and that you think women are worthless whores with low IQ and that democracy is a piece of shit, and that the world would be a better place if it was ruled only by men. See how they will react. I once very mildly touched on the blackpill at the dinner table once while dining at my parents place and it literally ruined the entire dinner because my sister and mother became so salty (my sister outright stormed out of the dinner and my mother almost half-sobbingly said the dinner was ruined). And this mind you was despite me only LIGHTLY touching on the blackpill. I did not even touch on any of the hardcore stuff. My father also demanded that I said I was sorry and take back the things I said.

Up until that point I had always thought my mother loved me at least mostly unconditionally. She doesn't. She would 100% turn on me if I told her everything that I believe. So would all your "friends". You guys are not fully blackpilled if you think your family or friends would not turn on you just like all other normies.
If my parents really gave a shit about me they would've breastfed me longer and not let me starve on ritalin
Sorry bro my parents love me unconditionally
my parents tell me almost everyday that they don't care about me and that they regret having me

op is right

dn rd
Your parents love is fake and conditional. They will turn on you if you betray their expectation of what they want you to be.

EDIT: For all you retards who are saying your parents care, try this experiment: Go to your parents and tell then everything that you know about the blackpill and that you think women are worthless whores with low IQ and that democracy is a piece of shit, and that the world would be a better place if it was ruled only by men. See how they will react. I once very mildly touched on the blackpill at the dinner table once while dining at my parents place and it literally ruined the entire dinner because my sister and mother became so salty (my sister outright stormed out of the dinner and my mother almost half-sobbingly said the dinner was ruined). And this mind you was despite me only LIGHTLY touching on the blackpill. I did not even touch on any of the hardcore stuff. My father also demanded that I said I was sorry and take back the things I said.

Up until that point I had always thought my mother loved me at least mostly unconditionally. She doesn't. She would 100% turn on me if I told her everything that I believe. So would all your "friends". You guys are not fully blackpilled if you think your family or friends would not turn on you just like all other normies.
after spending all day talking about the looks theory and my surgeries, my parents have obliged me to visit a therapist
after spending all day talking about the looks theory and my surgeries, my parents have obliged me to visit a therapist
mirin signature
facts right there
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Yes they do.
Your parents love is fake and conditional. They will turn on you if you betray their expectation of what they want you to be.

EDIT: For all you retards who are saying your parents care, try this experiment: Go to your parents and tell then everything that you know about the blackpill and that you think women are worthless whores with low IQ and that democracy is a piece of shit, and that the world would be a better place if it was ruled only by men. See how they will react. I once very mildly touched on the blackpill at the dinner table once while dining at my parents place and it literally ruined the entire dinner because my sister and mother became so salty (my sister outright stormed out of the dinner and my mother almost half-sobbingly said the dinner was ruined). And this mind you was despite me only LIGHTLY touching on the blackpill. I did not even touch on any of the hardcore stuff. My father also demanded that I said I was sorry and take back the things I said.

Up until that point I had always thought my mother loved me at least mostly unconditionally. She doesn't. She would 100% turn on me if I told her everything that I believe. So would all your "friends". You guys are not fully blackpilled if you think your family or friends would not turn on you just like all other normies.
just because your mum doesnt love you fucking cunt. keep crying for me bitch
I mean i am blackpilled and i dont have those views you write but. But if i said it would still love me . When i was in my anti immigration phase my parents still lovr me and they are big feminists
I've finally accepted this blackpill
My father also demanded that I said I was sorry and take back the things I said.
Based protector of female harem asserting dominance on alt right twink.
Go to your parents and tell then everything that you know about the blackpill and that you think women are worthless whores with low IQ and that democracy is a piece of shit, and that the world would be a better place if it was ruled only by men.
good thing im not retarded enough to believe all this dumb shit lmfao
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wtf is wrong with some of you parents man

An actual real written Ritalincel comment that isn't just spam.
Exactly thats what i noticed for first this guy a spam bot or a real way he is real most likely a bot

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