The Old PSL saying about the UK being reverse Russia is actually legit



TFBEM is the Meta
Jul 12, 2019
In terms of coutries with the biggest looks imbalance across the genders
It's a common idea that Russia or other slav countries like Ukraine and Poland have a high percentage of beautiful women but a low percentage of attractive men.
The reason being that slavs tend to have forward maxillas but also short, non angular faces which look great on women but incompetant/infantile on men.

Since all of the Western (English Speaking) world comes primarily from British/Irish stock, the global media standard for whiteness among males comes from British/Irish phenotypes.
One of the traits common among these phenos, is narrowness of the face which is a double edged sword because it leads to both narrow palate, narrow jawed incels but also predator-like looks when the IPD is just right and the face has gotten rid of all infantile femininity.

I may be biased but I see the harmonious, prettyboy phenotype that comes from the British Isles as the ideal for sub Chad males
Yes Chads of all western nationalities mog obviously but they're so statistically rare that they're not impacting the average you see out on the street
Yes prettyboys in other mainland euro countries Ive been to look good as well, but in Europe you see guys with goofy eye areas, Haaland lips etc getting away with it because they compensate with bone mass whereas in UK it's like having a good eye area and no obscure facial ratios is the default point males start from.

This default starting point (that's necessary for anyone who steps outside their house in the UK for a considerable amount of time) is something that is present in the working class.
I have previously posted a theory which I consider an anecdotal debunking of the idea that low class or working class males are uglier than upper class males on average.
At the giga low end where entire estates are full of welfare recipient criminals yes they are uglier, but among average working class people you will arguably find the most harmonious males because the women are selecting for youth and attractiveness across a massive pool rather than wealth and establishedness from a small pool.

The UK is also insanely population dense with with cities of 1million inhabitants a brief train journey away and shitloads of big towns in between.
Legit just miles upon miles of housing estates.
This means that women's options are astronomical from a young age because they can pop out of the house for 15 minutes pretending to go to the shop but are instead being fucked, in rural areas the logistics just dont work the same.

Since foids have extreme level of choice (compared to rural dominated countries where girls are picking between 5 males their age)
within just a few generations the thing that women are selecting for (harmonious male faces) becomes more and more common in the population.
Similarly in population dense Netherlands, the women began selecting for tall males and within a couple of generations the height of males explodes.

I have a theory that in the UK working class, the foids have a more complete control over the mating game by comparison to other countries where the class system isn't evident among the general population.
The reason for this being that working class males have little to offer to women apart from their looks and behavior, with looks being a race to the top and behavior being a race to the bottom.
I notice among cultures where the man has some influence in dating market due to resources (rural males having land, middle-high class males having wealth/property) there is much more variance in the looks level of the men that get to reproduce, yet the girls end up better looking than low class girls because higher trust, more beta looking men often create more feminine daughters. This contributes to a shortage of feminine women in working class.

So in the UK working class, the men become better looking but the foids looks level remains the same (low quality) making male competition more difficult with each new generation.

But with UK women selecting the most harmonious males and leaving less attractive males without partners at a rapidly increasing rate, wouldn't that mean that the women in the UK increase in their average looks level as well?
No and the reason for this is because the features that make males attractive are not necessarily the features that make women attractive.
I am going to make the claim that UK foids have the worst maxillas among white women
But how can I make this claim, wouldn't this mean that UK men are ugly due to bad maxillas
Not necessarily because slav males aren't goodlooking solely due to good maxillas and you can have a case of:
Recessed maxilla mother (who doesn't pass the threshold to create female beauty)
reproduces with:
Slightly recessed maxilla father (who does pass the threshold to create male attractiveness since way he has a plethora of other halos)
and they have an unnatractive daughter by female beauty standards and decently attractive harmonious son by male beauty standards and the cycle continues

This is the reason why UK JB mog adult UK foids so hard, because maxilla matters way less when youre a teen and have the halo of full plump skin, but as soon as their skin and fatpads start aging and their utter lack of bone support becomes apparent they descend extremely rapidly.
There was literally a saying among British police to the parents of grooming gang victims which was: "If you just wait until she's 16 (the age of consent in UK) then they wont want her anymore."

So then does that mean that English males are descending rapidly too?
Yes on average they do, but they can hang on a lot longer due to other halos
Obviously there will be both foids and males in the UK with good maxillas who age well, but they are a rarity and because of this, the amount of demand placed on a normally developed foid in the UK who would be considered close to average in other countries will be insanely high.

Adding onto my earlier point (blending 2 draft threads together)
I'm sure we've all seen those example of a father with his daughters where the father looks like a nerd but his daughters are very beautiful, this serves as proof that any 4/10 male has the potential to create beautiful daughters hence why 4/10 males have LTR value, the only caveat to this is that the mothers are always European but not English. So many times you'll see a German or Scandi nerdy looking father with a decent looking euro wife and the daughters are flawless.
In UK, nerdy looking males are aggressively bred out of the gene pool which you might think would be a good thing but the nerdy males actually help keep a healthy balance of features in the next generation of daughters, so in the UK there is no chance for any super feminine submissive features having females to be born.

So in addition to recessed maxillas, what is it about UK foids faces that make them look so bad?
Recessed maxillas make asymmetry appear more apparent
The narrowness of the faces that I've spoken about being a double edged sword for men is a failo on british foids (some other nationality foids can pull it off)
The narrowness of the face is accompanied by narrow palates meaning shit smile regardless of how much they spend on veneers and shit lips due to narrow mouth regardless of how much lip filler they inject.
Two common phenos among UK foids with recessed maxillas are very short midfaces making them look like a pug or extra long midfaces accompanied by no chin.

Your face is a reflection of your personality
The two are almost indistuguishable in the majority of cases unless people make an extremely conscious effort to change it
I have a bulletproof anecdote of someone's behavior changing from surgery that changed their entire phenotype.
A person's "vibe" is really just how you think they will act based on their looks which is GIGA predictable, and even the margin where they dont act as you predict, your brain will still perceive them as acting how you expected them to. The point?

English foids have the worst personalities I've ever encountered and their faces unsurprisingly match their behavior
It's like they grow up disrespecting men straight out of the womb, British men are incredibly polite but they're so used to being treated like shit that their boundaries are fucking non existent, it will take too long if I go into the shit I seen on a brief visit but I just assume every english father acts like Paul Scholes biting their daughters toenails. Also a PSLer with a catfish foid insta trolled some clothes model with more tats than a mexican cartel member and basically insulted everything about him and rather than bite back he fucking tried justify his looks. English foids are pushing the boundaries to a level where they only way balance can be restored is by enforcing Sharia Law.

Gigastatus national hero multi millionaires (from the working class) let their daughters treat them like shit, imagine what the average broke working class male allows

One might ask if I categorized British and Irish males together as the phenotypes that are the standard for western whiteness, does this mean that Irish women are as unattractive facially as British women?

This is where I realized the distinct seperation in the gene pools only after I got to witness English people in the streets for the first time.
The phenomenon of harmonious males and unattractive females that I noticed in a northern working class city in England is actually quite similar to what I had been noticing in the most urban part of Ireland (Dublin) for the last number of years.

So they effectively operate under the same rules although the effect is only obvious in Dublin when you are observing the working class.
I remember walking around Dublin during summer lockdown when everyone was out drinking and pretty much every group of males were softmaxxed HTNs with some Chadlites whereas the foids rarely passed MTB and the foids are notorious for getting fat after 17 meaning all these harmonious resourceless males are fighting over fat MTBs.

The major difference between England and Ireland is that 83% of Englands population is urban while only 64% of Ireland's population is urban.
So 36% of Ireland's population is rural but considering the vast rural land mass it will feel like way more than that if you avoid a handful of cities.

This means that we have a large population where women aren't in complete control of the dating market and males actually hold some control due to land and farm inheretence which factor into a woman seeing a man as a good option and having his shit together.
Also there's much less males to pick from in the sparsely populated rural areas so there is less hypergamy and top tier men cant do as much damage in terms of hooking up with foids because they'll run out of foids to approach quickly and word will get around so they typically just partner up with a top tier foid early in their prime.
All of this means that monogomy is moreso the norm and normie males who may be beta or gooberish looking still have a good chance at reproducing which means there are less mogger males coming through in the next generation but more submissive, feminine females.

This will be an element of bias in rating Irish LTB/MTB higher than English LTB/MTB since I had my adolescence in Ireland when I found a much greater % of females attractive due to novelty however..
The difference between the recessed maxilla English foids and the recessed maxilla rural Irish foids is that I dont recognize the recessed maxilla Irish foids as being stuck up or entitled because they quickly learn their place growing up and tend to be feminine and submissive and upbeat.

Also Irish foids with small palates and a lack of forward growth just pull off the petite face look way better than English foids do.
Even though they can never compete with properly grown foids, their feminity halos them whereas the equivalently recessed English foid just has a sour pug look to them.

Rural Irish males are definitely carrying more deformities and obscure facial ratios than working class English males, yet this variance keeps a good balance in check where you have appealing foids and low-ish male looks competition.

Irish foids do receive a major halo from the excessive makeup they wear, but they can pull off the non primitive look without it albeit they're dropping 2 points, whereas average English foids like molly mae just like terrible with and without it. Keep in mind this woman makes millions per year off her looks in the UK




There are also a lot of Irish foids with insane eye color halo which Ive yet to see with English foids

The point of distinguishing was just to put into perspective just how shocked I was when I seen the lookslevel of the foids in England
Chadlites are genuinely competing to slay LTB and to LTR MTB, it is genuinely that bad.

Irish foids of HTB level+ do often have terrible attitudes but there's enough modesty among the MTB and LTB to slay a point below you, casual sex does actually go to the highest bidder making it a fair system if your looks level is HTN+ but in the UK there is literally no rhyme or reason to how slays come about.
The foids are so desensitized to Chadlites that they'll just reject Chadlites for an ego boost then fuck a MTN on a whim randomly, leaving the MTN with a glimmer of hope after he gets 1 club slay every 50 nights out. It truly is an absurd Island that should undoubtadly be nuked.
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uk women (and men tbh) really DO have a distinct inbred look

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Mirin autism.
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Congrats to anyone who manages to read the whole thread

Also, Sam Hyde's take on it

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Average UK friend group looks like this

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Agree but the higher class whites in London are moggers. The northern working class are ugly though.
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Anglo guys > Russian guys

Anglo girls < Russian women
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Reactions: T50 Mogger, Osman2793, GuyFromSingapore and 1 other person
very high iq read the whole thing. where r u from?

another reason why the uk is so toxic and ugly is the shit diets, lack of sunlight and alcohol drinking (many ppl drink starting at 13/14)

everyone in england hates life and eachother which is why they created the term banter

its also why they invaded other land, just like the dutch. they hate their own land.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: klamus, Chadethnic101, LooksOrDeath and 18 others
Impossible to read.

Class is more distinct in uk than rest of western world. So u get less transcendence of it, which makes people more inbred.

Working class people r ugly. So are rich people (in both cases 10% look decent), middle classes tend to be the better looking ones facially
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 6128, T50 Mogger, proxyy and 2 others
very high iq read the whole thing. where r u from?

another reason why the uk is so toxic and ugly is the shit diets, lack of sunlight and alcohol drinking (many ppl drink starting at 13/14)

everyone in england hates life and eachother which is why they created the term banter

its also why they invaded other land, just like the dutch. they hate their own land.
cheers, I'm from Ireland
Over the course of a few nights out in England I didn't get any negativity from the guys there except one faggot who jumped on the bandwagon with his foid friends making some comment when I was trying to NT pic maxx in public with barely anyone around.
I expected myself to be raging when things play out as I've been told about by English PSLers (like foids being cunts) but I wasn't even mad at any point, just relieved I never had to live there.
Do the Dutch hate their own land?
  • +1
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cheers, I'm from Ireland
Over the course of a few nights out in England I didn't get any negativity from the guys there except one faggot who jumped on the bandwagon with his foid friends making some comment when I was trying to NT pic maxx in public with barely anyone around.
I expected myself to be raging when things play out as I've been told about by English PSLers (like foids being cunts) but I wasn't even mad at any point, just relieved I never had to live there.
Do the Dutch hate their own land?
ye their weather is as bad as the uk. its why they explored the world so much
  • +1
Reactions: T50 Mogger
That was a great thread bro, sad to see the retarded zoomers from tiktok have zero attention span or blackpill knowledge and this thread didnโ€™t get nearly as much attention as it should.

Iโ€™ve noticed while swiping thousands of times in EE that the further east you go the men usually look shittier and foids better with some exceptions for the reasons u mentioned, it was also quite funny to me how most slavic mogger males had a weatern look with taller skulls and not aspie eyes.

One thing Iโ€™m gonna argue is that british men donโ€™t look that good either, though I could be wrong as Iโ€™ve never been to britain and just say this from what I saw in chad/beckyfishes. But the women really did look shittier than I thought they would (expected hot north atlandid foids only) and only saw looksminned girls from their retarded dyed hairs and fake tans.

Are british women that bad though? Some people say nordic foids are really masc in the behavior and that gender roles are the most reversed out there.
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Reactions: Deleted member, T50 Mogger, poopoohead and 3 others
That was a great thread bro, sad to see the retarded zoomers from tiktok have zero attention span or blackpill knowledge and this thread didnโ€™t get nearly as much attention as it should.

Iโ€™ve noticed while swiping thousands of times in EE that the further east you go the men usually look shittier and foids better with some exceptions for the reasons u mentioned, it was also quite funny to me how most slavic mogger males had a weatern look with taller skulls and not aspie eyes.

One thing Iโ€™m gonna argue is that british men donโ€™t look that good either, though I could be wrong as Iโ€™ve never been to britain and just say this from what I saw in chad/beckyfishes. But the women really did look shittier than I thought they would (expected hot north atlandid foids only) and only saw looksminned girls from their retarded dyed hairs and fake tans.

Are british women that bad though? Some people say nordic foids are really masc in the behavior and that gender roles are the most reversed out there.
Also. In my chadfishes, men in the NL region were the best looking ones
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That was a great thread bro, sad to see the retarded zoomers from tiktok have zero attention span or blackpill knowledge and this thread didnโ€™t get nearly as much attention as it should.

Iโ€™ve noticed while swiping thousands of times in EE that the further east you go the men usually look shittier and foids better with some exceptions for the reasons u mentioned, it was also quite funny to me how most slavic mogger males had a weatern look with taller skulls and not aspie eyes.

One thing Iโ€™m gonna argue is that british men donโ€™t look that good either, though I could be wrong as Iโ€™ve never been to britain and just say this from what I saw in chad/beckyfishes. But the women really did look shittier than I thought they would (expected hot north atlandid foids only) and only saw looksminned girls from their retarded dyed hairs and fake tans.
I may be exaggerating a bit or my perception may be skewed since I was on night outs which attracts higher looks guys, but any time I see a guy who I think has a properly formed face (no surgery benefit) and has a pheno that looks like he gets sex (no cuck resemalence) I register him as my competition regardless of his height, and I find these guys to be quite common

Are british women that bad though? Some people say nordic foids are really masc in the behavior and that gender roles are the most reversed out there.
My standards for women's faces are very high after years of PSL and getting slaying out of my system.
Something I should also note is that when I was in mainland europe, I seen a lot of plain, non looksmaxxed foids that I would never slay so maybe I was just registering them as invisible.

Whereas I may have been registering the English foids as unattractive because they are hard to miss with their heavy cosmetics use.
Mainland Europe has some foids who look elite without makeup though even in areas where the average is giga plain.

Also. In my chadfishes, men in the NL region were the best looking ones
Yeah this may well be the case. I would say they mog UK males on average when you factor in body size
The issue with the UK though is that the 5'8 guys with decent faces have just as much chance of slaying so it feels like every guy is your competition.
I may also have some pheno bias, recognizing guys who look like better versions of myself as being moggers while showing less appreciation for equal euro moggers with different pheno
I recognized a lot of Dutch Chadlites at a dance music event before

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Reactions: Orvka381, GuyFromSingapore and Acne Victim
I may be exaggerating a bit or my perception may be skewed since I was on night outs which attracts higher looks guys, but any time I see a guy who I think has a properly formed face (no surgery benefit) and has a pheno that looks like he gets sex (no cuck resemalence) I register him as my competition regardless of his height, and I find these guys to be quite common

My standards for women's faces are very high after years of PSL and getting slaying out of my system.
Something I should also note is that when I was in mainland europe, I seen a lot of plain, non looksmaxxed foids that I would never slay so maybe I was just registering them as invisible.

Whereas I may have been registering the English foids as unattractive because they are hard to miss with their heavy cosmetics use.
Mainland Europe has some foids who look elite without makeup though even in areas where the average is giga plain.

Yeah this may well be the case. I would say they mog UK males on average when you factor in body size
The issue with the UK though is that the 5'8 guys with decent faces have just as much chance of slaying so it feels like every guy is your competition.
I may also have some pheno bias, recognizing guys who look like better versions of myself as being moggers while showing less appreciation for equal euro moggers with different pheno
I recognized a lot of Dutch Chadlites at a dance music event before

Interesting observations. Btw, since you mentioned the topic - do you feel like there is big differences on the levels of importance of height depending on the country? As in anglo and scandi countries are more โ€œheight obsessedโ€ whereas other euros are more face/body focused.
  • +1
Reactions: T50 Mogger and poopoohead
Interesting observations. Btw, since you mentioned the topic - do you feel like there is big differences on the levels of importance of height depending on the country? As in anglo and scandi countries are more โ€œheight obsessedโ€ whereas other euros are more face/body focused.
I would say in the majority of England and the Urban low class parts of Ireland, face and behavior is everything.
I will simply never be able to behave in a way that would allow me to outcompete a 5'8 guy who grew up in those environments and passes the face threshold.

In rural Ireland height and body size matters and the face threshold is lower, this is how I have so many slays

I don't have that much knowledge on middle/upper class England but I assume height has a bit more importance than the lower class

In theory, Netherlands is the one true height obsessed country since the foids choose to have children with taller men
Although foids may be willing to sacrifice on height to just pick the guys with best looking faces when it comes to who they fuck from tinder.
America seems to be the most height obsessed country in terms of praising height but they remain short whereas Dutch just accept tallness as normal

I cant say much about Nordic countries but I assume they place more importance on it than low class UK/Ireland but I would say meeting foids there is heavily connections and social circle based, maybe the same can be said for a lot of mainland europe.
Sub Chad would seem like nightmare mode on tinder and in clubs in Sweden particularly

I feel like Germany may have a good mix of valuing perceived positive genes (IQ,Height) but not being giga elitist.
However this is a pure assumption on my part based on its neighbours and I'm aware Germany is vast
Threads like this are an attempt to get to the bottom of what the culture and potential dating game is like in every country based on the traits of the person trying to date there
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Reactions: klamus, Sanguinius, Deleted member 6128 and 3 others
very high iq read the whole thing. where r u from?

another reason why the uk is so toxic and ugly is the shit diets, lack of sunlight and alcohol drinking (many ppl drink starting at 13/14)

everyone in england hates life and eachother which is why they created the term banter

its also why they invaded other land, just like the dutch. they hate their own land.
We invaded to escape the shithole known as Britshitland. And yes we gain happyness mocking eachother because we all know we were cursed by god to be born in this shirhole of an island when we could have been born American
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fuckkkk i always wanted to go to the uk, but this thread has me second guessing that desire.
The "X country has such hot women but such ugly men" has always been pure, absolute cope from retarded coomers.
Slavic women are just like every other white woman, they are just skinny on average because they are poor.
Russian, Ukrainian, Polish roasties are exactly like every other ethnicity

Slavic men are beautiful, some of the most attractive men in the world are Slavic. It's just growing poor and not investing in looks that often causes automatic looksmins and them not taking care of their looks because they don't have the time or privilege
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Richard Cheese, jrdanmaxxing, blackout_96_ and 7 others
My family is all english and scottish and we are wide as all hell. anglos are pretty brachy not prettyboy
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I would say in the majority of England and the Urban low class parts of Ireland, face and behavior is everything.
I will simply never be able to behave in a way that would allow me to outcompete a 5'8 guy who grew up in those environments and passes the face threshold.

In rural Ireland height and body size matters and the face threshold is lower, this is how I have so many slays

I don't have that much knowledge on middle/upper class England but I assume height has a bit more importance than the lower class

In theory, Netherlands is the one true height obsessed country since the foids choose to have children with taller men
Although foids may be willing to sacrifice on height to just pick the guys with best looking faces when it comes to who they fuck from tinder.
America seems to be the most height obsessed country in terms of praising height but they remain short whereas Dutch just accept tallness as normal

I cant say much about Nordic countries but I assume they place more importance on it than low class UK/Ireland but I would say meeting foids there is heavily connections and social circle based, maybe the same can be said for a lot of mainland europe.
Sub Chad would seem like nightmare mode on tinder and in clubs in Sweden particularly

I feel like Germany may have a good mix of valuing perceived positive genes (IQ,Height) but not being giga elitist.
However this is a pure assumption on my part based on its neighbours and I'm aware Germany is vast
Threads like this are an attempt to get to the bottom of what the culture and potential dating game is like in every country based on the traits of the person trying to date there
Itโ€™s nice to see this coming from someone who is tall and at the other end of the perspective when it comes to womenโ€™s dating preferences. Personallu, the only thing I will be in theory able to rely on when geomaxxing and picking locations to try dating at is phenotype/ethnicity (light med pheno) and after all my surgeries face (hopefully), but not height as Iโ€™m 5โ€™9 and not getting LL in the near future at least, so the places you would rather be in are probably the opposite most often than not to where I would.

The NL height thing is really interesting. A lot of people will say itโ€™s because of sexual selection, which could also explain why the dutch are good looking - but then how would that apply to countries where both women and men are ugly but 6โ€™0+ on average like some balkans are?

About americans, theyโ€™re 5โ€™9 on average, but lie so much about height that their foids think they are 6โ€™0 on average. Crazy shit lmao, at 6โ€™4 you could larp 200cm there easily

Where do u find most success in? And what environments? I notice height on apps like tinder really doesnโ€™t make as big of a difference as I thought it would.
  • +1
Reactions: T50 Mogger and bug_eye_blackcel
The "X country has such hot women but such ugly men" has always been pure, absolute cope from retarded coomers.
Slavic women are just like every other white woman, they are just skinny on average because they are poor.
Russian, Ukrainian, Polish roasties are exactly like every other ethnicity

Slavic men are beautiful, some of the most attractive men in the world are Slavic. It's just growing poor and not investing in looks that often causes automatic looksmins and them not taking care of their looks because they don't have the time or privilege
Itโ€™s not cope. Just ran a chadfish and beckyfish yourself. Tired of slavcels saying this when itโ€™s obviously not the case, northwestern european men mog hard.

Also there are only a few male models from slavlands while so many female models, donโ€™t bring up chico as he is mixed with german and portuguese
  • +1
Reactions: Sanguinius, T50 Mogger, GuyFromSingapore and 1 other person
Itโ€™s not cope. Just ran a chadfish and beckyfish yourself. Tired of slavcels saying this when itโ€™s obviously not the case, northwestern european men mog hard.

Also there are only a few male models from slavlands while so many female models, donโ€™t bring up chico as he is mixed with german and portuguese
Blud really tried to compare the SMV of a woman vs that of a man...
Blud really tried to compare the SMV of a woman vs that of a man...
No? Where did I do this? Relative to their total populations there are just so many more female models in slav lands than male models when compared to other white countries.
  • +1
Reactions: Sanguinius
No? Where did I do this? Relative to their total populations there are just so many more female models in slav lands than male models when compared to other white countries.
That's because Slavic countries have a monopoly on female models that is rooted in history. Not because they are more attractive, but because these poor white women are perfectly poor and skinny enough that you can hang clothes on them no problem

The disparity of looks between Slavic men and women isn't about genetics, but culture and upbringing. Also by the requirements of female beauty standards vs male's
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That's because Slavic countries have a monopoly on female models that is rooted in history. Not because they are more attractive, but because these poor white women are perfectly poor and skinny enough that you can hang clothes on them no problem
You could make the same argument for other countries too tho. Still, it doesnโ€™t automatically proves wrong what I said.
The disparity of looks between Slavic men and women isn't about genetics, but culture and upbringing. Also by the requirements of female beauty standards vs male's
Not necessarily, there are some traits that generally just look better in women. Plus even if they were genetically at the same tier as other white men, but are looksminned, then it would automatically mean their SMV is lower and that they have almost ethnic failo. Is that what you mean?
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Reactions: GuyFromSingapore
You could make the same argument for other countries too tho. Still, it doesnโ€™t automatically proves wrong what I said.
It does though. Lots of models are from impoverished 3rd world shitholes. So many Thai, Vietnamese and Filipina women are models and it's not because SEA monkeys are better looking than Koreans or Japanese
Not necessarily, there are some traits that generally just look better in women. Plus even if they were genetically at the same tier as other white men, but are looksminned, then it would automatically mean their SMV is lower and that they have almost ethnic failo. Is that what you mean?
Everyone is looksmaxxxed or minned in some ways due to either ethnicity or stereotype halo.
I've seen white women praise completely average and below average Italian men just because they are Italian.
I've made various threads about this.
Same has how Korean men have had high SMV due to Kpop but they look exactly the same as Chinese and Japanese men.

Slavic man is negative halo, but Slavics mog us Meds (lookswise) in every single way. Both men and women.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Richard Cheese and GuyFromSingapore
Itโ€™s not cope. Just ran a chadfish and beckyfish yourself. Tired of slavcels saying this when itโ€™s obviously not the case, northwestern european men mog hard.

Also there are only a few male models from slavlands while so many female models, donโ€™t bring up chico as he is mixed with german and portuguese
Tinder culture isnt big in ee and other dating platforms like dayvinchik and badoo are more popular. Also why tinder in russia if every ivan can get really gl women outside the capital cities?
  • +1
Reactions: GuyFromSingapore
Itโ€™s nice to see this coming from someone who is tall and at the other end of the perspective when it comes to womenโ€™s dating preferences. Personallu, the only thing I will be in theory able to rely on when geomaxxing and picking locations to try dating at is phenotype/ethnicity (light med pheno) and after all my surgeries face (hopefully), but not height as Iโ€™m 5โ€™9 and not getting LL in the near future at least, so the places you would rather be in are probably the opposite most often than not to where I would.

The NL height thing is really interesting. A lot of people will say itโ€™s because of sexual selection, which could also explain why the dutch are good looking - but then how would that apply to countries where both women and men are ugly but 6โ€™0+ on average like some balkans are?

About americans, theyโ€™re 5โ€™9 on average, but lie so much about height that their foids think they are 6โ€™0 on average. Crazy shit lmao, at 6โ€™4 you could larp 200cm there easily

Where do u find most success in? And what environments? I notice height on apps like tinder really doesnโ€™t make as big of a difference as I thought it would.
What country are you in now?
You may be able to run med game in some lighter euro countries but I'd avoid netherlands just for sanity of avoiding the mog

Most of my success came from repeatedly going to one nightclub that was specifically for my kind of people
Slays built up over the years in various other venues then in terms of online dating I had by far the most success on tinder
I just recently got new NT pics which is something I never had before. I was living off shitty selfie and gymcel mirror pics and one club pic for ages but they got me slays back in the day.
  • +1
Reactions: GuyFromSingapore and Acne Victim
fuckkkk i always wanted to go to the uk, but this thread has me second guessing that desire.
why the fuck would u want to go uk
  • JFL
Reactions: LampPostPrime
I like how slavic men look.
  • +1
Reactions: steroids and LampPostPrime
There are also a lot of Irish foids with insane eye color halo which Ive yet to see with English foids
This is insanely true tbh

When I was in Crete there were a lot of irish tourists and some of the girls had unbelievable eye color halo

My gf and her sisters are all half irish half british, two of them also has insane eye color/hair contrast halo too
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: T50 Mogger, poopoohead, GuyFromSingapore and 2 others
That's because Slavic countries have a monopoly on female models that is rooted in history. Not because they are more attractive, but because these poor white women are perfectly poor and skinny enough that you can hang clothes on them no problem

The disparity of looks between Slavic men and women isn't about genetics, but culture and upbringing. Also by the requirements of female beauty standards vs male's

Slavic men often get brutally destroyed by norwood
A member of PSL who had insane forward growth when he joined as a teen was ridiculed for having a rodent pheno due to all the growth going forward but leaving no chin or ramus height. He came back recently and hairline is fucked.

This is a caricature of what extreme slav-ness looks like (not morphed)


Mirco Cro Crop in his prime with no chin height

Slavic foids fit my personal taste because I value maxilla projection highly and like a small chin with relatively longer midface since my face is the opposite in terms of growth.
I am sure there's lots of women in slavic countries who dont have those traits but the stereotypical slav foid pheno which I consider as the dominant pheno and my mental image for slav foids is the one I described

Because their faces aren't flat their women age well, mother looks good here and non skinny slavs foids always seem to have massive tits

Brits and gingers have afro ancestry thet just look like nigger albinos with white skin
  • JFL
Reactions: Tenshi, bug_eye_blackcel and LampPostPrime
Tinder culture isnt big in ee and other dating platforms like dayvinchik and badoo are more popular. Also why tinder in russia if every ivan can get really gl women outside the capital cities?
Iโ€™m not talking about russia but other EE countries where that isnโ€™t true really. And I could try these in the future with a beckyfish but I doubt there will be a big difference
Europe as a continent has its wonders
Slavs with beautiful female and ogre male populations
Celto-Germanics with the exact opposite phenomenon

And the moment you step below the Alps you see the true moggers that created this continents identity
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer, GuyFromSingapore and LampPostPrime
It does though. Lots of models are from impoverished 3rd world shitholes. So many Thai, Vietnamese and Filipina women are models and it's not because SEA monkeys are better looking than Koreans or Japanese

Everyone is looksmaxxxed or minned in some ways due to either ethnicity or stereotype halo.
I've seen white women praise completely average and below average Italian men just because they are Italian.
I've made various threads about this.
Same has how Korean men have had high SMV due to Kpop but they look exactly the same as Chinese and Japanese men.

Slavic man is negative halo, but Slavics mog us Meds (lookswise) in every single way. Both men and women.
I can tell japanese often because of the pseudo Caucasian jomon look
The "X country has such hot women but such ugly men" has always been pure, absolute cope from retarded coomers.
Slavic women are just like every other white woman, they are just skinny on average because they are poor.
Russian, Ukrainian, Polish roasties are exactly like every other ethnicity

Slavic men are beautiful, some of the most attractive men in the world are Slavic. It's just growing poor and not investing in looks that often causes automatic looksmins and them not taking care of their looks because they don't have the time or privilege
Nigga wat its so easy to tell slavic female pheno
slavs always have some feature that is too developed compared to the rest of the face, specifically slavic men
  • +1
Reactions: GuyFromSingapore and 6ft4
Feels good to be Scottish right now, don't include us with the United Kingdom, we know you're talking about England when insulting the Brits.


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  • JFL
Reactions: GuyFromSingapore and 6ft4
too long didn't read
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Manletmachine and GuyFromSingapore
Read every word op
Huge suifuel
Males are all moggers here jfl
Most non-ethnics and even some ethnics are tall with good eye areas (i have neither)
I was born and it was over
Subhuman eye area, shitty pheno, bones and colouring
Right into the middle of a turbo-charged hypergamous society full of ugly foids
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: GuyFromSingapore and 6ft4
Can confirm this to be true. English girls for whatever reason are lower in looks.
Good read. Thanks for writing.
  • +1
Reactions: GuyFromSingapore and 6ft4

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