High IQ steroid guide - Low Effort

Estrogen closes plate closure
Testosterone increases estrogen
AI supress estrogen
How much does AI supress estrogen? Is it to the significant point that it becomes effective? source for that too?
Which is best to achieve Connor Murphy s ripped lean physique on Omegle ?
How much does AI supress estrogen? Is it to the significant point that it becomes effective? source for that too?
Ok i gotchu with sources 1 sex but yes they do
So lemme explain to u azonin pooks
8-20 range is ideal e2 range outside of that plate closure happens inside its slowed down significantly

Now 90%+ IS WAYY TO HIGH these r done at higher doses than u should take

Which is best to achieve Connor Murphy s ripped lean physique on Omegle ?

Im actually not good with telling u this part since i have a very bad vision on muscles as this is purely a mental genetic thing not a knowledable thing im really bad with this ;(

But u should just do testosterone + anavar and ull likely get any physique u want, main differentiator wouldnt be what u take but how u train, ud have to train specific things more or less to achieve a goal physique
Im actually not good with telling u this part since i have a very bad vision on muscles as this is purely a mental genetic thing not a knowledable thing im really bad with this ;(

But u should just do testosterone + anavar and ull likely get any physique u want, main differentiator wouldnt be what u take but how u train, ud have to train specific things more or less to achieve a goal physique
Oh well i run a PPL split 6x a week as a natural right now who has been lifting for 6 months totally, gonna lift for 1-2 more years before i seriously get a medical professional on drug use for anabolic steroids but will test and anavar help me recover, get more muscle and help with cutting ?
Also genetics ur insertions may just be too different
Here is my frame
IMG 1479
5”9 and 170lbs btw
Oh well i run a PPL split 6x a week as a natural right now who has been lifting for 6 months totally, gonna lift for 1-2 more years before i seriously get a medical professional on drug use for anabolic steroids but will test and anavar help me recover, get more muscle and help with cutting ?
Yes absolutely
Yes absolutely
What if i don’t respond well ? And is 400mg of Test E + Anavar enough to get lean/ Asethetic, my goal is not to look like a powerlifter but like zyzz, connor murphy, seid etc.
Again im bad with this stuff cuz when i look at this everything looks the same to me, but um u could probably get his physique on gear
Aight thanks, also i believe i should pursure a strength base (squat 315lbs, bench 225lbs, and deadlift 405lbs) before i actually hope on test because then my volume will be using heavy weights due to building thst strength base which allows me to lift heavier weights for more volume sets and reps.
Why is Tren so powerful, but so much side effects ?
What if i don’t respond well ? And is 400mg of Test E + Anavar enough to get lean/ Asethetic, my goal is not to look like a powerlifter but like zyzz, connor murphy, seid etc.
rare to respond bad to test as it already exists to ur body, yeh test + var is enough to get aesthetic tbh anything more will make u look like a powerlifter, if ur over 21 just run the cycle then blast and cruise
Id run
12-16 weeks
250mg test 2x a week
30mg anavar ever day
12.5 aromasin 2x a week or 0.25 arimidex 2x a week i prefer arimidex but ull have to cycle off arimidex with aromasin or ull get back alot of rebound
Pct with clomid never nolvadex as its extremely neurotoxic
If ur plates r still open dont pct at all, as all serms close growth plates, and all pct does is speed up post cycle healing, the difference is 4 weeks with pct vs 14 weeks without ull be fine
Hcg i think it was 500 iu 2x a week on ur last 4 weeks of the cycle
If ur younger than 20 u dont need hcg
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Phxx
Why is Tren so powerful, but so much side effects ?
It has so much side affects because its powerful for almost everything the better something works the higher the risk
Aight thanks, also i believe i should pursure a strength base (squat 315lbs, bench 225lbs, and deadlift 405lbs) before i actually hope on test because then my volume will be using heavy weights due to building thst strength base which allows me to lift heavier weights for more volume sets and reps.
Ull get stronger incredibly fast on gear so just get on cycle soon tbh no point of wasting time
  • +1
Reactions: Bonesbonesbonesbone
rare to respond bad to test as it already exists to ur body, yeh test + var is enough to get aesthetic tbh anything more will make u look like a powerlifter, if ur over 21 just run the cycle then blast and cruise
Id run
12-16 weeks
250mg test 2x a week
30mg anavar ever day
12.5 aromasin 2x a week or 0.25 arimidex 2x a week i prefer arimidex but ull have to cycle off arimidex with aromasin or ull get back alot of rebound
Pct with clomid never nolvadex as its extremely neurotoxic
If ur plates r still open dont pct at all, all pct does is speed up post cycle healing, the difference is 4 weeks with pct vs 14 weeks without ull be fine
Hcg i think it was 500 iu 2x a week on ur last 4 weeks of the cycle
If ur younger than 20 u dont need hcg
Thanks im copying this if u dont mind, this will have low risk of side effects compared to what IBFF pro bodybuilders are using right ?
Ull get stronger incredibly fast on gear so just get on cycle soon tbh no point of wasting time
Im 17 turning 18, will hope on cycle when im 20, is that fine ?
Im 17 turning 18, will hope on cycle when im 20, is that fine ?
Ik people who r 15 on cycle ull be fine, if ur 18 then u can choose between using hcg or not, ur growth plates are prolly like 100% closed outside maybe ur spine and some others perchance but it doesnt matter just use pct then, use clomid i think clomid was um 20mg everday for 4-6 weeks not 100% sure i think so tho
Ik people who r 15 on cycle ull be fine, if ur 18 then u can choose between using hcg or not, ur growth plates are prolly like 100% closed outside maybe ur spine and some others perchance but it doesnt matter just use pct then, use clomid i think clomid was um 20mg everday for 4-6 weeks not 100% sure i think so tho
How to prevent hair loss on test and anavar ?
How to prevent hair loss on test and anavar ?
a theories going around that dht doesnt cause hairloss and its caused by pressure on the scalp, me and ALOT of the smartest people agree with this, u can release pressure from ur scalp by microneedling and doing scalp massages, seems like cope but it makes sense in theory, if u still wanna supress dht, go with supplements to supress dht dont take fin, fin isnt that bad but its extremely toxic, there is a 1% chance u get pfs which outside of how toxic fin is, it adds even more reason not to use it

heres the thread:

  • JFL
Reactions: callisto
Read first:
3rd language so translated and grammar checked by AI
There are alot of steroid guides on here but most are surface level and dont explain the science
If u have opinion on this give me opinion dont be a tard

Tier S (Chad Potency and Effectiveness):

1. Testosterone:
- Mechanism: Primary male sex hormone; activates gene transcription factors for muscle growth. Too much use may lead to testicular atrophy and infertility.

2. Trenbolone:
- Mechanism: Synthetic derivative of testosterone; highly anabolic with risks like cardiotoxicity and hepatic stress.

3. Dianabol (Methandrostenolone):
- Mechanism: Enhances muscle growth but hepatotoxic; may cause liver damage.

Tier A (Chadlite Potency and Selectivity):

4. Anadrol (Oxymetholone):
- Mechanism: Boosts erythropoiesis; associated with hepatotoxicity and polycythemia.

5. Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate):
- Mechanism: Boosts muscle growth with low androgenic activity; may suppress testosterone production and pose cardiovascular risks.

Tier B (HTN Efficacy and Target Specificity):

6. Winstrol (Stanozolol):
- Mechanism: Boosts protein synthesis and endurance but may cause hepatotoxicity and cardiovascular issues.

7. Anavar (Oxandrolone):
- Mechanism: Preserves lean muscle mass with minimal androgenic effects; potential hepatotoxicity and lipid profile alteration.

Tier C (MTN Efficacy and Safety Profile):

8. Primobolan (Methenolone):
- Mechanism: Mild anabolic effects with low hepatotoxicity; higher doses may increase risk.

9. Masteron (Drostanolone):
- Mechanism: Inhibits aromatase, enhancing definition; short half-life and androgenic properties.

10. Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate):
- Mechanism: Causes slow muscle gains with weak anabolic potency; potential side effects.

Cutting Stack (Winstrol + Anavar):

- Supplements:
Milk Thistle
- Cycle:
6-8 weeks
Winstrol 50mg/day
Anavar 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 4-6 weeks

Lean Muscle Building Stack (Testosterone + Deca Durabolin):

- Supplements:
Saw Palmetto
Coenzyme Q10
- Cycle:
10-12 weeks
Testosterone 500mg/week
Deca 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks

Bulking Stack (Dianabol + Testosterone + Deca Durabolin):

- Supplements:
Hawthorn Berry
Cranberry Extract
- Cycle:
10-12 weeks
Dianabol 30-50mg/day
Testosterone 500mg/week
Deca 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 8-10 weeks

Muscle Growth and Fat Loss Stack (Trenbolone + Testosterone + Anavar):

- Supplements:
Hawthorn Berry
Coenzyme Q10
Cranberry Extract
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Testosterone 500mg/week
Anavar 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks

Strength Stack (Anadrol + Trenbolone):

- Supplements:
Garlic Extract
- Cycle:
6-8 weeks
Anadrol 50-100mg/day
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Off-cycle: 4-6 weeks

Endurance Stack (Equipoise + Masteron):

- Supplements:
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Equipoise 400mg/week
Masteron 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks

Recomp Stack (Testosterone + Trenbolone + Winstrol):

- Supplements:
Hawthorn Berry
Coenzyme Q10
Milk Thistle
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Testosterone 500mg/week
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Winstrol 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks

Joint Health and Recovery Stack (Deca Durabolin + Equipoise):

- Supplements:
- Cycle:
10-12 weeks
Deca 400mg/week
Equipoise 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 8-10 weeks

Advanced Bulking with Focus on Vascularity Stack (Trenbolone + Anadrol + Testosterone):

- Supplements:
Garlic Extract
Fiber supplement
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Anadrol 50-100mg/day
Testosterone 500mg/week
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks

Aggressive Cutting Stack (Clenbuterol + Trenbolone + Winstrol):

- Supplements:
Coenzyme Q10
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
- Cycle:
6-8 weeks
Clenbuterol 40-120mcg/day
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Winstrol 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 4-6 weeks

Infertility and Testicular Atrophy:
- Counter: Incorporate human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into the cycle to maintain testicular size and function.
- Consideration: PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) with selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) like Clomid or Nolvadex to restore natural testosterone production.

Estrogen-related Side Effects (Gynecomastia, Water Retention):
- Counter: Use of aromatase inhibitors (AI) like Aromasin or Arimidex to control estrogen levels.
- Consideration: Monitoring estradiol levels regularly and adjusting AI dosage accordingly.

Androgen-related Side Effects (Acne, Hair Loss, Prostate Enlargement):
- Counter: Topical treatments for acne, such as benzoyl peroxide or retinoids; Finasteride or Dutasteride for hair loss prevention; Saw Palmetto for prostate health.
- Consideration: Proper hygiene and skincare routine; regular prostate checks if prone to prostate issues.

Cardiovascular Risks (Elevated Blood Pressure, Lipid Profile Changes):
- Counter: Cardiovascular exercises.
- Consideration: Monitoring blood pressure, cholesterol, and lipid profiles; supplement with Omega-3 fatty acids.

Liver Strain:
- Counter: Regular liver function tests; use of liver support supplements like Milk Thistle or N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC).
- Consideration: Limiting alcohol intake and avoiding hepatotoxic substances.

Mood Swings and Aggression:
- Counter: Anger and Depression isnt real watch Andrew Tate.
- Consideration: Join Hustlers University.

Insulin Sensitivity and Blood Sugar Management:
- Counter: Monitoring blood sugar levels regularly; dont take too many carbs.
- Consideration: Supplementing with Chromium or Alpha-Lipoic Acid to support insulin sensitivity.

Kidney Function:
- Counter: Much water negro; monitoring kidney function through blood tests.
- Consideration: Avoid too much use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which can strain the kidneys.

Red Blood Cell Count Elevation (Polycythemia):
- Counter: Monitoring hematocrit and hemoglobin levels; donating blood if necessary to reduce red blood cell count.
- Consideration: Adjusting dosage or frequency of testosterone administration to manage erythrocytosis.

Cholesterol Imbalances:
- Counter: Statin medications if needed.
- Consideration: Regular lipid profile monitoring to track changes and adjust interventions accordingly.


Bonus Suggestions:
1. TUDCA - Liver - Suggested by @NorwoodAscender
2. Telmisartan - High blood pressure - Suggested by a thug

My Related Threads:
Dbol is fucking f tier bro the only time you need it is if you are running a lot of dht derivatives (or bold) if your estrogen is low
  • +1
Reactions: callisto
Dbol is fucking f tier bro the only time you need it is if you are running a lot of dht derivatives (or bold) if your estrogen is low
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
a theories going around that dht doesnt cause hairloss and its caused by pressure on the scalp, me and ALOT of the smartest people agree with this, u can release pressure from ur scalp by microneedling and doing scalp massages, seems like cope but it makes sense in theory, if u still wanna supress dht, go with supplements to supress dht dont take fin, fin isnt that bad but its extremely toxic, there is a 1% chance u get pfs which outside of how toxic fin is, it adds even more reason not to use it

heres the thread:

Hmm, tbh cant be fucked taking steroids, will just natty lift because in my situation i am finanicially broke + i dont give a shit much about my physique, although i am just trying to be lean thats about it so i will just natty lift.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Rigged
nah ur wrong
its literally gyno in a pill and once you come off you lose 90% percent of what you "gained" because its just water retention
  • +1
Reactions: LegitUser and callisto
rare to respond bad to test as it already exists to ur body, yeh test + var is enough to get aesthetic tbh anything more will make u look like a powerlifter, if ur over 21 just run the cycle then blast and cruise
Id run
12-16 weeks
250mg test 2x a week
30mg anavar ever day
12.5 aromasin 2x a week or 0.25 arimidex 2x a week i prefer arimidex but ull have to cycle off arimidex with aromasin or ull get back alot of rebound
Pct with clomid never nolvadex as its extremely neurotoxic
If ur plates r still open dont pct at all, as all serms close growth plates, and all pct does is speed up post cycle healing, the difference is 4 weeks with pct vs 14 weeks without ull be fine
Hcg i think it was 500 iu 2x a week on ur last 4 weeks of the cycle
If ur younger than 20 u dont need hcg
@latent , ud need to blast and cruise post cycle if u want significant jaw growth but that adds alot more factors to this way more
@latent , ud need to blast and cruise post cycle if u want significant jaw growth but that adds alot more factors to this way more
could we add masteron or any other DHT derivative into this? i feel like the reduction of shbg mixed with this would give crazy face bone gains
could we add masteron or any other DHT derivative into this? i feel like the reduction of shbg mixed with this would give crazy face bone gains
Yes, lowering SHBG, increases free T, but minor bone impact mmm
Yeh but if ur below 20 u dont need hcg
how so ? why's that I'm 16 currently on mk HGH and letrozole, willing to hop on test and anavar/masteron but I don't want none of that testicle atrophy how can someone prevent that?
how so ? why's that I'm 16 currently on mk HGH and letrozole, willing to hop on test and anavar/masteron but I don't want none of that testicle atrophy how can someone prevent that?
My bad bro I swear I replied bad memory, HCG at 16 can prematurely stimulate Leydig cells, possibly disrupting natural LH/FSH balance, u can recover from testicle atrophy normally without doing anything especially at such a low dose, honestly I'm debating pcting since i cant decide between
1. almost no risk for test atrophy (pct) but chance for growth plate closure
2. low but possible risk for test atrophy (no pct) ud still most likely recover at 16, but no chance for plate closure from serms

the thing is from what im understand the plate closure was from high dosage at long duration but the risk is present

i think if my plates are closed by then ill 100% pct
They just arent as good as the ones above imo, this tier list just ends up being my opinion to an extent, everything else is just science
You have no idea about roids bro u are so cringe, post ir physique and show ur cycles or rope
  • +1
Reactions: LegitUser and callisto
You have no idea about roids bro u are so cringe, post ir physique and show ur cycles or rope
5AE22D7F F6B3 461C 9265 175B5B149B50

Heres pic of me buying and having roids idk the legality of posting pics of actual roids in my hands but this is clearly enough proof

I do know more about roids than u

Ill post progress pics of before and after when im off cycle ill @ u big boy but not rn give me a few more months for the cycle
So you are skinny and cant show physique? Lol please stfu then
Screenshot 20240426 104933 cominstagramandroid
and get mogged
IMG 20240424 003634

View attachment 2882777
Heres pic of me buying and having roids idk the legality of posting pics of actual roids in my hands but this is clearly enough proof

I do know more about roids than u

Ill post progress pics of before and after when im off cycle ill @ u big boy but not rn give me a few more months for the cyc
  • +1
Reactions: callisto
Yeh ur bigger than me, probably older too, doesnt change the fact i know more than u, also being bigger isnt a mog aesthetics is what matters that like mogging someone in having a bigger ass than them like its a bad not a good thing
I am 20, and you should refrain from giving advice on roids, saying this with respect
  • +1
Reactions: AySab
I am 20, and you should refrain from giving advice on roids, saying this with respect
U say that but can u point out what i said wrong because i doubt it, my advice on roids is good and it’s scientifically correct so i dont get ur point
mf has not done a cycle yet, recommends oral only cycles, puts tren and dbol in s tier while mast, primo and var are low tier.
and then he yaps that he knows more because he watched 2 dave palumbo videos and reading ndtv shitty steroid site shill articles and then to top it all off puts an ad for hustlers uni in there wtf.

you can read and watch all the shit you want. its worth norhing until you have ran shit yourself and experimented how your body reacts to it, and no, purchasing is not legitimizing your knowledge tf.
  • +1
Reactions: truecel12, LegitUser and AySab
mf has not done a cycle yet, recommends oral only cycles, puts tren and dbol in s tier while mast, primo and var are low tier.
and then he yaps that he knows more because he watched 2 dave palumbo videos and reading ndtv shitty steroid site shill articles and then to top it all off puts an ad for hustlers uni in there wtf.

you can read and watch all the shit you want. its worth norhing until you have ran shit yourself and experimented how your body reacts to it, and no, purchasing is not legitimizing your knowledge tf.
always niggas bringing up dave palumbo




@AySab @ u since u liked his comment letting u know this niggas a moron
mf has not done a cycle yet, recommends oral only cycles, puts tren and dbol in s tier while mast, primo and var are low tier.
and then he yaps that he knows more because he watched 2 dave palumbo videos and reading ndtv shitty steroid site shill articles and then to top it all off puts an ad for hustlers uni in there wtf.

you can read and watch all the shit you want. its worth norhing until you have ran shit yourself and experimented how your body reacts to it, and no, purchasing is not legitimizing your knowledge tf.
"purchasing isnt legitimizing ur knowledge"
yes nigga cause i definitely bought them but didnt use them
the hustlers uni thing was clearly a joke??????????????????????????????
Read first:
3rd language so translated and grammar checked by AI
There are alot of steroid guides on here but most are surface level and dont explain the science
If u have opinion on this give me opinion dont be a tard

Tier S (Chad Potency and Effectiveness):

1. Testosterone:
- Mechanism: Primary male sex hormone; activates gene transcription factors for muscle growth. Too much use may lead to testicular atrophy and infertility.
correct, one of the rare correct things in this thread
2. Trenbolone:
- Mechanism: Synthetic derivative of testosterone; highly anabolic with risks like cardiotoxicity and hepatic stress.
not in high tier, esp for looksmaxxing. will make everything but your muscles look like shit, skin quality, hair etc. also highly individual mental response.
3. Dianabol (Methandrostenolone):
- Mechanism: Enhances muscle growth but hepatotoxic; may cause liver damage.
wrong, should be low tier. bloat roid, aromatizes into 17-methylestradiol, which is only controllable with suicidal ais, which have androgenic sides like hair loss.
Tier A (Chadlite Potency and Selectivity):

4. Anadrol (Oxymetholone):
- Mechanism: Boosts erythropoiesis; associated with hepatotoxicity and polycythemia.
bad choice, bloat, good for strength, would rank lower.
5. Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate):
- Mechanism: Boosts muscle growth with low androgenic activity; may suppress testosterone production and pose cardiovascular risks.
bad choice for looksmaxxing again, bloat, mental deterioration, watery.
Tier B (HTN Efficacy and Target Specificity):

6. Winstrol (Stanozolol):
- Mechanism: Boosts protein synthesis and endurance but may cause hepatotoxicity and cardiovascular issues.
good roid, exept it can cause hairloss and will make your skin look older if you dont take care of it. should be in s or a tier depending on personal response. (which this guy @Rigged doesnt have, thats why he writes such shit threads)
7. Anavar (Oxandrolone):
- Mechanism: Preserves lean muscle mass with minimal androgenic effects; potential hepatotoxicity and lipid profile alteration.
good, but will trash your hdl (from 40s to high/low 10s depending on dosage. should be s or a tier.
Tier C (MTN Efficacy and Safety Profile):

8. Primobolan (Methenolone):
- Mechanism: Mild anabolic effects with low hepatotoxicity; higher doses may increase risk.
very good, improves skin somehow in me, dry, full, controls e2, be careful with that. should be s tier but this retard put it in c tier lmao.
9. Masteron (Drostanolone):
- Mechanism: Inhibits aromatase, enhancing definition; short half-life and androgenic properties.
THE looksmaxxing steroid if youre not prone to balding. if you are, it will fuck you in the ass. eliminates any bloat, makes you look lean as fuck and angular. also great neurology driver.
10. Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate):
- Mechanism: Causes slow muscle gains with weak anabolic potency; potential side effects.
similar to primo, should be s or a. only bad thing is long ester.
Cutting Stack (Winstrol + Anavar):

- Supplements:
Milk Thistle
- Cycle:
6-8 weeks
Winstrol 50mg/day
Anavar 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 4-6 weeks
oral only stack, you wont have e2, will rip a tendon or something and you probably will get dick problems week 4-6 onwards due to the missing e2
Lean Muscle Building Stack (Testosterone + Deca Durabolin):

- Supplements:
Saw Palmetto
Coenzyme Q10
- Cycle:
10-12 weeks
Testosterone 500mg/week
Deca 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks
lean??, wtf is this guy talking about.
watery as fuck, lethargy and he wants to control the e2 on this stack with DIM, mhm thatll work definitely.
Bulking Stack (Dianabol + Testosterone + Deca Durabolin):

- Supplements:
Hawthorn Berry
Cranberry Extract
- Cycle:
10-12 weeks
Dianabol 30-50mg/day
Testosterone 500mg/week
Deca 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 8-10 weeks
same as before, but even more eytreme. this is the most retarded stack one could run. youll end up looking like a fat guy with a ballon face.
Muscle Growth and Fat Loss Stack (Trenbolone + Testosterone + Anavar):

- Supplements:
Hawthorn Berry
Coenzyme Q10
Cranberry Extract
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Testosterone 500mg/week
Anavar 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks
test too high, will cause tren sides like agression, insomnia. also your hdl will be in the single digits. very bad, very unhealthy. youll probably build a nice amount of arterial plaque with that cycle.
Strength Stack (Anadrol + Trenbolone):

- Supplements:
Garlic Extract
- Cycle:
6-8 weeks
Anadrol 50-100mg/day
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Off-cycle: 4-6 weeks
where tf is the test base???? this nigga.
horrible cycle. also he keeps putting in random supplements as if they would help tren sides. magnesium and garlic extract? what will that do?
Endurance Stack (Equipoise + Masteron):

- Supplements:
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Equipoise 400mg/week
Masteron 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks
no test base, shit stack. weird supplements again, like on all his shitty cycle suggestions.
Recomp Stack (Testosterone + Trenbolone + Winstrol):

- Supplements:
Hawthorn Berry
Coenzyme Q10
Milk Thistle
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Testosterone 500mg/week
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Winstrol 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks
its getting worse. test too high, again horrible for hdl and ldl. also, tren at this dose will cause hypoglycemia already, and this guy puts chromium in as a supplement, which will make that even worse. no AI also.
Joint Health and Recovery Stack (Deca Durabolin + Equipoise):

- Supplements:
- Cycle:
10-12 weeks
Deca 400mg/week
Equipoise 400mg/week
Off-cycle: 8-10 weeks
no test. shit cycle. e2 is needed for collagen deposition, esp. for rebuilding.
Advanced Bulking with Focus on Vascularity Stack (Trenbolone + Anadrol + Testosterone):

- Supplements:
Garlic Extract
Fiber supplement
- Cycle:
8-10 weeks
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Anadrol 50-100mg/day
Testosterone 500mg/week
Off-cycle: 6-8 weeks
rage mode. steroids usually just exasperate your personality, but tren&anadrol will make you angry. all the time. youll be bloated as fuxk too, and will have high e2 sides again, which will make tren worse
Aggressive Cutting Stack (Clenbuterol + Trenbolone + Winstrol):

- Supplements:
Coenzyme Q10
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
- Cycle:
6-8 weeks
Clenbuterol 40-120mcg/day
Trenbolone 75mg EOD
Winstrol 50mg/day
Off-cycle: 4-6 weeks
no test.
Infertility and Testicular Atrophy:
- Counter: Incorporate human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into the cycle to maintain testicular size and function.
- Consideration: PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) with selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) like Clomid or Nolvadex to restore natural testosterone production.
decent advice. but too sparse
Estrogen-related Side Effects (Gynecomastia, Water Retention):
- Counter: Use of aromatase inhibitors (AI) like Aromasin or Arimidex to control estrogen levels.
- Consideration: Monitoring estradiol levels regularly and adjusting AI dosage accordingly.
why not included in the cycle suggestions? stupid. also no dosage advice etc. even though this is very individual, theres still a general range of doses.
Androgen-related Side Effects (Acne, Hair Loss, Prostate Enlargement):
- Counter: Topical treatments for acne, such as benzoyl peroxide or retinoids; Finasteride or Dutasteride for hair loss prevention; Saw Palmetto for prostate health.
- Consideration: Proper hygiene and skincare routine; regular prostate checks if prone to prostate issues.
i personally dislike fin, but again, too vague. dosing, side effects of named ancillaries, etc.
Cardiovascular Risks (Elevated Blood Pressure, Lipid Profile Changes):
- Counter: Cardiovascular exercises.
- Consideration: Monitoring blood pressure, cholesterol, and lipid profiles; supplement with Omega-3 fatty acids.
tells you what to monitor, but not to do, if out of range. retarded. telmisartan, nebivolol, cardio, electrolyte intake.
Liver Strain:
- Counter: Regular liver function tests; use of liver support supplements like Milk Thistle or N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC).
- Consideration: Limiting alcohol intake and avoiding hepatotoxic substances.
tudca?? also too vague AGAIN.
Mood Swings and Aggression:
- Counter: Anger and Depression isnt real watch Andrew Tate.
- Consideration: Join Hustlers University.
lmao wtf is this
Insulin Sensitivity and Blood Sugar Management:
- Counter: Monitoring blood sugar levels regularly; dont take too many carbs.
- Consideration: Supplementing with Chromium or Alpha-Lipoic Acid to support insulin sensitivity.
acceptable info once.
Kidney Function:
- Counter: Much water negro; monitoring kidney function through blood tests.
- Consideration: Avoid too much use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which can strain the kidneys.
meh info, but doesnt even mention astragalus or jardiance
Red Blood Cell Count Elevation (Polycythemia):
- Counter: Monitoring hematocrit and hemoglobin levels; donating blood if necessary to reduce red blood cell count.
- Consideration: Adjusting dosage or frequency of testosterone administration to manage erythrocytosis.
frequency or dosage wont help if youre prone to high hgb or high hct. naringin, much arrobic training (high volume, lower intensity, like running, cycling), lots of water and electrolytes. all this info missing. vague again.
Cholesterol Imbalances:
- Counter: Statin medications if needed.
- Consideration: Regular lipid profile monitoring to track changes and adjust interventions accordingly.
statins, ok buddy.
how about 60min cardio a day, as a baseline, which should be written as the first thing in this thread, citrus bergamot, red yeast rice WITH monacolin k.

Bonus Suggestions:
1. TUDCA - Liver - Suggested by @NorwoodAscender
2. Telmisartan - High blood pressure - Suggested by a thug

My Related Threads:
here @Rigged debunked your shitty thread.
90%+ of it is shit, you forgot baseline infos like test base always, have only baseline information by shitty info sources like the websites you cited and this generally feels like a randomly puzzled together thread with no associations to actual norms or "rules" used while on peds.

if you would be using peds for a substainable time yourself, which you havent, you would know that.
yet you insult guys like @Clavicular @ConfusedBolivian and me, who have ran stuff and figured out there body's responses before talking shit on the internet.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: UrGirlsMcm and AySab
correct, one of the rare correct things in this thread

not in high tier, esp for looksmaxxing. will make everything but your muscles look like shit, skin quality, hair etc. also highly individual mental response.

wrong, should be low tier. bloat roid, aromatizes into 17-methylestradiol, which is only controllable with suicidal ais, which have androgenic sides like hair loss.

bad choice, bloat, good for strength, would rank lower.

bad choice for looksmaxxing again, bloat, mental deterioration, watery.

good roid, exept it can cause hairloss and will make your skin look older if you dont take care of it. should be in s or a tier depending on personal response. (which this guy @Rigged doesnt have, thats why he writes such shit threads)

good, but will trash your hdl (from 40s to high/low 10s depending on dosage. should be s or a tier.

very good, improves skin somehow in me, dry, full, controls e2, be careful with that. should be s tier but this retard put it in c tier lmao.

THE looksmaxxing steroid if youre not prone to balding. if you are, it will fuck you in the ass. eliminates any bloat, makes you look lean as fuck and angular. also great neurology driver.

similar to primo, should be s or a. only bad thing is long ester.

oral only stack, you wont have e2, will rip a tendon or something and you probably will get dick problems week 4-6 onwards due to the missing e2

lean??, wtf is this guy talking about.
watery as fuck, lethargy and he wants to control the e2 on this stack with DIM, mhm thatll work definitely.

same as before, but even more eytreme. this is the most retarded stack one could run. youll end up looking like a fat guy with a ballon face.

test too high, will cause tren sides like agression, insomnia. also your hdl will be in the single digits. very bad, very unhealthy. youll probably build a nice amount of arterial plaque with that cycle.

where tf is the test base???? this nigga.
horrible cycle. also he keeps putting in random supplements as if they would help tren sides. magnesium and garlic extract? what will that do?

no test base, shit stack. weird supplements again, like on all his shitty cycle suggestions.

its getting worse. test too high, again horrible for hdl and ldl. also, tren at this dose will cause hypoglycemia already, and this guy puts chromium in as a supplement, which will make that even worse. no AI also.

no test. shit cycle. e2 is needed for collagen deposition, esp. for rebuilding.

rage mode. steroids usually just exasperate your personality, but tren&anadrol will make you angry. all the time. youll be bloated as fuxk too, and will have high e2 sides again, which will make tren worse

no test.

decent advice. but too sparse

why not included in the cycle suggestions? stupid. also no dosage advice etc. even though this is very individual, theres still a general range of doses.

i personally dislike fin, but again, too vague. dosing, side effects of named ancillaries, etc.

tells you what to monitor, but not to do, if out of range. retarded. telmisartan, nebivolol, cardio, electrolyte intake.

tudca?? also too vague AGAIN.

lmao wtf is this

acceptable info once.

meh info, but doesnt even mention astragalus or jardiance

frequency or dosage wont help if youre prone to high hgb or high hct. naringin, much arrobic training (high volume, lower intensity, like running, cycling), lots of water and electrolytes. all this info missing. vague again.

statins, ok buddy.
how about 60min cardio a day, as a baseline, which should be written as the first thing in this thread, citrus bergamot, red yeast rice WITH monacolin k.

here @Rigged debunked your shitty thread.
90%+ of it is shit, you forgot baseline infos like test base always, have only baseline information by shitty info sources like the websites you cited and this generally feels like a randomly puzzled together thread with no associations to actual norms or "rules" used while on peds.

if you would be using peds for a substainable time yourself, which you havent, you would know that.
yet you insult guys like @Clavicular @ConfusedBolivian and me, who have ran stuff and figured out there body's responses before talking shit on the internet.
Gng u said a whole lot for a whole lotta nothing u dont understand how supplements work a tier list is subjective on my personal opinion gng, the stacks arent meant to be everything u take also alot of ur science has to be a joke u sound like a moron

U didnt debunk shit this is a low effort guide ur tryna debunk me for not adding info thats common sense and not adding dosages for everything mentioned in a low effort guide

Also @Clavicular was trolling the fact u couldve even tell that says alot

@ConfusedBolivian a retard and so r u, he said nothing and u said nothing

Yall cant just write a lot of text and think its automatically right
Ur debunk didnt debunk shit all u said is that my “low effort guide” should be higher effort like thats the point of a low effort guide dumbass
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Clavicular and callisto
correct, one of the rare correct things in this thread

not in high tier, esp for looksmaxxing. will make everything but your muscles look like shit, skin quality, hair etc. also highly individual mental response.

wrong, should be low tier. bloat roid, aromatizes into 17-methylestradiol, which is only controllable with suicidal ais, which have androgenic sides like hair loss.

bad choice, bloat, good for strength, would rank lower.

bad choice for looksmaxxing again, bloat, mental deterioration, watery.

good roid, exept it can cause hairloss and will make your skin look older if you dont take care of it. should be in s or a tier depending on personal response. (which this guy @Rigged doesnt have, thats why he writes such shit threads)

good, but will trash your hdl (from 40s to high/low 10s depending on dosage. should be s or a tier.

very good, improves skin somehow in me, dry, full, controls e2, be careful with that. should be s tier but this retard put it in c tier lmao.

THE looksmaxxing steroid if youre not prone to balding. if you are, it will fuck you in the ass. eliminates any bloat, makes you look lean as fuck and angular. also great neurology driver.

similar to primo, should be s or a. only bad thing is long ester.

oral only stack, you wont have e2, will rip a tendon or something and you probably will get dick problems week 4-6 onwards due to the missing e2

lean??, wtf is this guy talking about.
watery as fuck, lethargy and he wants to control the e2 on this stack with DIM, mhm thatll work definitely.

same as before, but even more eytreme. this is the most retarded stack one could run. youll end up looking like a fat guy with a ballon face.

test too high, will cause tren sides like agression, insomnia. also your hdl will be in the single digits. very bad, very unhealthy. youll probably build a nice amount of arterial plaque with that cycle.

where tf is the test base???? this nigga.
horrible cycle. also he keeps putting in random supplements as if they would help tren sides. magnesium and garlic extract? what will that do?

no test base, shit stack. weird supplements again, like on all his shitty cycle suggestions.

its getting worse. test too high, again horrible for hdl and ldl. also, tren at this dose will cause hypoglycemia already, and this guy puts chromium in as a supplement, which will make that even worse. no AI also.

no test. shit cycle. e2 is needed for collagen deposition, esp. for rebuilding.

rage mode. steroids usually just exasperate your personality, but tren&anadrol will make you angry. all the time. youll be bloated as fuxk too, and will have high e2 sides again, which will make tren worse

no test.

decent advice. but too sparse

why not included in the cycle suggestions? stupid. also no dosage advice etc. even though this is very individual, theres still a general range of doses.

i personally dislike fin, but again, too vague. dosing, side effects of named ancillaries, etc.

tells you what to monitor, but not to do, if out of range. retarded. telmisartan, nebivolol, cardio, electrolyte intake.

tudca?? also too vague AGAIN.

lmao wtf is this

acceptable info once.

meh info, but doesnt even mention astragalus or jardiance

frequency or dosage wont help if youre prone to high hgb or high hct. naringin, much arrobic training (high volume, lower intensity, like running, cycling), lots of water and electrolytes. all this info missing. vague again.

statins, ok buddy.
how about 60min cardio a day, as a baseline, which should be written as the first thing in this thread, citrus bergamot, red yeast rice WITH monacolin k.

here @Rigged debunked your shitty thread.
90%+ of it is shit, you forgot baseline infos like test base always, have only baseline information by shitty info sources like the websites you cited and this generally feels like a randomly puzzled together thread with no associations to actual norms or "rules" used while on peds.

if you would be using peds for a substainable time yourself, which you havent, you would know that.
yet you insult guys like @Clavicular @ConfusedBolivian and me, who have ran stuff and figured out there body's responses before talking shit on the internet.
Also its crazy that u struggle the read that the stacks are things u should look into with general advice NOT WHAT U SHOULD TAKE THIS INSTANT

Holy low IQ retards

Pov: retards when the low effort guide is low effort

D199436A 7B77 446C AFA9 E18965A88F43
Gng u said a whole lot for a whole lotta nothing u dont understand how supplements work a tier list is subjective on my personal opinion gng, the stacks arent meant to be everything u take also alot of ur science has to be a joke u sound like a moron

U didnt debunk shit this is a low effort guide ur tryna debunk me for not adding info thats common sense and not adding dosages for everything mentioned in a low effort guide

Also @Clavicular was trolling the fact u couldve even tell that says alot

@ConfusedBolivian a retard and so r u, he said nothing and u said nothing

Yall cant just write a lot of text and think its automatically right
Ur debunk didnt debunk shit all u said is that my “low effort guide” should be higher effort like thats the point of a low effort guide dumbass
Also the fact u pointed out nothing bad about this thread but i myself could point out issues jfl

Nolvadex is neurotoxic
Serms close plates
Arimidex cant be cycled off of
Aromasin causes hairloss unrelated to dht

And so much more

Fiy a low effort guide is a low effort guide and when u fail to miss the issues with this guide and instead yap about nothing u look like a moron
No one has any reason to ever take equipose ever

For most people up to 600mg of Test and maybe a sarm like Ostarine (healing) or LG (muscle building) is enough
No one has any reason to ever take equipose ever

For most people up to 600mg of Test and maybe a sarm like Ostarine (healing) or LG (muscle building) is enough
Yes i agree i feel like alot of people miss the point of a tier list like im just rating this based on my opinion
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