Nuclear blackpill for roidlets and TRT users

im naturally taller and better frame than your roidlet ass lmfao. the only thing you mog at is having more fucked up hormones lil bro
jfl no way u have better frame than me. i took pharma gh and my frame when i was 14 prob mogs urs to oblivion. go take ur cc
copewaghanda, vitamin dick and calcium thinking it will ascend u
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jfl no way u have better frame than me. i took pharma gh and my frame when i was 14 prob mogs urs to oblivion. go take ur cc
copewaghanda, vitamin dick and calcium thinking it will ascend u
"Growth itself is an intrinsic property of all cells, but the growth hormone does have its greatest influence on certain tissues, especially cartilage. Gigantism and acromegaly were what originally made people interested in looking for a growth hormone, and these are characterized by continued, exaggerated enlargement of bones and cartilage. In old age, cartilaginous structures such as the bones and ears keep enlarging. The fact that simply diluting the culture medium is sufficient to stimulate the growth of cartilage suggests that the growth hormone might be acting by its effects on water metabolism. In fish which enter fresh water from the ocean, pituitary hormones of this family help them to balance salts in this new environment, but in the process, they develop osteoporosis and skeletal deformity, of the sort that occur more gradually in other animals with aging."

"Bovine Growth Hormone is used to make cows give more milk.
Human Growth Hormone is supposed to make men lean and muscular, not to increase their milk production."

When you get jewed by big pharma and gotta cope when a dude mogs you with REAL bone and tissue growth and not fucking water weight
Yeah the worst thing about roids is fear of heart attack and chance of infertility what do you think of test propionate it's a short acting ester so less sides and can leave your system earlier so you can start pct earlier when hopping off
"Growth itself is an intrinsic property of all cells, but the growth hormone does have its greatest influence on certain tissues, especially cartilage. Gigantism and acromegaly were what originally made people interested in looking for a growth hormone, and these are characterized by continued, exaggerated enlargement of bones and cartilage. In old age, cartilaginous structures such as the bones and ears keep enlarging. The fact that simply diluting the culture medium is sufficient to stimulate the growth of cartilage suggests that the growth hormone might be acting by its effects on water metabolism. In fish which enter fresh water from the ocean, pituitary hormones of this family help them to balance salts in this new environment, but in the process, they develop osteoporosis and skeletal deformity, of the sort that occur more gradually in other animals with aging."

"Bovine Growth Hormone is used to make cows give more milk.
Human Growth Hormone is supposed to make men lean and muscular, not to increase their milk production."

When you get jewed by big pharma and gotta cope when a dude mogs you with REAL bone and tissue growth and not fucking water weight
jfl at you being multiple years on the forum and not realizing u only get acromegaly when ur growth plates are closed PLEASE IQ MAXX ASAP BUDDY. plus the water weight from gh goes away almost instantly after u stop using, but the increase in bone density doesn’t dumbass.

also use real studies in human not studies that compare cows growth hormone to humans jfl.
jfl at you being multiple years on the forum and not realizing u only get acromegaly when ur growth plates are closed PLEASE IQ MAXX ASAP BUDDY. plus the water weight from gh goes away almost instantly after u stop using, but the increase in bone density doesn’t dumbass.

also use real studies in human not studies that compare cows growth hormone to humans jfl.
bro still believes in growth plates fusing and other mainstream bullshit lol
No point in trying to convince a sheeple simpleton lol

dude thinks a cow responds completely differently to GH compared to a human. keep coping
bro still believes in growth plates fusing and other mainstream bullshit lol
No point in trying to convince a sheeple simpleton lol

dude thinks a cow responds completely differently to GH compared to a human. keep coping
ok buddy boyo growth plates fusing is a lie im sorry. the x rays are created by ai jews and people stop growing because they simply don’t wish to be taller anymore
"I've been on TRT for 9 years because when I was 32 my total T measured at 290. I'm now doing everything in my power to get off of it. It's a dead end in my opinion. It didn't solve the problems I was dealing with and comes with it's own set of problems.

For all of you men who are looking to it as a solution, a few considerations for you that no one presented to me.

When your HPTA axis is shut down and you become dependent on exogenous testosterone, what would you do if supply chains and the world goes to hell and vials or sources of testosterone is no longer available? Do you understand how weak, tired and cloudy you will feel while your body attempts to restart itself? If the world is truly falling apart, is that the time you want to be in a significantly weakened state?

If you go for a long period of time and your testes atrophy, do you know that your pituitary may never successfully pump out enough LH/FSH to restart to your testes?

Do you know how you respond to hCG to prevent testicular atrophy while on TRT? Do you know how you respond to SERM's if you ever want to attempt a restart? Some men cannot handle the side effects of these at all.

Do you care about your fertility? Do you ever want to have children? Do you know about shutting down upstream hormones like pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA etc?

Do you know how to modulate your testosterone dose if you start having high estrogenic side effects or are you going to do down another rabbit hole and start playing with an aromatase inhibitor like anastrozole? Are you prepared to donate blood regularly if your hematocrit becomes too high?

There is a reason your T is low and this is just another Band-Aid that will come with it's own set of problems and costs.

Don't go down this path unless you have answers to at the very least all of the questions I proposed above."

"Testosterone, especially exogenous has adrenergic effects. A lot of people aren't aware of this.

Also, when our HPTA axis gets shut down, it reduces our endogenous production of progesterone. Progesterone is calming, so a reduction will amplify the adrenergic effects of testosterone. If estrogen climbs, that can also contribute via more intense emotional responses.

All of that can increase cortisol and adrenaline over time. That can lead to a decrease of magnesium and potassium stores.

All of this combined can lead to tachycardia and some fluttering.

I already chimed in once, but I was on a huge number of protocols of TRT, HRT with a number of hormones, peptides, supplements, AI's etc. I attempted with all my will to force it to work for 8 years straight. 8 years.

I also donated blood regularly, cycling between whole blood as well as double red blood cell.

Since I've been off, I've lost muscle size and put on some fat, but my heart feels better and my mind feels sharper.

If we could back up, do you have your pre-TRT lab/bloodwork we could look at?

What does your current diet, hormones, supplements and other drugs look like?"

We have literal 14 year olds on this site hopping on roids and all sorts of hormones like GH and sarms. Yall are fucking up your shit and dont have any idea of the sides.

Stay natural
DNRD COPE my dick works while urs doesnt buddy
"I've been on TRT for 9 years because when I was 32 my total T measured at 290. I'm now doing everything in my power to get off of it. It's a dead end in my opinion. It didn't solve the problems I was dealing with and comes with it's own set of problems.

For all of you men who are looking to it as a solution, a few considerations for you that no one presented to me.

When your HPTA axis is shut down and you become dependent on exogenous testosterone, what would you do if supply chains and the world goes to hell and vials or sources of testosterone is no longer available? Do you understand how weak, tired and cloudy you will feel while your body attempts to restart itself? If the world is truly falling apart, is that the time you want to be in a significantly weakened state?

If you go for a long period of time and your testes atrophy, do you know that your pituitary may never successfully pump out enough LH/FSH to restart to your testes?

Do you know how you respond to hCG to prevent testicular atrophy while on TRT? Do you know how you respond to SERM's if you ever want to attempt a restart? Some men cannot handle the side effects of these at all.

Do you care about your fertility? Do you ever want to have children? Do you know about shutting down upstream hormones like pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA etc?

Do you know how to modulate your testosterone dose if you start having high estrogenic side effects or are you going to do down another rabbit hole and start playing with an aromatase inhibitor like anastrozole? Are you prepared to donate blood regularly if your hematocrit becomes too high?

There is a reason your T is low and this is just another Band-Aid that will come with it's own set of problems and costs.

Don't go down this path unless you have answers to at the very least all of the questions I proposed above."

"Testosterone, especially exogenous has adrenergic effects. A lot of people aren't aware of this.

Also, when our HPTA axis gets shut down, it reduces our endogenous production of progesterone. Progesterone is calming, so a reduction will amplify the adrenergic effects of testosterone. If estrogen climbs, that can also contribute via more intense emotional responses.

All of that can increase cortisol and adrenaline over time. That can lead to a decrease of magnesium and potassium stores.

All of this combined can lead to tachycardia and some fluttering.

I already chimed in once, but I was on a huge number of protocols of TRT, HRT with a number of hormones, peptides, supplements, AI's etc. I attempted with all my will to force it to work for 8 years straight. 8 years.

I also donated blood regularly, cycling between whole blood as well as double red blood cell.

Since I've been off, I've lost muscle size and put on some fat, but my heart feels better and my mind feels sharper.

If we could back up, do you have your pre-TRT lab/bloodwork we could look at?

What does your current diet, hormones, supplements and other drugs look like?"

We have literal 14 year olds on this site hopping on roids and all sorts of hormones like GH and sarms. Yall are fucking up your shit and dont have any idea of the sides.

Stay natural
It's a semi cope. It's true you should have a clear understanding of those questions and do it legally with a doctor (for your peace of mind and simplicity), but majority of that post is total fear mongering and gate keeping.

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