12.000 Chechen Muslim Gigachads ready to rape Ukrainian girls. 70.000 to join

The President and Padishah of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov gathered more than 12.000 battle-hardened Chechen military in the capital of Grozny yesterday. These are volunteer units ready for immediate Special Ops deployment he said.


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Kadyrov stated that 70.000 more Chechen soldiers are ready fight for Russia.

Ramzan Kadyrov also demanded an apology from the President of Ukraine Zelensky



The Chehen Special Ops units are notorious for their service record:

1992-1993: playing soccer with chopped heads of Georgian soldiers during The War in Abkhazia

1994-2000: brutalities during the First and Second Chechen War

2008: slaughtering Georgian soldiers, Western PMC and Ukrainian mercs in Georgia

2014: warfare against Ukrainian government forces in Donbass, torturing and executing captured Ukrainian Neo-Nazi paramilitary squad members

2015-2016: hunting parties to eliminate ISIS forces and Arab insurrectionists in Syria, military police forces

Are Ukrainian Gigachad Warriors ready to face the true might of Chechnya?

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Imagine thousands of Ukrainian girls being raped by Muslims before the eyes of defeated, surrendered and humiliated Ukrainian soldiers. That would be greatest cuckoldry since the fall of France and the Reich during WWII.


The Sack of Kiev. Circa 2022. Colorized
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JUST IN: Kadyrov said that Chechen Forces already seized a military facility in Ukraine with zero losses


He also published a video of the commander of "South" mechanized battalion of The Russian National Guard Hussain Mezhydov who raised the Chechen and Russian flags above captured Ukrainian military base near Kiev.


@TsarTsar444 @Baldingman1998 @OldVirgin @Biggdink thoughts?

I'd like to send those EE brutes to sweden.
The Supreme Padishah of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov just made a call to killed Chechen Gigachad battlemaster Magomed Tushayev


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Brutal. They want them to go to jhanam @TsarTsar444 @BearBoy
  • JFL
Reactions: TsarTsar444 and BearBoy
There are plenty of Chechens in Poland and I fucking hate them.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 9568
They will be shocked to find that all the women and children have deserted their land. and leaving only the bald gopniks and femboys to defend it.
  • JFL
Reactions: thatrussianguy and TsarTsar444
Chechens and dagestanis are the master race of the muslim world lol, the rest of the muslims are skinny brown and black shits. But let's not forget, the nazi German blonde chads in world war 2 had the same idea. They thought Russians and ukranians had sub human untermensch features and therefore Victory against them should be easy because they were racially superior. Do not under estimate ugly men. They have a lot more anger and hatred in them and have nothing to lose.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: horizontallytall, CursedOne, ConspiracyTheory and 5 others
Damn I want those Ukrainian baddies untarnished for when I show up
Hey peanut head what’s up haven’t seen you around in awhile
This aged badly kek
  • JFL
Reactions: oldcelloser
imagine caring about any of this shit
prob rotting and 25% bf :feelskek:

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