15y | Last update on my stack

I meant within the first few months you should be able to see some kind of bone loss, it’s not like your joints randomly snap in half after a year

And that’s wrong, they literally always just prescribe 2.5 mg of letrozole. Cite me one study where they don’t use the highest dosage of AI
ur acting like feeling fine means ur bones are fine, that's not how it works, bone loss is literally gradual, u don't just wake up one day with joints snapping in half, by the time u "feel" anything it's already too late, also they don't just blindly prescribe 2.5mg Letro to every kid, even in studies they adjust based on bloodwork, have u ever seen a doctor just hand out max Al doses with no monitoring? If that was the case, every short kid would be on it, but they aren't
Also ur linking studies that literally prove my point, Letro increases height potential but tanks BMD, do u think ur doctor cares if ur spine density is cooked as long as u get a couple cm? Have u ever checked ur P1NP or CTX levels? Joints don't need to "snap" for u to be permanently screwed, osteoporosis isn't instant, it's just a slow BMD decline until ur bones are brittle, also Letro isn't even the best Al for this, Anastrozole does the same thing with less bone loss, nobody with a brain would run 2.5mg Letro ED without monitoring and expect no downsides
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
ur acting like feeling fine means ur bones are fine, that's not how it works, bone loss is literally gradual, u don't just wake up one day with joints snapping in half, by the time u "feel" anything it's already too late, also they don't just blindly prescribe 2.5mg Letro to every kid, even in studies they adjust based on bloodwork, have u ever seen a doctor just hand out max Al doses with no monitoring? If that was the case, every short kid would be on it, but they aren't
Also ur linking studies that literally prove my point, Letro increases height potential but tanks BMD, do u think ur doctor cares if ur spine density is cooked as long as u get a couple cm? Have u ever checked ur P1NP or CTX levels? Joints don't need to "snap" for u to be permanently screwed, osteoporosis isn't instant, it's just a slow BMD decline until ur bones are brittle, also Letro isn't even the best Al for this, Anastrozole does the same thing with less bone loss, nobody with a brain would run 2.5mg Letro ED without monitoring and expect no downsides
Bro I was joking with the joints snapping:lul:

And obviously they do blood work before HGH. I had everything tested before I got my HGH. They still gave me 2.5 mg of letrozole

I’m literally under a doctors supervision Brodie and I can tell you it’s not that deep

Your acting like an AI is bone cancer bro, it’s not gonna make you as frail as as a skeleton, your extremely overestimating how dangerous it is.

And letrozole is the best choice. Again you keep claiming they don’t prescribe 2.5 mg of letrozole to every kid, but I don’t see where you’re getting that from. Cite me one study where they don’t use the highest dosage of AI
  • +1
Reactions: TrueRamirez and Zagro
Bro I was joking with the joints snapping:lul:

And obviously they do blood work before HGH. I had everything tested before I got my HGH. They still gave me 2.5 mg of letrozole

I’m literally under a doctors supervision Brodie and I can tell you it’s not that deep

Your acting like an AI is bone cancer bro, it’s not gonna make you as frail as as a skeleton, your extremely overestimating how dangerous it is.

And letrozole is the best choice. Again you keep claiming they don’t prescribe 2.5 mg of letrozole to every kid, but I don’t see where you’re getting that from. Cite me one study where they don’t use the highest dosage of AI
How am I supposed to find a study that proves that doctors don't? Prescribe 2.5mg letro to absolutely everyone

Ur argument about studies is dumb, it’s like saying “well they use 200mg Test for TRT in some studies so all TRT patients must be on 200mg” when in reality dosing varies based on response, same with AIs, they do prescribe different doses depending on the case, sometimes even lower than 2.5mg if suppression is too high, but u acting like every single case just maxes out Letro like some standard protocol when even in the studies u linked they measure estrogen suppression and adjust accordingly, that’s literally the opposite of “they always give 2.5mg”

So unless ur telling me every doctor is now ignoring individual responses, monitoring, and just blasting max dose indiscriminately on all short kids no matter their labs, ur argument doesn't hold, u being under a doctor's supervision doesn't automatically mean what ur doing is optimal either, because plenty of doctors also hand out garbage protocols, look at how many kids got HGH scripts with no actual deficiency just because their parents wanted them taller, doesn't mean it was the best choice
  • +1
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM and Zagro
How am I supposed to find a study that proves that doctors don't? Prescribe 2.5mg letro to absolutely everyone

Ur argument about studies is dumb, it’s like saying “well they use 200mg Test for TRT in some studies so all TRT patients must be on 200mg” when in reality dosing varies based on response, same with AIs, they do prescribe different doses depending on the case, sometimes even lower than 2.5mg if suppression is too high, but u acting like every single case just maxes out Letro like some standard protocol when even in the studies u linked they measure estrogen suppression and adjust accordingly, that’s literally the opposite of “they always give 2.5mg”

So unless ur telling me every doctor is now ignoring individual responses, monitoring, and just blasting max dose indiscriminately on all short kids no matter their labs, ur argument doesn't hold, u being under a doctor's supervision doesn't automatically mean what ur doing is optimal either, because plenty of doctors also hand out garbage protocols, look at how many kids got HGH scripts with no actual deficiency just because their parents wanted them taller, doesn't mean it was the best choice
What do you mean, your claiming they rarely prescribe 2.5 mg of letrozole or the highest dosage of AI, so obviously you have to be claiming that from somewhere.

And i don’t mean just studies, any source in general, I just said studies because that’s the best place to get

And for TRT that is different, they need to specifically match the dosage according to your baseline test levels, when docotrs prescribe AIs, they just nuke estrogen levels.

I never said doctors don’t monitor your things, I’m saying they dont need exactly monitor these kind of shit as much as you think you do

I don’t know what you mean by “how am I supposed to find a study where they don’t prescribe the highest amount” because you claim doctors specifically create an AI dosage just for you and not just the highest dosage, so you have to be getting this information from somewhere
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
JFL ur just telling him to permanently stunt himself and disintegrate his joints, 2.5mg letto ED is bone suicide
Yeah guys on org never talk about this jfl they only talk about mental sides never about the cardiovascular problems the Bp problems ect…
Personally i have tried 2.5 mg letro i didn’t get any sides but ly joints felt like shit i felt like my arm might breack in half i i benched anything more than 225
  • +1
Reactions: org3cel.RR, MyDreamIsToBe183CM, TrueRamirez and 1 other person
What do you mean, your claiming they rarely prescribe 2.5 mg of letrozole or the highest dosage of AI, so obviously you have to be claiming that from somewhere.

And i don’t mean just studies, any source in general, I just said studies because that’s the best place to get

And for TRT that is different, they need to specifically match the dosage according to your baseline test levels, when docotrs prescribe AIs, they just nuke estrogen levels.

I never said doctors don’t monitor your things, I’m saying they dont need exactly monitor these kind of shit as much as you think you do

I don’t know what you mean by “how am I supposed to find a study where they don’t prescribe the highest amount” because you claim doctors specifically create an AI dosage just for you and not just the highest dosage, so you have to be getting this information from somewhere
Bro ur acting like the absence of 2.5mg Letro in every case needs a special study or case to prove it, that's just backwards logic, It's like saying "show me a study where doctors don't give every patient 500mg Test for TRT," like that's not how it works, protocols vary based on the case, not everything needs a source to prove what's obvious, otherwise by ur logic, I could say "find me a study where every doctor prescribes 2.5mg Letro to every kid" and u wouldn't be able to, because those don't exist either, what actually happens is dosing depends on estrogen suppression, which is why even in ur own studies, some kids end up with 7pg/mL E2 while others still have 20pg/mL, meaning they don't just nuke everyone's estrogen equally

Also u literally just admitted they do monitor things but are now backtracking saying "they don't need to monitor it that much," which is it? If suppression wasn't a concern, why do the studies u posted measure estrogen levels to see how much suppression happens? If it was just "nuke estrogen no matter what" they wouldn't even bother testing for that, but they do, meaning individual response actually matters, even with high-dose protocols, otherwise why not just blindly prescribe Letro to every kid under 5'6 and never check their bloods at all? Because obviously it's not as simple as ur making it seem

And the TRT comparison is actually valid because it shows how medicine isn't "give max dose and move on," Al dosing also depends on how much estrogen actually drops, otherwise u wouldn't see any variation in suppression levels in studies, but u do, which means not everyone responds the same, which means ur whole argument about "they just max dose it" is already false, ur just doubling down now because ur doctor happened to give u 2.5mg and u think that applies universally
What do you mean, your claiming they rarely prescribe 2.5 mg of letrozole or the highest dosage of AI,
Also I never even said doctors "rarely" prescribe 2.5mg Letro, I said it's gonna fuck up ur joints and that bone loss is gradual, which is just a fact, even in studies they literally track changes in bone density because they know Al use affects it, otherwise why would they even bother? If 2.5mg Letro was harmless, there wouldn't even be any discussion about osteoporosis risk in Al studies, but there is, because it's a real concern, not something I just made up on the spot for no reason, it's just obvious if you use any bit of logic
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Should my stack now look similar to this. I fucked up the dosages a bit but now it’s a lower dose and i still need to choose which path i should go for.

Roid / Peptide / Sarm stack :

6iu hgh ed or ipamorelin ed (nightly) + lantus insulin ed low dose
6.25mg aromasin ed
t4 100mcg
2x125mg test e weekly
2x75mg masteron weekly or 2x100 primo weekly
2x125iu hcg weekly
Anadrol 50mg ed ( 4 weeks )

Vitamins / Minerals / Acids stack :

Cod liver oil 1g
Vitamine D 5000iu
Vitamine K 200mcg
Magnesium 300mg
MSM 750mg
TUDCA 500mg
NAC 500mg
Berberine 500mg
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  • +1
Reactions: REGULUS, chudltn and TrueRamirez
Should my stack now look similar to this. I fucked up the dosages a bit but now it’s a lower dose and i still need to choose which path i should go for.

Roid / Peptide / Sarm stack :

6iu hgh ed or ipamorelin ed (nightly) + lantus insulin ed low dose
6.25mg aromasin ed
t4 100mcg
2x125mg test e weekly
2x75mg masteron weekly or 2x100 primo weekly
2x125iu hcg weekly
Anadrol 50mg ed ( 4 weeks )

Vitamins / Minerals / Acids stack :

Cod liver oil 1g
Vitamine D 5000iu
Vitamine K 200mcg
Magnesium 300mg
MSM 750mg
TUDCA 500mg
NAC 500mg
Berberine 500mg
Looks solid but drop the Ipamorelin if ur running 6iu GH, there's no point stacking GH secretagogues with exogenous GH, just wasted injections, also decide between Mast and Primo, no need for both, Primo is better overall but Mast is cheaper, 6.25mg Aromasin ED is fine if ur bloods show stable E2, but if ur running Anadrol u might need to adjust since Drol doesn't aromatize but still causes estrogenic sides, Lantus dosing depends on how u handle carbs, don't just pin blindly, and make sure ur running HCG correctly unless u don't care about suppression, rest of the stack looks good
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
This is the stack i will use, so last time that i will bother any of you. What do y’all think? Right now i’m busy with making a crypto account to buy these everything else is already ready.

Roid / Peptide / Sarm stack :

6iu hgh ed
6.25mg aromasin ed
t4 100mcg
2x250mg test e weekly
2x150mg masteron weekly
2x250iu hcg weekly
Anadrol 100mg eod

Vitamins / Minerals / Acids stack :

Cod liver oil 1g
Vitamine D 5000iu
Vitamine K 200mcg
Magnesium 300mg
MSM 750mg
TUDCA 250mg
Berberine 500mg
You need to facemax bro
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Should my stack now look similar to this. I fucked up the dosages a bit but now it’s a lower dose and i still need to choose which path i should go for.

Roid / Peptide / Sarm stack :

6iu hgh ed or ipamorelin ed (nightly) + lantus insulin ed low dose
6.25mg aromasin ed
t4 100mcg
2x125mg test e weekly
2x75mg masteron weekly or 2x100 primo weekly
2x125iu hcg weekly
Anadrol 50mg ed ( 4 weeks )

Vitamins / Minerals / Acids stack :

Cod liver oil 1g
Vitamine D 5000iu
Vitamine K 200mcg
Magnesium 300mg
MSM 750mg
TUDCA 500mg
NAC 500mg
Berberine 500mg
good roid stack tbh, I hope it will masculinize you.

DHT hormones like masteron are most important because they are more androgenic.
  • +1
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM and Zagro
Looks solid but drop the Ipamorelin if ur running 6iu GH, there's no point stacking GH secretagogues with exogenous GH, just wasted injections, also decide between Mast and Primo, no need for both, Primo is better overall but Mast is cheaper, 6.25mg Aromasin ED is fine if ur bloods show stable E2, but if ur running Anadrol u might need to adjust since Drol doesn't aromatize but still causes estrogenic sides, Lantus dosing depends on how u handle carbs, don't just pin blindly, and make sure ur running HCG correctly unless u don't care about suppression, rest of the stack looks good
Yeah i will choose between, the “or“ was to decide between. But could i possibly use lantus insulin and hgh together for more effectiveness?

I will just do primo then as i’m looking for the best compounds to use in my stack, but of course i try to not do crazy amounts of money a month.

Will still have to learn how to manage these when i do maybe I’ll update the stack, for now thank you for everything man seriously.
  • +1
Reactions: REGULUS, chudltn and TrueRamirez
You need to facemax bro
good roid stack tbh, I hope it will masculinize you.

DHT hormones like masteron are most important because they are more androgenic.
Is primo also androgenic like mast i have no info regarding that. I also hope it will masculinise man then it wil “facemaxx” me a little bit atleast.
  • +1
Reactions: REGULUS, chudltn, Johanjohan and 1 other person
Bro ur acting like the absence of 2.5mg Letro in every case needs a special study or case to prove it, that's just backwards logic, It's like saying "show me a study where doctors don't give every patient 500mg Test for TRT," like that's not how it works, protocols vary based on the case, not everything needs a source to prove what's obvious, otherwise by ur logic, I could say "find me a study where every doctor prescribes 2.5mg Letro to every kid" and u wouldn't be able to, because those don't exist either, what actually happens is dosing depends on estrogen suppression, which is why even in ur own studies, some kids end up with 7pg/mL E2 while others still have 20pg/mL, meaning they don't just nuke everyone's estrogen equally
Brother you keep saying they specifically choose a dosage for you, and that it’s rare to find doctors that prescribe 2.5 mg of letrozole, so I’m trying to see where your getting that information from, or why you think that

Also in my own studies some kids ends up with lower or higher estrogen levels because everybody responds to these kind of stuff differently. That’s pretty water and you should know that. Its stated everybody got 2.5 mg of letrozole/1mf of anastrolze
Also I never even said doctors "rarely" prescribe 2.5mg Letro, I said it's gonna fuck up ur joints and that bone loss is gradual, which is just a fact, even in studies they literally track changes in bone density because they know Al use affects it, otherwise why would they even bother? If 2.5mg Letro was harmless, there wouldn't even be any discussion about osteoporosis risk in Al studies, but there is, because it's a real concern, not something I just made up on the spot for no reason, it's just obvious if you use any bit of logic
You did say that actually, atleast in Europe. Also you are confusing “risk” with “cause” for example just because HGH increases risk of diabetes doesn’t mean it directly induces diabetes.

K think it’s a universal thing because everytime somebody is treated with AI for heightmaxxing protocols it’s always 2.5 mg. Name one time a doctor hasn’t given less then that, I’m just telling you to name a study only because where else will you find where you wouldn’t

HGH also increases bone density and decreases risk of osteoporosis, and with proper supplementation you can greatly discrease risk of bone loss. You are acting like you have literally 0 estrogen, you still have enough estrogen to function

And the only part I can’t explain is the fact that that some kids still end up with 20 pg/mL with 2.5 mg of letrozole.
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Should my stack now look similar to this. I fucked up the dosages a bit but now it’s a lower dose and i still need to choose which path i should go for.

Roid / Peptide / Sarm stack :

6iu hgh ed or ipamorelin ed (nightly) + lantus insulin ed low dose
6.25mg aromasin ed
t4 100mcg
2x125mg test e weekly
2x75mg masteron weekly or 2x100 primo weekly
2x125iu hcg weekly
Anadrol 50mg ed ( 4 weeks )

Vitamins / Minerals / Acids stack :

Cod liver oil 1g
Vitamine D 5000iu
Vitamine K 200mcg
Magnesium 300mg
MSM 750mg
TUDCA 500mg
NAC 500mg
Berberine 500mg
Good stack, stick to HGH and not peptides

Also remember those steroids are an androgen, and androgens contribute to growth plate closure. I would just stick to test if I were you
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Is primo also androgenic like mast i have no info regarding that. I also hope it will masculinise man then it wil “facemaxx” me a little bit atleast.
Primo is shit and expensive

Roids like masteron, proviron, anadrol, tren, halotestin are androgenic and they can masculinize the face and body.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: TrueRamirez and Zagro
Yeah guys on org never talk about this jfl they only talk about mental sides never about the cardiovascular problems the Bp problems ect…
Personally i have tried 2.5 mg letro i didn’t get any sides but ly joints felt like shit i felt like my arm might breack in half i i benched anything more than 225
How long did you run it for.

I felt all the mental health effect sides, but I didn’t really feel if my joints felt like shit
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Brother you keep saying they specifically choose a dosage for you, and that it’s rare to find doctors that prescribe 2.5 mg of letrozole, so I’m trying to see where your getting that information from, or why you think that

Also in my own studies some kids ends up with lower or higher estrogen levels because everybody responds to these kind of stuff differently. That’s pretty water and you should know that. Its stated everybody got 2.5 mg of letrozole/1mf of anastrolze

You did say that actually, atleast in Europe. Also you are confusing “risk” with “cause” for example just because HGH increases risk of diabetes doesn’t mean it directly induces diabetes.

K think it’s a universal thing because everytime somebody is treated with AI for heightmaxxing protocols it’s always 2.5 mg. Name one time a doctor hasn’t given less then that, I’m just telling you to name a study only because where else will you find where you wouldn’t

HGH also increases bone density and decreases risk of osteoporosis, and with proper supplementation you can greatly discrease risk of bone loss. You are acting like you have literally 0 estrogen, you still have enough estrogen to function

And the only part I can’t explain is the fact that that some kids still end up with 20 pg/mL with 2.5 mg of letrozole.
Even if your bloodwork shows some estrogen left, that doesn't mean your bones are actually getting what they need, estrogen regulates bone metabolism at a local level, and just having a measurable amount in the blood doesn't mean it's functionally sufficient, that's why long term Al use leads to bone loss even when serum estrogen isn't completely zero, HGH increasing bone density doesn't change the fact that estrogen is necessary for proper bone remodeling, without it, osteoclast activity isn't balanced, and bone quality gradually declines, this isn't about "risk" vs "cause," it's just how bone metabolism works, the only reason they use fixed doses in research is for standardization, not because it's the best approach for every patient
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro and MyDreamIsToBe183CM
Even if your bloodwork shows some estrogen left, that doesn't mean your bones are actually getting what they need, estrogen regulates bone metabolism at a local level, and just having a measurable amount in the blood doesn't mean it's functionally sufficient, that's why long term Al use leads to bone loss even when serum estrogen isn't completely zero, HGH increasing bone density doesn't change the fact that estrogen is necessary for proper bone remodeling, without it, osteoclast activity isn't balanced, and bone quality gradually declines, this isn't about "risk" vs "cause," it's just how bone metabolism works, the only reason they use fixed doses in research is for standardization, not because it's the best approach for every patient
I’m gonna be honest I don’t know shit about bone metabolism

I just listen to the doctors, and my point is that doctors prescribe 2.5 mg of letrozole for a reason
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  • +1
Reactions: TrueRamirez and Zagro
Primo is shit and expensive

Roids like masteron, proviron, anadrol, tren, halotestin are androgenic and they can masculinize the face and body.
Primo isn't even in the same category as those, it's a mild DHT derivative with weak androgenic effects, that's why it's used long-term without wrecking lipids or hair, masteron is just a slightly stronger version, proviron isn't even suppressive at normal doses, and Anadrol isn't androgenic at all, it's a 2-hydroxymethylene DHT derivative with selective AR binding that doesn't even convert to DHT, tren is a 19-nor that binds to progesterone receptors and has neurotoxic effects, halotestin is a pure strength drug with insane AR affinity, none of these work the same way, just saying "androgenic" doesn't mean they do the same thing
Also, primo is not in fact shit, it's literally one of the only anabolics you can run at high dosages for a longer time frame without fucking your health, it has a great anabolic to androgenic ratio, doesn't convert to estrogen, doesn't spike blood pressure like tren, doesn't hammer your hair like mast, and doesn't trash your lipids like Anadrol, the only reason people call it shit is because it's expensive and mild, but that's exactly why it's valuable, you can run 600-800mg a week without worrying about side effects, and it actually builds quality tissue instead of just water and glycogen like Anadrol or halo, it's ngl the best choice
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Johanjohan and Zagro
Primo isn't even in the same category as those, it's a mild DHT derivative with weak androgenic effects, that's why it's used long-term without wrecking lipids or hair, masteron is just a slightly stronger version, proviron isn't even suppressive at normal doses, and Anadrol isn't androgenic at all, it's a 2-hydroxymethylene DHT derivative with selective AR binding that doesn't even convert to DHT, tren is a 19-nor that binds to progesterone receptors and has neurotoxic effects, halotestin is a pure strength drug with insane AR affinity, none of these work the same way, just saying "androgenic" doesn't mean they do the same thing
Also, primo is not in fact shit, it's literally one of the only anabolics you can run at high dosages for a longer time frame without fucking your health, it has a great anabolic to androgenic ratio, doesn't convert to estrogen, doesn't spike blood pressure like tren, doesn't hammer your hair like mast, and doesn't trash your lipids like Anadrol, the only reason people call it shit is because it's expensive and mild, but that's exactly why it's valuable, you can run 600-800mg a week without worrying about side effects, and it actually builds quality tissue instead of just water and glycogen like Anadrol or halo, it's ngl the best choice
He is taking roids for results, primo is expensive and weak and gives shit results

Roids like tren halotestin masteron anadrol and proviron are androgenic and actually work.
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
I’m gonna be honest I don’t know shit about bone metabolism

I just listen to the doctors, and my point is that doctors prescribe 2.5 mg of letrozole for a reason
If ur admitting u don't know anything about bone metabolism then u don't even know what ur taking, doctors prescribe meds for a reason but that doesn't mean it's always the best approach, they also prescribe SSRIs like candy and hand out TRT without considering longterm endocrine suppression, doesn't mean it's optimal, some doctors are retarded
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
he is taking roids for results, primo is expensive and weak

Roids like tren halo masteron anadrol and proviron are androgenic.
He just explained it to you lol. Yea i want benefits but not a idiot to use nor19 at 15. Halo would be just like fucking my health up knowing it will.
  • +1
Reactions: REGULUS, chudltn and TrueRamirez
He is taking roids for results, primo is expensive and weak and gives shit results

Roids like tren halotestin masteron anadrol and proviron are androgenic and actually work.
Calling primo weak just means ur looking at it like a casual, strength athletes and bodybuilders run it because it's actually sustainable long term, not everything is about blasting short-term toxicity for instant results, tren and halo will absolutely wreck ur health while primo can be run at 600-800mg indefinitely with minimal impact, and it's not just about being androgenic, primo still has strong anabolic properties without the brutal side effects, that's why elite bodybuilders stack it, if ur just chasing short-term water weight and androgenic aggression then sure, go pin halo and tren, enjoy the organ damage :feelshah:
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Johanjohan and Zagro
If ur admitting u don't know anything about bone metabolism then u don't even know what ur taking, doctors prescribe meds for a reason but that doesn't mean it's always the best approach, they also prescribe SSRIs like candy and hand out TRT without considering longterm endocrine suppression, doesn't mean it's optimal, some doctors are retarded
I never said I did, my point from the debate was that doctors always give the highest dose of letrozole when it comes to height protocols, and I’ve never seen any cases of AI causing crazy bone loss

It’s not “some” tho, it is a universal thing
  • +1
Reactions: TrueRamirez and Zagro
Calling primo weak just means ur looking at it like a casual, strength athletes and bodybuilders run it because it's actually sustainable long term, not everything is about blasting short-term toxicity for instant results, tren and halo will absolutely wreck ur health while primo can be run at 600-800mg indefinitely with minimal impact, and it's not just about being androgenic, primo still has strong anabolic properties without the brutal side effects, that's why elite bodybuilders stack it, if ur just chasing short-term water weight and androgenic aggression then sure, go pin halo and tren, enjoy the organ damage :feelshah:
Primo doesnt even work lmao, ive never seen anyone get results from it and its extremely expensive

But i dont give a shit since I stopped taking steroids but I have probably 100x more experience with steroids than you and bodymog you to mumbai.
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Primo doesnt even work lmao, ive never seen anyone get results from it and its extremely expensive

But i dont give a shit since I stopped taking steroids but I have probably 100x more experience with steroids than you and bodymog you to mumbai.
Atleast primo would be okay for now could use something stronger like mast later on if i decide to. For facial changes i have a longer time frame so ill begin with primo and test man its enough, although i will never taker nor19 or halo.
  • +1
Reactions: REGULUS, chudltn and TrueRamirez
I never said I did, my point from the debate was that doctors always give the highest dose of letrozole when it comes to height protocols, and I’ve never seen any cases of AI causing crazy bone loss

It’s not “some” tho, it is a universal thing
Good for u if u don't experience it but I already pinned two studies and it's literally a documented fact, just because u haven't personally seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and acting like universal dosing means universal safety is just ignorance
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Primo doesnt even work lmao, ive never seen anyone get results from it and its extremely expensive

But i dont give a shit since I stopped taking steroids but I have probably 100x more experience with steroids than you and bodymog you to mumbai.
Stfu roided nigger kys u have the brain of a mosquito
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed, Zagro and Johanjohan
Atleast primo would be okay for now could use something stronger like mast later on if i decide to. For facial changes i have a longer time frame so ill begin with primo and test man its enough, although i will never taker nor19 or halo.
Primo is legit a meme just like t-bol :lul: just do test and mast or something

I dont recommend trenbolone since I have tried it and it fucked me up big time. Got night sweats and paranoia. But it is top 3 strongest steroids
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Stfu roided nigger kys u have the brain of a mosquito
I dont take roids anymore, but stop talking about things you’ve never tried you currycel

You’ve probably never even had the balls to try SARMs
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Zagro and TrueRamirez
I dont take roids anymore, but stop talking about things you’ve never tried you currycel

You’ve probably never even had the balls to try SARMs
You are literally the epitome of retardedness you're not even worth a second of my interaction, all you have done so far is say some anecdotal shit that has nothing to do with anything in reality, nobody needs to take SARMs to know their effects
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro and Johanjohan
You are literally the epitome of retardedness you're not even worth a second of my interaction, all you have done so far is say some anecdotal shit that has nothing to do with anything in reality, nobody needs to take SARMs to know their effects
You have never taken steroids, you cant even afford it in your indian shithole :feelshah: You are just another indian talking about things you cant afford
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Zagro and TrueRamirez
You have never taken steroids, you cant even afford it in your indian shithole :feelshah: You are just another indian talking about things you cant afford
I'm Romanian jfl, is this your coping mechanism since you're half curry or some shit
  • JFL
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Reactions: Johanjohan and Zagro
I'm Romanian jfl, is this your coping mechanism since you're half curry or some shit
Yes you are a romanian gypsy, your country is a poor shithole. You cant afford roids :feelsuhh:
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Zagro
Is there anyway i can combat hairloss on the stack without anti-androgens? @Jonas2k7
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  • +1
Reactions: REGULUS and chudltn
How long did you run it for.

I felt all the mental health effect sides, but I didn’t really feel if my joints felt like shit
Short period of time like 12-15 weeks maxx
Everyone different just do what works for you
If i was a manlet and all i caref about was growing taller and have limited budget my stack would be ipam lantus letrozole trenbolone and testosterone
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Reactions: chudltn, Zagro and MyDreamIsToBe183CM
Bro ur acting like the absence of 2.5mg Letro in every case needs a special study or case to prove it, that's just backwards logic, It's like saying "show me a study where doctors don't give every patient 500mg Test for TRT," like that's not how it works, protocols vary based on the case, not everything needs a source to prove what's obvious, otherwise by ur logic, I could say "find me a study where every doctor prescribes 2.5mg Letro to every kid" and u wouldn't be able to, because those don't exist either, what actually happens is dosing depends on estrogen suppression, which is why even in ur own studies, some kids end up with 7pg/mL E2 while others still have 20pg/mL, meaning they don't just nuke everyone's estrogen equally

Also u literally just admitted they do monitor things but are now backtracking saying "they don't need to monitor it that much," which is it? If suppression wasn't a concern, why do the studies u posted measure estrogen levels to see how much suppression happens? If it was just "nuke estrogen no matter what" they wouldn't even bother testing for that, but they do, meaning individual response actually matters, even with high-dose protocols, otherwise why not just blindly prescribe Letro to every kid under 5'6 and never check their bloods at all? Because obviously it's not as simple as ur making it seem

And the TRT comparison is actually valid because it shows how medicine isn't "give max dose and move on," Al dosing also depends on how much estrogen actually drops, otherwise u wouldn't see any variation in suppression levels in studies, but u do, which means not everyone responds the same, which means ur whole argument about "they just max dose it" is already false, ur just doubling down now because ur doctor happened to give u 2.5mg and u think that applies universally

Also I never even said doctors "rarely" prescribe 2.5mg Letro, I said it's gonna fuck up ur joints and that bone loss is gradual, which is just a fact, even in studies they literally track changes in bone density because they know Al use affects it, otherwise why would they even bother? If 2.5mg Letro was harmless, there wouldn't even be any discussion about osteoporosis risk in Al studies, but there is, because it's a real concern, not something I just made up on the spot for no reason, it's just obvious if you use any bit of logic
And even if yiu did that would be called "cherry picking"
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: TrueRamirez, MyDreamIsToBe183CM and Zagro
Short period of time like 12-15 weeks maxx
Everyone different just do what works for you
If i was a manlet and all i caref about was growing taller and have limited budget my stack would be ipam lantus letrozole trenbolone and testosterone
What if you didn't have a limited budget?
  • +1
Reactions: REGULUS and MyDreamIsToBe183CM
Short period of time like 12-15 weeks maxx
Everyone different just do what works for you
If i was a manlet and all i caref about was growing taller and have limited budget my stack would be ipam lantus letrozole trenbolone and testosterone
damn ok

why do you think about tren for height growth though? it apparently activates the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, and meathead uses it grow taller, but is it really worth all the side effects jfl
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
What if you didn't have a limited budget?
Yes i do
I just couldn’t handle the side of the letro
Also im 16 and 6ft2 my growth plates are still open so i don’t really care about height anymore
I was 5ft7 at 14 pre roids
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
And even if yiu did that would be called "cherry picking"
nigga no, the whole point was for him to find one doctor that didt

literally every single doctor has prescribed 2.5 mg
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
damn ok

why do you think about tren for height growth though? it apparently activates the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, and meathead uses it grow taller, but is it really worth all the side effects jfl
No it sensitise tissue to igf-1 also androgens increase igf-1 especially tren its also like 3.5x stronger than testosterone
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM and Zagro
But like what if you didn’t have one what would you do what kind of stack would you use without a budget, and was what you said your stack for height?
But like what if you didn’t have one what would you do what kind of stack, and was what you said your stack for height?
Like what would be my stack if i knew what i knew now
Or what was my stack
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Like what would be my stack if i knew what i knew now
Or what was my stack
Both, what would you use for height with the knowledge you have now also without a limited budget so it doesn’t have to be financially good. Also what did you use I’m really curious.
  • +1
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM
No it sensitise tissue to igf-1 also androgens increase igf-1 especially tren its also like 3.5x stronger than testosterone
if thats your reason then thats fucking shit, the cons severely overweigh the pros
what are you jfling for nigga

you guys are acting like i made a hypothesis, look at literally any dosage doctors give for letrozole for height protocols and its always 2.5 mg
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Both, what would you use for height with the knowledge you have now also without a limited budget so it doesn’t have to be financially good. Also what did you use I’m really curious.
anamorelin + dsip are the updated peptides in 2025
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Both, what would you use for height with the knowledge you have now also without a limited budget so it doesn’t have to be financially good. Also what did you use I’m really curious.
I used T3 Ostarine Oxandrolone Énclomiphene Mk-667 Ac-262 Cjc Dac ipam Clenbuterol Aromasin

IF i vould ho back in time i would fix my Diet would have used Hcg and hmg (as a base the whole cycle) then for i would do mini cycles here and their using trenbolone and testosterone
I would also use ipam and lantus and would use aromasin
Would also add L carnitine and T3 and ancillaries of course while on cycle to keep me healthy and good looking
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
if thats your reason then thats fucking shit, the cons severely overweigh the pros

what are you jfling for nigga

you guys are acting like i made a hypothesis, look at literally any dosage doctors give for letrozole for height protocols and its always 2.5 mg
  • JFL
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Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM and Zagro

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