16 year old girls are more sexually attractive than 26 year old girls

i rmember people use to post that girls youtube channel on here, saying she was goofy. No idea how she looks now, but those videos in your sig are very old. So im guessing she is like 25 years old now. Whats her name again.
who the fuck cares. Chad surely doesn't
fun fact all of these 14 year old bitches have already been PENETRATED by Chad
virignity rate of teen pussy surely is way below 50%, because Chad has a sixth sense for underage virgin pussy
it's comical that ugly incels want to "protect" 14 year old cunts from getting fucked when a dozen chads already went through them :feelsuhh:
Incel cope
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i rmember people use to post that girls youtube channel on here, saying she was goofy. No idea how she looks now, but those videos in your sig are very old. So im guessing she is like 25 years old now. Whats her name again.
Megan Turi.

She was hot as fuck lol. Lookism were obsessed with her. She was like 15-16 back then, so yeah, like 24 or something now I guess

She had a few fairly ugly boyfriends too who were fucking her in her very prime too lol.
Megan Turi.

She was hot as fuck lol. Lookism were obsessed with her. She was like 15-16 back then, so yeah, like 24 or something now I guess

She had a few fairly ugly boyfriends too who were fucking her in her very prime too lol.
I tell guys this all the time, the greatest time to date a young prime female who is 1 point+ better looking then you is at ages 13-17. Once she steps out on a college campus its OVER.

Dame white women age fats as yell they literally peak at ages 13-18.


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1275 - first age of consent law set in England, aged 12.
1875 - Great Britain and Ireland raise age of consent to 13.
1885 - Great Britain and Ireland raise age of consent to 16.

...so for 600 years (1275-1875), the age of consent in England was 12.
...and for 137 years (1885-2022), the age of consent in England has been 16.

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1275 - first age of consent law set in England, aged 12.
1875 - Great Britain and Ireland raise age of consent to 13.
1885 - Great Britain and Ireland rase age of consent to 16.

...so for 600 years (1275-1875), the age of consent in England was 12.
...and for 137 years (1885-2022), the age of consent in England has been 16.

u sure it's age of consent, not marriageable age instead?
Waterst of waters.
first 2 girls are my ideals!

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I think I personally prefer 18.
I'm attracted to neoteny like every guy but there is a limit. If there's anything considerably childlike about them (which there often is at 16) I find it offputting tbh
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it doesnt effect PHYSICALL attractivness and i think thats what that guy who made the post is on.
Sure. But if you actually wanna date, good luck doing anything practical or fun with anyone under 20. I've tried to date 18-19 yos but they're just too immature and naive for me. On top of being broke lol. 20-23 is the sweet spot for me outside of just wanting to fuck a chick.
this has always been okay in every society ever and every society ever would agree with you.

"While the unrestricted age of consent is between 16 and 18 in all U.S. states, the laws have widely varied across the country in the past. In 1880, the ages of consent were set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.[104] The ages of consent were raised across the U.S. during the late 19th century and the early 20th century.[105][106] By 1920, 26 states had an age of consent at 16, 21 states had an age of consent at 18, and one state (Georgia) had an age of consent at 14.[104] Small adjustments to these laws occurred after 1920. The last two states to raise their age of general consent from under 16 to 16 or higher were Georgia, which raised the age of consent from 14 to 16 in 1995,[107] and Hawaii, which changed it from 14 to 16 in 2001.[108]"
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i dont find any of those girls posted attractive :feelshah:
Well, I'd have to disagree clearly because I'm biased since my wife is older than me by a few years.
Do you agree? It´s my personal opinion and it is legal to have sex with 16 year old girls in my country. I don´t see any reason to not hold this opinion publicly. Examples of sexually attractive 16 year olds:

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13-16 is prime age for women, they detoriate after 16. 17 is borderline, some with more jb look still look jb, at 18 its over ( but I looked at my highscool yearbook and the foids a lot of em looked jb tier senior year).
Well, I'd have to disagree clearly because I'm biased since my wife is older than me by a few years.
Dating a older is cucked, and marrying is massively cucked. Real alpha males marry jb ( or at least date them cause age cucks made it illegal )
Imagine being so ugly you have to change a foids belief to make them stay loyal towards you. Cringe tradwife bullshit

Only truecel fags like you think like this "muh HQNP"

Keep fantasizing about 16 year old girls on an incel forum, sad
Its every man's right to get a jb stacy trad wife. Only age cucks like you think its not normal when its been normal for centuries for jb to marry and have kids with adult men. Go protest in a feminist rally pussy, and marry some old roasties. I'll keep the jb to myself and other redpilled users
Bingo. They think they're missing out on something. Brutally delusional.
Nope, its called liking them for their better collagen and fertility indicators. Every normal man prefers jb, why do you think that the lowest general legal age of 18 is the most demanded in seeking, if they could go lower they would choose jb 13-17 if the rules allowed it.
Only incels like you like "JBS" because when you were 16 you didn't get them

Once you lose your virginity you realise "roasties" and "JBs" are the same

One is just less abused than other, but still abused nevertheless
Bro these are my own beliefs. As dude who can legally date them, I still chose a girl in my year to date. She is much more developed than those girls. I wouldn't lie to you and say I'm not attracted to any of them, but 95% are still growing. The only attractive ones are early bloomers. You need to stop this shit bro, the guilt tripping this is true for going for 18 year old, but 16 is too much.
The agecuck reveals himself. Hey you can keep those old roasties , me and others will take jb.
Nope, its called liking them for their better collagen and fertility indicators. Every normal man prefers jb, why do you think that the lowest general legal age of 18 is the most demanded in seeking, if they could go lower they would choose jb 13-17 if the rules allowed it.
If you're 18 and below, that's your choice. But if you're older, you will be arrested sooner or later. Believe its okay, believe there's nothing wrong with having sex with children for their better collagen and fertility value, believe MAPs have rights, but eventually, reality will come crashing down in a form of a violent assault from the father, brother, or group of kids her age, or an arrest as you're labeled a sex offender that could lead to thoughts of ending your life. Whatever. Your choice, no one gives a fuck on here either way. Cheerio!
1275 - first age of consent law set in England, aged 12.
1875 - Great Britain and Ireland raise age of consent to 13.
1885 - Great Britain and Ireland raise age of consent to 16.

...so for 600 years (1275-1875), the age of consent in England was 12.
...and for 137 years (1885-2022), the age of consent in England has been 16.

What in the cuckery happened in 1885. For 600 years Britain was based
Women start descending after 16 because they get less neotenous and more masc
They start descending even harder around 25 cuz their skin goes to shit
Dating an older is cucked, and marrying is massively cucked. Real alpha males marry jb ( or at least date them cause age cucks made it illegal )
I don't get how it's "tucked" to be honest. I just don't find it attractive to date a job even though I don't find it objectively wrong. And please elaborate on why you think that marriage is cucked. What's your age?
Bruh are you a pedo or something? I'm 18 and just finished sixth form and we look down on guys who have go for girls that young wtf and your nearly 10 years older. Your sick bro, I understand if you like 18 or 19 but 16 is too young. From first hand experience as a teen I can compare girls in my year to girls 2 years below and there is a huge difference. 16 year old aren't even that attractive on average your just a pedo.


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16 ia basically the new 20 nothing extraordinary
And even THEY'RE dog pilled


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