17 year-old Arab slays 28 year-old, kills her after

yes, i think he couldn't get hard too. Pretty common nowadays for teens not being able to get hard
Probably porn addiction
Probably porn addiction
Cope, it's anxiety, and it was probably common before in ONS, only in LTR/marriage you had enough time to learn/adjust.
Nahhh bro this is dickpill right fucking here.

Brother Ali probably had a three inch abdu in his pants

@yeeyeeslayer @arabcelxxx @arab_chink @Autismcel
Never began for Moham-MAD
  • JFL
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There was no sex because his dick couldn't get hard. So she laughed at him because of that and that set him off.

He couldn't get hard so she laughed at him and he killed her. So he didn't get any sex. His dick cucked him
:forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:how can a healthy 17yo man have ED!?
Btw is the girl white or gook?
That's what u get when u let subhumans into ur country.
Just lol i literally hate arabs (specifically north africans and black africans).

-Arabs commit crime. Drug crimes. Sexual Assault Crimes. Murders.

-Be me. Curry and Muslim. People hate me for my race and for my religion, even though curries literally statistically commit the least amount of crime in European countries, even less than white natives.

-Still get treated like i committed the same crime like arabs.
  • +1
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i actually feel happy

a mudshark died

little abdi nigga will rot in jail

2 less trash on the street
  • Ugh..
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the 'fuck off' wasn't that serious tbh, it's not meant to be a deep insult but maybe i shouldn't have said
I didn't get offended, I just don't get why did you feel identified with my first post
I hear you,

Fair enough, alot of sunni arab muslims (Esp the extremists) are filth whom i myself hate as a shia, so your completely justified in hating them
It's not a religion thing completely. The inscreasing hate towards brown inmigrants is because they behave like monkeys in heat, foreigners criminality statistics have absurdly increased and these people don't contribute to anything else. To this, it needs to be added the historical Europe-Islam conflict, the Ottomans have undoubtebly left a blueprint in Europeans to associate dark skin with danger and aversion.

So inmigration from middle eastern and norafrican countries is incompatible with European countries generally speaking.
however, i want to make clear that terrorism/terrorist attacks in the west is a sunni problem, not a shia one

everything from the paris attacks to the ones in barcelona to 9/11,

these are all instigated by sunnis not shia,

I will admit that shias on the whole do not assimilate well into western culture, but we are not a terror threat, and that must be aknowledged
I don't really know that much about this muslim division but I will accept this as truthful. Terrorist attacks do not occur in a daily basis, the hate for the people is for their behaviour in everydays life and their constant robberies, rapes and third-worldization of the native culture.
:forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:how can a healthy 17yo man have ED!?
Probably porn addiction
äter und Opfer hätten sich erst am 3. Oktober 2023 in der Bar kennengelernt, einige Drinks und Drogen (nach BILD-Infos: Kokain) konsumiert. Und weiter: „Dann sind sie in ihre Wohnung aufgebrochen und wollten einvernehmlichen Sex haben.“ Der Tunesier soll beim Rendezvous in der Wohnung keine Erektion und Blanca C. ihn deshalb ausgelacht haben. Deshalb soll der kräftige, 1,90 Meter große Jugendliche durchgedreht sein. Vermutlich aus gekränkter Männlichkeit! Staatsanwältin Jung: „Er schlug auf sie ein, würgte und drosselte sie.“

Deutsche machen das auch wenn sie keine Erektion bekommen

The perpetrator and victim only met in the bar on October 3, 2023, and consumed a few drinks and drugs (according to BILD information: cocaine). And further: "Then they broke into her apartment and wanted to have consensual sex." The Tunisian is said to have had no erection during the rendezvous in the apartment and Blanca C. laughed at him because of it. That is why the strong, 1.90 meter tall youth is said to have gone crazy. Presumably out of hurt masculinity! Prosecutor Jung: "He hit her, choked her and throttled her."

Yes, turns out erection issue. Dude was 190cm damn.

He probably will get away with it cuz juevenile crime
äter und Opfer hätten sich erst am 3. Oktober 2023 in der Bar kennengelernt, einige Drinks und Drogen (nach BILD-Infos: Kokain) konsumiert. Und weiter: „Dann sind sie in ihre Wohnung aufgebrochen und wollten einvernehmlichen Sex haben.“ Der Tunesier soll beim Rendezvous in der Wohnung keine Erektion und Blanca C. ihn deshalb ausgelacht haben. Deshalb soll der kräftige, 1,90 Meter große Jugendliche durchgedreht sein. Vermutlich aus gekränkter Männlichkeit! Staatsanwältin Jung: „Er schlug auf sie ein, würgte und drosselte sie.“

Deutsche machen das auch wenn sie keine Erektion bekommen

The perpetrator and victim only met in the bar on October 3, 2023, and consumed a few drinks and drugs (according to BILD information: cocaine). And further: "Then they broke into her apartment and wanted to have consensual sex." The Tunisian is said to have had no erection during the rendezvous in the apartment and Blanca C. laughed at him because of it. That is why the strong, 1.90 meter tall youth is said to have gone crazy. Presumably out of hurt masculinity! Prosecutor Jung: "He hit her, choked her and throttled her."

Yes, turns out erection issue. Dude was 190cm damn.

He probably will get away with it cuz juevenile crime
Nigga having an erection on coke must be insanely hard (badumpts)
äter und Opfer hätten sich erst am 3. Oktober 2023 in der Bar kennengelernt, einige Drinks und Drogen (nach BILD-Infos: Kokain) konsumiert. Und weiter: „Dann sind sie in ihre Wohnung aufgebrochen und wollten einvernehmlichen Sex haben.“ Der Tunesier soll beim Rendezvous in der Wohnung keine Erektion und Blanca C. ihn deshalb ausgelacht haben. Deshalb soll der kräftige, 1,90 Meter große Jugendliche durchgedreht sein. Vermutlich aus gekränkter Männlichkeit! Staatsanwältin Jung: „Er schlug auf sie ein, würgte und drosselte sie.“

Deutsche machen das auch wenn sie keine Erektion bekommen

The perpetrator and victim only met in the bar on October 3, 2023, and consumed a few drinks and drugs (according to BILD information: cocaine). And further: "Then they broke into her apartment and wanted to have consensual sex." The Tunisian is said to have had no erection during the rendezvous in the apartment and Blanca C. laughed at him because of it. That is why the strong, 1.90 meter tall youth is said to have gone crazy. Presumably out of hurt masculinity! Prosecutor Jung: "He hit her, choked her and throttled her."

Yes, turns out erection issue. Dude was 190cm damn.

He probably will get away with it cuz juevenile crime
nigga was trying to get hard on coke ofc there was no erection
That's how BBCs ✊🏿 indirectly kill arabcels
The BBC pill is the toughest one for the subhumans here to digest
  • JFL
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Brutal story. A low-inhib, thugmaxxed 17 year-old in Frankfurt named Mohamed Ali S. met a 28 year-old named Blanca C., slayed her, and killed her after that because she laughed at him while having sex with him.
View attachment 2948260
For Germancels:
Nothing admirable about that.

How insecure do you have to be to beat someone to death out of mild humiliation
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