21M, White Guy, Skater Aesthetic. Only get Average Girls

I’m not giga high smv at all haha. I only get action from ltr’s where I have to simp like a moron. On a night out or at a club I’m invisible
Damn bro, I relate to that like crazy. I'm in the same boat basically, even have the same aesthetic and stuff too. Will only get worse with age.
  • So Sad
Reactions: LookismMigrant
you look good, do something about the forehead and you are good looks, you also seem NT with good style

what's your slaycount?
She was drunk and sucked this mulatto chad dick at a party. From what the guy said, she completely came onto him, and he didn't know her. I can't even hate the guy, no fault of his own. But god fucking damn does he live rent free in my head. That guy looked kind of like a morph between @
@Amnesia and @
@ForeverRecession which is probably why I'm obsessed with them like some cuck just lol.

Ok so you're damaged as a result and now here trying to improve your looks to Chad level after wifeying a girl that was a bit of a slut

Asssuming you ditched her? Did she want you to forgive and all that stupid stuff? How tall are you? You basically got with an average looking girl that wanted that raw sexual attraction and excitement in the moment. She wasn't drunk. Any other pics of her?

I can give you the best looksmaxing advice tbh but need a real understanding of your base. Would you take a front view picture right now or video better more. Keep 6ft from lens and show front, both sides and 3/4 profiles
you look good, do something about the forehead and you are good looks, you also seem NT with good style

what's your slaycount?
Haha yeah I’ve learned some of the lingo by lurking lookism. I have 11 slays, 2 were hookups.
Ok so you're damaged as a result and now here trying to improve your looks to Chad level after wifeying a girl that was a bit of a slut

Asssuming you ditched her? Did she want you to forgive and all that stupid stuff? How tall are you? You basically got with an average looking girl that wanted that raw sexual attraction and excitement in the moment. She wasn't drunk. Any other pics of her?

I can give you the best looksmaxing advice tbh but need a real understanding of your base. Would you take a front view picture right now or video better more. Keep 6ft from lens and show front, both sides and 3/4 profiles
Yeah appreciate it bro I’ll send some in the morning, about to pass out now. And it was whatever I dropped her right away.
  • +1
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Haha yeah I’ve learned some of the lingo by lurking lookism. I have 11 slays, 2 were hookups.

Yeah appreciate it bro I’ll send some in the morning, about to pass out now. And it was whatever I dropped her right away.
and how old are you? if you feel like your hookups are not great in quality, you just have get experience, I think you have potential to slay a lot (if you so choose to tho)
Op should use this pic for daring dating and ig. Turbomogger

I told you selfie cameras are not reliable

Every taken a selfie camera pic he's looked like a normie

Using a digital he screams Chad

Cameras are NOT reliable. Only the 3D world is
5.25-5.5 psl
Thank you. I feel I have a good jaw area and that I am above average. Just was frustrated with users here talking how being white is the end all be all.
I won’t deny that being white has its perks but I’d rather be “ethnic” and an objective chadlite. Just my personal experience.
Lol fucking cope. You’ve never walked in the shoes of the average ethnic male. Have you tried dating ethnic women? They would die for your pheno
A the end of the day there is always going to be someone better looking, fucks better, more money etc.

If she strays, she strays. Ditch and onto the next.

Your only looksmax is gym bro

You are already a Chadlite
Lol fucking cope. You’ve never walked in the shoes of the average ethnic male. Have you tried dating ethnic women? They would die for your pheno
Yeah half of my lays have been ethnic girls, all decent looking. The hottest ethnics tend to date in their own race though.
  • +1
Reactions: fogdart
Not if you’re @LooksOverAll only stacy’s for him:feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:.Hey moron look, I’m still 5 psl in unfrauded pics and I have friends who aren’t “gigasubhuman.” What’s your cope now, recessed braincel :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
4.5 PSL. Still looks like a low T skater and your low tier bloated becky girlfriend left you for a black dude. Not sure why you tag me over and over.
4.5 PSL. Still looks like a low T skater and your low tier bloated becky girlfriend left you for a black dude. Not sure why you tag me over and over.
Keep coping. Everyone said Im around 5 psl in unfrauded pics.
Keep coping. Everyone said Im around 5 psl in unfrauded pics.
People here don't know how to rate. You lack any robustness to your skull and look like the typical small-framed skaterboy walking around campus with your shoulders slouched over and a skateboard in your greasy hands. Your bideltoid is tiny and you don't have ideal proportions. Explains why you consider this baboon with 10ml of filler in her face a stacy:

2649967 2634066 1639019959178

My best advice is to inject T so you can look more like Stallone:

You look different in every photo but I'd say around 4.5-4.75psl
Yeah half of my lays have been ethnic girls, all decent looking. The hottest ethnics tend to date in their own race though.
What’s your slay count? How do you meet women tinder or irl?
You're htn, some pics you look low tier chadlite, and some pics even low tier normie. Cover your forehead and start working out, you'll be fine.
Lack of masculinity preventing chad-lite. Even Chico has some masculinity/robustness in his face which makes him look more pretty and less twinky, if that makes sense.
you look good and should be able to slay easily, maybe u are just a mentalcel idk

try online dating
I wish I was a weakling pretty boy skater like op
ideal in 2022:fuk:

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