3 weeks of gymaxxing and 1 week of test C

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  • JFL
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you legit look like you have klinefelter's syndrome, you should get it tested
Also I dont have any of those symptoms but being less socialy active and wider hips
Im starting Test E + Oxandrolone + HGH next week, im brewing everything myself. Im trying to get insuline, Test P and salbutamol too.
Already did my pre cycle bloodtest.
I would do a 250 test cycle if i were you, 8 weeks, start with 250 and increase if you really need it and get not sides, you can just inject 250 next week, divided in 2-3 pins.
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Going to gym 6x week, using creatine , whey and test (500mg) for the last week.

And let me tell you something, doing test is like the best thing I couldve done TBH.

You get TON OF ENERGY and you look foward to going to the gym, pumps are INSANE I feel like my skin will blow up.

When I started going to the gym I used like
15lbs Dummbells for chest press and I was sore from it for like 4 days, now I am doing 30lbs with ease.

Before I was tired after 45 minute workout now I do 60 min workout with 2 times the weight and intensity and eventhough I feel exhausted after it the next day its all OK.

My libido was insane before and I am not getting a huge change there tbh... Maybe one week isnt enough for it
If someone knows a reason for that please do tell I am hella curious.
Keep lifting and roiding bro. Fuck the haters they rot here while you are literally becoming super human.
  • JFL
Reactions: SadnessWYJ
Lol imagine taking test while not even working out before. JUST LOL
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: piscicide, Deleted member 6273, SadnessWYJ and 3 others
If you don’t do blood work your estradiol and prolactin is going to be through the roof and you’re going to develop gyno.
Don't you need an AI to keep estrogen in check and then you're safe?
Lol at people thinking enathnate instantly crashes natural production
What in the fuck. Why are you taking testosterone when you've literally never worked out before?

Why not ride out your noobie gains for a couple of months, than hop on when you feel like your progress stalled.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7753
Congrats for having the stupidity to start a cycle before even learning to lift you fucking twig.

No respect for people who get on the juice before even benching more than 5kg

Your form when lifting is probably so shit that you'll likely blow up into a incel looking oompa loompa

Advice to readers: Build a foundation before bothering to cycle. Ive never been on one myself, but i know others who have and they've spoken to me about these kids who just jump in at the deep end and it doesn't go well. These kids end up looking like regular gym goers wtih sloped shoulders
  • +1
Reactions: SadnessWYJ and Sikkunt23
This dude should stay on trt for life. clearly he has zero natural t levels to begin with.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: MewingJBP and Deleted member 6273
Congrats for having the stupidity to start a cycle before even learning to lift you fucking twig.

No respect for people who get on the juice before even benching more than 5kg

Your form when lifting is probably so shit that you'll likely blow up into a incel looking oompa loompa

Advice to readers: Build a foundation before bothering to cycle. Ive never been on one myself, but i know others who have and they've spoken to me about these kids who just jump in at the deep end and it doesn't go well. These kids end up looking like regular gym goers wtih sloped shoulders
Very good advice tbh
Biacromial of death. My condolences.
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Mirin low inhib
  • +1
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This thread was a giant roast session
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its high iq not low inhib tbh
Not really, 500mg is way too much for his first cycle he needs to create as many muscle nuclei as possible with roids and the right way is to gymcel hardcore a bit then hop on progressively while monitoring bloodwork
I have zero knowledge about gymceldom but honestly I used test at 18 as a complete newbie and folks were commenting on me getting strong like right away. And no I've never been bloated body wise lmao
Congrats for having the stupidity to start a cycle before even learning to lift you fucking twig.

No respect for people who get on the juice before even benching more than 5kg

Your form when lifting is probably so shit that you'll likely blow up into a incel looking oompa loompa

Advice to readers: Build a foundation before bothering to cycle. Ive never been on one myself, but i know others who have and they've spoken to me about these kids who just jump in at the deep end and it doesn't go well. These kids end up looking like regular gym goers wtih sloped shoulders
keep crying for me injecting 500mg week without even lifting at all

fuken shrek looking mofo
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6997, Deleted member 5393 and xefo
I have zero knowledge about gymceldom but honestly I used test at 18 as a complete newbie and folks were commenting on me getting strong like right away. And no I've never been bloated body wise lmao
You probably didnt train hard enough or your diet was shit
what an idiot ngl, you didn’t need T
yea I am sorry, low tier incel ethnic

Aw little kid is upset i gave him some tough love in the form of some home truths

Im better looking than you and i am unkept, slightly overweight lol, not to mention using a shitty android camera lens.

How does that feel? You're 15 and you haven't the character to build teenage muscles so rather jump on the juice. Weak as my piss.
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: balding17yomanletcel
Aw little kid is upset i gave him some tough love in the form of some home truths

Im better looking than you and i am unkept, slightly overweight lol, not to mention using a shitty android camera lens.

How does that feel? You're 15 and you haven't the character to build teenage muscles and rather jump on the juice. Weak as my piss.

OK bro keep coping, incel is incel no matter the camera
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: balding17yomanletcel, Sikkunt23 and Deleted member 7753
OK bro keep coping, incel is incel no matter the camera

"Ok bro, keep coping" lol what's your body count compared to mine? lol.

Are you even at a count?
"Ok bro, keep coping" lol what's your body count compared to mine? lol.

Are you even at a count?
3, I am 18 tho lol you look like 34 or something. Keep in mind we dont count goats and relatives Paki
  • JFL
Reactions: Kmscurry and balding17yomanletcel
3, I am 18 tho lol you look like 34 or something. Keep in mind we dont count goats and relatives Paki

You're at 0 and I am 28 not 34 lol.

I'm here to looksmax so browse around the threads to find something useful and couldn't help coming across your puke-worthy one. You're a disgrace and I would spit on you if I saw you irl tbh. Roiding at 18 is pathetic. Get some self esteem by going through some struggle, not juicing like a bitch.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4332
You're at 0 and I am 28 not 34 lol.

I'm here to looksmax so browse around the threads to find something useful and couldn't help coming across your puke-worthy one. You're a disgrace and I would spit on you if I saw you irl tbh. Roiding at 18 is pathetic. Get some self esteem by going through some struggle first.
LOL you are just fucking coping cuz you dont have balls to do roids jfl I dont even wanna waste any more time with you lol
  • +1
Reactions: balding17yomanletcel
Nigga wym you feel changes in 1 week? Shit takes abt 3-5 weeks to kick in nonetheless mirin ur low inhib
  • +1
Reactions: manossarik
LOL you are just fucking coping cuz you dont have balls to do roids jfl I dont even wanna waste any more time with you lol

"Don't have the balls to do roids"

The irony of this statement when roids actually shrink your testicles, lol.

Typical thing to come out a disillusioned teenagers' mouth. This is tough-love. I hope somewhere at the back of your brain it clicks and you stop this nonsense cycle and actually learn how to lift properly first.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: balding17yomanletcel, Deleted member 4332, Deleted member 8902 and 1 other person
"Don't have the balls to do roids"

The irony of this statement when roids actually shrink your testicles, lol.

Typical thing to come out a disillusioned teenagers' mouth. This is tough-love. I hope somewhere at the back of your brain it clicks and you stop this nonsense cycle and actually learn how to lift properly first.
Im pretty sure the balls shrink only if you dont do pct after ur cycle
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: manossarik and Deleted member 7753
LOL you are just fucking coping cuz you dont have balls to do roids jfl I dont even wanna waste any more time with you lol
his n count is men. hes gay. hes been crying muh lens distortion for months, there was even a thread mocking him for wanting a £2400 professional camera to minimise lens distortion :lul:
Nigga wym you feel changes in 1 week? Shit takes abt 3-5 weeks to kick in nonetheless mirin ur low inhib

How is this low inhibition? Oh what, because it's highly stupid and/or pointless? It's like someone taking their life savings and walking into a casino and putting it all on black. It's not low inhibition, it's stupid. This is just the same but on a smaller scale.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4332, SubhumanCurrycel and RoundHouse
Did you forget the part where you actually lift the weight after you inject?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4332, RoundHouse and 6’1cel
View attachment 769232

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Going to gym 6x week, using creatine , whey and test (500mg) for the last week.

And let me tell you something, doing test is like the best thing I couldve done TBH.

You get TON OF ENERGY and you look foward to going to the gym, pumps are INSANE I feel like my skin will blow up.

When I started going to the gym I used like
15lbs Dummbells for chest press and I was sore from it for like 4 days, now I am doing 30lbs with ease.

Before I was tired after 45 minute workout now I do 60 min workout with 2 times the weight and intensity and eventhough I feel exhausted after it the next day its all OK.

My libido was insane before and I am not getting a huge change there tbh... Maybe one week isnt enough for it
If someone knows a reason for that please do tell I am hella curious.
would have expected huge growth after a week on roids
would have expected huge growth after a week on roids
Low IQ, results in muscle growth are visible only after 6-8 weeks, even if I was on tren, win, test, anavar... I wouldnt gain enough for it to be visible
  • JFL
Reactions: 6’1cel
View attachment 769232

View attachment 769241
View attachment 769243

Going to gym 6x week, using creatine , whey and test (500mg) for the last week.

And let me tell you something, doing test is like the best thing I couldve done TBH.

You get TON OF ENERGY and you look foward to going to the gym, pumps are INSANE I feel like my skin will blow up.

When I started going to the gym I used like
15lbs Dummbells for chest press and I was sore from it for like 4 days, now I am doing 30lbs with ease.

Before I was tired after 45 minute workout now I do 60 min workout with 2 times the weight and intensity and eventhough I feel exhausted after it the next day its all OK.

My libido was insane before and I am not getting a huge change there tbh... Maybe one week isnt enough for it
If someone knows a reason for that please do tell I am hella curious.


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