45 yro 49'er says this about Justin Waller: 'He isnt even attractive.He must have money or something that makes him think he is something. disgusting'



Carpet bomb India
Sep 10, 2023

After she saw this clip:


Joe biden head shake 2
Anecdotal but another example that proves it's not just Gen Z and Millennial girls with high standards because of 'social media'.

It's the female gender LOL.
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He looks like a burned out oldcel. Don’t disagree.
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hes not facially attractive imo but he his tall and jacked so he's better off then vast majority of guys. Also rich. His content is 90% cringe 10% facts
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hes not facially attractive imo but he his tall and jacked so he's better off then vast majority of guys. Also rich. His content is 90% cringe 10% facts

Why isn't he? Explain?


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you have been blackpilled for what, 10 years? and still dont understand that girls are too retarded to consider angles and lightning when rating someone?
in that clip he looks like a washed out roastie, show her a pic off his instagram and she will change her mind
  • JFL
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you have been blackpilled for what, 10 years? and still dont understand that girls are too retarded to consider angles and lightning when rating someone?
in that clip he looks like a washed out roastie, show her a pic off his instagram and she will change her mind

Legit. And no since 2020. Although I always knew man. Moment I became a pretty boy at 17/18 the female attention changed.
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  • JFL
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I think he started blasting androgenic compounds at some point because you see some pictures of him in his 20s and his whole facial structure masculinized heavily

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Other than his skin quality and high hairline there isn't much to nitpick about his appearance. He's a former college QB too so his SMV is very high.
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Bruh lets be honest here

Hes an attractive guy and his biggest flaw is his wrinkles(nasolabiol folds) and MAYBE his hairline but thats it
Tall,jacked,and masculine looking
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Doesn't matter, you should separate the argument from the person. If a midget makes fun of a 5'0 guy for being short he's not wrong.

Not when it's in this context.

Justin is clearly objectively above-average and the only types of women to potentially find him 'disgusting' are:

1. 8s and 9s. (Staceys)
2. Delusional bitches that think they are 9s but are really 4s

And even the Staceys would term it: 'Not my type'.

To use the word disgusting? LMAO.

No. YOU are wrong. Just wrong. Don't patronise me when you have no clarity of thought.

Oh and a man cannot be 5ft tall. 5'2 the shortest. Any shorter and he would be a dwarf and like 3ft2. Beauty is also not a metric like height. Gosh your confidence outweighs your IQ.
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  • +1
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Not when it's in this context.

Justin is clearly objectively above-average and the only types of women to potentially find him 'disgusting' are:

1. 8s and 9s. (Staceys)
2. Delusional bitches that think they are 9s but are really 9s

And even the Staceys would term it: 'Not my type'.

To use the word disgusting? LMAO.

No. YOU are wrong. Just wrong. Don't patronise me when you have no clarity of thought.

Oh and a man cannot be 5ft tall. 5'2 the shortest. Any shorter and he would be a dwarf and like 3ft2. Beauty is also not a metric like height. Gosh your confidence outweighs your IQ.
if u cant separate an argument from the person saying it u're legit low iq. sorry currybrain.
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if u cant separate an argument from the person saying it u're legit low iq. sorry currybrain.

Zero counter to the points made by myself.

Keep hiding behind alts and thinking race is the entire contributive factor towards ones IQ. Fuck your EGO. I mog you in every aspect of life. Looks, social circle, girls and intelligence. Fix yourself doomer.
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Zero counter to the points made by myself.

Keep hiding behind alts and thinking race is the entire contributive factor towards one IQ. Fuck your EGO. I mog you in every aspect of life. Looks, social circle, girls and intelligence. Fix yourself doomer.
schizo shit, kys pajeet
schizo shit, kys pajeet

You attack me for APPARENTLY playng the messenger rather than the message, but then do exactly the same by talking about the fact I originate from an ethnic country. Rather than addressing my counter argument to your SHIT argument.

Think about that for a second.


That's the reason you are still making alts the same way you did back in the 2020-2021 lookism days.

You have no REAL personality. You're a larping pretence behind a keyboard. Be gone.

Keep Going Its Friday GIF by HBO Max
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Lol @andy9432 read the last few posts bro. This guy thinks his stance is the objective truth lmao, because the guy's 'ginger' LOL.

Then tells me I am saying she is wrong because she is a 4, when really I am saying she is delusional because she is a 4 and that more attractive girls would either not kid themselves about not finding him attractive, or simply state he wasn't their type.

I am convinced 80% of these sites are filled with bottom of the barrel traumatised and bullied LOSERS of society that never fitted in.
  • +1
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dnr ur schizo babble fuck off
You out yourself with every post you make. I know what's behind the screen though LMAO.
He's attractive
You are coping if you say otherwise + hes rich
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Reactions: borismonster, bluk and MakinItHappen
He's attractive
You are coping if you say otherwise + hes rich

Can you believe some guys on here are agreeing with her? Lol. I mean I can understand him not being a woman's 'type' because of phenotype, but to denounce the man as 'unattractive' ? LMAO. Hysterical.

And it is always the 49ers (Women that are 4s that think they are 9s) that find fault with Chadlites and it SHOWCASES that the average female thinks that she is more attractive than she is, because even if he wasn't your type, to say he can't talk like that, or who does he think he is, or he is disgusting, lol is lacking self-awareness. She is saying he isn't attractive enough to talk with that charisma, ESSENTIALLY and yet she IS attractive enough to criticise him.
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Look at this lmao

  • JFL
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Can you believe some guys on here are agreeing with her? Lol. I mean I can understand him not being a woman's 'type' because of phenotype, but to denounce the man as 'unattractive' ? LMAO. Hysterical.

And it is always the 49ers (Women that are 4s that think they are 9s) that find fault with Chadlites and it SHOWCASES that the average female thinks that she is more attractive than she is, because even if he wasn't your type, to say he can't talk like that, or who does he think he is, or he is disgusting, lol is lacking self-awareness. She is saying he isn't attractive enough to talk with that charisma, ESSENTIALLY and yet she IS attractive enough to criticise him.
It's truly insane
She looks like a single mother that a black thug left
He's tall / Above average looking / Rich etc
It's truly insane
She looks like a single mother that a black thug left
He's tall / Above average looking / Rich etc

And read @Seth Walsh lmao

'Collagen pill' and all this other waffle when she is in her 50s LMAO
  • JFL
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shes legit

prime white females in their early 20s want a ethnic men

his type of women are the post 30 year old that are done with ethnic cock and is ready to settle down with a white male
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his type of women are the post 30 year old that are done with ethnic cock and is ready to settle down with a white male

See this? @Christiano

The desire to come across as 'edgy' and 'interesting' and 'based' rather than having an honest, open and objective discussion on this forum about evolutionary psychology in the 2023 dating space speaks volumes about this place. Utter shithole.

Larping fantasists.
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
See this? @Christiano

The desire to come across as 'edgy' and 'interesting' and 'based' rather than having an honest, open and objective discussion on this forum about evolutionary psychology in the 2023 dating space speaks volumes about this place. Utter shithole.

Larping fantasists.
The larping and lying is crazy here

The guy also said ethnic over white lmao too much on tiktok
See this? @Christiano

The desire to come across as 'edgy' and 'interesting' and 'based' rather than having an honest, open and objective discussion on this forum about evolutionary psychology in the 2023 dating space speaks volumes about this place. Utter shithole.

Larping fantasists.
its legit reality

too many times on here that white brah put the general perspective on what white women find attractive and turn it into white white males find attractive on men
  • +1
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The larping and lying is crazy here

The guy also said ethnic over white lmao too much on tiktok
ethnics over white legit for white women for race play and exotic conquer desires

white women can feel like a true women being conquered by an invader ethnic male
I meant Collagen pill for that Waller dude :lul: :lul:

I know you fucking low social IQ incel.

Why would a 53 year old woman with WRINKLES care about youthful skin though retard?

its legit reality

too many times on here that white brah put the general perspective on what white women find attractive and turn it into white white males find attractive on men

It's not legit reality. It's legit make-believe fantasy from these WOMEN having been lied to by simps like you ALL THEIR LIVES.

I tell my girl she is a 6 when she asks me and she gets upset. 'I think I am a 7'. I never fold.

Their standards are as flexible as their own perceived attractiveness. YOU DUMB NERD with zero life experience.
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  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
hes not facially attractive imo but he his tall and jacked so he's better off then vast majority of guys. Also rich. His content is 90% cringe 10% facts
He has a jock phenotype, it's the kind of guy that *actually* slays IRL when you go out to clubs or parties, not twink models that get worshiped here.
  • +1
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I meant Collagen pill for that Waller dude :lul: :lul:
@MakinItHappen Rich, white, tall, fluffy hair, perfect harmony prettyboy, femalegazemaxxed, on a hedge fund board of directors / investment committee in his 20s with perfect collagen (wore suncream and applied tret since before preschool), paints his nails to appeal to new-age pandering and female gaze, perfectly NT, long limbs, huge dick, perfect bones, clean shaven, long hair with a tiktoker cut, high class, old money, chains, rings, OVERSIZED + BAGGY

  • +1
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@MakinItHappen Rich, white, tall, fluffy hair, perfect harmony prettyboy, femalegazemaxxed, on a hedge fund board of directors / investment committee in his 20s with perfect collagen (wore sunscream and applied tret since before preschool), paints his nails to appeal to new-age pandering and female gaze, perfectly NT, long limbs, huge dick, perfect bones, clean shaven, long hair with a tiktoker cut, high class, old money, chains, rings, OVERSIZED + BAGGY


Fuck off. This thread is above your mental capacity.
  • JFL
  • +1
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It's not legit reality. It's legit make-believe fantasy that these WOMEN have been lied to by simps like you ALL THEIR LIVES.

I tell my girl she is a 6 when she asks me and she gets upset. 'I think I am a 7'. I never fold.

Their standards are as flexible as their own perceived attractiveness. YOU DUMB NERD
its legit reality

white brah: I want justin waller attractive thefore white women will find him attractive
white women: goes interracial and has a history of going interracial
white brah: coal burner! media brainwash! how dare u not find the man i find attractive as attractive
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She doesn’t mean it, she’s just insulting his looks in a weird attempt to bring him down
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ethnics over white legit for white women for race play and exotic conquer desires

white women can feel like a true women being conquered by an invader ethnic male
"Being conquered" lmaoo
Shush ethnic
  • JFL
Reactions: MakinItHappen
"Being conquered" lmaoo
Shush ethnic
its legit for creating the fear and arousal in white brah and also making white women feel submissive

He has a jock phenotype, it's the kind of guy that *actually* slays IRL when you go out to clubs or parties, not twink models that get worshiped here.


Just read her. She's Generation X. The age of the former 'friends' tv show cast.
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  • JFL
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Coping to Botswana
This is absurd
its legit for creating the fear and arousal in white brah and also making white women feel submissive

Coping to Botswana
This is absurd
its a psychology thing

white brah fear europe being conquered by immigrant ethnics and same thing with america media showing white women interracial so for ethnics to be seen as invader is an sexual thing
She doesn’t mean it, she’s just insulting his looks in a weird attempt to bring him down

But then responds with the following butt-hurt when an anonymous twitter user gave her a reality-check:

  • +1
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Anecdotal but another example that proves it's not just Gen Z and Millennial girls with high standards because of 'social media'.

It's the female gender LOL.

Social media has warped all women's minds. Doesn't matter the age.
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Here is a research we did last year on how many white brah will try to stop a ethnic male invader from flirting with or fucking a white women

these can be PUA day game, at the mall, grocery store, campus or night game at the club and bar

over 90% of white brah will do nothing to stop the invaders

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